package; import Controls.Control; import flash.text.TextField; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.addons.display.FlxGridOverlay; import; import flixel.input.keyboard.FlxKey; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import lime.utils.Assets; class OptionsMenu extends MusicBeatState { var selector:FlxText; var curSelected:Int = 0; var controlsStrings:Array = []; private var grpControls:FlxTypedGroup; override function create() { var menuBG:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('menuDesat')); controlsStrings = CoolUtil.coolTextFile('assets/data/controls.txt'); menuBG.color = 0xFFea71fd; menuBG.setGraphicSize( * 1.1)); menuBG.updateHitbox(); menuBG.screenCenter(); menuBG.antialiasing = true; add(menuBG); grpControls = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpControls); for (i in 0...controlsStrings.length) { if (controlsStrings[i].indexOf('set') != -1) { var controlLabel:Alphabet = new Alphabet(0, (70 * i) + 30, controlsStrings[i].substring(3) + ': ' + controlsStrings[i + 1], true, false); controlLabel.isMenuItem = true; controlLabel.targetY = i; grpControls.add(controlLabel); } // DONT PUT X IN THE FIRST PARAMETER OF new ALPHABET() !! } super.create(); } override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); if (controls.ACCEPT) { changeBinding(); } if (isSettingControl) waitingInput(); else { if (controls.BACK) FlxG.switchState(new MainMenuState()); if (controls.UP_P) changeSelection(-1); if (controls.DOWN_P) changeSelection(1); } } function waitingInput():Void { if (FlxG.keys.getIsDown().length > 0) { PlayerSettings.player1.controls.replaceBinding(Control.LEFT, Keys, FlxG.keys.getIsDown()[0].ID, null); } // PlayerSettings.player1.controls.replaceBinding(Control) } var isSettingControl:Bool = false; function changeBinding():Void { if (!isSettingControl) { isSettingControl = true; } } function changeSelection(change:Int = 0) { #if !switch NGio.logEvent('Fresh'); #end'scrollMenu'), 0.4); curSelected += change; if (curSelected < 0) curSelected = grpControls.length - 1; if (curSelected >= grpControls.length) curSelected = 0; // selector.y = (70 * curSelected) + 30; var bullShit:Int = 0; for (item in grpControls.members) { item.targetY = bullShit - curSelected; bullShit++; item.alpha = 0.6; // item.setGraphicSize( * 0.8)); if (item.targetY == 0) { item.alpha = 1; // item.setGraphicSize(; } } } }