package funkin.util; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; /** * Utility functions related to the mouse. */ class MouseUtil { static var oldCamPos:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(); static var oldMousePos:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(); /** * Used to be for general camera middle click dragging, now generalized for any click and drag type shit! * Listen I don't make the rules here * @param target what you want to be dragged, defaults to CAMERA SCROLL * @param jusPres the "justPressed", should be a button of some sort * @param pressed the "pressed", which should be the same button as `jusPres` */ public static function mouseCamDrag(?target:FlxPoint, ?jusPres:Bool, ?pressed:Bool):Void { if (target == null) target =; if (jusPres == null) jusPres = FlxG.mouse.justPressedMiddle; if (pressed == null) pressed = FlxG.mouse.pressedMiddle; if (jusPres) { oldCamPos.set(target.x, target.y); oldMousePos.set(FlxG.mouse.screenX, FlxG.mouse.screenY); } if (pressed) { target.x = oldCamPos.x - (FlxG.mouse.screenX - oldMousePos.x); target.y = oldCamPos.y - (FlxG.mouse.screenY - oldMousePos.y); } } /** * Increment the zoom level of the current camera by the mouse wheel scroll value. */ public static function mouseWheelZoom():Void { if (FlxG.mouse.wheel != 0) += FlxG.mouse.wheel * (0.1 *; } }