
119 lines
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// Package split provides a simple string splitting utility for use with
// CompleteMessage.
package split
import (
var asciiSpace = [256]uint8{'\t': 1, '\n': 1, '\v': 1, '\f': 1, '\r': 1, ' ': 1}
// SpaceIndexed returns a splitted string with the current index that
// CompleteMessage wants. The text is the entire input string and the offset is
// where the cursor currently is.
func SpaceIndexed(text string, offset int64) ([]string, int64) {
// First count the fields.
// This is an exact count if s is ASCII, otherwise it is an approximation.
n := int64(0)
wasSpace := int64(1)
// setBits is used to track which bits are set in the bytes of s.
setBits := uint8(0)
for i := 0; i < len(text); i++ {
r := text[i]
setBits |= r
isSpace := int64(asciiSpace[r])
n += wasSpace & ^isSpace
wasSpace = isSpace
if setBits >= utf8.RuneSelf {
// Some runes in the input string are not ASCII.
return spaceIndexedRunes([]rune(text), offset)
// ASCII fast path
a := make([]string, n)
na := int64(0)
fieldStart := int64(0)
i := int64(0)
j := n - 1 // last by default
// Skip spaces in the front of the input.
for i < int64(len(text)) && asciiSpace[text[i]] != 0 {
fieldStart = i
for i < int64(len(text)) {
if asciiSpace[text[i]] == 0 {
a[na] = text[fieldStart:i]
if fieldStart <= offset && offset <= i {
j = na
// Skip spaces in between fields.
for i < int64(len(text)) && asciiSpace[text[i]] != 0 {
fieldStart = i
if fieldStart < int64(len(text)) { // Last field might end at EOF.
a[na] = text[fieldStart:]
return a, j
func spaceIndexedRunes(runes []rune, offset int64) ([]string, int64) {
// A span is used to record a slice of s of the form s[start:end].
// The start index is inclusive and the end index is exclusive.
type span struct{ start, end int64 }
spans := make([]span, 0, 16)
// Find the field start and end indices.
wasField := false
fromIndex := int64(0)
for i, rune := range runes {
if unicode.IsSpace(rune) {
if wasField {
spans = append(spans, span{start: fromIndex, end: int64(i)})
wasField = false
} else {
if !wasField {
fromIndex = int64(i)
wasField = true
// Last field might end at EOF.
if wasField {
spans = append(spans, span{fromIndex, int64(len(runes))})
// Create strings from recorded field indices.
a := make([]string, 0, len(spans))
j := int64(len(spans)) - 1 // assume last
for i, span := range spans {
a = append(a, string(runes[span.start:span.end]))
if span.start <= offset && offset <= span.end {
j = int64(i)
return a, j