package; import; import; import; import flixel.util.FlxDirectionFlags; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import funkin.ui.PreferencesMenu; /** * This is based heavily on the `FlxStrip` class. It uses `drawTriangles()` to clip a sustain note * trail at a certain time. * The whole `FlxGraphic` is used as a texture map. See the `NOTE_hold_assets.fla` file for specifics * on how it should be constructed. * * @author MtH */ class SustainTrail extends FlxSprite { /** * The triangles corresponding to the hold, followed by the endcap. * `top left, top right, bottom left` * `top left, bottom left, bottom right` */ static final TRIANGLE_VERTEX_INDICES:Array = [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 6, 7]; public var strumTime:Float = 0; // millis public var noteDirection:NoteDirection = 0; public var sustainLength(default, set):Float = 0; // millis public var fullSustainLength:Float = 0; public var noteData:Null; public var cover:NoteHoldCover = null; /** * Set to `true` if the user hit the note and is currently holding the sustain. * Should display associated effects. */ public var hitNote:Bool = false; /** * Set to `true` if the user missed the note or released the sustain. * Should make the trail transparent. */ public var missedNote:Bool = false; // maybe BlendMode.MULTIPLY if missed somehow, drawTriangles does not support! /** * A `Vector` of floats where each pair of numbers is treated as a coordinate location (an x, y pair). */ public var vertices:DrawData = new DrawData(); /** * A `Vector` of integers or indexes, where every three indexes define a triangle. */ public var indices:DrawData = new DrawData(); /** * A `Vector` of normalized coordinates used to apply texture mapping. */ public var uvtData:DrawData = new DrawData(); private var processedGraphic:FlxGraphic; private var zoom:Float = 1; /** * What part of the trail's end actually represents the end of the note. * This can be used to have a little bit sticking out. */ public var endOffset:Float = 0.5; // 0.73 is roughly the bottom of the sprite in the normal graphic! /** * At what point the bottom for the trail's end should be clipped off. * Used in cases where there's an extra bit of the graphic on the bottom to avoid antialiasing issues with overflow. */ public var bottomClip:Float = 0.9; public var isPixel:Bool; /** * Normally you would take strumTime:Float, noteData:Int, sustainLength:Float, parentNote:Note (?) * @param NoteData * @param SustainLength Length in milliseconds. * @param fileName */ public function new(noteDirection:NoteDirection, sustainLength:Float, noteStyle:NoteStyle) { super(0, 0, noteStyle.getHoldNoteAssetPath()); antialiasing = true; this.isPixel = noteStyle.isHoldNotePixel(); if (isPixel) { endOffset = bottomClip = 1; antialiasing = false; } zoom *= noteStyle.fetchHoldNoteScale(); // BASIC SETUP this.sustainLength = sustainLength; this.fullSustainLength = sustainLength; this.noteDirection = noteDirection; zoom *= 0.7; // CALCULATE SIZE width = graphic.width / 8 * zoom; // amount of notes * 2 height = sustainHeight(sustainLength, getScrollSpeed()); // instead of scrollSpeed, PlayState.SONG.speed flipY = PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll'); // alpha = 0.6; alpha = 1.0; // calls updateColorTransform(), which initializes processedGraphic! updateColorTransform(); updateClipping(); indices = new DrawData(12, true, TRIANGLE_VERTEX_INDICES); = true; // This NEEDS to be true for the note to be drawn! } function getScrollSpeed():Float { return PlayState?.instance?.currentChart?.scrollSpeed ?? 1.0; } /** * Calculates height of a sustain note for a given length (milliseconds) and scroll speed. * @param susLength The length of the sustain note in milliseconds. * @param scroll The current scroll speed. */ public static inline function sustainHeight(susLength:Float, scroll:Float) { return (susLength * 0.45 * scroll); } function set_sustainLength(s:Float) { if (s < 0) s = 0; height = sustainHeight(s, getScrollSpeed()); updateColorTransform(); updateClipping(); return sustainLength = s; } /** * Sets up new vertex and UV data to clip the trail. * If flipY is true, top and bottom bounds swap places. * @param songTime The time to clip the note at, in milliseconds. */ public function updateClipping(songTime:Float = 0):Void { var clipHeight:Float = FlxMath.bound(sustainHeight(sustainLength - (songTime - strumTime), getScrollSpeed()), 0, height); if (clipHeight == 0) { visible = false; return; } else visible = true; var bottomHeight:Float = graphic.height * zoom * endOffset; var partHeight:Float = clipHeight - bottomHeight; // ===HOLD VERTICES== // Top left vertices[0 * 2] = 0.0; // Inline with left side vertices[0 * 2 + 1] = flipY ? clipHeight : height - clipHeight; // Top right vertices[1 * 2] = width; vertices[1 * 2 + 1] = vertices[0 * 2 + 1]; // Inline with top left vertex // Bottom left vertices[2 * 2] = 0.0; // Inline with left side vertices[2 * 2 + 1] = if (partHeight > 0) { // flipY makes the sustain render upside down. flipY ? 0.0 + bottomHeight : vertices[1] + partHeight; } else { vertices[0 * 2 + 1]; // Inline with top left vertex (no partHeight available) } // Bottom right vertices[3 * 2] = width; vertices[3 * 2 + 1] = vertices[2 * 2 + 1]; // Inline with bottom left vertex // ===HOLD UVs=== // The UVs are a bit more complicated. // UV coordinates are normalized, so they range from 0 to 1. // We are expecting an image containing 8 horizontal segments, each representing a different colored hold note followed by its end cap. uvtData[0 * 2] = 1 / 4 * (noteDirection % 4); // 0%/25%/50%/75% of the way through the image uvtData[0 * 2 + 1] = (-partHeight) / graphic.height / zoom; // top bound // Top left // Top right uvtData[1 * 2] = uvtData[0 * 2] + 1 / 8; // 12.5%/37.5%/62.5%/87.5% of the way through the image (1/8th past the top left) uvtData[1 * 2 + 1] = uvtData[0 * 2 + 1]; // top bound // Bottom left uvtData[2 * 2] = uvtData[0 * 2]; // 0%/25%/50%/75% of the way through the image uvtData[2 * 2 + 1] = 0.0; // bottom bound // Bottom right uvtData[3 * 2] = uvtData[1 * 2]; // 12.5%/37.5%/62.5%/87.5% of the way through the image (1/8th past the top left) uvtData[3 * 2 + 1] = uvtData[2 * 2 + 1]; // bottom bound // === END CAP VERTICES === // Top left vertices[4 * 2] = vertices[2 * 2]; // Inline with bottom left vertex of hold vertices[4 * 2 + 1] = vertices[2 * 2 + 1]; // Inline with bottom left vertex of hold // Top right vertices[5 * 2] = vertices[3 * 2]; // Inline with bottom right vertex of hold vertices[5 * 2 + 1] = vertices[3 * 2 + 1]; // Inline with bottom right vertex of hold // Bottom left vertices[6 * 2] = vertices[2 * 2]; // Inline with left side vertices[6 * 2 + 1] = flipY ? (graphic.height * (-bottomClip + endOffset) * zoom) : (height + graphic.height * (bottomClip - endOffset) * zoom); // Bottom right vertices[7 * 2] = vertices[3 * 2]; // Inline with right side vertices[7 * 2 + 1] = vertices[6 * 2 + 1]; // Inline with bottom of end cap // === END CAP UVs === // Top left uvtData[4 * 2] = uvtData[2 * 2] + 1 / 8; // 12.5%/37.5%/62.5%/87.5% of the way through the image (1/8th past the top left of hold) uvtData[4 * 2 + 1] = if (partHeight > 0) { 0; } else { (bottomHeight - clipHeight) / zoom / graphic.height; }; // Top right uvtData[5 * 2] = uvtData[4 * 2] + 1 / 8; // 25%/50%/75%/100% of the way through the image (1/8th past the top left of cap) uvtData[5 * 2 + 1] = uvtData[4 * 2 + 1]; // top bound // Bottom left uvtData[6 * 2] = uvtData[4 * 2]; // 12.5%/37.5%/62.5%/87.5% of the way through the image (1/8th past the top left of hold) uvtData[6 * 2 + 1] = bottomClip; // bottom bound // Bottom right uvtData[7 * 2] = uvtData[5 * 2]; // 25%/50%/75%/100% of the way through the image (1/8th past the top left of cap) uvtData[7 * 2 + 1] = uvtData[6 * 2 + 1]; // bottom bound } @:access(flixel.FlxCamera) override public function draw():Void { if (alpha == 0 || graphic == null || vertices == null) return; for (camera in cameras) { if (!camera.visible || !camera.exists) continue; // if (!isOnScreen(camera)) continue; // TODO: Update this code to make it work properly. getScreenPosition(_point, camera).subtractPoint(offset); camera.drawTriangles(processedGraphic, vertices, indices, uvtData, null, _point, blend, true, antialiasing); } } public override function kill():Void { super.kill(); strumTime = 0; noteDirection = 0; sustainLength = 0; fullSustainLength = 0; noteData = null; hitNote = false; missedNote = false; } public override function revive():Void { super.revive(); strumTime = 0; noteDirection = 0; sustainLength = 0; fullSustainLength = 0; noteData = null; hitNote = false; missedNote = false; } override public function destroy():Void { vertices = null; indices = null; uvtData = null; processedGraphic.destroy(); super.destroy(); } override function updateColorTransform():Void { super.updateColorTransform(); if (processedGraphic != null) processedGraphic.destroy(); processedGraphic = FlxGraphic.fromGraphic(graphic, true); processedGraphic.bitmap.colorTransform(processedGraphic.bitmap.rect, colorTransform); } }