package funkin.ui; import flixel.FlxSprite; import haxe.Json; import lime.utils.Assets; class StickerSubState extends MusicBeatSubstate { public function new():Void { super(); var stickerInfo:StickerInfo = new StickerInfo('stickers-set-1'); for (stickerSets in stickerInfo.getPack("all")) { for (stickerShit in stickerInfo.getStickers(stickerSets)) { var sticky:StickerSprite = new StickerSprite(, FlxG.width),, FlxG.height),, stickerShit); add(sticky); } } } } class StickerSprite extends FlxSprite { public function new(x:Float, y:Float, stickerSet:String, stickerName:String):Void { super(x, y, Paths.image('transitionSwag/' + stickerSet + '/' + stickerName)); } } class StickerInfo { public var name:String; public var artist:String; public var stickers:Map>; public var stickerPacks:Map>; public function new(stickerSet:String):Void { var path = Paths.file('images/transitionSwag/' + stickerSet + '/stickers.json'); var json = Json.parse(Assets.getText(path)); trace(json); // doin this dipshit nonsense cuz i dunno how to deal with casting a json object with // a dash in its name (sticker-packs) var jsonInfo:StickerShit = cast json; =; this.artist = jsonInfo.artist; stickerPacks = new Map>(); for (field in Reflect.fields(json.stickerPacks)) { var stickerFunny = json.stickerPacks; var stickerStuff = Reflect.field(stickerFunny, field); stickerPacks.set(field, cast stickerStuff); trace(field); trace(Reflect.field(stickerFunny, field)); } trace(stickerPacks); // creates a similar for loop as before but for the stickers stickers = new Map>(); for (field in Reflect.fields(json.stickers)) { var stickerFunny = json.stickers; var stickerStuff = Reflect.field(stickerFunny, field); stickers.set(field, cast stickerStuff); trace(field); trace(Reflect.field(stickerFunny, field)); } trace(stickers); // this.stickerPacks = cast jsonInfo.stickerPacks; // this.stickers = cast jsonInfo.stickers; // trace(stickerPacks); // trace(stickers); // for (packs in stickers) // { // // this.stickers.set(packs, Reflect.field(json, "sticker-packs")); // trace(packs); // } } public function getStickers(stickerName:String):Array { return this.stickers[stickerName]; } public function getPack(packName:String):Array { return this.stickerPacks[packName]; } } // somethin damn cute just for the json to cast to! typedef StickerShit = { name:String, artist:String, stickers:Map>, stickerPacks:Map> }