package commander import ( "fmt" "io" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var monospace = primitives.PrepareCSS(` * { font-family: monospace; border-radius: 0; } `) var commandPadding = primitives.PrepareCSS(` * { padding: 8px 12px; } `) type Session struct { *gtk.Box cmder cchat.Commander buffer *Buffer cmplt *completer inputbuf *gtk.TextBuffer // words []string // index int } func SpawnDialog(buf *Buffer) { s := NewSession(buf.cmder, buf) s.Show() h, _ := gtk.HeaderBarNew() h.SetTitle(fmt.Sprintf( "Commander: %s on %s", buf.cmder.Name().Content, buf.svcname, )) h.SetShowCloseButton(true) h.Show() d, _ := gts.NewEmptyModalDialog() d.SetDefaultSize(450, 250) d.SetTitlebar(h) d.Add(s) d.Show() } func NewSession(cmder cchat.Commander, buf *Buffer) *Session { view, _ := gtk.TextViewNewWithBuffer(buf.TextBuffer) view.SetEditable(false) view.SetProperty("monospace", true) view.SetPixelsAboveLines(1) view.SetWrapMode(gtk.WRAP_WORD_CHAR) view.Show() scroll := autoscroll.NewScrolledWindow() scroll.SetPolicy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scroll.Add(view) scroll.Show() input, _ := gtk.TextViewNew() input.SetSizeRequest(-1, 35) // magic height 35px primitives.AttachCSS(input, monospace) input.Show() inputbuf, _ := input.GetBuffer() inputscroll := scrollinput.NewH(input) inputscroll.Show() sep, _ := gtk.SeparatorNew(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) sep.Show() b, _ := gtk.BoxNew(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0) b.PackStart(scroll, true, true, 0) b.PackStart(sep, false, false, 0) b.PackStart(inputscroll, false, false, 0) session := &Session{ Box: b, cmder: cmder, buffer: buf, cmplt: newCompleter(input, cmder), inputbuf: inputbuf, } input.Connect("key-press-event", session.inputActivate) input.GrabFocus() primitives.AddClass(b, "commander") primitives.AddClass(view, "command-buffer") primitives.AddClass(input, "command-input") primitives.AttachCSS(view, commandPadding) primitives.AttachCSS(input, commandPadding) return session } func (s *Session) inputActivate(v *gtk.TextView, ev *gdk.Event) bool { // If the keypress is not enter, then ignore. if kev := gdk.EventKeyNewFromEvent(ev); kev.KeyVal() != gdk.KEY_Return { return false } // If the input is empty, then ignore. if len(s.cmplt.Words) == 0 { return true } r, err := s.cmder.RunCommand(s.cmplt.Words) if err != nil { s.buffer.WriteError(err) return true } // Clear the entry. s.inputbuf.Delete(s.inputbuf.GetBounds()) var then = time.Now() s.buffer.Printlnf("%s: Running command...", then.Format(time.Kitchen)) go func() { _, err := io.Copy(s.buffer, r) r.Close() gts.ExecAsync(func() { if err != nil { s.buffer.WriteError(errors.Wrap(err, "Internal error")) } var now = time.Now() s.buffer.Printlnf( "%s: Finished running command, took %s.", now.Format(time.Kitchen), now.Sub(then).String(), ) }) }() return true } type completer struct { *completion.Completer completer cchat.CommandCompleter choices []string } func newCompleter(input *gtk.TextView, v cchat.Commander) *completer { completer := &completer{} completer.Completer = completion.NewCompleter(input, completer) c, ok := v.(cchat.CommandCompleter) if ok { completer.completer = c } return completer } func (c *completer) Update(words []string, offset int) []gtk.IWidget { if c.completer == nil { return nil } c.choices = c.completer.CompleteCommand(words, offset) var widgets = make([]gtk.IWidget, 0, len(c.choices)) for _, choice := range c.choices { l, _ := gtk.LabelNew(choice) l.SetXAlign(0) l.SetEllipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) primitives.AttachCSS(l, monospace) l.Show() widgets = append(widgets, l) } return widgets } func (c *completer) Word(i int) string { return c.choices[i] }