package; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxSignal.FlxTypedSignal; import; import openfl.display3D.textures.TextureBase; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Plays a video via a NetStream. Only works on HTML5. * This does NOT replace hxCodec, nor does hxCodec replace this. * hxCodec only works on desktop and does not work on HTML5! */ class FlxVideo extends FunkinSprite { var video:Video; var netStream:NetStream; var videoPath:String; /** * A callback to execute when the video finishes. */ public var finishCallback:Void->Void; public function new(videoPath:String) { super(); this.videoPath = videoPath; makeGraphic(2, 2, FlxColor.TRANSPARENT); video = new Video(); video.x = 0; video.y = 0; video.alpha = 0;; var netConnection:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); netConnection.connect(null); netStream = new NetStream(netConnection); netStream.client = {onMetaData: onClientMetaData}; netConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetConnectionNetStatus);; } /** * Tell the FlxVideo to pause playback. */ public function pauseVideo():Void { if (netStream != null) { netStream.pause(); } } /** * Tell the FlxVideo to resume if it is paused. */ public function resumeVideo():Void { // Resume playing the video. if (netStream != null) { netStream.resume(); } } var videoAvailable:Bool = false; var frameTimer:Float; static final FRAME_RATE:Float = 60; public override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); if (frameTimer >= (1 / FRAME_RATE)) { frameTimer = 0; // TODO: We just draw the video buffer to the sprite 60 times a second. // Can we copy the video buffer instead somehow? pixels.draw(video); } if (videoAvailable) frameTimer += elapsed; } /** * Tell the FlxVideo to seek to the beginning. */ public function restartVideo():Void { // Seek to the beginning of the video. if (netStream != null) {; } } /** * Tell the FlxVideo to end. */ public function finishVideo():Void { netStream.dispose(); FlxG.removeChild(video); if (finishCallback != null) finishCallback(); } public override function destroy():Void { if (netStream != null) { netStream.dispose(); if (; } super.destroy(); } /** * Callback executed when the video stream loads. * @param metaData The metadata of the video */ public function onClientMetaData(metaData:Dynamic):Void { video.attachNetStream(netStream); onVideoReady(); } function onVideoReady():Void { video.width = FlxG.width; video.height = FlxG.height; videoAvailable = true; FunkinSound.onVolumeChanged.add(onVolumeChanged); onVolumeChanged(FlxG.sound.muted ? 0 : FlxG.sound.volume); makeGraphic(,, FlxColor.TRANSPARENT); } function onVolumeChanged(volume:Float):Void { netStream.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(volume); } function onNetConnectionNetStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):Void { if ( == 'NetStream.Play.Complete') finishVideo(); } }