package; import openfl.display.BitmapData; import openfl.display.BlendMode; class RuntimeCustomBlendShader extends RuntimePostEffectShader { // only different name purely for hashlink fix public var sourceSwag(default, set):BitmapData; function set_sourceSwag(value:BitmapData):BitmapData { this.setBitmapData("sourceSwag", value); return sourceSwag = value; } // name change make sure it's not the same variable name as whatever is in the shader file public var blendSwag(default, set):BlendMode; function set_blendSwag(value:BlendMode):BlendMode { this.setInt("blendMode", cast value); return blendSwag = value; } public function new() { super(Assets.getText("assets/shaders/customBlend.frag")); } }