package; import; /** * A type definition for the data for a conversation text box. * It includes things like the sprite to use, and the font and color for the text. * The actual text is included in the ConversationData. * @see */ typedef DialogueBoxData = { /** * Semantic version for dialogue box data. */ public var version:String; /** * A human readable name for the dialogue box type. */ public var name:String; /** * The asset path for the sprite to use for the dialogue box. * Takes a static sprite or a sprite sheet. */ public var assetPath:String; /** * Whether to horizontally flip the dialogue box sprite. */ @:optional @:default(false) public var flipX:Bool; /** * Whether to vertically flip the dialogue box sprite. */ @:optional @:default(false) public var flipY:Bool; /** * Whether to disable anti-aliasing for the dialogue box sprite. */ @:optional @:default(false) public var isPixel:Bool; /** * The relative horizontal and vertical offsets for the dialogue box sprite. */ @:optional @:default([0, 0]) public var offsets:Array; /** * Info about how to display text in the dialogue box. */ public var text:DialogueBoxTextData; /** * Multiply the size of the dialogue box sprite. */ @:optional @:default(1) public var scale:Float; /** * If using a spritesheet for the dialogue box, the animations to use. */ @:optional @:default([]) public var animations:Array; } typedef DialogueBoxTextData = { /** * The position of the text in teh box. */ @:optional @:default([0, 0]) var offsets:Array; /** * The width of the */ @:optional @:default(300) var width:Int; /** * The font size to use for the text. */ @:optional @:default(32) var size:Int; /** * The color to use for the text. * Use a string that can be translated to a color, like `#FF0000` for red. */ @:optional @:default("#000000") var color:String; /** * The font to use for the text. * @since v1.1.0 * @default `Arial`, make sure to switch this! */ @:optional @:default("Arial") var fontFamily:String; /** * The color to use for the shadow of the text. Use transparent to disable. */ var shadowColor:String; /** * The width of the shadow of the text. */ @:optional @:default(0) var shadowWidth:Int; };