package; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.FlxState; import flixel.addons.display.FlxGridOverlay; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionSprite.GraphicTransTileDiamond; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import flixel.addons.transition.TransitionData; import; import; import flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepad; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.math.FlxRect; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; class TitleState extends MusicBeatState { static var initialized:Bool = false; static public var soundExt:String = ".mp3"; var blackScreen:FlxSprite; var credGroup:FlxGroup; var credTextShit:Alphabet; var textGroup:FlxGroup; var ngSpr:FlxSprite; var wackyIntros:Array> = [ ['Shoutouts to tom fulp', 'lmao'], ["Ludum dare", "extraordinaire"], ['Cyberzone', 'coming soon'], ['love to thriftman', 'swag'], ['ULTIMATE RHYTHM GAMING', 'probably'], ['DOPE ASS GAME', 'playstation magazine'], ['in loving memory of', 'henryeyes'], ['dancin', 'forever'], ['Ritz dx', 'rest in peace'], ['rate five', 'pls no blam'], ['rhythm gaming', 'ultimate'], ['game of the year', 'forever'], ['you already know', 'we really out here'], ['rise and grind', 'love to luis'], ['like parappa', 'but cooler'], ['album of the year', 'chuckie finster'], ["free gitaroo man", "with love to wandaboy"], ['better than geometry dash', 'fight me robtop'], ['kiddbrute for president', 'vote now']]; var curWacky:Array = []; override public function create():Void { #if (!web) TitleState.soundExt = '.ogg'; #end PlayerSettings.init(); curWacky = FlxG.random.getObject(wackyIntros); // DEBUG BULLSHIT super.create(); #if SKIP_TO_PLAYSTATE FlxG.switchState(new PlayState()); #else startIntro(); #end } function startIntro() { if (!initialized) { var diamond:FlxGraphic = FlxGraphic.fromClass(GraphicTransTileDiamond); diamond.persist = true; diamond.destroyOnNoUse = false; FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn = new TransitionData(FADE, FlxColor.BLACK, 1, new FlxPoint(0, -1), {asset: diamond, width: 32, height: 32}, new FlxRect(0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height)); FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut = new TransitionData(FADE, FlxColor.BLACK, 0.7, new FlxPoint(0, 1), {asset: diamond, width: 32, height: 32}, new FlxRect(0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height)); FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn.tileData = {asset: diamond, width: 32, height: 32}; FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut.tileData = {asset: diamond, width: 32, height: 32}; transIn = FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn; transOut = FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut; FlxG.sound.playMusic('assets/music/freakyMenu' + TitleState.soundExt, 0);, 0, 0.7); } persistentUpdate = true; var bg:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(AssetPaths.stageback__png); bg.antialiasing = true; bg.setGraphicSize( * 0.6)); bg.updateHitbox(); add(bg); var logoBl:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(AssetPaths.logo__png); logoBl.screenCenter(); logoBl.color = FlxColor.BLACK; add(logoBl); var logo:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(AssetPaths.logo__png); logo.screenCenter(); logo.antialiasing = true; add(logo); FlxTween.tween(logoBl, {y: logoBl.y + 50}, 0.6, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut, type: PINGPONG}); FlxTween.tween(logo, {y: logoBl.y + 50}, 0.6, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut, type: PINGPONG, startDelay: 0.1}); credGroup = new FlxGroup(); add(credGroup); textGroup = new FlxGroup(); blackScreen = new FlxSprite().makeGraphic(FlxG.width, FlxG.height, FlxColor.BLACK); credGroup.add(blackScreen); credTextShit = new Alphabet(0, 0, "ninjamuffin99\nPhantomArcade\nkawaisprite\nevilsk8er", true); credTextShit.screenCenter(); // credTextShit.alignment = CENTER; credTextShit.visible = false; ngSpr = new FlxSprite(0, FlxG.height * 0.52).loadGraphic(AssetPaths.newgrounds_logo__png); add(ngSpr); ngSpr.visible = false; ngSpr.setGraphicSize( * 0.8)); ngSpr.updateHitbox(); ngSpr.screenCenter(X); ngSpr.antialiasing = true; FlxTween.tween(credTextShit, {y: credTextShit.y + 20}, 2.9, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut, type: PINGPONG}); if (initialized) skipIntro(); else initialized = true; // credGroup.add(credTextShit); } var transitioning:Bool = false; override function update(elapsed:Float) { Conductor.songPosition =; var pressedEnter:Bool = FlxG.keys.justPressed.ENTER; var gamepad:FlxGamepad = FlxG.gamepads.lastActive; if (gamepad != null) { if (gamepad.justPressed.START) pressedEnter = true; } if (pressedEnter && !transitioning && skippedIntro) {, 1);'assets/sounds/confirmMenu' + TitleState.soundExt, 0.7); transitioning = true; //; new FlxTimer().start(2, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { FlxG.switchState(new MainMenuState()); }); //'assets/music/titleShoot' + TitleState.soundExt, 0.7); } if (pressedEnter && !skippedIntro) { skipIntro(); } super.update(elapsed); } function createCoolText(textArray:Array) { for (i in 0...textArray.length) { var money:Alphabet = new Alphabet(0, 0, textArray[i], true, false); money.screenCenter(X); money.y += (i * 60) + 200; credGroup.add(money); textGroup.add(money); } } function addMoreText(text:String) { var coolText:Alphabet = new Alphabet(0, 0, text, true, false); coolText.screenCenter(X); coolText.y += (textGroup.length * 60) + 200; credGroup.add(coolText); textGroup.add(coolText); } function deleteCoolText() { while (textGroup.members.length > 0) { credGroup.remove(textGroup.members[0], true); textGroup.remove(textGroup.members[0], true); } } override function beatHit() { super.beatHit(); FlxG.log.add(curBeat); switch (curBeat) { case 1: createCoolText(['ninjamuffin99', 'phantomArcade', 'kawaisprite', 'evilsk8er']); // credTextShit.visible = true; case 3: addMoreText('present'); // credTextShit.text += '\npresent...'; // credTextShit.addText(); case 4: deleteCoolText(); // credTextShit.visible = false; // credTextShit.text = 'In association \nwith'; // credTextShit.screenCenter(); case 5: createCoolText(['In association', 'with']); case 7: addMoreText('newgrounds'); ngSpr.visible = true; // credTextShit.text += '\nNewgrounds'; case 8: deleteCoolText(); ngSpr.visible = false; // credTextShit.visible = false; // credTextShit.text = 'Shoutouts Tom Fulp'; // credTextShit.screenCenter(); case 9: createCoolText([curWacky[0]]); // credTextShit.visible = true; case 11: addMoreText(curWacky[1]); // credTextShit.text += '\nlmao'; case 12: deleteCoolText(); // credTextShit.visible = false; // credTextShit.text = "Friday"; // credTextShit.screenCenter(); case 13: addMoreText('Friday'); // credTextShit.visible = true; case 14: addMoreText('Night'); // credTextShit.text += '\nNight'; case 15: addMoreText('Funkin'); // credTextShit.text += '\nFunkin'; case 16: skipIntro(); } } var skippedIntro:Bool = false; function skipIntro():Void { if (!skippedIntro) { remove(ngSpr);, 4); remove(credGroup); skippedIntro = true; } } }