package primitives import ( "" "" "" "" ) type Namer interface { SetName(string) GetName() (string, error) } func GetName(namer Namer) string { nm, _ := namer.GetName() return nm } func EachChildren(w interface{ GetChildren() *glib.List }, fn func(i int, v interface{}) bool) { var cursor int = -1 for ptr := w.GetChildren(); ptr != nil; ptr = ptr.Next() { cursor++ if fn(cursor, ptr.Data()) { return } } } type DragSortable interface { DragSourceSet(gdk.ModifierType, []gtk.TargetEntry, gdk.DragAction) DragDestSet(gtk.DestDefaults, []gtk.TargetEntry, gdk.DragAction) GetAllocation() *gtk.Allocation Connector } func BindDragSortable(ds DragSortable, target, id string, fn func(id, target string)) { var dragEntries = []gtk.TargetEntry{NewTargetEntry(target)} var dragAtom = gdk.GdkAtomIntern(target, true) // Drag source so you can drag the button away. ds.DragSourceSet(gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, dragEntries, gdk.ACTION_MOVE) // Drag destination so you can drag the button here. ds.DragDestSet(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, dragEntries, gdk.ACTION_MOVE) ds.Connect("drag-data-get", // TODO change ToggleButton. func(ds DragSortable, ctx *gdk.DragContext, data *gtk.SelectionData) { // Set the index-in-bytes. data.SetData(dragAtom, []byte(id)) }, ) ds.Connect("drag-data-received", func(ds DragSortable, ctx *gdk.DragContext, x, y uint, data *gtk.SelectionData) { // Receive the incoming row's ID and call MoveSession. fn(id, string(data.GetData())) }, ) ds.Connect("drag-begin", func(ds DragSortable, ctx *gdk.DragContext) { gtk.DragSetIconName(ctx, "user-available-symbolic", 0, 0) }, ) } type StyleContexter interface { GetStyleContext() (*gtk.StyleContext, error) } func AddClass(styleCtx StyleContexter, classes ...string) { var style, _ = styleCtx.GetStyleContext() for _, class := range classes { style.AddClass(class) } } type Bin interface { GetChild() (gtk.IWidget, error) } var _ Bin = (*gtk.Bin)(nil) func BinLeftAlignLabel(bin Bin) { widget, _ := bin.GetChild() widget.(interface{ SetHAlign(gtk.Align) }).SetHAlign(gtk.ALIGN_START) } func NewButtonIcon(icon string) *gtk.Image { img, _ := gtk.ImageNewFromIconName(icon, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) return img } func NewImageIconPx(icon string, sizepx int) *gtk.Image { img, _ := gtk.ImageNew() SetImageIcon(img, icon, sizepx) return img } func SetImageIcon(img *gtk.Image, icon string, sizepx int) { img.SetProperty("icon-name", icon) img.SetProperty("pixel-size", sizepx) img.SetSizeRequest(sizepx, sizepx) } func AppendMenuItems(menu interface{ Append(gtk.IMenuItem) }, items []*gtk.MenuItem) { for _, item := range items { menu.Append(item) } } func HiddenMenuItem(label string, fn interface{}) *gtk.MenuItem { mb, _ := gtk.MenuItemNewWithLabel(label) mb.Connect("activate", fn) return mb } func MenuItem(label string, fn interface{}) *gtk.MenuItem { menuitem := HiddenMenuItem(label, fn) menuitem.Show() return menuitem } type Connector interface { Connect(string, interface{}, ...interface{}) (glib.SignalHandle, error) } func BindMenu(menu *gtk.Menu, connector Connector) { connector.Connect("event", func(_ *gtk.ToggleButton, ev *gdk.Event) { if gts.EventIsRightClick(ev) { menu.PopupAtPointer(ev) } }) } func NewTargetEntry(target string) gtk.TargetEntry { e, _ := gtk.TargetEntryNew(target, gtk.TARGET_SAME_APP, 0) return *e } // func