package; import; #if flash11 import flash.utils.ByteArray; #end import flixel.sound.FlxSound; import flixel.system.FlxAssets.FlxSoundAsset; import openfl.Assets; #if (openfl >= "8.0.0") import openfl.utils.AssetType; #end /** * a FlxSound that just overrides loadEmbedded to allow for "streamed" sounds to load with better performance! */ class FlxStreamSound extends FlxSound { public function new() { super(); } override public function loadEmbedded(EmbeddedSound:FlxSoundAsset, Looped:Bool = false, AutoDestroy:Bool = false, ?OnComplete:Void->Void):FlxSound { if (EmbeddedSound == null) return this; cleanup(true); if ((EmbeddedSound is Sound)) { _sound = EmbeddedSound; } else if ((EmbeddedSound is Class)) { _sound = Type.createInstance(EmbeddedSound, []); } else if ((EmbeddedSound is String)) { if (Assets.exists(EmbeddedSound, AssetType.SOUND) || Assets.exists(EmbeddedSound, AssetType.MUSIC)) _sound = Assets.getMusic(EmbeddedSound); else FlxG.log.error('Could not find a Sound asset with an ID of \'$EmbeddedSound\'.'); } // NOTE: can't pull ID3 info from embedded sound currently return init(Looped, AutoDestroy, OnComplete); } }