package; import; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; #if html5 import; #end #if hxCodec import hxcodec.flixel.FlxVideoSprite; #end /** * Assumes you are in the PlayState. */ class VideoCutscene { static var blackScreen:FlxSprite; /** * Play a video cutscene. * TODO: Currently this is hardcoded to start the countdown after the video is done. * @param path The path to the video file. Use Paths.file(path) to get the correct path. */ public static function play(filePath:String):Void { if (PlayState.instance == null) return; if (!openfl.Assets.exists(filePath)) { // Display a popup.'Video file does not exist: ${filePath}', 'Error playing video'); return; } // Trigger the cutscene. Don't play the song in the background. PlayState.instance.isInCutscene = true; PlayState.instance.camHUD.visible = false; PlayState.instance.camCutscene.visible = true; // Display a black screen to hide the game while the video is playing. blackScreen = new FlxSprite(-200, -200).makeGraphic(FlxG.width * 2, FlxG.height * 2, FlxColor.BLACK); blackScreen.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); blackScreen.cameras = [PlayState.instance.camCutscene]; PlayState.instance.add(blackScreen); #if html5 playVideoHTML5(filePath); #end #if hxCodec playVideoNative(filePath); #end } public static function isPlaying():Bool { #if (html5 || hxCodec) return vid != null; #else return false; #end } #if html5 static var vid:FlxVideo; static function playVideoHTML5(filePath:String):Void { // Video displays OVER the FlxState. vid = new FlxVideo(filePath); if (vid != null) { vid.zIndex = 0; vid.finishCallback = finishVideo.bind(0.5); vid.cameras = [PlayState.instance.camCutscene]; PlayState.instance.add(vid); PlayState.instance.refresh(); } else { trace('ALERT: Video is null! Could not play cutscene!'); } } #end #if hxCodec static var vid:FlxVideoSprite; static function playVideoNative(filePath:String):Void { // Video displays OVER the FlxState. vid = new FlxVideoSprite(0, 0); if (vid != null) { vid.zIndex = 0; vid.bitmap.onEndReached.add(finishVideo.bind(0.5)); vid.cameras = [PlayState.instance.camCutscene]; PlayState.instance.add(vid); PlayState.instance.refresh();, false); } else { trace('ALERT: Video is null! Could not play cutscene!'); } } #end public static function restartVideo():Void { #if html5 if (vid != null) { vid.restartVideo(); } #end #if hxCodec if (vid != null) { // Seek to the start of the video. vid.bitmap.time = 0; } #end } public static function finishVideo(?transitionTime:Float = 0.5):Void { trace('ALERT: Finish video cutscene called!'); #if html5 if (vid != null) { PlayState.instance.remove(vid); } #end #if hxCodec if (vid != null) { vid.stop(); PlayState.instance.remove(vid); } #end #if (html5 || hxCodec) vid.destroy(); vid = null; #end PlayState.instance.camCutscene.visible = true; PlayState.instance.camHUD.visible = true; FlxTween.tween(blackScreen, {alpha: 0}, transitionTime, { ease: FlxEase.quadInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { PlayState.instance.remove(blackScreen); blackScreen = null; } }); FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: PlayState.instance.defaultCameraZoom}, transitionTime, { ease: FlxEase.quadInOut, onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) { PlayState.instance.startCountdown(); } }); } }