package io.newgrounds.objects; import io.newgrounds.components.ScoreBoardComponent.Period; import; import; import; import io.newgrounds.NGLite; class ScoreBoard extends Object { public var scores(default, null):Array; /** The numeric ID of the scoreboard.*/ public var id(default, null):Int; /** The name of the scoreboard. */ public var name(default, null):String; public function new(core:NGLite, data:Dynamic):Void {super(core, data); } override function parse(data:Dynamic):Void { id =; name =; super.parse(data); } /** * Fetches score data from the server, this removes all of the existing scores cached * * We don't unify the old and new scores because a user's rank or score may change between requests */ public function requestScores ( limit :Int = 10 , skip :Int = 0 , period:Period = Period.ALL , social:Bool = false , tag :String = null , user :Dynamic = null ):Void { _core.calls.scoreBoard.getScores(id, limit, skip, period, social, tag, user) .addDataHandler(onScoresReceived) .send(); } function onScoresReceived(response:Response):Void { if (!response.success || !response.result.success) return; scores =; _core.logVerbose('received ${scores.length} scores'); onUpdate.dispatch(); } public function postScore(value :Int, tag:String = null):Void { _core.calls.scoreBoard.postScore(id, value, tag) .addDataHandler(onScorePosted) .send(); } function onScorePosted(response:Response):Void { } public function toString():String { return 'ScoreBoard: $id@$name'; } }