package memberlist import ( "context" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var MemberListWidth = 250 type Controller interface { MemberListUpdated(c *Container) } type Container struct { *gtk.Revealer Scroll *gtk.ScrolledWindow Main *gtk.Box ctrl Controller // states // map id -> *Section Sections map[string]*Section stop func() eventQueue eventQueue } var memberListCSS = primitives.PrepareClassCSS("member-list", ` .member-list { background-color: @theme_base_color; } `) func New(ctrl Controller) *Container { main, _ := gtk.BoxNew(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 2) main.SetSizeRequest(250, -1) main.Show() memberListCSS(main) sw, _ := gtk.ScrolledWindowNew(nil, nil) sw.SetPolicy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) sw.Add(main) sw.Show() rev, _ := gtk.RevealerNew() rev.SetTransitionType(gtk.REVEALER_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_LEFT) rev.SetTransitionDuration(75) rev.SetRevealChild(false) rev.Add(sw) return &Container{ Revealer: rev, Scroll: sw, Main: main, ctrl: ctrl, Sections: map[string]*Section{}, } } // IsEmpty returns whether or not the member view container is empty. func (c *Container) IsEmpty() bool { return len(c.Sections) == 0 } // Reset removes all old sections. func (c *Container) Reset() { if c.stop != nil { c.stop() c.stop = nil } c.Revealer.SetRevealChild(false) c.Sections = map[string]*Section{} } // TryAsyncList tries to set the member list from the given server. It does type // assertions and handles asynchronicity. Reset must be called before this. func (c *Container) TryAsyncList(server cchat.Messenger) { ls := server.AsMemberLister() if ls == nil { return } gts.Async(func() (func(), error) { f, err := ls.ListMembers(context.Background(), c) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to list members") } return func() { c.stop = f }, nil }) } func (c *Container) SetSections(sections []cchat.MemberSection) { c.eventQueue.Add(func() { c.SetSectionsUnsafe(sections) }) } func (c *Container) SetMember(sectionID string, member cchat.ListMember) { c.eventQueue.Add(func() { c.SetMemberUnsafe(sectionID, member) }) } func (c *Container) RemoveMember(sectionID string, id string) { c.eventQueue.Add(func() { c.RemoveMemberUnsafe(sectionID, id) }) } type sectionInsert struct { front *Section sections []*Section } func (c *Container) SetSectionsUnsafe(sections []cchat.MemberSection) { // Lazily invalidate the container. We could delegate removing old sections // to this function instead of Reset to not halt for too long. primitives.RemoveChildren(c.Main) newSections := make([]*Section, len(sections)) oldSections := c.Sections for i, section := range sections { sc, ok := c.Sections[section.ID()] if !ok { sc = NewSection(section, &c.eventQueue) } else { sc.Update(section) } newSections[i] = sc } // Remove all old sections. for id := range c.Sections { delete(c.Sections, id) } // Insert new sections. for _, section := range newSections { c.Main.Add(section) c.Sections[section.ID] = section } // Destroy old sections. for _, section := range oldSections { _, notOld := c.Sections[section.ID] if notOld { continue } section.Destroy() } c.ctrl.MemberListUpdated(c) } func (c *Container) SetMemberUnsafe(sectionID string, member cchat.ListMember) { if s, ok := c.Sections[sectionID]; ok { s.SetMember(member) } } func (c *Container) RemoveMemberUnsafe(sectionID string, id string) { if s, ok := c.Sections[sectionID]; ok { s.RemoveMember(id) } } type Section struct { *gtk.Box ID string // state name rich.NameContainer total int Header *rich.Label Body *gtk.ListBox // map id -> *Member Members map[string]*Member } var sectionHeaderCSS = primitives.PrepareClassCSS("section-header", ` .section-header { margin: 8px 12px; margin-bottom: 2px; } `) var sectionBodyCSS = primitives.PrepareClassCSS("section-body", ` .section-body { background: inherit; } `) func NewSection(sect cchat.MemberSection, evq EventQueuer) *Section { section := &Section{ ID: sect.ID(), name: rich.NameContainer{}, } section.Header = rich.NewLabel(§ section.Header.Show() sectionHeaderCSS(section.Header) section.Header.SetRenderer(func(rich text.Rich) markup.RenderOutput { out := markup.RenderCmplx(rich) if > 0 { out.Markup += fmt.Sprintf("—%d", } return out }) section.Body, _ = gtk.ListBoxNew() section.Body.SetSelectionMode(gtk.SELECTION_NONE) section.Body.SetActivateOnSingleClick(true) section.Body.SetSortFunc(listSortNameAsc) // A-Z section.Body.Show() sectionBodyCSS(section.Body) section.Box, _ = gtk.BoxNew(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0) section.Box.PackStart(section.Header, false, false, 0) section.Box.PackStart(section.Body, false, false, 0) section.Box.Show() var members = map[string]*Member{} // On row click, show the mention popup if any. section.Body.Connect("row-activated", func(_ *gtk.ListBox, r *gtk.ListBoxRow) { var i = r.GetIndex() // Cold path; we can afford searching in the map. for _, member := range members { if member.ListBoxRow.GetIndex() == i { member.Popup(evq) } } }), sect) section.Header.Connect("destroy", return section } func (s *Section) Destroy() { s.Box.Destroy() } func (s *Section) Update(sect cchat.MemberSection) { = sect.Total(), sect) } func (s *Section) SetMember(member cchat.ListMember) { if m, ok := s.Members[member.ID()]; ok { m.Update(member) return } m := NewMember(member) m.Show() s.Members[member.ID()] = m s.Body.Add(m) } func (s *Section) RemoveMember(id string) { if member, ok := s.Members[id]; ok { s.Body.Remove(member) delete(s.Members, id) } } func listSortNameAsc(r1, r2 *gtk.ListBoxRow) int { n1, _ := r1.GetName() n2, _ := r2.GetName() switch { case n1 < n2: return -1 case n1 > n2: return 1 default: return 0 } } type Member struct { *gtk.ListBoxRow Main *gtk.Box Avatar *roundimage.StillImage Name *rich.Label name rich.LabelState second text.Rich status cchat.Status parent *gtk.ListBox } const AvatarSize = 32 var memberRowCSS = primitives.PrepareClassCSS("member-row", ` .member-row { min-height: 42px; } `) var memberBoxCSS = primitives.PrepareClassCSS("member-box", ` .member-box { margin: 3px 10px; } `) var avatarMemberCSS = primitives.PrepareClassCSS("avatar-member", ` .avatar-member { padding-right: 10px; } `) func NewMember(member cchat.ListMember) *Member { m := Member{} evb, _ := gtk.EventBoxNew() evb.AddEvents(int(gdk.EVENT_ENTER_NOTIFY) | int(gdk.EVENT_LEAVE_NOTIFY)) evb.Show() m.Avatar = roundimage.NewStillImage(evb, 9999) m.Avatar.SetSize(AvatarSize) m.Avatar.SetPlaceholderIcon("user-info-symbolic", AvatarSize) m.Avatar.Show() avatarMemberCSS(m.Avatar) rich.BindRoundImage(m.Avatar, &, true) m.Name = rich.NewLabel(& m.Name.SetUseMarkup(true) m.Name.SetXAlign(0) m.Name.SetEllipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) m.Name.Show() m.Name.SetRenderer(func(rich text.Rich) markup.RenderOutput { out := markup.RenderCmplx(rich) if m.status != cchat.StatusUnknown { out.Markup = fmt.Sprintf( ` %s`, statusColors(member.Status()), out.Markup, ) } if !m.second.IsEmpty() { out.Markup += fmt.Sprintf( "\n"+`%s`, markup.Render(m.second), ) } return out }) m.Main, _ = gtk.BoxNew(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) m.Main.PackStart(m.Avatar, false, false, 0) m.Main.PackStart(m.Name, true, true, 0) m.Main.Show() memberBoxCSS(m.Main) evb.Add(m.Main) m.ListBoxRow, _ = gtk.ListBoxRowNew() m.ListBoxRow.Add(evb) memberRowCSS(m.ListBoxRow) m.Update(member) return &m } var noMentionLinks = markup.RenderConfig{ NoMentionLinks: true, NoReferencing: true, } func (m *Member) Update(member cchat.ListMember) { m.status = member.Status() m.second = member.Secondary() m.ListBoxRow.SetName(member.Name().Content) } // Popup pops up the mention popover if any. func (m *Member) Popup(evq EventQueuer) { out := m.Name.Output() if len(out.Mentions) == 0 { return } p := labeluri.NewPopoverMentioner(m, out.Input, out.Mentions[0]) if p == nil { return } // Unbounded concurrency is kind of bad. We should deal with // this in the future. evq.Activate() p.Connect("closed", func(interface{}) { evq.Deactivate() }) p.SetPosition(gtk.POS_LEFT) p.Popup() } func statusColors(status cchat.Status) uint32 { switch status { case cchat.StatusOnline: return 0x43B581 case cchat.StatusBusy: return 0xF04747 case cchat.StatusIdle: return 0xFAA61A case cchat.StatusOffline: fallthrough default: return 0x747F8D } }