package; typedef PauseSubStateParams = { ?mode:PauseMode, }; /** * The menu displayed when the Play State is paused. */ class PauseSubState extends MusicBeatSubState { static final PAUSE_MENU_ENTRIES_STANDARD = [ {text: 'Resume', callback: resume}, {text: 'Restart Song', callback: restartPlayState}, {text: 'Change Difficulty', callback: switchMode.bind(_, Difficulty)}, {text: 'Enable Practice Mode', callback: enablePracticeMode, filter: () -> (PlayState.instance?.isPracticeMode ?? true)}, {text: 'Exit to Menu', callback: quitToMenu}, ]; static final PAUSE_MENU_ENTRIES_CHARTING = [ {text: 'Resume', callback: resume}, {text: 'Restart Song', callback: restartPlayState}, {text: 'Return to Chart Editor', callback: quitToChartEditor}, ]; static final PAUSE_MENU_ENTRIES_DIFFICULTY = [ {text: 'Back', callback: switchMode.bind(_, Standard)} // Other entries are added dynamically. ]; static final PAUSE_MENU_ENTRIES_CUTSCENE = [ {text: 'Resume', callback: resume}, {text: 'Restart Cutscene', callback: restartCutscene}, {text: 'Skip Cutscene', callback: skipCutscene}, {text: 'Exit to Menu', callback: quitToMenu}, ]; static final MUSIC_FADE_IN_TIME:Float = 50; static final MUSIC_FINAL_VOLUME:Float = 0.5; public static var musicSuffix:String = ''; // Status var menuEntries:Array; var currentEntry:Int = 0; var currentMode:PauseMode; var allowInput:Bool = true; // Graphics var metadata:FlxTypedGroup; var metadataPractice:FlxText; var menuEntryText:FlxTypedGroup; // Audio var pauseMusic:FunkinSound; public function new(?params:PauseSubStateParams) { super(); this.currentMode = params?.mode ?? PauseMode.Standard; this.bgColor = FlxColor.TRANSPARENT; // Transparent, fades into black later. } public override function create():Void { super.create(); startPauseMusic(); buildMetadata(); transitionIn(); } public override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); handleInputs(); } function startPauseMusic():Void { pauseMusic = FunkinSound.load('breakfast-pixel'), true, true); // Start playing at a random point in the song.,, / 2))); pauseMusic.fadeIn(MUSIC_FADE_IN_TIME, 0, MUSIC_FINAL_VOLUME); } /** * Render the metadata in the top right. */ function buildMetadata():Void { metadata = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(metadata); var metadataSong:FlxText = new FlxText(20, 15, 0, 'Song Name - Artist'); metadataSong.setFormat(Paths.font('vcr.ttf'), 32, FlxColor.WHITE, FlxTextAlign.RIGHT); if (PlayState.instance?.currentChart != null) { metadataSong.text += '${PlayState.instance.currentChart.songName} - ${PlayState.instance.currentChart.songArtist}'; } metadata.add(metadataSong); var metadataDifficulty:FlxText = new FlxText(20, 15 + 32, 0, 'Difficulty'); metadataDifficulty.setFormat(Paths.font('vcr.ttf'), 32, FlxColor.WHITE, FlxTextAlign.RIGHT); if (PlayState.instance?.currentDifficulty != null) { metadataDifficulty.text += PlayState.instance.currentDifficulty.toTitleCase(); } metadata.add(metadataDifficulty); var metadataDeaths:FlxText = new FlxText(20, 15 + 64, 0, '0 Blue Balls'); metadataDeaths.setFormat(Paths.font('vcr.ttf'), 32, FlxColor.WHITE, FlxTextAlign.RIGHT); metadataDeaths.text = '${PlayState.instance?.deathCounter} Blue Balls'; metadata.add(metadataDeaths); metadataPractice = new FlxText(20, 15 + 96, 0, 'PRACTICE MODE'); metadataPractice.setFormat(Paths.font('vcr.ttf'), 32, FlxColor.WHITE, FlxTextAlign.RIGHT); metadataPractice.visible = PlayState.instance?.isPracticeMode ?? false; metadata.add(metadataPractice); } function regenerateMenu(?targetMode:PauseMode):Void { var previousMode:PauseMode = this.currentMode; this.currentMode = targetMode ?? this.currentMode; this.currentEntry = 0; menuEntryText.clear(); // Choose the correct menu entries. switch (this.currentMode) { case PauseMode.Standard: currentMenuEntries = PAUSE_MENU_ENTRIES_STANDARD.clone(); case PauseMode.Charting: currentMenuEntries = PAUSE_MENU_ENTRIES_CHARTING.clone(); case PauseMode.Difficulty: // Prepend the difficulties. var entries:Array = []; if (PlayState.instance.currentChart != null) { var difficultiesInVariation = PlayState.instance.currentSong.listDifficulties(PlayState.instance.currentChart.variation); trace('DIFFICULTIES: ${difficultiesInVariation}'); for (difficulty in difficultiesInVariation) { difficulties.push({text: difficulty.toTitleCase(), callback: () -> changeDifficulty(this, difficulty)}); } } // Add the back button. currentMenuEntries = entries.concat(PAUSE_MENU_ENTRIES_DIFFICULTY.clone()); case PauseMode.Cutscene: currentMenuEntries = PAUSE_MENU_ENTRIES_CUTSCENE.clone(); } // Render out the entries depending on the mode. for (entryIndex in 0...entries) { var entry:PauseMenuEntry = entries[entryIndex]; // Remove entries that should be hidden. if (entry.filter != null && !entry.filter()) currentMenuEntries.remove(entry); var yPos:Float = 70 * entryIndex + 30; var text:AtlasText = new AtlasText(0, yPos, entry.text, AtlasFont.BOLD); text.alpha = 0; menuEntryText.add(text); entry.sprite = text; } metadataPractice.visible = PlayState.instance?.isPracticeMode ?? false; changeSelection(); } function transitionIn():Void { FlxTween.globalManager.bgColor(this, 0.4, FlxColor.fromRGB(0, 0, 0, 0.0), FlxColor.fromRGB(0, 0, 0, 0.6), {ease: FlxEase.quartInOut}); // Animate each element a little bit downwards. var delay:Float = 0.3; for (child in metadata.members) { FlxTween.tween(child, {alpha: 1, y: child.y + 5}, 0.4, {ease: FlxEase.quartInOut, startDelay: delay}); delay += 0.2; } } function handleInputs():Void { if (!allowInput) return; if (controls.UI_UP_P) { changeSelection(-1); } if (controls.UI_DOWN_P) { changeSelection(1); } if (controls.PAUSE) { resume(this); } if (controls.ACCEPT) { menuEntries[currentEntry].callback(this); } #if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION) // to pause the game and get screenshots easy, press H on pause menu! if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.H) { var visible = !metaDataGrp.visible; metadata = visible; menuEntryText = visible; this.bgColor = visible ? 0x99000000 : 0x00000000; // 60% or fully transparent black } #end } function changeSelection(change:Int = 0):Void {'scrollMenu'), 0.4); currentEntry += change; if (currentEntry < 0) currentEntry = menuEntries.length - 1; if (currentEntry >= menuEntries.length) currentEntry = 0; for (entryIndex in 0...menuEntries.length) { var isCurrent:Bool = entryIndex == currentEntry; var entry:PauseMenuEntry = menuEntries[entryIndex]; var text:AtlasText = entry.sprite; // Set the transparency. text.alpha = isCurrent ? 1.0 : 0.6; // Set the position. var targetX = FlxMath.remapToRange((entryIndex - currentEntry), 0, 1, 0, 1.3) * 20 + 90; var targetY = FlxMath.remapToRange((entryIndex - currentEntry), 0, 1, 0, 1.3) * 120 + (FlxG.height * 0.48); FlxTween.tween(text, {x: targetX, y: targetY}, 0.16, {ease: FlxEase.linear}); } } // =============== // Menu Callbacks // =============== static function resume(state:PauseSubState):Void { state.close(); } static function switchMode(state:PauseSubState, targetMode:PauseMode):Void { state.regenerateMenu(targetMode); } static function changeDifficulty(state:PauseSubState, difficulty:String):Void { PlayState.instance.currentSong = SongRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(; // Reset campaign score when changing difficulty // So if you switch difficulty on the last song of a week you get a really low overall score. PlayStatePlaylist.campaignScore = 0; PlayStatePlaylist.campaignDifficulty = difficulty; PlayState.instance.currentDifficulty = PlayStatePlaylist.campaignDifficulty; PlayState.instance.needsReset = true; state.close(); } static function restartPlayState(state:PauseSubState):Void { PlayState.instance.needsReset = true; state.close(); } static function enablePracticeMode(state:PauseSubState):Void { if (PlayState.instance == null) return; PlayState.instance.isPracticeMode = true; regenerateMenu(); } static function quitToMenu(state:PauseSubState):Void { state.allowInput = false; PlayState.instance.deathCounter = 0; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true; if (PlayStatePlaylist.isStoryMode) { PlayStatePlaylist.reset(); openSubState(new funkin.ui.transition.StickerSubState(null, (sticker) -> new funkin.ui.story.StoryMenuState(sticker))); } else { openSubState(new funkin.ui.transition.StickerSubState(null, (sticker) -> new funkin.ui.freeplay.FreeplayState(null, sticker))); } } static function quitToChartEditor(state:PauseSubState):Void { state.close(); if ( != null); // Don't reset song position! PlayState.instance.close(); // This only works because PlayState is a substate! } /** * Reset the pause configuration to the default. */ public static function reset():Void { musicSuffix = ''; } } /** * Which set of options the pause menu should display. */ enum PauseMode { /** * The menu displayed when the player pauses the game during a song. */ Standard; /** * The menu displayed when the player pauses the game during a song while in charting mode. */ Charting; /** * The menu displayed when the player moves to change the game's difficulty. */ Difficulty; /** * The menu displayed when the player pauses the game during a cutscene. */ Cutscene; } typedef PauseMenuEntry = { var text:String; var callback:PauseSubState->Void; var ?sprite:AtlasText; /** * If this returns true, the entry will be displayed. If it returns false, the entry will be hidden. */ var ?filter:Void->Bool; };