package; enum abstract ScoringSystem(String) { /** * The scoring system used in versions of the game Week 6 and older. * Scores the player based on judgement, represented by a step function. */ var LEGACY; /** * The scoring system used in Week 7. It has tighter scoring windows than Legacy. * Scores the player based on judgement, represented by a step function. */ var WEEK7; /** * Points Based On Timing scoring system, version 1 * Scores the player based on the offset based on timing, represented by a sigmoid function. */ var PBOT1; // WIFE1 // WIFE3 } /** * A static class which holds any functions related to scoring. */ class Scoring { /** * Determine the score a note receives under a given scoring system. * @param msTiming The difference between the note's time and when it was hit. * @param scoringSystem The scoring system to use. * @return The score the note receives. */ public static function scoreNote(msTiming:Float, scoringSystem:ScoringSystem = PBOT1) { switch (scoringSystem) { case LEGACY: return scoreNote_LEGACY(msTiming); case WEEK7: return scoreNote_WEEK7(msTiming); case PBOT1: return scoreNote_PBOT1(msTiming); default: trace('ERROR: Unknown scoring system: ' + scoringSystem); return 0; } } /** * Determine the judgement a note receives under a given scoring system. * @param msTiming The difference between the note's time and when it was hit. * @return The judgement the note receives. */ public static function judgeNote(msTiming:Float, scoringSystem:ScoringSystem = PBOT1):String { switch (scoringSystem) { case LEGACY: return judgeNote_LEGACY(msTiming); case WEEK7: return judgeNote_WEEK7(msTiming); case PBOT1: return judgeNote_PBOT1(msTiming); default: trace('ERROR: Unknown scoring system: ' + scoringSystem); return 'miss'; } } /** * The maximum score received. */ public static var PBOT1_MAX_SCORE = 350; /** * The minimum score received. */ public static var PBOT1_MIN_SCORE = 0; /** * The threshold at which a note hit is considered perfect and always given the max score. **/ public static var PBOT1_PERFECT_THRESHOLD = 5.0; // 5ms. /** * The threshold at which a note hit is considered missed and always given the min score. **/ public static var PBOT1_MISS_THRESHOLD = (10/60) * 1000; // ~166ms // Magic numbers used to tweak the shape of the scoring function. public static var PBOT1_SCORING_SLOPE:Float = 0.052; public static var PBOT1_SCORING_OFFSET:Float = 80.0; static function scoreNote_PBOT1(msTiming:Float):Int { // Absolute value because otherwise late hits are always given the max score. var absTiming = Math.abs(msTiming); if (absTiming > PBOT1_MISS_THRESHOLD) { return PBOT1_MIN_SCORE; } else if (absTiming < PBOT1_PERFECT_THRESHOLD) { return PBOT1_MAX_SCORE; } else { // Calculate the score based on the timing using a sigmoid function. var factor:Float = 1.0 - (1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-PBOT1_SCORING_SLOPE * (absTiming - PBOT1_SCORING_OFFSET)))); var score = * factor); return score; } } static function judgeNote_PBOT1(msTiming:Float):String { return judgeNote_WEEK7(msTiming); } /** * The window of time in which a note is considered to be hit, on the Funkin Legacy scoring system. * Currently equal to 10 frames at 60fps, or ~166ms. */ public static var LEGACY_HIT_WINDOW:Float = (10 / 60) * 1000; // 166.67 ms hit window (10 frames at 60fps) /** * The threshold at which a note is considered a "Bad" hit rather than a "Shit" hit. * Represented as a percentage of the total hit window. */ public static var LEGACY_BAD_THRESHOLD:Float = 0.9; public static var LEGACY_GOOD_THRESHOLD:Float = 0.75; public static var LEGACY_SICK_THRESHOLD:Float = 0.2; public static var LEGACY_SHIT_SCORE = 50; public static var LEGACY_BAD_SCORE = 100; public static var LEGACY_GOOD_SCORE = 200; public static var LEGACY_SICK_SCORE = 350; static function scoreNote_LEGACY(msTiming:Float):Int { var absTiming = Math.abs(msTiming); if (absTiming < LEGACY_HIT_WINDOW * LEGACY_SICK_THRESHOLD) { return LEGACY_SICK_SCORE; } else if (absTiming < LEGACY_HIT_WINDOW * LEGACY_GOOD_THRESHOLD) { return LEGACY_GOOD_SCORE; } else if (absTiming < LEGACY_HIT_WINDOW * LEGACY_BAD_THRESHOLD) { return LEGACY_BAD_SCORE; } else if (absTiming < LEGACY_HIT_WINDOW) { return LEGACY_SHIT_SCORE; } else { return 0; } } static function judgeNote_LEGACY(msTiming:Float):String { var absTiming = Math.abs(msTiming); if (absTiming < LEGACY_HIT_WINDOW * LEGACY_SICK_THRESHOLD) { return 'sick'; } else if (absTiming < LEGACY_HIT_WINDOW * LEGACY_GOOD_THRESHOLD) { return 'good'; } else if (absTiming < LEGACY_HIT_WINDOW * LEGACY_BAD_THRESHOLD) { return 'bad'; } else if (absTiming < LEGACY_HIT_WINDOW) { return 'shit'; } else { return 'miss'; } } /** * The window of time in which a note is considered to be hit, on the Funkin Classic scoring system. * Same as L 10 frames at 60fps, or ~166ms. */ public static var WEEK7_HIT_WINDOW = LEGACY_HIT_WINDOW; public static var WEEK7_BAD_THRESHOLD = 0.8; // 80% of the hit window, or ~125ms public static var WEEK7_GOOD_THRESHOLD = 0.55; // 55% of the hit window, or ~91ms public static var WEEK7_SICK_THRESHOLD = 0.2; // 20% of the hit window, or ~33ms public static var WEEK7_SHIT_SCORE = 50; public static var WEEK7_BAD_SCORE = 100; public static var WEEK7_GOOD_SCORE = 200; public static var WEEK7_SICK_SCORE = 350; static function scoreNote_WEEK7(msTiming:Float):Int { var absTiming = Math.abs(msTiming); if (absTiming < WEEK7_HIT_WINDOW * WEEK7_SICK_THRESHOLD) { return WEEK7_SICK_SCORE; } else if (absTiming < WEEK7_HIT_WINDOW * WEEK7_GOOD_THRESHOLD) { return WEEK7_GOOD_SCORE; } else if (absTiming < WEEK7_HIT_WINDOW * WEEK7_BAD_THRESHOLD) { return WEEK7_BAD_SCORE; } else if (absTiming < WEEK7_HIT_WINDOW) { return WEEK7_SHIT_SCORE; } else { return 0; } } static function judgeNote_WEEK7(msTiming:Float):String { var absTiming = Math.abs(msTiming); if (absTiming < WEEK7_HIT_WINDOW * WEEK7_SICK_THRESHOLD) { return 'sick'; } else if (absTiming < WEEK7_HIT_WINDOW * WEEK7_GOOD_THRESHOLD) { return 'good'; } else if (absTiming < WEEK7_HIT_WINDOW * WEEK7_BAD_THRESHOLD) { return 'bad'; } else if (absTiming < WEEK7_HIT_WINDOW) { return 'shit'; } else { return 'miss'; } } }