package; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxObject; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.FlxState; import flixel.FlxSubState; import flixel.addons.display.FlxGridOverlay; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import; import; import; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.system.FlxSound; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.ui.FlxBar; import flixel.util.FlxCollision; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxSort; import flixel.util.FlxStringUtil; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import haxe.Json; import lime.utils.Assets; using StringTools; class PlayState extends MusicBeatState { public static var curLevel:String = 'Bopeebo'; public static var SONG:Song; private var vocals:FlxSound; private var dad:Dad; private var gf:Girlfriend; private var boyfriend:Boyfriend; private var notes:FlxTypedGroup; private var unspawnNotes:Array = []; private var strumLine:FlxSprite; private var curSection:Int = 0; private var sectionScores:Array = [[], []]; private var sectionLengths:Array = []; private var camFollow:FlxObject; private var strumLineNotes:FlxTypedGroup; private var playerStrums:FlxTypedGroup; private var camZooming:Bool = false; private var curSong:String = ""; private var gfSpeed:Int = 1; private var health:Float = 1; private var combo:Int = 0; private var healthBarBG:FlxSprite; private var healthBar:FlxBar; private var generatedMusic:Bool = false; private var countingDown:Bool = false; private var healthHeads:FlxSprite; override public function create() { persistentUpdate = true; persistentDraw = true; if (SONG == null) SONG = Song.loadFromJson('smash'); var bg:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-600, -200).loadGraphic(AssetPaths.stageback__png); // bg.setGraphicSize( * 2.5)); // bg.updateHitbox(); bg.antialiasing = true; bg.scrollFactor.set(0.9, 0.9); = false; add(bg); var stageFront:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-650, 600).loadGraphic(AssetPaths.stagefront__png); stageFront.setGraphicSize( * 1.1)); stageFront.updateHitbox(); stageFront.antialiasing = true; stageFront.scrollFactor.set(0.9, 0.9); = false; add(stageFront); var stageCurtains:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(-500, -300).loadGraphic(AssetPaths.stagecurtains__png); stageCurtains.setGraphicSize( * 0.9)); stageCurtains.updateHitbox(); stageCurtains.antialiasing = true; stageCurtains.scrollFactor.set(1.3, 1.3); = false; gf = new Girlfriend(400, 130); gf.scrollFactor.set(0.95, 0.95); gf.antialiasing = true; add(gf); dad = new Dad(100, 100); add(dad); boyfriend = new Boyfriend(770, 450); add(boyfriend); add(stageCurtains); strumLine = new FlxSprite(0, 50).makeGraphic(FlxG.width, 10); strumLine.scrollFactor.set(); strumLineNotes = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(strumLineNotes); playerStrums = new FlxTypedGroup(); var swagCounter:Int = 0; generateSong(; countingDown = true; Conductor.songPosition = 0; Conductor.songPosition -= Conductor.crochet * 5; new FlxTimer().start(Conductor.crochet / 1000, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { switch (swagCounter) { case 0:'assets/sounds/intro3' + TitleState.soundExt, 0.6); case 1: var ready:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic('assets/images/ready.png'); ready.scrollFactor.set(); ready.screenCenter(); add(ready); FlxTween.tween(ready, {y: ready.y += 100, alpha: 0}, Conductor.crochet / 1000, { ease: FlxEase.cubeInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { ready.destroy(); } });'assets/sounds/intro2' + TitleState.soundExt, 0.6); case 2: var set:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic('assets/images/set.png'); set.scrollFactor.set(); set.screenCenter(); add(set); FlxTween.tween(set, {y: set.y += 100, alpha: 0}, Conductor.crochet / 1000, { ease: FlxEase.cubeInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { set.destroy(); } });'assets/sounds/intro1' + TitleState.soundExt, 0.6); case 3: var go:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic('assets/images/go.png'); go.scrollFactor.set(); go.screenCenter(); add(go); FlxTween.tween(go, {y: go.y += 100, alpha: 0}, Conductor.crochet / 1000, { ease: FlxEase.cubeInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { go.destroy(); } });'assets/sounds/introGo' + TitleState.soundExt, 0.6); case 4: } swagCounter += 1; // generateSong('fresh'); }, 5); // add(strumLine); camFollow = new FlxObject(0, 0, 1, 1); camFollow.setPosition(dad.getGraphicMidpoint().x, dad.getGraphicMidpoint().y); add(camFollow);, LOCKON, 0.04); //, FlxG.width, 0, FlxG.height); = 1.05; FlxG.worldBounds.set(0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height); FlxG.fixedTimestep = false; healthBarBG = new FlxSprite(0, FlxG.height * 0.9).loadGraphic(AssetPaths.healthBar__png); healthBarBG.screenCenter(X); healthBarBG.scrollFactor.set(); add(healthBarBG); healthBar = new FlxBar(healthBarBG.x + 4, healthBarBG.y + 4, RIGHT_TO_LEFT, - 8), - 8), this, 'health', 0, 2); healthBar.scrollFactor.set(); healthBar.createFilledBar(0xFFFF0000, 0xFF66FF33); // healthBar add(healthBar); healthHeads = new FlxSprite(); var headTex = FlxAtlasFrames.fromSparrow(AssetPaths.healthHeads__png, AssetPaths.healthHeads__xml); healthHeads.frames = headTex; healthHeads.animation.add('healthy', [0]); healthHeads.animation.add('unhealthy', [1]); healthHeads.y = healthBar.y - (healthHeads.height / 2); healthHeads.scrollFactor.set(); healthHeads.antialiasing = true; add(healthHeads); super.create(); } function startSong():Void { countingDown = false; FlxG.sound.playMusic("assets/music/" + + "_Inst" + TitleState.soundExt);; } var debugNum:Int = 0; private function generateSong(dataPath:String):Void { // FlxG.log.add(ChartParser.parse()); generatedMusic = true; generateStaticArrows(0); generateStaticArrows(1); var songData = SONG; Conductor.changeBPM(songData.bpm); curSong =; if (SONG.needsVoices) vocals = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded("assets/music/" + curSong + "_Voices" + TitleState.soundExt); else vocals = new FlxSound(); FlxG.sound.list.add(vocals); notes = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(notes); var noteData:Array
= []; // NEW SHIT noteData = songData.notes; for (i in 1...songData.sections + 1) { // noteData.push(ChartParser.parse(, i)); } var playerCounter:Int = 0; var daBeats:Int = 0; // Not exactly representative of 'daBeats' lol, just how much it has looped for (section in noteData) { var coolSection:Int = / 4); for (songNotes in section.notes) { sectionScores[0].push(0); sectionScores[1].push(0); var daStrumTime:Float = songNotes[0]; var daNoteData:Int = songNotes[1]; var oldNote:Note; if (unspawnNotes.length > 0) oldNote = unspawnNotes[ - 1)]; else oldNote = null; var swagNote:Note = new Note(daStrumTime, daNoteData, oldNote); swagNote.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); unspawnNotes.push(swagNote); swagNote.mustPress = section.mustHitSection; if (swagNote.mustPress) { swagNote.x += FlxG.width / 2; // general offset } else { } // WILL HAVE TO REDO SCORE SYSTEM /* if (section.mustHitSection) { if (playerCounter == 1) // is the player { swagNote.mustPress = true; } else { //sectionScores[0][daBeats] += swagNote.noteScore; } } */ } /* // only need to do it once if (section.mustHitSection) sectionLengths.push(Math.round(coolSection / 4)); */ daBeats += 1; } trace(unspawnNotes.length); // playerCounter += 1; unspawnNotes.sort(sortByShit); } function sortByShit(Obj1:Note, Obj2:Note):Int { return FlxSort.byValues(FlxSort.ASCENDING, Obj1.strumTime, Obj2.strumTime); } var sortedNotes:Bool = false; private function generateStaticArrows(player:Int):Void { for (i in 0...4) { FlxG.log.add(i); var babyArrow:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(0, strumLine.y); var arrTex = FlxAtlasFrames.fromSparrow(AssetPaths.NOTE_assets__png, AssetPaths.NOTE_assets__xml); babyArrow.frames = arrTex; babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('green', 'arrowUP'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('blue', 'arrowDOWN'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('purple', 'arrowLEFT'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('red', 'arrowRIGHT'); babyArrow.scrollFactor.set(); babyArrow.setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); babyArrow.updateHitbox(); babyArrow.antialiasing = true; babyArrow.y -= 10; babyArrow.alpha = 0; FlxTween.tween(babyArrow, {y: babyArrow.y + 10, alpha: 1}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.circOut, startDelay: 0.5 + (0.2 * i)}); babyArrow.ID = i; if (player == 1) { playerStrums.add(babyArrow); } switch (Math.abs(i)) { case 2: babyArrow.x += Note.swagWidth * 2; babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrowUP'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'up press', 24, false); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'up confirm', 24, false); case 3: babyArrow.x += Note.swagWidth * 3; babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrowRIGHT'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'right press', 24, false); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'right confirm', 24, false); case 1: babyArrow.x += Note.swagWidth * 1; babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrowDOWN'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'down press', 24, false); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'down confirm', 24, false); case 0: babyArrow.x += Note.swagWidth * 0; babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrowLEFT'); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'left press', 24, false); babyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'left confirm', 24, false); }'static'); babyArrow.x += 50; babyArrow.x += ((FlxG.width / 2) * player); strumLineNotes.add(babyArrow); } } var sectionScored:Bool = false; override function openSubState(SubState:FlxSubState) { if (paused) {; vocals.pause(); } super.openSubState(SubState); } override function closeSubState() { if (paused) { vocals.time =;;; paused = false; } super.closeSubState(); } private var paused:Bool = false; override public function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.ENTER) { persistentUpdate = false; persistentDraw = true; paused = true; openSubState(new PauseSubState()); } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.ESCAPE) { FlxG.switchState(new ChartingState()); } //'VOL', vocals.amplitudeLeft); //'VOLRight', vocals.amplitudeRight); healthHeads.setGraphicSize(, healthHeads.width, 0.98))); healthHeads.x = healthBar.x + (healthBar.width * (FlxMath.remapToRange(healthBar.percent, 0, 100, 100, 0) * 0.01)) - (healthHeads.width / 2); if (healthBar.percent < 10)'unhealthy'); else'healthy'); /* if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.NINE) FlxG.switchState(new Charting()); if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.EIGHT) FlxG.switchState(new Charting(true)); */ if (countingDown) { Conductor.songPosition += FlxG.elapsed * 1000; if (Conductor.songPosition >= 0) startSong(); } else Conductor.songPosition =; var playerTurn:Int = 0; if (sectionLengths.length > curSection) playerTurn = totalBeats % (sectionLengths[curSection] * 8); if (playerTurn == (sectionLengths[curSection] * 8) - 1 && !sectionScored) { popUpScore(); sectionScored = true; } if (playerTurn == 0 && generatedMusic) { if (camFollow.x != dad.getGraphicMidpoint().x + 150) camFollow.setPosition(dad.getGraphicMidpoint().x + 150, dad.getGraphicMidpoint().y - 100); vocals.volume = 1; } if (playerTurn ==[curSection] * 8) / 2) && camFollow.x != boyfriend.getGraphicMidpoint().x - 100) { camFollow.setPosition(boyfriend.getGraphicMidpoint().x - 100, boyfriend.getGraphicMidpoint().y - 100); } if (camZooming) { = FlxMath.lerp(1.05,, 0.96); } if (playerTurn < 4) { sectionScored = false; }"beatShit", totalBeats); if (curSong == 'Fresh') { switch (totalBeats) { case 16: camZooming = true; gfSpeed = 2; case 48: gfSpeed = 1; case 80: gfSpeed = 2; case 112: gfSpeed = 1; case 163:; curLevel = 'Bopeebo'; FlxG.switchState(new TitleState()); } } if (curSong == 'Bopeebo') { switch (totalBeats) { case 127:; curLevel = 'Fresh'; FlxG.switchState(new PlayState()); } } // better streaming of shit if (health <= 0) { boyfriend.stunned = true; FlxG.switchState(new GameOverState()); } if (unspawnNotes[0] != null) {'spsa', unspawnNotes[0].strumTime);'weed', Conductor.songPosition); if (unspawnNotes[0].strumTime - Conductor.songPosition < 1500) { var dunceNote:Note = unspawnNotes[0]; notes.add(dunceNote); var index:Int = unspawnNotes.indexOf(dunceNote); unspawnNotes.splice(index, 1); } } if (generatedMusic) { notes.forEachAlive(function(daNote:Note) { if (daNote.y > FlxG.height) { = false; daNote.visible = false; } else { daNote.visible = true; = true; } if (!daNote.mustPress && daNote.wasGoodHit) { switch (Math.abs(daNote.noteData)) { case 2: dad.playAnim('singUP'); case 3: dad.playAnim('singRIGHT'); case 1: dad.playAnim('singDOWN'); case 0: dad.playAnim('singLEFT'); } daNote.kill(); notes.remove(daNote, true); daNote.destroy(); } daNote.y = (strumLine.y - (Conductor.songPosition - daNote.strumTime) * 0.45); if (daNote.y < -daNote.height) { if (daNote.tooLate) { health -= 0.05; vocals.volume = 0; } = false; daNote.visible = false; daNote.kill(); notes.remove(daNote, true); daNote.destroy(); } // one time sort if (!sortedNotes) notes.sort(FlxSort.byY, FlxSort.DESCENDING); }); } keyShit(); } private function popUpScore():Void { boyfriend.playAnim('hey'); vocals.volume = 1; var placement:String = Std.string(combo); // var placement:String = sectionScores[1][curSection] + '/' + sectionScores[0][curSection]; var coolText:FlxText = new FlxText(0, 0, 0, placement, 32); coolText.screenCenter(); coolText.x = FlxG.width * 0.75; // var rating:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(); var daRating:String = "shit"; if (combo > 60) daRating = 'sick'; else if (combo > 12) daRating = 'good' else if (combo > 4) daRating = 'bad'; rating.loadGraphic('assets/images/' + daRating + ".png"); rating.screenCenter(); rating.x = coolText.x - 40; rating.y -= 60; rating.acceleration.y = 550; rating.velocity.y -=, 175); rating.setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); rating.updateHitbox(); rating.antialiasing = true; rating.velocity.x -=, 10); var comboSpr:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(AssetPaths.combo__png); comboSpr.screenCenter(); comboSpr.x = coolText.x; comboSpr.acceleration.y = 600; comboSpr.antialiasing = true; comboSpr.velocity.y -= 150; comboSpr.setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); comboSpr.updateHitbox(); comboSpr.velocity.x +=, 10); add(comboSpr); add(rating); var seperatedScore:Array = []; seperatedScore.push(Math.floor(combo / 100)); seperatedScore.push(Math.floor((combo - (seperatedScore[0] * 100)) / 10)); seperatedScore.push(combo % 10); var daLoop:Int = 0; for (i in seperatedScore) { var numScore:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic('assets/images/num' + + '.png'); numScore.screenCenter(); numScore.x = coolText.x + (43 * daLoop) - 90; numScore.y += 80; numScore.antialiasing = true; numScore.setGraphicSize( * 0.5)); numScore.updateHitbox(); numScore.acceleration.y =, 300); numScore.velocity.y -=, 160); numScore.velocity.x = FlxG.random.float(-5, 5); add(numScore); FlxTween.tween(numScore, {alpha: 0}, 0.2, { onComplete: function(tween:FlxTween) { numScore.destroy(); }, startDelay: Conductor.crochet * 0.002 }); daLoop++; } trace(combo); trace(seperatedScore); coolText.text = Std.string(seperatedScore); // add(coolText); FlxTween.tween(rating, {alpha: 0}, 0.2, { startDelay: Conductor.crochet * 0.001 }); FlxTween.tween(comboSpr, {alpha: 0}, 0.2, { onComplete: function(tween:FlxTween) { coolText.destroy(); comboSpr.destroy(); rating.destroy(); }, startDelay: Conductor.crochet * 0.001 }); curSection += 1; } private function keyShit():Void { // HOLDING var up = FlxG.keys.anyPressed([W, UP]); var right = FlxG.keys.anyPressed([D, RIGHT]); var down = FlxG.keys.anyPressed([S, DOWN]); var left = FlxG.keys.anyPressed([A, LEFT]); var upP = FlxG.keys.anyJustPressed([W, UP]); var rightP = FlxG.keys.anyJustPressed([D, RIGHT]); var downP = FlxG.keys.anyJustPressed([S, DOWN]); var leftP = FlxG.keys.anyJustPressed([A, LEFT]); var upR = FlxG.keys.anyJustReleased([W, UP]); var rightR = FlxG.keys.anyJustReleased([D, RIGHT]); var downR = FlxG.keys.anyJustReleased([S, DOWN]); var leftR = FlxG.keys.anyJustReleased([A, LEFT]); var gamepad = FlxG.gamepads.lastActive; if (gamepad != null) { if (gamepad.anyPressed(["DPAD_LEFT", "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT", X])) { left = true; } if (gamepad.anyPressed(["DPAD_RIGHT", "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT", B])) { right = true; } if (gamepad.anyPressed(['DPAD_UP', "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP", Y])) { up = true; } if (gamepad.anyPressed(["DPAD_DOWN", "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN", A])) { down = true; } if (gamepad.anyJustPressed(["DPAD_LEFT", "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT", X])) { leftP = true; } if (gamepad.anyJustPressed(["DPAD_RIGHT", "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT", B])) { rightP = true; } if (gamepad.anyJustPressed(['DPAD_UP', "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP", Y])) { upP = true; } if (gamepad.anyJustPressed(["DPAD_DOWN", "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN", A])) { downP = true; } if (gamepad.anyJustReleased(["DPAD_LEFT", "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT", X])) { leftR = true; } if (gamepad.anyJustReleased(["DPAD_RIGHT", "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT", B])) { rightR = true; } if (gamepad.anyJustReleased(['DPAD_UP', "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP", Y])) { upR = true; } if (gamepad.anyJustReleased(["DPAD_DOWN", "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN", A])) { downR = true; } }'asdfa', upP); if ((upP || rightP || downP || leftP) && !boyfriend.stunned && generatedMusic) { var possibleNotes:Array = []; notes.forEachAlive(function(daNote:Note) { if (daNote.canBeHit && daNote.mustPress && !daNote.tooLate) { possibleNotes.push(daNote); trace('NOTE-' + daNote.strumTime + ' ADDED'); } }); if (possibleNotes.length > 0) { for (daNote in possibleNotes) { var purp:Int = Note.PURP_NOTE; var green:Int = Note.GREEN_NOTE; var red:Int = Note.RED_NOTE; var blue:Int = Note.BLUE_NOTE; switch (daNote.noteData) { case 2: // NOTES YOU JUST PRESSED if (upP || rightP || downP || leftP) noteCheck(upP, daNote); case 3: if (upP || rightP || downP || leftP) noteCheck(rightP, daNote); case 1: if (upP || rightP || downP || leftP) noteCheck(downP, daNote); case 0: if (upP || rightP || downP || leftP) noteCheck(leftP, daNote); } if (daNote.wasGoodHit) { daNote.kill(); notes.remove(daNote, true); daNote.destroy(); } } } else { badNoteCheck(); } } if ((up || right || down || left) && !boyfriend.stunned && generatedMusic) { notes.forEach(function(daNote:Note) { if (daNote.canBeHit && daNote.mustPress) { switch (daNote.noteData) { // NOTES YOU ARE HOLDING case -1: if (up && daNote.prevNote.wasGoodHit) goodNoteHit(daNote); case -2: if (right && daNote.prevNote.wasGoodHit) goodNoteHit(daNote); case -3: if (down && daNote.prevNote.wasGoodHit) goodNoteHit(daNote); case -4: if (left && daNote.prevNote.wasGoodHit) goodNoteHit(daNote); } } }); } playerStrums.forEach(function(spr:FlxSprite) { switch (spr.ID) { case 2: if (upP && != 'confirm')'pressed'); if (upR)'static'); case 3: if (rightP && != 'confirm')'pressed'); if (rightR)'static'); case 1: if (downP && != 'confirm')'pressed'); if (downR)'static'); case 0: if (leftP && != 'confirm')'pressed'); if (leftR)'static'); } if ( == 'confirm') { spr.centerOffsets(); spr.offset.x -= 13; spr.offset.y -= 13; } else spr.centerOffsets(); }); } function noteMiss(direction:Int = 1):Void { if (!boyfriend.stunned) { health -= 0.08; if (combo > 5) { gf.playAnim('sad'); } combo = 0;'assets/sounds/missnote' +, 3) + TitleState.soundExt, FlxG.random.float(0.05, 0.2)); boyfriend.stunned = true; // get stunned for 5 seconds new FlxTimer().start(5 / 60, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { boyfriend.stunned = false; }); switch (direction) { case 1: boyfriend.playAnim('singUPmiss', true); case 2: boyfriend.playAnim('singRIGHTmiss', true); case 3: boyfriend.playAnim('singDOWNmiss', true); case 4: boyfriend.playAnim('singLEFTmiss', true); } } } function badNoteCheck() { // just double pasting this shit cuz fuk u // REDO THIS SYSTEM! var upP = FlxG.keys.anyJustPressed([W, UP]); var rightP = FlxG.keys.anyJustPressed([D, RIGHT]); var downP = FlxG.keys.anyJustPressed([S, DOWN]); var leftP = FlxG.keys.anyJustPressed([A, LEFT]); var gamepad = FlxG.gamepads.lastActive; if (gamepad != null) { if (gamepad.anyJustPressed(["DPAD_LEFT", "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT", X])) { leftP = true; } if (gamepad.anyJustPressed(["DPAD_RIGHT", "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT", B])) { rightP = true; } if (gamepad.anyJustPressed(['DPAD_UP', "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP", Y])) { upP = true; } if (gamepad.anyJustPressed(["DPAD_DOWN", "LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN", A])) { downP = true; } } if (leftP) noteMiss(0); if (upP) noteMiss(2); if (rightP) noteMiss(3); if (downP) noteMiss(2); } function noteCheck(keyP:Bool, note:Note):Void { trace(note.noteData + ' note check here ' + keyP); if (keyP) goodNoteHit(note); else badNoteCheck(); } function goodNoteHit(note:Note):Void { if (!note.wasGoodHit) { combo += 1; if (note.noteData >= 0) health += 0.03; else health += 0.007; switch (note.noteData) { case 2: boyfriend.playAnim('singUP'); case 3: boyfriend.playAnim('singRIGHT'); case 1: boyfriend.playAnim('singDOWN'); case 0: boyfriend.playAnim('singLEFT'); } playerStrums.forEach(function(spr:FlxSprite) { if (Math.abs(note.noteData) == spr.ID) {'confirm', true); } }); sectionScores[1][curSection] += note.noteScore; note.wasGoodHit = true; vocals.volume = 1; note.kill(); notes.remove(note, true); note.destroy(); } } override function stepHit() { if (vocals.time > Conductor.songPosition + Conductor.stepCrochet || vocals.time < Conductor.songPosition - Conductor.stepCrochet) { vocals.pause(); vocals.time = Conductor.songPosition;; } super.stepHit(); } override function beatHit() { super.beatHit(); if (camZooming && < 1.35 && totalBeats % 4 == 0) += 0.025; dad.playAnim('idle'); healthHeads.setGraphicSize( + 20)); if (totalBeats % gfSpeed == 0); if (!"sing")) boyfriend.playAnim('idle'); } }