package; import flixel.FlxObject; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.addons.effects.FlxTrail; import; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxDirectionFlags; import funkin.Note.NoteData; import funkin.audiovis.PolygonSpectogram; class PicoFight extends MusicBeatState { var picoHealth:Float = 1; var darnellHealth:Float = 1; var pico:Fighter; var darnell:Fighter; var darnellGhost:Fighter; var nextHitTmr:FlxSprite; var funnyWave:PolygonSpectogram; var noteQueue:Array = []; var noteSpawner:FlxTypedGroup; override function create() { Paths.setCurrentLevel("weekend1"); var bg:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().makeGraphic(FlxG.width, FlxG.height); bg.scrollFactor.set(); add(bg); FlxG.sound.playMusic(Paths.inst("blazin")); SongLoad.loadFromJson('blazin', "blazin"); Conductor.bpm = SongLoad.songData.bpm; for (dumbassSection in SongLoad.songData.noteMap['hard']) { for (noteStuf in dumbassSection.sectionNotes) { noteQueue.push(noteStuf); trace(noteStuf); } } funnyWave = new PolygonSpectogram(, FlxColor.RED, FlxG.height); funnyWave.x = (FlxG.width / 2); funnyWave.realtimeVisLenght = 0.6; add(funnyWave); noteSpawner = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(noteSpawner); makeNotes(); nextHitTmr = new FlxSprite((FlxG.width / 2) - 5).makeGraphic(10, FlxG.height, FlxColor.BLACK); add(nextHitTmr); var trailShit:FlxTrail = new FlxTrail(nextHitTmr); add(trailShit); pico = new Fighter(0, 300, "pico-fighter"); add(pico); darnell = new Fighter(0, 300, "darnell-fighter"); add(darnell); darnellGhost = new Fighter(0, 300, "darnell-fighter"); darnellGhost.alpha = 0.5; add(darnellGhost); mid = (FlxG.width / 2) - (pico.width / 2); resetPositions(); // fuk u, hardcoded bullshit bitch super.create(); } function makeNotes() { for (notes in noteQueue) { if (notes.strumTime < Conductor.songPosition + (Conductor.crochet * 4)) { spawnNote(notes); spawnNote(notes, FlxDirectionFlags.RIGHT); } } } function spawnNote(note:NoteData, facing:Int = FlxDirectionFlags.LEFT) { var spr:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(0, (FlxG.height / 2) - 60).makeGraphic(10, 120, Note.codeColors[note.noteData]); spr.ID =; // using ID as strum, lol! spr.facing = facing; noteSpawner.add(spr); } var mid:Float = (FlxG.width * 0.5) - 200; function resetPositions() { resetPicoPos(); resetDarnell(); } function resetPicoPos() { pico.x = mid + pico.width; } function resetDarnell() { darnell.x = mid - darnell.width; } var prevNoteHit:Float = 0; override function update(elapsed:Float) { darnellGhost.x = darnell.x; Conductor.songPosition =; funnyWave.thickness = CoolUtil.coolLerp(funnyWave.thickness, 2, 0.5); funnyWave.waveAmplitude =, 100, 0.1)); funnyWave.realtimeVisLenght = CoolUtil.coolLerp(funnyWave.realtimeVisLenght, 0.6, 0.1); noteSpawner.forEachAlive((nt:FlxSprite) -> { // i forget how to make rhythm games nt.x = (nt.ID - Conductor.songPosition) * (nt.ID / (Conductor.songPosition * 0.8)); if (nt.facing == FlxDirectionFlags.RIGHT) { nt.x = FlxMath.remapToRange(nt.x, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.width, 0); nt.x -= FlxG.width / 2; } else { nt.x += FlxG.width / 2; } nt.scale.x = FlxMath.remapToRange(nt.ID - Conductor.songPosition, 0, Conductor.crochet * 3, 0.2, 2); nt.scale.y = FlxMath.remapToRange((nt.ID - Conductor.songPosition), 0, Conductor.crochet * 2, 6, 0.2); if (nt.ID < Conductor.songPosition) nt.kill(); }); if (noteQueue.length > 0) { nextHitTmr.scale.y = FlxMath.remapToRange(Conductor.songPosition, prevNoteHit, noteQueue[0].strumTime, 1, 0); darnellGhost.scale.x = darnellGhost.scale.y = FlxMath.remapToRange(Conductor.songPosition, prevNoteHit, noteQueue[0].strumTime, 2, 1); darnellGhost.alpha = FlxMath.remapToRange(Conductor.songPosition, prevNoteHit, noteQueue[0].strumTime, 0.3, 0.1); if (Conductor.songPosition >= noteQueue[0].strumTime) { prevNoteHit = noteQueue[0].strumTime; noteQueue.shift(); darnell.doSomething(darnellGhost.curAction); darnellGhost.doSomething(); darnellGhost.animation.curAnim.frameRate = 12; } } if (controls.NOTE_LEFT_P) { pico.punch(); } if (controls.NOTE_LEFT_R) pico.playAnimation('idle'); super.update(elapsed); } override function stepHit():Bool { return super.stepHit(); } override function beatHit():Bool { // super.beatHit() returns false if a module cancelled the event. if (!super.beatHit()) return false; funnyWave.thickness = 10; funnyWave.waveAmplitude = 300; funnyWave.realtimeVisLenght = 0.1; picoHealth += 1; makeNotes(); return true; } }