package funkin.shaderslmfao; import flixel.system.FlxAssets.FlxShader; import openfl.display.BitmapData; import openfl.display.ShaderParameter; import openfl.display.ShaderParameterType; import openfl.utils.Assets; typedef Light = { var position:Array; var color:Array; var radius:Float; } class RuntimeRainShader extends RuntimePostEffectShader { static final MAX_LIGHTS:Int = 8; public var lights:Array< { position:ShaderParameter, color:ShaderParameter, radius:ShaderParameter, }>; // This is a property, whenever the value is set it calls the set_time function. // This makes the code cleaner elsewhere. public var time(default, set):Float = 1; function set_time(value:Float):Float { this.setFloat('uTime', value); return time = value; } public var puddleMap(default, set):BitmapData; public var groundMap(default, set):BitmapData; function set_groundMap(value:BitmapData):BitmapData { trace("groundmap set"); this.setBitmapData('uGroundMap', value); // this.setFloat2('uPuddleTextureSize', value.width, value.height); return groundMap = value; } function set_puddleMap(value:BitmapData):BitmapData { this.setBitmapData('uPuddleMap', value); return puddleMap = value; } public var lightMap(default, set):BitmapData; function set_lightMap(value:BitmapData):BitmapData { trace("lightmap set"); this.setBitmapData('uLightMap', value); return lightMap = value; } public var numLights(default, set):Int = 0; function set_numLights(value:Int):Int { this.setInt('numLights', value); return numLights = value; } public function new() { super(Assets.getText(Paths.frag("rain"))); } public function update(elapsed:Float):Void { time += elapsed; } override function __processGLData(source:String, storageType:String):Void { super.__processGLData(source, storageType); if (storageType == "uniform") { lights = [ for (i in 0...MAX_LIGHTS) { position: addFloatUniform("lights[" + i + "].position", 2), color: addFloatUniform("lights[" + i + "].color", 3), radius: addFloatUniform("lights[" + i + "].radius", 1), } ]; } } @:access(openfl.display.ShaderParameter) function addFloatUniform(name:String, length:Int):ShaderParameter { final res = new ShaderParameter(); = name; res.type = [null, FLOAT, FLOAT2, FLOAT3, FLOAT4][length]; res.__arrayLength = 1; res.__isFloat = true; res.__isUniform = true; res.__length = length; __paramFloat.push(res); return res; } }