package cozy import ( "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // TopFullMargin is the margin on top of every full message. const TopFullMargin = 4 type FullMessage struct { *message.GenericContainer // Grid widgets. Avatar *Avatar MainBox *gtk.Box // wraps header and content Header *labeluri.Label timestamp string // markup } type AvatarPixbufCopier interface { CopyAvatarPixbuf(img httputil.SurfaceContainer) bool } var ( _ AvatarPixbufCopier = (*FullMessage)(nil) _ message.Container = (*FullMessage)(nil) _ container.MessageRow = (*FullMessage)(nil) ) var avatarCSS = primitives.PrepareClassCSS("cozy-avatar", ` /* Slightly dip down on click */ .cozy-avatar:active { margin-top: 1px; } `) func NewFullMessage(msg cchat.MessageCreate) *FullMessage { msgc := WrapFullMessage(message.NewContainer(msg)) // Don't update the avatar. NewMessage in controller will try and reuse the // pixbuf if possible. msgc.UpdateAuthorName(msg.Author().Name()) msgc.UpdateTimestamp(msg.Time()) msgc.UpdateContent(msg.Content(), false) return msgc } func WrapFullMessage(gc *message.GenericContainer) *FullMessage { header := labeluri.NewLabel(text.Rich{}) header.SetHAlign(gtk.ALIGN_START) // left-align header.SetMaxWidthChars(100) header.Show() avatar := NewAvatar() avatar.SetMarginTop(TopFullMargin / 2) avatar.SetMarginStart(container.ColumnSpacing * 2) avatar.Connect("clicked", func(w gtk.IWidget) { if output := header.Output(); len(output.Mentions) > 0 { labeluri.PopoverMentioner(w, output.Input, output.Mentions[0]) } }) avatar.Show() // Attach the class and CSS for the left avatar. avatarCSS(avatar) // Attach the username style provider. // primitives.AttachCSS(gc.Username, boldCSS) main, _ := gtk.BoxNew(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0) main.PackStart(header, false, false, 0) main.PackStart(gc.Content, false, false, 0) main.SetMarginTop(TopFullMargin) main.SetMarginEnd(container.ColumnSpacing * 2) main.SetMarginStart(container.ColumnSpacing) main.Show() // Also attach a class for the main box shown on the right. primitives.AddClass(main, "cozy-main") gc.PackStart(avatar, false, false, 0) gc.PackStart(main, true, true, 0) gc.SetClass("cozy-full") return &FullMessage{ GenericContainer: gc, Avatar: avatar, MainBox: main, Header: header, } } func (m *FullMessage) Collapsed() bool { return false } func (m *FullMessage) Unwrap() *message.GenericContainer { // Remove GenericContainer's widgets from the containers. m.Header.Destroy() m.MainBox.Remove(m.Content) // not ours, so don't destroy. // Remove the message from the grid. m.Avatar.Destroy() m.MainBox.Destroy() // Return after removing. return m.GenericContainer } func (m *FullMessage) UpdateTimestamp(t time.Time) { m.GenericContainer.UpdateTimestamp(t) m.timestamp = " " + `` + humanize.TimeAgoLong(t) + `` // Update the timestamp. m.Header.SetMarkup(m.Header.Output().Markup + m.timestamp) } func (m *FullMessage) UpdateAuthor(author cchat.Author) { // Call the parent's method to update the state. m.GenericContainer.UpdateAuthor(author) m.UpdateAuthorName(author.Name()) m.Avatar.SetURL(author.Avatar()) } func (m *FullMessage) UpdateAuthorName(name text.Rich) { cfg := markup.RenderConfig{} cfg.NoReferencing = true cfg.SetForegroundAnchor(m.ContentBodyStyle) output := markup.RenderCmplxWithConfig(name, cfg) output.Markup = `` + output.Markup + "" m.Header.SetMarkup(output.Markup + m.timestamp) m.Header.SetUnderlyingOutput(output) } // CopyAvatarPixbuf sets the pixbuf into the given container. This shares the // same pixbuf, but gtk.Image should take its own reference from the pixbuf. func (m *FullMessage) CopyAvatarPixbuf(dst httputil.SurfaceContainer) bool { switch img := m.Avatar.Image.GetImage(); img.GetStorageType() { case gtk.IMAGE_PIXBUF: dst.SetFromPixbuf(img.GetPixbuf()) case gtk.IMAGE_ANIMATION: dst.SetFromAnimation(img.GetAnimation()) case gtk.IMAGE_SURFACE: v, _ := img.GetProperty("surface") dst.SetFromSurface(v.(*cairo.Surface)) default: return false } return true } func (m *FullMessage) AttachMenu(items []menu.Item) { // Bind to parent's container as well. m.GenericContainer.AttachMenu(items) // Bind to the box. // TODO lol } type FullSendingMessage struct { message.PresendContainer FullMessage } var ( _ message.Container = (*FullSendingMessage)(nil) _ container.MessageRow = (*FullSendingMessage)(nil) ) func NewFullSendingMessage(msg input.PresendMessage) *FullSendingMessage { var msgc = message.NewPresendContainer(msg) return &FullSendingMessage{ PresendContainer: msgc, FullMessage: *WrapFullMessage(msgc.GenericContainer), } } type Avatar struct { roundimage.Button Image *roundimage.StaticImage url string } func NewAvatar() *Avatar { img, _ := roundimage.NewStaticImage(nil, 0) img.SetSizeRequest(AvatarSize, AvatarSize) img.Show() avatar, _ := roundimage.NewCustomButton(img) avatar.SetVAlign(gtk.ALIGN_START) // Default icon. primitives.SetImageIcon(img, "user-available-symbolic", AvatarSize) return &Avatar{*avatar, img, ""} } // SetURL updates the Avatar to be that URL. It does nothing if URL is empty or // matches the existing one. func (a *Avatar) SetURL(url string) { // Check if the URL is the same. This will save us quite a few requests, as // some methods rely on the side-effects of other methods, and they may call // UpdateAuthor multiple times. if a.url == url || url == "" { return } a.url = url a.Image.SetImageURL(url) } // ManuallySetURL sets the URL without downloading the image. It assumes the // pixbuf is borrowed elsewhere. func (a *Avatar) ManuallySetURL(url string) { a.url = url }