package; import flixel.sound.FlxSound; import; class VoicesGroup extends SoundGroup { var playerVoices:FlxTypedGroup; var opponentVoices:FlxTypedGroup; /** * Control the volume of only the sounds in the player group. */ public var playerVolume(default, set):Float; /** * Control the volume of only the sounds in the opponent group. */ public var opponentVolume(default, set):Float; public function new() { super(); playerVoices = new FlxTypedGroup(); opponentVoices = new FlxTypedGroup(); } /** * Add a voice to the player group. */ public function addPlayerVoice(sound:FlxSound):Void { super.add(sound); playerVoices.add(sound); } function set_playerVolume(volume:Float):Float { playerVoices.forEachAlive(function(voice:FlxSound) { voice.volume = volume; }); return playerVolume = volume; } /** * Add a voice to the opponent group. */ public function addOpponentVoice(sound:FlxSound):Void { super.add(sound); opponentVoices.add(sound); } function set_opponentVolume(volume:Float):Float { opponentVoices.forEachAlive(function(voice:FlxSound) { voice.volume = volume; }); return opponentVolume = volume; } public override function clear():Void { playerVoices.clear(); opponentVoices.clear(); super.clear(); } public override function destroy():Void { playerVoices.destroy(); opponentVoices.destroy(); super.destroy(); } }