package; import; import; import flixel.FlxG; import; import flixel.FlxSprite; class NoteSplash extends FlxSprite { static final ALPHA:Float = 0.6; static final FRAMERATE_DEFAULT:Int = 24; static final FRAMERATE_VARIANCE:Int = 2; static var frameCollection:FlxFramesCollection; public static function preloadFrames():Void { frameCollection = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('noteSplashes'); frameCollection.parent.persist = true; } public function new() { super(0, 0); setup(); this.alpha = ALPHA; this.animation.finishCallback = this.onAnimationFinished; } /** * Add ALL the animations to this sprite. We will recycle and reuse the FlxSprite multiple times. */ function setup():Void { if (frameCollection?.parent?.isDestroyed ?? false) frameCollection = null; if (frameCollection == null) preloadFrames(); this.frames = frameCollection; this.animation.addByPrefix('splash1Left', 'note impact 1 purple0', FRAMERATE_DEFAULT, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('splash1Down', 'note impact 1 blue0', FRAMERATE_DEFAULT, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('splash1Up', 'note impact 1 green0', FRAMERATE_DEFAULT, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('splash1Right', 'note impact 1 red0', FRAMERATE_DEFAULT, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('splash2Left', 'note impact 2 purple0', FRAMERATE_DEFAULT, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('splash2Down', 'note impact 2 blue0', FRAMERATE_DEFAULT, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('splash2Up', 'note impact 2 green0', FRAMERATE_DEFAULT, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('splash2Right', 'note impact 2 red0', FRAMERATE_DEFAULT, false, false, false); if (this.animation.getAnimationList().length < 8) { trace('WARNING: NoteSplash failed to initialize all animations.'); } } public function playAnimation(name:String, force:Bool = false, reversed:Bool = false, startFrame:Int = 0):Void {, force, reversed, startFrame); } public function play(direction:NoteDirection, variant:Int = null):Void { if (variant == null) variant =, 2); switch (direction) { case NoteDirection.LEFT: this.playAnimation('splash${variant}Left'); case NoteDirection.DOWN: this.playAnimation('splash${variant}Down'); case NoteDirection.UP: this.playAnimation('splash${variant}Up'); case NoteDirection.RIGHT: this.playAnimation('splash${variant}Right'); } if (animation.curAnim == null) return; // Vary the speed of the animation a bit. animation.curAnim.frameRate = FRAMERATE_DEFAULT +, FRAMERATE_VARIANCE); // Center the animation on the note splash. offset.set(width * 0.3, height * 0.3); } public function onAnimationFinished(animationName:String):Void { // *lightning* *zap* *crackle* this.kill(); } }