package io.newgrounds; import haxe.crypto.Base64; import; import haxe.PosInfos; import io.newgrounds.Call.ICallable; import io.newgrounds.components.ComponentList; import io.newgrounds.crypto.EncryptionFormat; import io.newgrounds.crypto.Cipher; import io.newgrounds.crypto.Rc4; import io.newgrounds.objects.Error; import; import; import; import io.newgrounds.utils.Dispatcher; #if !(html5 || flash || desktop || neko) #error "Target not supported, use: Flash, JS/HTML5, cpp or maybe neko"; #end /** * The barebones API. Allows API calls with code completion * and retrieves server data via strongly typed Objects * * Contains many things ripped from MSGhero's repo * - * * @author GeoKureli */ class NGLite { static public var core(default, null):NGLite; static public var onCoreReady(default, null):Dispatcher = new Dispatcher(); /** Enables verbose logging */ public var verbose:Bool; public var debug:Bool; /** The unique ID of your app as found in the 'API Tools' tab of your project. */ public var appId(default, null):String; /** The name of the host the game is being played on */ public var host:String; @:isVar public var sessionId(default, set):String; function set_sessionId(value:String):String { return this.sessionId = value == "" ? null : value; } /** Components used to call the NG server directly */ public var calls(default, null):ComponentList; /** * Converts an object to an encrypted string that can be decrypted by the server. * Set your preffered encrypter here, * or just call setDefaultEcryptionHandler with your app's encryption settings **/ public var encryptionHandler:String->String; /** * Iniitializes the API, call before utilizing any other component * @param appId The unique ID of your app as found in the 'API Tools' tab of your project. * @param sessionId A unique session id used to identify the active user. **/ public function new(appId = "test", sessionId:String = null, ?onSessionFail:Error->Void) { this.appId = appId; this.sessionId = sessionId; calls = new ComponentList(this); if (this.sessionId != null) { .addDataHandler(checkInitialSession.bind(onSessionFail)) .addErrorHandler(initialSessionFail.bind(onSessionFail)) .send(); } } function checkInitialSession(onFail:Error->Void, response:Response):Void { if (!response.success || !response.result.success || { initialSessionFail(onFail, response.success ? response.result.error : response.error); } } function initialSessionFail(onFail:Error->Void, error:Error):Void { sessionId = null; if (onFail != null) onFail(error); } /** * Creates NG.core, the heart and soul of the API. This is not the only way to create an instance, * nor is NG a forced singleton, but it's the only way to set the static NG.core. **/ static public function create(appId = "test", sessionId:String = null, ?onSessionFail:Error->Void):Void { core = new NGLite(appId, sessionId, onSessionFail); onCoreReady.dispatch(); } /** * Creates NG.core, and tries to create a session. This is not the only way to create an instance, * nor is NG a forced singleton, but it's the only way to set the static NG.core. **/ static public function createAndCheckSession ( appId = "test" , backupSession:String = null , ?onSessionFail:Error->Void ):Void { var session = getSessionId(); if (session == null) session = backupSession; create(appId, session, onSessionFail); } inline static public function getUrl():String { #if html5 return js.Browser.document.location.href; #elseif flash return flash.Lib.current.stage.loaderInfo != null ? flash.Lib.current.stage.loaderInfo.url : null; #else return null; #end } static public function getSessionId():String { #if html5 var url = getUrl(); // Check for URL params var index = url.indexOf("?"); if (index != -1) { // Check for session ID in params for (param in url.substr(index + 1).split("&")) { index = param.indexOf("="); if (index != -1 && param.substr(0, index) == "ngio_session_id") return param.substr(index + 1); } } #elseif flash if (flash.Lib.current.stage.loaderInfo != null && Reflect.hasField(flash.Lib.current.stage.loaderInfo.parameters, "ngio_session_id")) return Reflect.field(flash.Lib.current.stage.loaderInfo.parameters, "ngio_session_id"); #end return null; // --- EXAMPLE LOADER PARAMS //{ "1517703669" : "" //, "ng_username" : "GeoKureli" //, "NewgroundsAPI_SessionID" : "F1LusbG6P8Qf91w7zeUE37c1752563f366688ac6153996d12eeb111a2f60w2xn" //, "NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID" : 1 //, "NewgroundsAPI_UserID" : 488329 //, "NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID" : "5a76520e4ae1e" //, "ngio_session_id" : "0c6c4e02567a5116734ba1a0cd841dac28a42e79302290" //, "NewgroundsAPI_UserName" : "GeoKureli" //} } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CALLS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var _queuedCalls:Array = new Array(); var _pendingCalls:Array = new Array(); @:allow(io.newgrounds.Call) @:generic function queueCall(call:Call):Void { logVerbose('queued - ${call.component}'); _queuedCalls.push(call); checkQueue(); } @:allow(io.newgrounds.Call) @:generic function markCallPending(call:Call):Void { _pendingCalls.push(call); call.addDataHandler(function (_):Void { onCallComplete(call); }); call.addErrorHandler(function (_):Void { onCallComplete(call); }); } function onCallComplete(call:ICallable):Void { _pendingCalls.remove(call); checkQueue(); } function checkQueue():Void { if (_pendingCalls.length == 0 && _queuedCalls.length > 0) _queuedCalls.shift().send(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LOGGING / ERRORS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Called internally, set this to your preferred logging method */ dynamic public function log(any:Dynamic, ?pos:PosInfos):Void {//TODO: limit access via @:allow haxe.Log.trace('[Newgrounds API] :: ${any}', pos); } /** used internally, logs if verbose is true */ inline public function logVerbose(any:Dynamic, ?pos:PosInfos):Void {//TODO: limit access via @:allow if (verbose) log(any, pos); } /** Used internally. Logs by default, set this to your preferred error handling method */ dynamic public function logError(any:Dynamic, ?pos:PosInfos):Void {//TODO: limit access via @:allow log('Error: $any', pos); } /** used internally, calls log error if the condition is false. EX: if (assert(data != null, "null data")) */ inline public function assert(condition:Bool, msg:Dynamic, ?pos:PosInfos):Bool {//TODO: limit access via @:allow if (!condition) logError(msg, pos); return condition; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ENCRYPTION // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Sets */ public function initEncryption ( key :String , cipher:Cipher = Cipher.RC4 , format:EncryptionFormat = EncryptionFormat.BASE_64 ):Void { if (cipher == Cipher.NONE) encryptionHandler = null; else if (cipher == Cipher.RC4) encryptionHandler = encryptRc4.bind(key, format); else throw "aes not yet implemented"; } function encryptRc4(key:String, format:EncryptionFormat, data:String):String { if (format == EncryptionFormat.HEX) throw "hex format not yet implemented"; var keyBytes:Bytes; if (format == EncryptionFormat.BASE_64) keyBytes = Base64.decode(key); else keyBytes = null;//TODO var dataBytes = new Rc4(keyBytes).crypt(Bytes.ofString(data)); if (format == EncryptionFormat.BASE_64) return Base64.encode(dataBytes); return null; } }