diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/Call.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/Call.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index bd5d7acaf..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/Call.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds;
-import io.newgrounds.utils.Dispatcher;
-import io.newgrounds.utils.AsyncHttp;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.Error;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.ResultBase;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Response;
-import haxe.ds.StringMap;
-import haxe.Json;
-/** A generic way to handle calls agnostic to their type */
-interface ICallable {
-	public var component(default, null):String;
-	public function send():Void;
-	public function queue():Void;
-	public function destroy():Void;
-class Call<T:ResultBase>
-	implements ICallable {
-	public var component(default, null):String;
-	var _core:NGLite;
-	var _properties:StringMap<Dynamic>;
-	var _parameters:StringMap<Dynamic>;
-	var _requireSession:Bool;
-	var _isSecure:Bool;
-	var _dataHandlers:TypedDispatcher<Response<T>>;
-	var _successHandlers:Dispatcher;
-	var _httpErrorHandlers:TypedDispatcher<Error>;
-	var _statusHandlers:TypedDispatcher<Int>;
-	public function new (core:NGLite, component:String, requireSession:Bool = false, isSecure:Bool = false) {
-		_core = core;
-		this.component = component;
-		_requireSession = requireSession;
-		_isSecure = isSecure && core.encryptionHandler != null;
-	}
-	/** adds a property to the input's object. **/
-	public function addProperty(name:String, value:Dynamic):Call<T> {
-		if (_properties == null)
-			_properties = new StringMap<Dynamic>();
-		_properties.set(name, value);
-		return this;
-	}
-	/** adds a parameter to the call's component object. **/
-	public function addComponentParameter(name:String, value:Dynamic, defaultValue:Dynamic = null):Call<T> {
-		if (value == defaultValue)//TODO?: allow sending null value
-			return this;
-		if (_parameters == null)
-			_parameters = new StringMap<Dynamic>();
-		_parameters.set(name, value);
-		return this;
-	}
-	/** Handy callback setter for chained call modifiers. Called when ng.io replies successfully */
-	public function addDataHandler(handler:Response<T>->Void):Call<T> {
-		if (_dataHandlers == null)
-			_dataHandlers = new TypedDispatcher<Response<T>>();
-		_dataHandlers.add(handler);
-		return this;
-	}
-	/** Handy callback setter for chained call modifiers. Called when ng.io replies successfully */
-	public function addSuccessHandler(handler:Void->Void):Call<T> {
-		if (_successHandlers == null)
-			_successHandlers = new Dispatcher();
-		_successHandlers.add(handler);
-		return this;
-	}
-	/** Handy callback setter for chained call modifiers. Called when ng.io does not reply for any reason */
-	public function addErrorHandler(handler:Error->Void):Call<T> {
-		if (_httpErrorHandlers == null)
-			_httpErrorHandlers = new TypedDispatcher<Error>();
-		_httpErrorHandlers.add(handler);
-		return this;
-	}
-	/** Handy callback setter for chained call modifiers. No idea when this is called; */
-	public function addStatusHandler(handler:Int->Void):Call<T> {//TODO:learn what this is for
-		if (_statusHandlers == null)
-			_statusHandlers = new TypedDispatcher<Int>();
-		_statusHandlers.add(handler);
-		return this;
-	}
-	/** 
-	 * Sends the call to the server, do not modify this object after calling this
-	 * @param secure    If encryption is enabled, it will encrypt the call.
-	**/
-	public function send():Void {
-		var data:Dynamic = {};
-		data.app_id = _core.appId;
-		data.call = {};
-		data.call.component  = component;
-		if (_core.debug)
-			addProperty("debug", true);
-		if (_properties == null || !_properties.exists("session_id")) {
-			// --- HAS NO SESSION ID
-			if (_core.sessionId != null) {
-				addProperty("session_id", _core.sessionId);
-			} else if (_requireSession){
-				_core.logError(new Error('cannot send "$component" call without a sessionId'));
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		if (_properties != null) {
-			for (field in _properties.keys())
-				Reflect.setField(data, field, _properties.get(field));
-		}
-		if (_parameters != null) {
-			data.call.parameters = {};
-			for (field in _parameters.keys())
-				Reflect.setField(data.call.parameters, field, _parameters.get(field));
-		}
-		_core.logVerbose('Post  - ${Json.stringify(data)}');
-		if (_isSecure) {
-			var secureData = _core.encryptionHandler(Json.stringify(data.call));
-			data.call = {};
-			data.call.secure = secureData;
-			_core.logVerbose('    secure - $secureData');
-		}
-		_core.markCallPending(this);
-		AsyncHttp.send(_core, Json.stringify(data), onData, onHttpError, onStatus);
-	}
-	/** Adds the call to the queue */
-	public function queue():Void {
-		_core.queueCall(this);
-	}
-	function onData(reply:String):Void {
-		_core.logVerbose('Reply - $reply');
-		if (_dataHandlers == null && _successHandlers == null)
-			return;
-		var response = new Response<T>(_core, reply);
-		if (_dataHandlers != null)
-			_dataHandlers.dispatch(response);
-		if (response.success && response.result.success && _successHandlers != null)
-			_successHandlers.dispatch();
-		destroy();
-	}
-	function onHttpError(message:String):Void {
-		_core.logError(message);
-		if (_httpErrorHandlers == null)
-			return;
-		var error = new Error(message);
-		_httpErrorHandlers.dispatch(error);
-	}
-	function onStatus(status:Int):Void {
-		if (_statusHandlers == null)
-			return;
-		_statusHandlers.dispatch(status);
-	}
-	public function destroy():Void {
-		_core = null;
-		_properties = null;
-		_parameters = null;
-		_dataHandlers = null;
-		_successHandlers = null;
-		_httpErrorHandlers = null;
-		_statusHandlers = null;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/NG.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/NG.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3445443ee..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/NG.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds;
-#if ng_lite
-typedef NG = NGLite; //TODO: test and make lite UI
-import io.newgrounds.utils.Dispatcher;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.Error;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.SessionResult;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.MedalListResult;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.ScoreBoardResult;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Response;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.User;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.Medal;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.Session;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.ScoreBoard;
-import haxe.ds.IntMap;
-import haxe.Timer;
- * The Newgrounds API for Haxe.
- * Contains many things ripped from MSGhero
- *   - https://github.com/MSGhero/NG.hx
- * @author GeoKureli
- */
-class NG extends NGLite {
-	static public var core(default, null):NG;
-	static public var onCoreReady(default, null):Dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
-	// --- DATA
-	/** The logged in user */
-	public var user(get, never):User;
-	function get_user():User {
-		if (_session == null)
-			return null;
-		return _session.user;
-	}
-	public var passportUrl(get, never):String;
-	function get_passportUrl():String {
-		if (_session == null || _session.status != SessionStatus.REQUEST_LOGIN)
-			return null;
-		return _session.passportUrl;
-	}
-	public var medals(default, null):IntMap<Medal>;
-	public var scoreBoards(default, null):IntMap<ScoreBoard>;
-	// --- EVENTS
-	public var onLogin(default, null):Dispatcher;
-	public var onLogOut(default, null):Dispatcher;
-	public var onMedalsLoaded(default, null):Dispatcher;
-	public var onScoreBoardsLoaded(default, null):Dispatcher;
-	// --- MISC
-	public var loggedIn(default, null):Bool;
-	public var attemptingLogin(default, null):Bool;
-	var _loginCancelled:Bool;
-	var _passportCallback:Void->Void;
-	var _session:Session;
-	/** 
-	 * Iniitializes the API, call before utilizing any other component
-	 * @param appId     The unique ID of your app as found in the 'API Tools' tab of your Newgrounds.com project.
-	 * @param sessionId A unique session id used to identify the active user.
-	**/
-	public function new(appId = "test", sessionId:String = null, ?onSessionFail:Error->Void) {
-		_session = new Session(this);
-		onLogin = new Dispatcher();
-		onLogOut = new Dispatcher();
-		onMedalsLoaded = new Dispatcher();
-		onScoreBoardsLoaded = new Dispatcher();
-		attemptingLogin = sessionId != null;
-		super(appId, sessionId, onSessionFail);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Creates NG.core, the heart and soul of the API. This is not the only way to create an instance,
-	 * nor is NG a forced singleton, but it's the only way to set the static NG.core.
-	**/
-	static public function create(appId = "test", sessionId:String = null, ?onSessionFail:Error->Void):Void {
-		core = new NG(appId, sessionId, onSessionFail);
-		onCoreReady.dispatch();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Creates NG.core, and tries to create a session. This is not the only way to create an instance,
-	 * nor is NG a forced singleton, but it's the only way to set the static NG.core.
-	**/
-	static public function createAndCheckSession
-	( appId = "test"
-	, backupSession:String = null
-	, ?onSessionFail:Error->Void
-	):Void {
-		var session = NGLite.getSessionId();
-		if (session == null)
-			session = backupSession;
-		create(appId, session, onSessionFail);
-		core.host = getHost();
-		if (core.sessionId != null)
-			core.attemptingLogin = true;
-	}
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//                                         APP
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	override function checkInitialSession(failHandler:Error->Void, response:Response<SessionResult>):Void {
-		onSessionReceive(response, null, null, failHandler);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Begins the login process
-	 * 
-	 * @param onSuccess Called when the login is a success
-	 * @param onPending Called when the passportUrl has been identified, call NG.core.openPassportLink 
-	 *                  to open the link continue the process. Leave as null to open the url automatically
-	 *                  NOTE: Browser games must open links on click events or else it will be blocked by
-	 *                  the popup blocker.
-	 * @param onFail    
-	 * @param onCancel  Called when the user denies the passport connection.
-	 */
-	public function requestLogin
-	( onSuccess:Void->Void  = null
-	, onPending:Void->Void  = null
-	, onFail   :Error->Void = null
-	, onCancel :Void->Void  = null
-	):Void {
-		if (attemptingLogin) {
-			logError("cannot request another login until the previous attempt is complete");
-			return;
-		}
-		if (loggedIn) {
-			logError("cannot log in, already logged in");
-			return;
-		}
-		attemptingLogin = true;
-		_loginCancelled = false;
-		_passportCallback = null;
-		var call = calls.app.startSession(true)
-			.addDataHandler(onSessionReceive.bind(_, onSuccess, onPending, onFail, onCancel));
-		if (onFail != null)
-			call.addErrorHandler(onFail);
-		call.send();
-	}
-	function onSessionReceive
-	( response :Response<SessionResult>
-	, onSuccess:Void->Void = null
-	, onPending:Void->Void = null
-	, onFail   :Error->Void = null
-	, onCancel :Void->Void = null
-	):Void {
-		if (!response.success || !response.result.success) {
-			sessionId = null;
-			endLoginAndCall(null);
-			if (onFail != null)
-				onFail(!response.success ? response.error : response.result.error);
-			return;
-		}
-		_session.parse(response.result.data.session);
-		sessionId = _session.id;
-		logVerbose('session started - status: ${_session.status}');
-		if (_session.status == SessionStatus.REQUEST_LOGIN) {
-			_passportCallback = checkSession.bind(null, onSuccess, onCancel);
-			if (onPending != null)
-				onPending();
-			else
-				openPassportUrl();
-		} else
-			checkSession(null, onSuccess, onCancel);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Call this once the passport link is established and it will load the passport URL and
-	 * start checking for session connect periodically
-	 */
-	public function openPassportUrl():Void {
-		if (passportUrl != null) {
-			logVerbose('loading passport: ${passportUrl}');
-			openPassportHelper(passportUrl);
-			onPassportUrlOpen();
-		} else
-			logError("Cannot open passport");
-	}
-	static function openPassportHelper(url:String):Void {
-		var window = "_blank";
-		#if flash
-			flash.Lib.getURL(new flash.net.URLRequest(url), window);
-		#elseif (js && html5)
-			js.Browser.window.open(url, window);
-		#elseif desktop
-			#if (sys && windows)
-				Sys.command("start", ["", url]);
-			#elseif mac
-				Sys.command("/usr/bin/open", [url]);
-			#elseif linux
-				Sys.command("/usr/bin/xdg-open", [path, "&"]);
-			#end
-		#elseif android
-			JNI.createStaticMethod
-				( "org/haxe/lime/GameActivity"
-				, "openURL"
-				, "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V"
-				) (url, window);
-		#end
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Call this once the passport link is established and it will start checking for session connect periodically
-	 */
-	public function onPassportUrlOpen():Void {
-		if (_passportCallback != null)
-			_passportCallback();
-		_passportCallback = null;
-	}
-	function checkSession(response:Response<SessionResult>, onSucceess:Void->Void, onCancel:Void->Void):Void {
-		if (response != null) {
-			if (!response.success || !response.result.success) {
-				log("login cancelled via passport");
-				endLoginAndCall(onCancel);
-				return;
-			}
-			_session.parse(response.result.data.session);
-		}
-		if (_session.status == SessionStatus.USER_LOADED) {
-			loggedIn = true;
-			endLoginAndCall(onSucceess);
-			onLogin.dispatch();
-		} else if (_session.status == SessionStatus.REQUEST_LOGIN){
-			var call = calls.app.checkSession()
-				.addDataHandler(checkSession.bind(_, onSucceess, onCancel));
-			// Wait 3 seconds and try again
-			timer(3.0,
-				function():Void {
-					// Check if cancelLoginRequest was called
-					if (!_loginCancelled)
-						call.send();
-					else {
-						log("login cancelled via cancelLoginRequest");
-						endLoginAndCall(onCancel);
-					}
-				}
-			);
-		} else
-			// The user cancelled the passport
-			endLoginAndCall(onCancel);
-	}
-	public function cancelLoginRequest():Void {
-		if (attemptingLogin)
-			_loginCancelled = true;
-	}
-	function endLoginAndCall(callback:Void->Void):Void {
-		attemptingLogin = false;
-		_loginCancelled = false;
-		if (callback != null)
-			callback();
-	}
-	public function logOut(onComplete:Void->Void = null):Void {
-		var call = calls.app.endSession()
-			.addSuccessHandler(onLogOutSuccessful);
-		if (onComplete != null)
-			call.addSuccessHandler(onComplete);
-		call.addSuccessHandler(onLogOut.dispatch)
-			.send();
-	}
-	function onLogOutSuccessful():Void {
-		_session.expire();
-		sessionId = null;
-		loggedIn = false;
-	}
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//                                       MEDALS
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	public function requestMedals(onSuccess:Void->Void = null, onFail:Error->Void = null):Void {
-		var call = calls.medal.getList()
-			.addDataHandler(onMedalsReceived);
-		if (onSuccess != null)
-			call.addSuccessHandler(onSuccess);
-		if (onFail != null)
-			call.addErrorHandler(onFail);
-		call.send();
-	}
-	function onMedalsReceived(response:Response<MedalListResult>):Void {
-		if (!response.success || !response.result.success)
-			return;
-		var idList:Array<Int> = new Array<Int>();
-		if (medals == null) {
-			medals = new IntMap<Medal>();
-			for (medalData in response.result.data.medals) {
-				var medal = new Medal(this, medalData);
-				medals.set(medal.id, medal);
-				idList.push(medal.id);
-			}
-		} else {
-			for (medalData in response.result.data.medals) {
-				medals.get(medalData.id).parse(medalData);
-				idList.push(medalData.id);
-			}
-		}
-		logVerbose('${response.result.data.medals.length} Medals received [${idList.join(", ")}]');
-		onMedalsLoaded.dispatch();
-	}
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//                                       SCOREBOARDS
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	public function requestScoreBoards(onSuccess:Void->Void = null, onFail:Error->Void = null):Void {
-		if (scoreBoards != null) {
-			log("aborting scoreboard request, all scoreboards are loaded");
-			if (onSuccess != null)
-				onSuccess();
-			return;
-		}
-		var call = calls.scoreBoard.getBoards()
-			.addDataHandler(onBoardsReceived);
-		if (onSuccess != null)
-			call.addSuccessHandler(onSuccess);
-		if (onFail != null)
-			call.addErrorHandler(onFail);
-		call.send();
-	}
-	function onBoardsReceived(response:Response<ScoreBoardResult>):Void {
-		if (!response.success || !response.result.success)
-			return;
-		var idList:Array<Int> = new Array<Int>();
-		if (scoreBoards == null) {
-			scoreBoards = new IntMap<ScoreBoard>();
-			for (boardData in response.result.data.scoreboards) {
-				var board = new ScoreBoard(this, boardData);
-				scoreBoards.set(board.id, board);
-				idList.push(board.id);
-			}
-		}
-		logVerbose('${response.result.data.scoreboards.length} ScoreBoards received [${idList.join(", ")}]');
-		onScoreBoardsLoaded.dispatch();
-	}
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//                                       HELPERS
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	function timer(delay:Float, callback:Void->Void):Void {
-		var timer = new Timer(Std.int(delay * 1000));
-		timer.run = function func():Void {
-			timer.stop();
-			callback();
-		}
-	}
-	static var urlParser:EReg = ~/^(?:http[s]?:\/\/)?([^:\/\s]+)(:[0-9]+)?((?:\/\w+)*\/)([\w\-\.]+[^#?\s]+)([^#\s]*)?(#[\w\-]+)?$/i;//TODO:trim
-	/** Used to get the current web host of your game. */
-	static public function getHost():String {
-		var url = NGLite.getUrl();
-		if (url == null || url == "")
-			return "<AppView>";
-		if (url.indexOf("file") == 0)
-			return "<LocalHost>";
-		if (urlParser.match(url))
-			return urlParser.matched(1);
-		return "<Unknown>";
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/NGLite.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/NGLite.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c9d5bdf5..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/NGLite.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds;
-import haxe.crypto.Base64;
-import haxe.io.Bytes;
-import haxe.PosInfos;
-import io.newgrounds.Call.ICallable;
-import io.newgrounds.components.ComponentList;
-import io.newgrounds.crypto.EncryptionFormat;
-import io.newgrounds.crypto.Cipher;
-import io.newgrounds.crypto.Rc4;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.Error;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Response;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.ResultBase;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.SessionResult;
-import io.newgrounds.utils.Dispatcher;
-#if !(html5 || flash || desktop || neko)
-	#error "Target not supported, use: Flash, JS/HTML5, cpp or maybe neko";
- * The barebones NG.io API. Allows API calls with code completion
- * and retrieves server data via strongly typed Objects
- * 
- * Contains many things ripped from MSGhero's repo
- *   - https://github.com/MSGhero/NG.hx
- * 
- * @author GeoKureli
- */
-class NGLite {
-	static public var core(default, null):NGLite;
-	static public var onCoreReady(default, null):Dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
-	/** Enables verbose logging */
-	public var verbose:Bool;
-	public var debug:Bool;
-	/** The unique ID of your app as found in the 'API Tools' tab of your Newgrounds.com project. */
-	public var appId(default, null):String;
-	/** The name of the host the game is being played on */
-	public var host:String;
-	@:isVar
-	public var sessionId(default, set):String;
-	function set_sessionId(value:String):String {
-		return this.sessionId = value == "" ? null : value;
-	}
-	/** Components used to call the NG server directly */
-	public var calls(default, null):ComponentList;
-	/**
-	 * Converts an object to an encrypted string that can be decrypted by the server.
-	 * Set your preffered encrypter here,
-	 * or just call setDefaultEcryptionHandler with your app's encryption settings
-	**/
-	public var encryptionHandler:String->String;
-	/** 
-	 * Iniitializes the API, call before utilizing any other component
-	 * @param appId  	The unique ID of your app as found in the 'API Tools' tab of your Newgrounds.com project.
-	 * @param sessionId A unique session id used to identify the active user.
-	**/
-	public function new(appId = "test", sessionId:String = null, ?onSessionFail:Error->Void) {
-		this.appId = appId;
-		this.sessionId = sessionId;
-		calls = new ComponentList(this);
-		if (this.sessionId != null) {
-			calls.app.checkSession()
-				.addDataHandler(checkInitialSession.bind(onSessionFail))
-				.addErrorHandler(initialSessionFail.bind(onSessionFail))
-				.send();
-		}
-	}
-	function checkInitialSession(onFail:Error->Void, response:Response<SessionResult>):Void {
-		if (!response.success || !response.result.success || response.result.data.session.expired) {
-			initialSessionFail(onFail, response.success ? response.result.error : response.error);
-		}
-	}
-	function initialSessionFail(onFail:Error->Void, error:Error):Void {
-		sessionId = null;
-		if (onFail != null)
-			onFail(error);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Creates NG.core, the heart and soul of the API. This is not the only way to create an instance,
-	 * nor is NG a forced singleton, but it's the only way to set the static NG.core.
-	**/
-	static public function create(appId = "test", sessionId:String = null, ?onSessionFail:Error->Void):Void {
-		core = new NGLite(appId, sessionId, onSessionFail);
-		onCoreReady.dispatch();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Creates NG.core, and tries to create a session. This is not the only way to create an instance,
-	 * nor is NG a forced singleton, but it's the only way to set the static NG.core.
-	**/
-	static public function createAndCheckSession
-	( appId = "test"
-	, backupSession:String = null
-	, ?onSessionFail:Error->Void
-	):Void {
-		var session = getSessionId();
-		if (session == null)
-			session = backupSession;
-		create(appId, session, onSessionFail);
-	}
-	inline static public function getUrl():String {
-		#if html5
-			return js.Browser.document.location.href;
-		#elseif flash
-			return flash.Lib.current.stage.loaderInfo != null
-				? flash.Lib.current.stage.loaderInfo.url
-				: null;
-		#else
-			return null;
-		#end
-	}
-	static public function getSessionId():String {
-		#if html5
-			var url = getUrl();
-			// Check for URL params
-			var index = url.indexOf("?");
-			if (index != -1) {
-				// Check for session ID in params
-				for (param in url.substr(index + 1).split("&")) {
-					index = param.indexOf("=");
-					if (index != -1 && param.substr(0, index) == "ngio_session_id")
-						return param.substr(index + 1);
-				}
-			}
-		#elseif flash
-			if (flash.Lib.current.stage.loaderInfo != null
-			&&  Reflect.hasField(flash.Lib.current.stage.loaderInfo.parameters, "ngio_session_id"))
-				return Reflect.field(flash.Lib.current.stage.loaderInfo.parameters, "ngio_session_id");
-		#end
-		return null;
-		//{ "1517703669"                : ""
-		//, "ng_username"               : "GeoKureli"
-		//, "NewgroundsAPI_SessionID"   : "F1LusbG6P8Qf91w7zeUE37c1752563f366688ac6153996d12eeb111a2f60w2xn"
-		//, "NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID" : 1
-		//, "NewgroundsAPI_UserID"      : 488329
-		//, "NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID"   : "5a76520e4ae1e"
-		//, "ngio_session_id"           : "0c6c4e02567a5116734ba1a0cd841dac28a42e79302290"
-		//, "NewgroundsAPI_UserName"    : "GeoKureli"
-		//}
-	}
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//                                   CALLS
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	var _queuedCalls:Array<ICallable> = new Array<ICallable>();
-	var _pendingCalls:Array<ICallable> = new Array<ICallable>();
-	@:allow(io.newgrounds.Call)
-	@:generic
-	function queueCall<T:ResultBase>(call:Call<T>):Void {
-		logVerbose('queued - ${call.component}');
-		_queuedCalls.push(call);
-		checkQueue();
-	}
-	@:allow(io.newgrounds.Call)
-	@:generic
-	function markCallPending<T:ResultBase>(call:Call<T>):Void {
-		_pendingCalls.push(call);
-		call.addDataHandler(function (_):Void { onCallComplete(call); });
-		call.addErrorHandler(function (_):Void { onCallComplete(call); });
-	}
-	function onCallComplete(call:ICallable):Void {
-		_pendingCalls.remove(call);
-		checkQueue();
-	}
-	function checkQueue():Void {
-		if (_pendingCalls.length == 0 && _queuedCalls.length > 0)
-			_queuedCalls.shift().send();
-	}
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//                                   LOGGING / ERRORS
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/** Called internally, set this to your preferred logging method */
-	dynamic public function log(any:Dynamic, ?pos:PosInfos):Void {//TODO: limit access via @:allow
-		haxe.Log.trace('[Newgrounds API] :: ${any}', pos);
-	}
-	/** used internally, logs if verbose is true */
-	inline public function logVerbose(any:Dynamic, ?pos:PosInfos):Void {//TODO: limit access via @:allow
-		if (verbose)
-			log(any, pos);
-	}
-	/** Used internally. Logs by default, set this to your preferred error handling method */
-	dynamic public function logError(any:Dynamic, ?pos:PosInfos):Void {//TODO: limit access via @:allow
-		log('Error: $any', pos);
-	}
-	/** used internally, calls log error if the condition is false. EX: if (assert(data != null, "null data")) */
-	inline public function assert(condition:Bool, msg:Dynamic, ?pos:PosInfos):Bool {//TODO: limit access via @:allow
-		if (!condition)
-			logError(msg, pos);
-		return condition;
-	}
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//                                       ENCRYPTION
-    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/** Sets */
-	public function initEncryption
-	( key   :String
-	, cipher:Cipher = Cipher.RC4
-	, format:EncryptionFormat = EncryptionFormat.BASE_64
-	):Void {
-		if (cipher == Cipher.NONE)
-			encryptionHandler = null;
-		else if (cipher == Cipher.RC4)
-			encryptionHandler = encryptRc4.bind(key, format);
-		else
-			throw "aes not yet implemented";
-	}
-	function encryptRc4(key:String, format:EncryptionFormat, data:String):String {
-		if (format == EncryptionFormat.HEX)
-			throw "hex format not yet implemented";
-		var keyBytes:Bytes;
-		if (format == EncryptionFormat.BASE_64)
-			keyBytes = Base64.decode(key);
-		else
-			keyBytes = null;//TODO
-		var dataBytes = new Rc4(keyBytes).crypt(Bytes.ofString(data));
-		if (format == EncryptionFormat.BASE_64)
-			return Base64.encode(dataBytes);
-		return null;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/components/AppComponent.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/components/AppComponent.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ea5b8b16..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/components/AppComponent.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.components;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.SessionResult;
-import io.newgrounds.NGLite;
-class AppComponent extends Component {
-	public function new (core:NGLite) { super(core); }
-	public function startSession(force:Bool = false):Call<SessionResult> {
-		return new Call<SessionResult>(_core, "App.startSession")
-			.addComponentParameter("force", force, false);
-	}
-	public function checkSession():Call<SessionResult> {
-		return new Call<SessionResult>(_core, "App.checkSession", true);
-	}
-	public function endSession():Call<SessionResult> {
-		return new Call<SessionResult>(_core, "App.endSession", true);
-	}
-	public function getCurrentVersion(version:String):Call<GetCurrentVersionResult> {
-		return new Call<GetCurrentVersionResult>(_core, "App.getCurrentVersion")
-			.addComponentParameter("version", version);
-	}
-	public function getHostLicense():Call<GetHostResult> {
-		return new Call<GetHostResult>(_core, "App.getHostLicense")
-			.addComponentParameter("host", _core.host);
-	}
-	public function logView():Call<ResultBase> {
-		return new Call<ResultBase>(_core, "App.logView")
-			.addComponentParameter("host", _core.host);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/components/Component.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/components/Component.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c588ff19..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/components/Component.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.components;
-import io.newgrounds.NGLite;
-class Component {
-	var _core:NGLite;
-	public function new(core:NGLite) {
-		this._core = core;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/components/ComponentList.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/components/ComponentList.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 315abf4ed..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/components/ComponentList.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.components;
-class ComponentList {
-	var _core:NGLite;
-	public var medal     : MedalComponent;
-	public var app       : AppComponent;
-	public var event     : EventComponent;
-	public var scoreBoard: ScoreBoardComponent;
-	public var loader    : LoaderComponent;
-	public var gateway   : GatewayComponent;
-	public function new(core:NGLite) {
-		_core = core;
-		medal      = new MedalComponent     (_core);
-		app        = new AppComponent       (_core);
-		event      = new EventComponent     (_core);
-		scoreBoard = new ScoreBoardComponent(_core);
-		loader     = new LoaderComponent    (_core);
-		gateway    = new GatewayComponent   (_core);
-	}
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/components/EventComponent.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/components/EventComponent.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e631773e..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/components/EventComponent.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.components;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.LogEventResult;
-import io.newgrounds.NGLite;
-class EventComponent extends Component {
-	public function new (core:NGLite){ super(core); }
-	public function logEvent(eventName:String):Call<LogEventResult> {
-		return new Call<LogEventResult>(_core, "Event.logEvent")
-			.addComponentParameter("event_name", eventName)
-			.addComponentParameter("host", _core.host);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/components/GatewayComponent.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/components/GatewayComponent.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f0ece617..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/components/GatewayComponent.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.components;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result;
-import io.newgrounds.NGLite;
-class GatewayComponent extends Component {
-	public function new (core:NGLite){ super(core); }
-	public function getDatetime():Call<GetDateTimeResult> {
-		return new Call<GetDateTimeResult>(_core, "Gateway.getDatetime");
-	}
-	public function getVersion():Call<GetVersionResult> {
-		return new Call<GetVersionResult>(_core, "Gateway.getVersion");
-	}
-	public function ping():Call<PingResult> {
-		return new Call<PingResult>(_core, "Gateway.ping");
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/components/LoaderComponent.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/components/LoaderComponent.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 717cc2eb2..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/components/LoaderComponent.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.components;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result;
-import io.newgrounds.NGLite;
-class LoaderComponent extends Component {
-	public function new (core:NGLite){ super(core); }
-	public function loadAuthorUrl(redirect:Bool = false):Call<ResultBase> {
-		return new Call<ResultBase>(_core, "Loader.loadAuthorUrl")
-			.addComponentParameter("host", _core.host)
-			.addComponentParameter("redirect", redirect, true);
-	}
-	public function loadMoreGames(redirect:Bool = false):Call<ResultBase> {
-		return new Call<ResultBase>(_core, "Loader.loadMoreGames")
-			.addComponentParameter("host", _core.host)
-			.addComponentParameter("redirect", redirect, true);
-	}
-	public function loadNewgrounds(redirect:Bool = false):Call<ResultBase> {
-		return new Call<ResultBase>(_core, "Loader.loadNewgrounds")
-			.addComponentParameter("host", _core.host)
-			.addComponentParameter("redirect", redirect, true);
-	}
-	public function loadOfficialUrl(redirect:Bool = false):Call<ResultBase> {
-		return new Call<ResultBase>(_core, "Loader.loadOfficialUrl")
-			.addComponentParameter("host", _core.host)
-			.addComponentParameter("redirect", redirect, true);
-	}
-	public function loadReferral(redirect:Bool = false):Call<ResultBase> {
-		return new Call<ResultBase>(_core, "Loader.loadReferral")
-			.addComponentParameter("host", _core.host)
-			.addComponentParameter("redirect", redirect, true);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/components/MedalComponent.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/components/MedalComponent.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e56621c4..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/components/MedalComponent.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.components;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result;
-import io.newgrounds.Call;
-import io.newgrounds.NGLite;
-class MedalComponent extends Component {
-	public function new(core:NGLite):Void { super(core); }
-	public function unlock(id:Int):Call<MedalUnlockResult> {
-		return new Call<MedalUnlockResult>(_core, "Medal.unlock", true, true)
-			.addComponentParameter("id", id);
-	}
-	public function getList():Call<MedalListResult> {
-		return new Call<MedalListResult>(_core, "Medal.getList");
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/components/ScoreBoardComponent.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/components/ScoreBoardComponent.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7417e67c6..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/components/ScoreBoardComponent.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.components;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.User;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Response;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.ScoreBoardResult;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.ScoreResult;
-import io.newgrounds.NGLite;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.ScoreBoard;
-import haxe.ds.IntMap;
-class ScoreBoardComponent extends Component {
-	public var allById:IntMap<ScoreBoard>;
-	public function new (core:NGLite){ super(core); }
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//                                       GET SCORES
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	public function getBoards():Call<ScoreBoardResult> {
-		return new Call<ScoreBoardResult>(_core, "ScoreBoard.getBoards");
-	}
-	/*function onBoardsReceive(response:Response<ScoreBoardResult>):Void {
-		if (!response.result.success)
-			return;
-		allById = new IntMap<ScoreBoard>();
-		for (boardData in response.result.scoreboards)
-			createBoard(boardData);
-		_core.log('${response.result.scoreboards.length} ScoreBoards loaded');
-	}*/
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//                                       GET SCORES
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	public function getScores
-	( id    :Int
-	, limit :Int     = 10
-	, skip  :Int     = 0
-	, period:Period  = Period.DAY
-	, social:Bool    = false
-	, tag   :String  = null
-	, user  :Dynamic = null
-	):Call<ScoreResult> {
-		if (user != null && !Std.is(user, String) && !Std.is(user, Int))
-			user = user.id;
-		return new Call<ScoreResult>(_core, "ScoreBoard.getScores")
-			.addComponentParameter("id"    , id    )
-			.addComponentParameter("limit" , limit , 10)
-			.addComponentParameter("skip"  , skip  , 0)
-			.addComponentParameter("period", period, Period.DAY)
-			.addComponentParameter("social", social, false)
-			.addComponentParameter("tag"   , tag   , null)
-			.addComponentParameter("user"  , user  , null);
-	}
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//                                       POST SCORE
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	public function postScore(id:Int, value:Int, tag:String = null):Call<PostScoreResult> {
-		return new Call<PostScoreResult>(_core, "ScoreBoard.postScore", true, true)
-			.addComponentParameter("id"   , id)
-			.addComponentParameter("value", value)
-			.addComponentParameter("tag"  , tag  , null);
-	}
-	/*function onScorePosted(response:Response<ResultBase>):Void {
-		if (!response.result.success)
-			return;
-		allById = new IntMap<ScoreBoard>();
-		//createBoard(data.data.scoreBoard).parseScores(data.data.scores);
-	}*/
-	inline function createBoard(data:Dynamic):ScoreBoard {
-		var board = new ScoreBoard(_core, data);
-		_core.logVerbose('created $board');
-		allById.set(board.id, board);
-		return board;
-	}
-abstract Period(String) to String from String{
-	/** Indicates scores are from the current day. */
-	var DAY = "D";
-	/** Indicates scores are from the current week. */
-	var WEEK = "W";
-	/** Indicates scores are from the current month. */
-	var MONTH = "M";
-	/** Indicates scores are from the current year. */
-	var YEAR = "Y";
-	/** Indicates scores are from all-time. */
-	var ALL = "A";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/crypto/Cipher.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/crypto/Cipher.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f4c00753..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/crypto/Cipher.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.crypto;
-abstract Cipher(String) to String{
-	var NONE    = "none";
-	var AES_128 = "aes128";
-	var RC4     = "rc4";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/crypto/EncryptionFormat.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/crypto/EncryptionFormat.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e8f17fd6..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/crypto/EncryptionFormat.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.crypto;
-abstract EncryptionFormat(String) to String {
-	var BASE_64 = "base64";
-	var HEX     = "hex";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/crypto/Rc4.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/crypto/Rc4.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 54dafa74b..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/crypto/Rc4.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.crypto;
-import haxe.io.Bytes;
- * The following was straight-up ganked from https://github.com/iskolbin/rc4hx
- * 
- * You da real MVP iskolbin...
- * 
- * The MIT License (MIT)
- * 
- * Copyright (c) 2015 iskolbin
- * 
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- * 
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- * 
-class Rc4 {
-	var perm = Bytes.alloc( 256 );
-	var index1: Int = 0;
-	var index2: Int = 0;
-	public function new( key: Bytes ) {
-		for ( i in 0...256 ) {
-			perm.set( i, i );
-		}
-		var j: Int = 0;
-		for ( i in 0...256 ) {
-			j = ( j + perm.get( i ) + key.get( i % key.length )) % 256; 
-			swap( i, j );
-		}
-	}
-	inline function swap( i: Int, j: Int ): Void {
-		var temp = perm.get( i );
-		perm.set( i, perm.get( j ));
-		perm.set( j, temp );
-	}
-	public function crypt( input: Bytes ): Bytes {
-		var output = Bytes.alloc( input.length );
-		for ( i in 0...input.length ) {
-			index1 = ( index1 + 1 ) % 256;
-			index2 = ( index2 + perm.get( index1 )) % 256;
-			swap( index1, index2 );
-			var j = ( perm.get( index1 ) + perm.get( index2 )) % 256;
-			output.set( i, input.get( i ) ^ perm.get( j ));
-		}
-		return output;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Error.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Error.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e82e4e2e..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Error.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.objects;
-class Error {
-	public var code(default, null):Int;
-	public var message(default, null):String;
-	public function new (message:String, code:Int = 0) {
-		this.message = message;
-		this.code = code;
-	}
-	public function toString():String {
-		if (code > 0)
-			return '#$code - $message';
-		return message;
-	}
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Medal.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Medal.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cecc7a6b..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Medal.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.objects;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Response;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.MedalUnlockResult;
-import io.newgrounds.utils.Dispatcher;
-import io.newgrounds.NGLite;
-class Medal extends Object {
-	inline static public var EASY       :Int = 1;
-	inline static public var MODERATE   :Int = 2;
-	inline static public var CHALLENGING:Int = 3;
-	inline static public var DIFFICULT  :Int = 4;
-	inline static public var BRUTAL     :Int = 5;
-	static var difficultyNames:Array<String> = 
-		[ "Easy"
-		, "Moderate"
-		, "Challenging"
-		, "Difficult"
-		, "Brutal"
-		];
-	// --- FROM SERVER
-	public var id         (default, null):Int;
-	public var name       (default, null):String;
-	public var description(default, null):String;
-	public var icon       (default, null):String;
-	public var value      (default, null):Int;
-	public var difficulty (default, null):Int;
-	public var secret     (default, null):Bool;
-	public var unlocked   (default, null):Bool;
-	// --- HELPERS
-	public var difficultyName(get, never):String;
-	public var onUnlock:Dispatcher;
-	public function new(core:NGLite, data:Dynamic = null):Void {
-		onUnlock = new Dispatcher();
-		super(core, data);
-	}
-	@:allow(io.newgrounds.NG)
-	override function parse(data:Dynamic):Void {
-		var wasLocked = !unlocked;
-		id          = data.id;
-		name        = data.name;
-		description = data.description;
-		icon        = data.icon;
-		value       = data.value;
-		difficulty  = data.difficulty;
-		secret      = data.secret == 1;
-		unlocked    = data.unlocked;
-		super.parse(data);
-		if (wasLocked && unlocked)
-			onUnlock.dispatch();
-	}
-	public function sendUnlock():Void {
-		if (_core.sessionId == null) {
-			// --- Unlock regardless, show medal popup to encourage NG signup
-			unlocked = true;
-			onUnlock.dispatch();
-			//TODO: save unlock in local save
-		}
-		_core.calls.medal.unlock(id)
-			.addDataHandler(onUnlockResponse)
-			.send();
-	}
-	function onUnlockResponse(response:Response<MedalUnlockResult>):Void {
-		if (response.success && response.result.success) {
-			parse(response.result.data.medal);
-			// --- Unlock response doesn't include unlock=true, so parse won't change it.
-			if (!unlocked) {
-				unlocked = true;
-				onUnlock.dispatch();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/** Locks the medal on the client and sends an unlock request, Server responds the same either way. */ 
-	public function sendDebugUnlock():Void {
-		if (NG.core.sessionId == null) {
-			onUnlock.dispatch();
-		} else {
-			unlocked = false;
-			sendUnlock();
-		}
-	}
-	public function get_difficultyName():String {
-		return difficultyNames[difficulty - 1];
-	}
-	public function toString():String {
-		return 'Medal: $id@$name (${unlocked ? "unlocked" : "locked"}, $value pts, $difficultyName).';
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Object.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Object.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 32abd0fe5..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Object.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.objects;
-import io.newgrounds.utils.Dispatcher;
-import io.newgrounds.NGLite;
-class Object {
-	var _core:NGLite;
-	public var onUpdate(default, null):Dispatcher;
-	public function new(core:NGLite, data:Dynamic = null) {
-		this._core = core; 
-		onUpdate = new Dispatcher();
-		if (data != null)
-			parse(data);
-	}
-	@:allow(io.newgrounds.NGLite)
-	function parse(data:Dynamic):Void {
-		onUpdate.dispatch();
-	}
-	public function destroy():Void {
-		_core = null;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Score.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Score.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eb698267..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Score.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.objects;
-/** We don't want to serialize scores since there's a bajillion of them. */
-typedef Score = {
-	/** The value value in the format selected in your scoreboard settings. */
-	var formatted_value:String;
-	/** The tag attached to this value (if any). */
-	var tag:String;
-	/** The user who earned value. If this property is absent, the value belongs to the active user. */
-	var user:User;
-	/** The integer value of the value. */
-	var value:Int;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/ScoreBoard.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/objects/ScoreBoard.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1859b0808..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/ScoreBoard.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.objects;
-import io.newgrounds.components.ScoreBoardComponent.Period;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Response;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.ScoreResult;
-import io.newgrounds.NGLite;
-class ScoreBoard extends Object {
-	public var scores(default, null):Array<Score>;
-	/** The numeric ID of the scoreboard.*/
-	public var id(default, null):Int;
-	/** The name of the scoreboard. */
-	public var name(default, null):String;
-	public function new(core:NGLite, data:Dynamic):Void {super(core, data); }
-	override function parse(data:Dynamic):Void {
-		id   = data.id;
-		name = data.name;
-		super.parse(data);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Fetches score data from the server, this removes all of the existing scores cached
-	 * 
-	 * We don't unify the old and new scores because a user's rank or score may change between requests
-	 */
-	public function requestScores
-	( limit :Int     = 10
-	, skip  :Int     = 0
-	, period:Period  = Period.ALL
-	, social:Bool    = false
-	, tag   :String  = null
-	, user  :Dynamic = null
-	):Void {
-		_core.calls.scoreBoard.getScores(id, limit, skip, period, social, tag, user)
-			.addDataHandler(onScoresReceived)
-			.send();
-	}
-	function onScoresReceived(response:Response<ScoreResult>):Void {
-		if (!response.success || !response.result.success)
-			return;
-		scores = response.result.data.scores;
-		_core.logVerbose('received ${scores.length} scores');
-		onUpdate.dispatch();
-	}
-	public function postScore(value :Int, tag:String = null):Void {
-		_core.calls.scoreBoard.postScore(id, value, tag)
-			.addDataHandler(onScorePosted)
-			.send();
-	}
-	function onScorePosted(response:Response<PostScoreResult>):Void {
-	}
-	public function toString():String {
-		return 'ScoreBoard: $id@$name';
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Session.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Session.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 887df7927..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/Session.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.objects;
-class Session extends Object {
-	/** If true, the session_id is expired. Use App.startSession to get a new one.*/
-	public var expired(default, null):Bool;
-	/** A unique session identifier */
-	public var id(default, null):String;
-	/** If the session has no associated user but is not expired, this property will provide a URL that can be used to sign the user in. */
-	public var passportUrl(default, null):String;
-	/** If true, the user would like you to remember their session id. */
-	public var remember(default, null):Bool;
-	/** If the user has not signed in, or granted access to your app, this will be null */
-	public var user(default, null):User;
-	//TODO:desciption
-	public var status(get, never):SessionStatus;
-	public function new(core:NGLite, data:Dynamic = null) { super(core, data); }
-	override public function parse(data:Dynamic):Void {
-		id = data.id;
-		expired = data.expired;
-		passportUrl = data.passport_url;
-		remember = data.remember;
-		if (user == null)
-			user = data.user;
-		// TODO?: update original user instance with new data. (probly not) 
-		super.parse(data);
-	}
-	public function get_status():SessionStatus {
-		if (expired || id == null || id == "")
-			return SessionStatus.SESSION_EXPIRED;
-		if (user != null && user.name != null && user.name != "")
-			return SessionStatus.USER_LOADED;
-		return SessionStatus.REQUEST_LOGIN;
-	}
-	public function expire():Void {
-		expired = true;
-		id = null;
-		user = null;
-	}
-abstract SessionStatus(String) {
-	var SESSION_EXPIRED = "session-expired";
-	var REQUEST_LOGIN   = "request-login";
-	var USER_LOADED     = "user-loaded";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/User.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/objects/User.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ff7ce00c..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/User.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.objects;
-typedef User = {
-	/** The user's icon images. */
-	var icons:UserIcons;
-	/** The user's numeric ID. */
-	var id:Int;
-	/** The user's textual name. */ 
-	var name:String;
-	/** Returns true if the user has a Newgrounds Supporter upgrade. */ 
-	var supporter:Bool;
-	/** The user's NG profile url. */
-	var url:String;
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/UserIcons.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/objects/UserIcons.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index b5e56b22a..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/UserIcons.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.objects;
-typedef UserIcons = {
-	/**The URL of the user's large icon. */
-	var large:String;
-	/** The URL of the user's medium icon. */
-	var medium:String;
-	/** The URL of the user's small icon. */
-	var small:String;
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/events/Response.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/objects/events/Response.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 107dc2be3..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/events/Response.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.objects.events;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.ResultBase;
-import haxe.Json;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.Error;
-typedef DebugResponse = {
-	var exec_time:Int;
-	var input:Dynamic;
-class Response<T:ResultBase> {
-	public var success(default, null):Bool;
-	public var error(default, null):Error;
-	public var debug(default, null):DebugResponse;
-	public var result(default, null):Result<T>;
-	public function new (core:NGLite, reply:String) {
-		var data:Dynamic;
-		try {
-			data = Json.parse(reply);
-		} catch (e:Dynamic) {
-			data = Json.parse('{"success":false,"error":{"message":"${Std.string(reply)}","code":0}}');
-		}
-		success = data.success;
-		debug = data.debug;
-		if (!success) {
-			error = new Error(data.error.message, data.error.code);
-			core.logError('Call unseccessful: $error');
-			return;
-		}
-		result = new Result<T>(core, data.result);
-	}
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/events/Result.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/objects/events/Result.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index eaf872616..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/objects/events/Result.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.objects.events;
-class Result<T:ResultBase> {
-	public var echo(default, null):String;
-	public var component(default, null):String;
-	public var data(default, null):T;
-	public var success(default, null):Bool;
-	public var debug(default, null):Bool;
-	public var error(default, null):Error;
-	public function new(core:NGLite, data:Dynamic) {
-		echo = data.echo;
-		component = data.component;
-		data = data.data;
-		success = data.success;
-		debug = data.debug;
-		if(!data.success) {
-			error = new Error(data.error.message, data.error.code);
-			core.logError('$component fail: $error');
-		} else
-			this.data = data;
-	}
-typedef ResultBase = { };
-typedef SessionResult = {
-	> ResultBase,
-	var session:Dynamic;
-typedef GetHostResult = {
-	> ResultBase,
-	var host_approved:Bool;
-typedef GetCurrentVersionResult = {
-	> ResultBase,
-	var current_version:String;
-	var client_deprecated:Bool;
-typedef LogEventResult = {
-	> ResultBase,
-	var event_name:String;
-typedef GetDateTimeResult = {
-	> ResultBase,
-	var datetime:String;
-typedef GetVersionResult = {
-	> ResultBase,
-	var version:String;
-typedef PingResult = {
-	> ResultBase,
-	var pong:String;
-typedef MedalListResult = {
-	> ResultBase,
-	var medals:Array<Dynamic>;
-typedef MedalUnlockResult = {
-	> ResultBase,
-	var medal_score:String;
-	var medal:Dynamic;
-typedef ScoreBoardResult = {
-	> ResultBase,
-	var scoreboards:Array<Dynamic>;
-typedef ScoreResult = {
-	> ResultBase,
-	var scores:Array<Score>;
-	var scoreboard:Dynamic;
-typedef PostScoreResult = {
-	> ResultBase,
-	var tag:String;
-	var scoreboard:Dynamic;
-	var score:Score;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/swf/LoadingBar.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/swf/LoadingBar.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c7c590a8..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/swf/LoadingBar.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.swf;
-import openfl.display.MovieClip;
-class LoadingBar extends MovieClip {
-	public var bar(default, null):MovieClip;
-	public function new() { 
-		super();
-		setProgress(0.0);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * 
-	 * @param value  The ratio of bytes loaded to bytes total
-	 */
-	public function setProgress(value:Float):Void {
-		bar.gotoAndStop(1 + Std.int(value * (bar.totalFrames - 1)));
-	}
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/swf/MedalPopup.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/swf/MedalPopup.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index f55ef4266..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/swf/MedalPopup.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.swf;
-import io.newgrounds.swf.common.BaseAsset;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.Medal;
-import openfl.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
-import openfl.text.TextField;
-import openfl.display.DisplayObject;
-import openfl.display.Loader;
-import openfl.display.MovieClip;
-import openfl.net.URLRequest;
-import openfl.events.Event;
-class MedalPopup extends BaseAsset {
-	static inline var FRAME_HIDDEN:String = "hidden";
-	static inline var FRAME_MEDAL_UNLOCKED:String = "medalUnlocked";
-	static inline var FRAME_INTRO_COMPLETE:String = "introComplete";
-	static inline var FRAME_UNLOCK_COMPLETE:String = "unlockComplete";
-	static inline var MIN_TEXT_SIZE:Int = 12;
-	public var medalIcon(default, null):MovieClip;
-	public var medalName(default, null):MovieClip;
-	public var medalPoints(default, null):MovieClip;
-	public var alwaysOnTop:Bool;
-	#if !ng_lite
-	public var requiresSession:Bool;
-	#end
-	var _animQueue = new Array<Void->Void>();
-	var _scrollSpeed:Float;
-	public function new() {
-		super();
-		mouseEnabled = false;
-		mouseChildren = false;
-		hide();
-		addFrameScript(totalFrames - 1, onUnlockAnimComplete);
-	}
-	function hide():Void {
-		visible = false;
-		gotoAndStop(FRAME_HIDDEN);
-	}
-	#if !ng_lite
-	override function onReady():Void {
-		super.onReady();
-		if (NG.core.medals != null)
-			onMedalsLoaded();
-		else
-			NG.core.onLogin.addOnce(NG.core.requestMedals.bind(onMedalsLoaded));
-	}
-	function onMedalsLoaded():Void {
-		for (medal in NG.core.medals)
-			medal.onUnlock.add(onMedalOnlock.bind(medal));
-	}
-	function onMedalOnlock(medal:Medal):Void {
-		if (requiresSession && !NG.core.loggedIn)
-			return;
-		var loader = new Loader();
-		loader.load(new URLRequest(medal.icon));
-		playAnim(loader, medal.name, medal.value);
-	}
-	#end
-	public function playAnim(icon:DisplayObject, name:String, value:Int):Void {
-		if (currentLabel == FRAME_HIDDEN)
-			playNextAnim(icon, name, value);
-		else
-			_animQueue.push(playNextAnim.bind(icon, name, value));
-	}
-	function playNextAnim(icon:DisplayObject, name:String, value:Int):Void {
-		visible = true;
-		if (alwaysOnTop && parent != null) {
-			parent.setChildIndex(this, parent.numChildren - 1);
-		}
-		while(medalIcon.numChildren > 0)
-			medalIcon.removeChildAt(0);
-		cast(medalPoints.getChildByName("field"), TextField).text = Std.string(value);
-		var field:TextField = cast medalName.getChildByName("field");
-		field.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
-		field.x = 0;
-		field.text = "";
-		var oldWidth = medalName.width;
-		field.text = name;
-		_scrollSpeed = 0;
-		if (field.width > oldWidth + 4) {
-			field.x = oldWidth + 4;
-			initScroll(field);
-		}
-		medalIcon.addChild(icon);
-	}
-	function initScroll(field:TextField):Void {
-		//TODO: Find out why scrollrect didn't work
-		var animDuration = 0;
-		for (frame in currentLabels){
-			if (frame.name == FRAME_INTRO_COMPLETE )
-				animDuration -= frame.frame;
-			else if (frame.name == FRAME_UNLOCK_COMPLETE)
-				animDuration += frame.frame;
-		}
-		_scrollSpeed = (field.width + field.x + 4) / animDuration;
-		field.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateScroll);
-	}
-	function updateScroll(e:Event):Void{
-		if (currentLabel == FRAME_INTRO_COMPLETE)
-			cast (e.currentTarget, TextField).x -= _scrollSpeed;
-	}
-	function onUnlockAnimComplete():Void {
-		cast (medalName.getChildByName("field"), TextField).removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateScroll);
-		if (_animQueue.length == 0)
-			hide();
-		else
-			(_animQueue.shift())();
-	}
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/swf/ScoreBrowser.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/swf/ScoreBrowser.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index c4232c22b..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/swf/ScoreBrowser.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.swf;
-import openfl.events.Event;
-import io.newgrounds.swf.common.DropDown;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.Score;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.ScoreBoardResult;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Result.ScoreResult;
-import io.newgrounds.objects.events.Response;
-import io.newgrounds.swf.common.BaseAsset;
-import io.newgrounds.swf.common.Button;
-import io.newgrounds.components.ScoreBoardComponent.Period;
-import openfl.display.MovieClip;
-import openfl.text.TextField;
-class ScoreBrowser extends BaseAsset {
-	public var prevButton    (default, null):MovieClip;
-	public var nextButton    (default, null):MovieClip;
-	public var reloadButton  (default, null):MovieClip;
-	public var listBox       (default, null):MovieClip;
-	public var loadingIcon   (default, null):MovieClip;
-	public var errorIcon     (default, null):MovieClip;
-	public var scoreContainer(default, null):MovieClip;
-	public var titleField    (default, null):TextField;
-	public var pageField     (default, null):TextField;
-	public var period(get, set):Period;
-	function get_period():Period { return _periodDropDown.value; }
-	function set_period(value:Period):Period { return _periodDropDown.value = value; }
-	public var title(get, set):String;
-	function get_title():String { return titleField.text; }
-	function set_title(value:String):String { return titleField.text = value; }
-	public var tag(default, set):String;
-	function set_tag(value:String):String {
-		if (this.tag != value) {
-			this.tag = value;
-			delayReload();
-		}
-		return value;
-	}
-	public var social(default, set):Bool;
-	function set_social(value:Bool):Bool {
-		if (this.social != value) {
-			this.social = value;
-			delayReload();
-		}
-		return value;
-	}
-	public var boardId(default, set):Int;
-	function set_boardId(value:Int):Int {
-		_boardIDSet = true;
-		if (this.boardId != value) {
-			this.boardId = value;
-			delayReload();
-		}
-		return value;
-	}
-	public var page(default, set):Int;
-	function set_page(value:Int):Int {
-		if (this.page != value) {
-			this.page = value;
-			delayReload();
-		}
-		return value;
-	}
-	var _scores:Array<MovieClip>;
-	var _limit:Int = 0;
-	var _periodDropDown:DropDown;
-	var _boardIDSet:Bool;
-	public function new() { super(); }
-	override function setDefaults():Void {
-		super.setDefaults();
-		boardId = -1;
-		_boardIDSet = false;
-		scoreContainer.visible = false;
-		loadingIcon.visible = false;
-		reloadButton.visible = false;
-		errorIcon.visible = false;
-		errorIcon.addFrameScript(errorIcon.totalFrames - 1, errorIcon.stop);
-		//TODO: prevent memory leaks?
-		new Button(prevButton, onPrevClick);
-		new Button(nextButton, onNextClick);
-		new Button(reloadButton, reload);
-		_periodDropDown = new DropDown(listBox, delayReload);
-		_periodDropDown.addItem("Current day"  , Period.DAY  );
-		_periodDropDown.addItem("Current week" , Period.WEEK );
-		_periodDropDown.addItem("Current month", Period.MONTH);
-		_periodDropDown.addItem("Current year" , Period.YEAR );
-		_periodDropDown.addItem("All time"     , Period.ALL  );
-		_periodDropDown.value = Period.ALL;
-		_scores = new Array<MovieClip>();
-		while(true) {
-			var score:MovieClip = cast scoreContainer.getChildByName('score${_scores.length}');
-			if (score == null)
-				break;
-			new Button(score);
-			_scores.push(score);
-		}
-		_limit = _scores.length;
-	}
-	override function onReady():Void {
-		super.onReady();
-		if (boardId == -1 && !_boardIDSet) {
-			#if ng_lite
-			NG.core.calls.scoreBoard.getBoards()
-				.addDataHandler(onBoardsRecieved)
-				.queue();
-			#else
-			if (NG.core.scoreBoards != null)
-				onBoardsLoaded();
-			else
-				NG.core.requestScoreBoards(onBoardsLoaded);
-			#end
-		}
-		reload();
-	}
-	#if ng_lite
-	function onBoardsRecieved(response:Response<ScoreBoardResult>):Void {
-		if (response.success && response.result.success) {
-			for (board in response.result.data.scoreboards) {
-				NG.core.log('No boardId specified defaulting to ${board.name}');
-				boardId = board.id;
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	#else
-	function onBoardsLoaded():Void {
-		for (board in NG.core.scoreBoards) {
-			NG.core.log('No boardId specified defaulting to ${board.name}');
-			boardId = board.id;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	#end
-	/** Used internally to avoid multiple server requests from various property changes in a small time-frame. **/
-	function delayReload():Void {
-		addEventListener(Event.EXIT_FRAME, onDelayComplete);
-	}
-	function onDelayComplete(e:Event):Void { reload(); }
-	public function reload():Void {
-		removeEventListener(Event.EXIT_FRAME, onDelayComplete);
-		errorIcon.visible = false;
-		scoreContainer.visible = false;
-		pageField.text = 'page ${page + 1}';
-		if (_coreReady && boardId != -1 && _limit > 0 && period != null) {
-			loadingIcon.visible = true;
-			NG.core.calls.scoreBoard.getScores(boardId, _limit, _limit * page, period, social, tag)
-				.addDataHandler(onScoresReceive)
-				.send();
-		}
-	}
-	function onScoresReceive(response:Response<ScoreResult>):Void {
-		loadingIcon.visible = false;
-		if (response.success && response.result.success) {
-			scoreContainer.visible = true;
-			var i = _limit;
-			while(i > 0) {
-				i--;
-				if (i < response.result.data.scores.length)
-					drawScore(i, response.result.data.scores[i], _scores[i]);
-				else
-					drawScore(i, null, _scores[i]);
-			}
-		} else {
-			errorIcon.visible = true;
-			errorIcon.gotoAndPlay(1);
-			reloadButton.visible = true;
-		}
-	}
-	inline function drawScore(rank:Int, score:Score, asset:MovieClip):Void {
-		if (score == null)
-			asset.visible = false;
-		else {
-			asset.visible = true;
-			cast (asset.getChildByName("nameField" ), TextField).text = score.user.name;
-			cast (asset.getChildByName("scoreField"), TextField).text = score.formatted_value;
-			cast (asset.getChildByName("rankField" ), TextField).text = Std.string(rank + 1);
-		}
-	}
-	function onPrevClick():Void {
-		if (page > 0)
-			page--;
-	}
-	function onNextClick():Void {
-		page++;
-	}
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/swf/common/BaseAsset.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/swf/common/BaseAsset.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index da1f6126f..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/swf/common/BaseAsset.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.swf.common;
-import openfl.events.Event;
-import openfl.display.MovieClip;
-class BaseAsset extends MovieClip {
-	var _coreReady:Bool = false;
-	public function new() {
-		super();
-		setDefaults();
-		if (stage != null)
-			onAdded(null);
-		else
-			addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded);
-	}
-	function setDefaults():Void { }
-	function onAdded(e:Event):Void {
-		if (NG.core != null)
-			onReady();
-		else
-			NG.onCoreReady.add(onReady);
-	}
-	function onReady():Void {
-		_coreReady = true;
-	}
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/swf/common/Button.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/swf/common/Button.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f4617528..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/swf/common/Button.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.swf.common;
-import openfl.display.Stage;
-import openfl.events.Event;
-import openfl.events.MouseEvent;
-import openfl.display.MovieClip;
-class Button {
-	var _enabled:Bool;
-	public var enabled(get, set):Bool;
-	function get_enabled():Bool { return _enabled; }
-	function set_enabled(value:Bool):Bool {
-		if (value != _enabled) {
-			_enabled = value;
-			updateEnabled();
-		}
-		return value;
-	}
-	public var onClick:Void->Void;
-	public var onOver:Void->Void;
-	public var onOut:Void->Void;
-	var _target:MovieClip;
-	var _down:Bool;
-	var _over:Bool;
-	var _foundLabels:Array<String>;
-	public function new(target:MovieClip, onClick:Void->Void = null, onOver:Void->Void = null, onOut:Void->Void = null) {
-		_target = target;
-		this.onClick = onClick;
-		this.onOver = onOver;
-		this.onOut = onOut;
-		_foundLabels = new Array<String>();
-		for (label in _target.currentLabels)
-			_foundLabels.push(label.name);
-		_target.stop();
-		_target.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded);
-		if (target.stage != null)
-			onAdded(null);
-		enabled = true;
-	}
-	function onAdded(e:Event):Void {
-		var stage = _target.stage;
-		stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseHandler);
-		_target.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseHandler);
-		_target.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseHandler);
-		_target.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseHandler);
-		_target.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseHandler);
-		function selfRemoveEvent(e:Event):Void {
-			_target.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, selfRemoveEvent);
-			onRemove(e, stage);
-		}
-		_target.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, selfRemoveEvent);
-	}
-	function onRemove(e:Event, stage:Stage):Void {
-		stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseHandler);
-		_target.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseHandler);
-		_target.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseHandler);
-		_target.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseHandler);
-		_target.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseHandler);
-	}
-	function mouseHandler(event:MouseEvent):Void {
-		switch(event.type) {
-			case MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER:
-				_over = true;
-				if (onOver != null)
-					onOver();
-			case MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT:
-				_over = false;
-				if (onOut != null)
-					onOut();
-			case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN:
-				_down = true;
-			case MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP:
-				_down = false;
-			case MouseEvent.CLICK:
-				if (enabled && onClick != null)
-					onClick();
-		}
-		updateState();
-	}
-	function updateEnabled():Void {
-		updateState();
-		_target.useHandCursor = enabled;
-		_target.buttonMode = enabled;
-	}
-	function updateState():Void {
-		var state = determineState();
-		if (_target.currentLabel != state && _foundLabels.indexOf(state) != -1)
-			_target.gotoAndStop(state);
-	}
-	function determineState():String {
-		if (enabled) {
-			if (_over)
-				return _down ? "down" : "over";
-			return "up";
-		}
-		return "disabled";
-	}
-	public function destroy():Void {
-		_target.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded);
-		_target = null;
-		onClick = null;
-		onOver = null;
-		onOut = null;
-		_foundLabels = null;
-	}
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/swf/common/DropDown.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/swf/common/DropDown.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index a882cf39b..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/swf/common/DropDown.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.swf.common;
-import haxe.ds.StringMap;
-import openfl.display.MovieClip;
-import openfl.display.Sprite;
-import openfl.text.TextField;
-class DropDown {
-	public var value(default, set):String;
-	function set_value(v:String):String {
-		if (this.value == v)
-			return v;
-		this.value = v;
-		_selectedLabel.text = _values.get(v);
-		if (_onChange != null)
-			_onChange();
-		return v;
-	}
-	var _choiceContainer:Sprite;
-	var _selectedLabel:TextField;
-	var _onChange:Void->Void;
-	var _values:StringMap<String>;
-	var _unusedChoices:Array<MovieClip>;
-	public function new(target:MovieClip, label:String = "", onChange:Void->Void = null) {
-		_onChange = onChange;
-		_selectedLabel = cast cast(target.getChildByName("currentItem"), MovieClip).getChildByName("label");
-		_selectedLabel.text = label;
-		_values = new StringMap<String>();
-		new Button(cast target.getChildByName("button"), onClickExpand);
-		new Button(cast target.getChildByName("currentItem"), onClickExpand);
-		_choiceContainer = new Sprite();
-		_choiceContainer.visible = false;
-		target.addChild(_choiceContainer);
-		_unusedChoices = new Array<MovieClip>();
-		while(true) {
-			var item:MovieClip = cast target.getChildByName('item${_unusedChoices.length}');
-			if (item == null)
-				break;
-			target.removeChild(item);
-			_unusedChoices.push(item);
-		}
-	}
-	public function addItem(name:String, value:String):Void {
-		_values.set(value, name);
-		if (_unusedChoices.length == 0) {
-			NG.core.logError('cannot create another dropBox item max=${_choiceContainer.numChildren}');
-			return;
-		}
-		var button = _unusedChoices.shift();
-		cast(button.getChildByName("label"), TextField).text = name;
-		_choiceContainer.addChild(button);
-		new Button(button, onChoiceClick.bind(value));
-	}
-	function onClickExpand():Void {
-		_choiceContainer.visible = !_choiceContainer.visible;
-	}
-	function onChoiceClick(name:String):Void {
-		value = name;
-		_choiceContainer.visible = false;
-	} 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/utils/AsyncHttp.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/utils/AsyncHttp.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fbe14388..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/utils/AsyncHttp.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.utils;
-import io.newgrounds.NGLite;
-import haxe.Http;
-import haxe.Timer;
-#if neko
-import neko.vm.Thread;
-#elseif java
-import java.vm.Thread;
-#elseif cpp
-import cpp.vm.Thread;
- * Uses Threading to turn hxcpp's synchronous http requests into asynchronous processes
- * 
- * @author GeoKureli
- */
-class AsyncHttp {
-	inline static var PATH:String = "https://newgrounds.io/gateway_v3.php";
-	static public function send
-	( core:NGLite
-	, data:String
-	, onData:String->Void
-	, onError:String->Void
-	, onStatus:Int->Void
-	) {
-		core.logVerbose('sending: $data');
-		#if (neko || java || cpp)
-		sendAsync(core, data, onData, onError, onStatus);
-		#else
-		sendSync(core, data, onData, onError, onStatus);
-		#end
-	}
-	static function sendSync
-	( core:NGLite
-	, data:String
-	, onData:String->Void
-	, onError:String->Void
-	, onStatus:Int->Void
-	):Void {
-		var http = new Http(PATH);
-		http.setParameter("input", data);
-		http.onData   = onData;
-		http.onError  = onError;
-		http.onStatus = onStatus;
-		// #if js http.async = async; #end
-		http.request(true);
-	}
-	#if (neko || java || cpp)
-	static var _deadPool:Array<AsyncHttp> = [];
-	static var _livePool:Array<AsyncHttp> = [];
-	static var _map:Map<Int, AsyncHttp> = new Map();
-	static var _timer:Timer;
-	static var _count:Int = 0;
-	var _core:NGLite;
-	var _key:Int;
-	var _onData:String->Void;
-	var _onError:String->Void;
-	var _onStatus:Int->Void;
-	var _worker:Thread;
-	public function new (core:NGLite) {
-		_core = core;
-		_worker = Thread.create(sendThreaded);
-		_key = _count++;
-		_map[_key] = this;
-		_core.logVerbose('async http created: $_key');
-	}
-	function start(data:String, onData:String->Void, onError:String->Void, onStatus:Int->Void) {
-		_core.logVerbose('async http started: $_key');
-		if (_livePool.length == 0)
-			startTimer();
-		_deadPool.remove(this);
-		_livePool.push(this);
-		_onData = onData;
-		_onError = onError;
-		_onStatus = onStatus;
-		_worker.sendMessage({ source:Thread.current(), args:data, key:_key, core:_core });
-	}
-	function handleMessage(data:ReplyData):Void {
-		_core.logVerbose('handling message: $_key');
-		if (data.status != null) {
-			_core.logVerbose('\t- status: ${data.status}');
-			_onStatus(cast data.status);
-			return;
-		}
-		var tempFunc:Void->Void;
-		if (data.data != null) {
-			_core.logVerbose('\t- data');
-			tempFunc = _onData.bind(data.data);
-		} else {
-			_core.logVerbose('\t- error');
-			tempFunc = _onError.bind(data.error);
-		}
-		cleanUp();
-		// Delay the call until destroy so that we're more likely to use a single
-		// thread on daisy-chained calls
-		tempFunc();
-	}
-	inline function cleanUp():Void {
-		_onData = null;
-		_onError = null;
-		_deadPool.push(this);
-		_livePool.remove(this);
-		if (_livePool.length == 0)
-			stopTimer();
-	}
-	static function sendAsync
-	( core:NGLite
-	, data:String
-	, onData:String->Void
-	, onError:String->Void
-	, onStatus:Int->Void
-	):Void {
-		var http:AsyncHttp;
-		if (_deadPool.length == 0)
-			http = new AsyncHttp(core);
-		else
-			http = _deadPool[0];
-		http.start(data, onData, onError, onStatus);
-	}
-	static function startTimer():Void {
-		if (_timer != null)
-			return;
-		_timer = new Timer(1000 / 60.0);
-		_timer.run = update;
-	}
-	static function stopTimer():Void {
-		_timer.stop();
-		_timer = null;
-	}
-	static public function update():Void {
-		var message:ReplyData = cast Thread.readMessage(false);
-		if (message != null)
-			_map[message.key].handleMessage(message);
-	}
-	static function sendThreaded():Void {
-		while(true) {
-			var data:LoaderData = cast Thread.readMessage(true);
-			data.core.logVerbose('start message received: ${data.key}');
-			sendSync
-				( data.core
-				, data.args
-				, function(reply ) { data.source.sendMessage({ key:data.key, data  :reply  }); }
-				, function(error ) { data.source.sendMessage({ key:data.key, error :error  }); }
-				, function(status) { data.source.sendMessage({ key:data.key, status:status }); }
-				);
-		}
-	}
-	#end
-#if (neko || java || cpp)
-typedef LoaderData = { source:Thread, key:Int, args:String, core:NGLite };
-typedef ReplyData = { key:Int, ?data:String, ?error:String, ?status:Null<Int> };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/io/newgrounds/utils/Dispatcher.hx b/source/io/newgrounds/utils/Dispatcher.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 699da01da..000000000
--- a/source/io/newgrounds/utils/Dispatcher.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-package io.newgrounds.utils;
- * Basically shitty signals, but I didn't want to have external references.
-class Dispatcher {
-	var _list:Array<Void->Void>;
-	var _once:Array<Void->Void>;
-	public function new() {
-		_list = new Array<Void->Void>();
-		_once = new Array<Void->Void>();
-	}
-	public function add(handler:Void->Void, once:Bool = false):Bool {
-		if (_list.indexOf(handler) != -1) {
-			// ---- REMOVE ONCE
-			if (!once && _once.indexOf(handler) != -1)
-				_once.remove(handler);
-			return false;
-		}
-		_list.unshift(handler);
-		if (once)
-			_once.unshift(handler);
-		return true;
-	}
-	inline public function addOnce(handler:Void->Void):Bool {
-		return add(handler, true);
-	}
-	public function remove(handler:Void->Void):Bool {
-		_once.remove(handler);
-		return _list.remove(handler);
-	}
-	public function dispatch():Void {
-		var i = _list.length - 1;
-		while(i >= 0) {
-			var handler = _list[i];
-			if (_once.remove(handler))
-				_list.remove(handler);
-			handler();
-			i--;
-		}
-	}
-class TypedDispatcher<T> {
-	var _list:Array<T->Void>;
-	var _once:Array<T->Void>;
-	public function new() {
-		_list = new Array<T->Void>();
-		_once = new Array<T->Void>();
-	}
-	public function add(handler:T->Void, once:Bool = false):Bool {
-		if (_list.indexOf(handler) != -1) {
-			// ---- REMOVE ONCE
-			if (!once && _once.indexOf(handler) != -1)
-				_once.remove(handler);
-			return false;
-		}
-		_list.unshift(handler);
-		if (once)
-			_once.unshift(handler);
-		return true;
-	}
-	inline public function addOnce(handler:T->Void):Bool {
-		return add(handler, true);
-	}
-	public function remove(handler:T->Void):Bool {
-		_once.remove(handler);
-		return _list.remove(handler);
-	}
-	public function dispatch(arg:T):Void {
-		var i = _list.length - 1;
-		while(i >= 0) {
-			var handler = _list[i];
-			if (_once.remove(handler))
-				_list.remove(handler);
-			handler(arg);
-			i--;
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file