package funkin.ui.options; import flixel.system.ui.FlxSoundTray; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.system.FlxAssets; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import openfl.display.Bitmap; import openfl.display.BitmapData; import funkin.util.MathUtil; /** * Extends the default flixel soundtray, but with some art * and lil polish! * * Gets added to the game in Main.hx, right after FlxGame is new'd * since it's a Sprite rather than Flixel related object */ class FunkinSoundTray extends FlxSoundTray { var graphicScale:Float = 0.30; var lerpYPos:Float = 0; var alphaTarget:Float = 0; var volumeMaxSound:String; public function new() { // calls super, then removes all children to add our own // graphics super(); removeChildren(); var bg:Bitmap = new Bitmap(Assets.getBitmapData(Paths.image("soundtray/volumebox"))); bg.scaleX = graphicScale; bg.scaleY = graphicScale; bg.smoothing = true; addChild(bg); y = -height; visible = false; // makes an alpha'd version of all the bars (bar_10.png) var backingBar:Bitmap = new Bitmap(Assets.getBitmapData(Paths.image("soundtray/bars_10"))); backingBar.x = 9; backingBar.y = 5; backingBar.scaleX = graphicScale; backingBar.scaleY = graphicScale; backingBar.smoothing = true; addChild(backingBar); backingBar.alpha = 0.4; // clear the bars array entirely, it was initialized // in the super class _bars = []; // 1...11 due to how block named the assets, // we are trying to get assets bars_1-10 for (i in 1...11) { var bar:Bitmap = new Bitmap(Assets.getBitmapData(Paths.image("soundtray/bars_" + i))); bar.x = 9; bar.y = 5; bar.scaleX = graphicScale; bar.scaleY = graphicScale; bar.smoothing = true; addChild(bar); _bars.push(bar); } y = -height; screenCenter(); volumeUpSound = Paths.sound("soundtray/Volup"); volumeDownSound = Paths.sound("soundtray/Voldown"); volumeMaxSound = Paths.sound("soundtray/VolMAX"); trace("Custom tray added!"); } override public function update(MS:Float):Void { y = MathUtil.coolLerp(y, lerpYPos, 0.1); alpha = MathUtil.coolLerp(alpha, alphaTarget, 0.25); var shouldHide = (FlxG.sound.muted == false && FlxG.sound.volume > 0); // Animate sound tray thing if (_timer > 0) { if (shouldHide) _timer -= (MS / 1000); alphaTarget = 1; } else if (y >= -height) { lerpYPos = -height - 10; alphaTarget = 0; } if (y <= -height) { visible = false; active = false; #if FLX_SAVE // Save sound preferences if ( { = FlxG.sound.muted; = FlxG.sound.volume;; } #end } } /** * Makes the little volume tray slide out. * * @param up Whether the volume is increasing. */ override public function show(up:Bool = false):Void { _timer = 1; lerpYPos = 10; visible = true; active = true; var globalVolume:Int = Math.round(FlxG.sound.logToLinear(FlxG.sound.volume) * 10); if (FlxG.sound.muted || FlxG.sound.volume == 0) { globalVolume = 0; } if (!silent) { var sound = up ? volumeUpSound : volumeDownSound; if (globalVolume == 10) sound = volumeMaxSound; if (sound != null) FlxG.sound.load(sound).play(); } for (i in 0..._bars.length) { if (i < globalVolume) { _bars[i].visible = true; } else { _bars[i].visible = false; } } } }