mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 17:39:23 +00:00
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@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ go 1.14
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github.com/twmb/murmur3 v1.1.3 h1:D83U0XYKcHRYwYIpBKf3Pks91Z0Byda/9SJ8B6EMRcA=
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golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.1-0.20180807135948-17ff2d5776d2/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=
@ -25,21 +25,7 @@ var shortTruncators = []truncator{
func TimeAgo(t time.Time) string {
trunc := t
now := time.Now()
for _, truncator := range shortTruncators {
trunc = trunc.Truncate(truncator.d)
now = now.Truncate(truncator.d)
if trunc.Equal(now) || truncator.d == -1 {
return monday.Format(t, truncator.s, Locale)
return ""
return timeAgo(t, shortTruncators)
var longTruncators = []truncator{
@ -49,12 +35,20 @@ var longTruncators = []truncator{
func TimeAgoLong(t time.Time) string {
return timeAgo(t, longTruncators)
func TimeAgoShort(t time.Time) string {
return monday.Format(t, "15:04", Locale)
func timeAgo(t time.Time, truncs []truncator) string {
trunc := t
now := time.Now()
for _, truncator := range longTruncators {
for _, truncator := range truncs {
trunc = trunc.Truncate(truncator.d)
now = now.Truncate(truncator.d)
@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
package config
import (
const ConfigFile = "config.json"
@ -24,13 +28,38 @@ func (s Section) String() string {
var Sections = [sectionLen][]Entry{}
type SectionEntries map[string]EntryValue
func sortSection(section Section) {
// TODO: remove the sorting and allow for declarative ordering
sort.Slice(Sections[section], func(i, j int) bool {
return Sections[section][i].Name < Sections[section][j].Name
// UnmarshalJSON ignores all JSON entries with unknown keys.
func (s SectionEntries) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var entries map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &entries); err != nil {
return err
for k, entry := range s {
v, ok := entries[k]
if ok {
if err := entry.UnmarshalJSON(v); err != nil {
// Non-fatal error.
log.Error(errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to unmarshal key %q", k))
return nil
var sections = [sectionLen]SectionEntries{}
func AppearanceAdd(name string, value EntryValue) {
sc := sections[Appearance]
if sc == nil {
sc = make(SectionEntries, 1)
sections[Appearance] = sc
sc[name] = value
type Entry struct {
@ -38,18 +67,27 @@ type Entry struct {
Value EntryValue
func AppearanceAdd(name string, value EntryValue) {
Sections[Appearance] = append(Sections[Appearance], Entry{
Name: name,
Value: value,
func Sections() (sects [sectionLen][]Entry) {
for i, section := range sections {
var sect = make([]Entry, 0, len(section))
for k, v := range section {
sect = append(sect, Entry{k, v})
sort.Slice(sect, func(i, j int) bool {
return sect[i].Name < sect[j].Name
sects[i] = sect
func Save() error {
return MarshalToFile(ConfigFile, Sections)
return MarshalToFile(ConfigFile, sections)
func Restore() error {
return UnmarshalFromFile(ConfigFile, &Sections)
return UnmarshalFromFile(ConfigFile, §ions)
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func Section(entries []config.Entry) *gtk.Grid {
func NewPreferenceDialog() *Dialog {
var dialog = NewDialog()
for i, section := range config.Sections {
for i, section := range config.Sections() {
grid := Section(section)
name := config.Section(i).String()
@ -98,3 +98,52 @@ func (s *_switch) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
*s.value = value
return nil
type _inputentry struct {
value *string
change func(string) error
func InputEntry(value *string, change func(string) error) EntryValue {
return &_inputentry{value, change}
func (e *_inputentry) Construct() gtk.IWidget {
entry, _ := gtk.EntryNew()
entry.Connect("changed", func() {
v, err := entry.GetText()
if err != nil {
*e.value = v
if e.change != nil {
if err := e.change(v); err != nil {
entry.SetIconFromIconName(gtk.ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, "dialog-error")
entry.SetIconTooltipText(gtk.ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, err.Error())
} else {
return entry
func (e *_inputentry) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(*e.value)
func (e *_inputentry) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var value string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &value); err != nil {
return err
*e.value = value
return nil
@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
package cozy
import (
@ -38,6 +42,11 @@ func WrapCollapsedMessage(gc *message.GenericContainer) *CollapsedMessage {
func (c *CollapsedMessage) Collapsed() bool { return true }
func (c *CollapsedMessage) UpdateTimestamp(t time.Time) {
func (c *CollapsedMessage) Unwrap(grid *gtk.Grid) *message.GenericContainer {
// Remove GenericContainer's widgets from the containers.
@ -141,21 +141,23 @@ func (f *Field) SetSender(session cchat.Session, sender cchat.ServerMessageSende
f.Sender = sender
// Do we support message editing?
if editor, ok := sender.(cchat.ServerMessageEditor); ok {
f.editor = editor
// Allow editor to be nil.
ed, ok := sender.(cchat.ServerMessageEditor)
if !ok {
log.Printlnf("Editor is not implemented for %T", sender)
f.editor = ed
// Editable returns whether or not the input field has editing capabilities.
func (f *Field) Editable() bool {
return f.editor != nil
// Editable returns whether or not the input field can be edited.
func (f *Field) Editable(msgID string) bool {
return f.editor != nil && f.editor.MessageEditable(msgID)
func (f *Field) StartEditing(msgID string) bool {
// Do we support message editing? If not, exit.
if !f.Editable() {
if !f.Editable(msgID) {
return false
@ -37,11 +37,6 @@ func (f *Field) keyDown(tv *gtk.TextView, ev *gdk.Event) bool {
// If Arrow Up is pressed, then we might want to edit the latest message if
// any.
case gdk.KEY_Up:
// We don't support message editing, so passthrough events.
if !f.Editable() {
return false
// Do we have input? If we do, then we shouldn't touch it.
if f.textLen() > 0 {
return false
@ -54,6 +49,11 @@ func (f *Field) keyDown(tv *gtk.TextView, ev *gdk.Event) bool {
return false
// If we don't support message editing, then passthrough events.
if !f.Editable(id) {
return false
// Start editing.
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func (f *Field) sendInput() {
// Are we editing anything?
if id := f.editingID; f.Editable() && id != "" {
if id := f.editingID; f.Editable(id) && id != "" {
go func() {
if err := f.editor.EditMessage(id, text); err != nil {
log.Error(errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to edit message"))
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ func NewEmptyContainer() *GenericContainer {
content.SetXAlign(0) // left align
// content.SetSelectable(true)
// Add CSS classes.
@ -106,6 +106,14 @@ func (v *View) JoinServer(session cchat.Session, server ServerMessage, done func
// Bind the state.
v.state.bind(session, server)
// Skipping ok check because sender can be nil. Without the empty
// check, Go will panic.
sender, _ := server.(cchat.ServerMessageSender)
// We're setting this variable before actually calling JoinServer. This is
// because new messages created by JoinServer will use this state for things
// such as determinining if it's deletable or not.
v.InputView.SetSender(session, sender)
gts.Async(func() (func(), error) {
// We can use a background context here, as the user can't go anywhere
// that would require cancellation anyway. This is done in ui.go.
@ -127,10 +135,6 @@ func (v *View) JoinServer(session cchat.Session, server ServerMessage, done func
// Set the cancel handler.
// Skipping ok check because sender can be nil. Without the empty
// check, Go will panic.
sender, _ := server.(cchat.ServerMessageSender)
v.InputView.SetSender(session, sender)
}, nil
@ -180,7 +184,7 @@ func (v *View) BindMenu(msg container.GridMessage) {
var mitems []menu.Item
// Do we have editing capabilities? If yes, append a button to allow it.
if v.InputView.Editable() {
if v.InputView.Editable(msg.ID()) {
mitems = append(mitems, menu.SimpleItem(
"Edit", func() { v.InputView.StartEditing(msg.ID()) },
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package attrmap
import (
type AppendMap struct {
appended map[int]string
indices []int
func NewAppendedMap() AppendMap {
return AppendMap{
appended: make(map[int]string),
indices: []int{},
func (a *AppendMap) Span(start, end int, attr string) {
a.Add(start, `<span `+attr+`>`)
a.Add(end, "</span>")
func (a *AppendMap) Pair(start, end int, open, close string) {
a.Add(start, open)
a.Add(end, close)
func (a *AppendMap) Addf(ind int, f string, argv ...interface{}) {
a.Add(ind, fmt.Sprintf(f, argv...))
func (a *AppendMap) Pad(ind int) {
a.Add(ind, "\n")
func (a *AppendMap) Add(ind int, attr string) {
if _, ok := a.appended[ind]; ok {
a.appended[ind] += attr
a.appended[ind] = attr
a.indices = append(a.indices, ind)
func (a AppendMap) Get(ind int) string {
return a.appended[ind]
func (a *AppendMap) Finalize(strlen int) []int {
// make sure there's always a closing tag at the end so the entire string
// gets flushed.
a.Add(strlen, "")
return a.indices
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
package hl
import (
var (
lexerMap = map[string]chroma.Lexer{}
// this is not thread-safe, but we can reuse everything, as we know Gtk will
// run everything in the main thread.
fmtter = formatter{}
// tokenType -> span attrs
css = map[chroma.TokenType]string{}
func init() {
var name = "algol_nu" // default
config.AppearanceAdd("Code Highlight Style", config.InputEntry(&name, ChangeStyle))
func Tokenize(language, source string) chroma.Iterator {
var lexer = getLexer(language)
if lexer == nil {
lexer = lexers.Fallback
i, _ := lexer.Tokenise(nil, source)
return i
func Render(w io.Writer, language, source string) {
if i := Tokenize(language, source); i != nil {
fmtter.Format(w, i)
} else {
// Fallback.
func RenderString(language, source string) string {
var buf strings.Builder
Render(&buf, language, source)
return buf.String()
func Segments(appendmap *attrmap.AppendMap, src string, seg text.Codeblocker) {
var start, end = seg.Bounds()
appendmap.Span(start, end, `font_family="monospace"`)
if i := Tokenize(seg.CodeblockLanguage(), src[start:end]); i != nil {
fmtter.segments(appendmap, start, i)
func ChangeStyle(styleName string) error {
s := styles.Get(styleName)
// styleName == "" => no highlighting, not an error
if s == styles.Fallback && styleName != "" {
return errors.New("Unknown style")
css = styleToCSS(s)
return nil
func getLexer(lang string) chroma.Lexer {
v, ok := lexerMap[lang]
if ok {
return v
v = lexers.Get(lang)
if v != nil {
lexerMap[lang] = v
return v
return nil
// Formatter that generates Pango markup.
type formatter struct {
highlightRanges [][2]int
func (f *formatter) reset() {
f.highlightRanges = f.highlightRanges[:0]
func (f *formatter) segments(appendmap *attrmap.AppendMap, offset int, iter chroma.Iterator) {
for _, token := range iter.Tokens() {
attr := f.styleAttr(token.Type)
if attr != "" {
appendmap.Addf(offset, `<span %s>`, attr)
offset += len(token.Value)
if attr != "" {
appendmap.Add(offset, "</span>")
func (f *formatter) Format(w io.Writer, iterator chroma.Iterator) {
for _, token := range iterator.Tokens() {
var code = strings.Replace(html.EscapeString(token.String()), "\t", " ", -1)
if attr := f.styleAttr(token.Type); attr != "" {
code = fmt.Sprintf(`<span font_family="monospace" %s>%s</span>`, attr, code)
func (f *formatter) shouldHighlight(highlightIndex, line int) (bool, bool) {
var next = false
for highlightIndex < len(f.highlightRanges) && line > f.highlightRanges[highlightIndex][1] {
next = true
if highlightIndex < len(f.highlightRanges) {
hrange := f.highlightRanges[highlightIndex]
if line >= hrange[0] && line <= hrange[1] {
return true, next
return false, next
func (f *formatter) styleAttr(tt chroma.TokenType) string {
if _, ok := css[tt]; !ok {
tt = tt.SubCategory()
if _, ok := css[tt]; !ok {
tt = tt.Category()
if t, ok := css[tt]; ok {
return t
return ""
func styleToCSS(style *chroma.Style) map[chroma.TokenType]string {
classes := map[chroma.TokenType]string{}
bg := style.Get(chroma.Background)
for t := range chroma.StandardTypes {
var entry = style.Get(t)
if t != chroma.Background {
entry = entry.Sub(bg)
if entry.IsZero() {
classes[t] = styleEntryToTag(entry)
return classes
func styleEntryToTag(e chroma.StyleEntry) string {
var attrs = make([]string, 0, 1)
if e.Colour.IsSet() {
attrs = append(attrs, fmt.Sprintf(`foreground="%s"`, e.Colour.String()))
if e.Bold == chroma.Yes {
attrs = append(attrs, `weight="bold"`)
if e.Italic == chroma.Yes {
attrs = append(attrs, `style="italic"`)
if e.Underline == chroma.Yes {
attrs = append(attrs, `underline="single"`)
return strings.Join(attrs, " ")
@ -5,65 +5,14 @@ import (
type attrAppendMap struct {
appended map[int]string
indices []int
func newAttrAppendedMap() attrAppendMap {
return attrAppendMap{
appended: make(map[int]string),
indices: []int{},
func (a *attrAppendMap) span(start, end int, attr string) {
a.add(start, `<span `+attr+`>`)
a.add(end, "</span>")
func (a *attrAppendMap) pair(start, end int, open, close string) {
a.add(start, open)
a.add(end, close)
func (a *attrAppendMap) addf(ind int, f string, argv ...interface{}) {
a.add(ind, fmt.Sprintf(f, argv...))
func (a *attrAppendMap) pad(ind int) {
a.add(ind, "\n")
func (a *attrAppendMap) add(ind int, attr string) {
if _, ok := a.appended[ind]; ok {
a.appended[ind] += attr
a.appended[ind] = attr
a.indices = append(a.indices, ind)
func (a attrAppendMap) get(ind int) string {
return a.appended[ind]
func (a *attrAppendMap) finalize(strlen int) []int {
// make sure there's always a closing tag at the end so the entire string
// gets flushed.
a.add(strlen, "")
return a.indices
func markupAttr(attr text.Attribute) string {
// meme fast path
if attr == 0 {
@ -109,7 +58,7 @@ func RenderMarkup(content text.Rich) string {
// })
// map to append strings to indices
var appended = newAttrAppendedMap()
var appended = attrmap.NewAppendedMap()
// Parse all segments.
for _, segment := range content.Segments {
@ -117,37 +66,36 @@ func RenderMarkup(content text.Rich) string {
switch segment := segment.(type) {
case text.Linker:
appended.addf(start, `<a href="%s">`, html.EscapeString(segment.Link()))
appended.add(end, "</a>")
appended.Addf(start, `<a href="%s">`, html.EscapeString(segment.Link()))
appended.Add(end, "</a>")
case text.Imager:
// Ends don't matter with images.
appended.add(start, composeImageMarkup(segment))
appended.Add(start, composeImageMarkup(segment))
case text.Colorer:
appended.span(start, end, fmt.Sprintf(`color="#%06X"`, segment.Color()))
appended.Span(start, end, fmt.Sprintf(`color="#%06X"`, segment.Color()))
case text.Attributor:
appended.span(start, end, markupAttr(segment.Attribute()))
appended.Span(start, end, markupAttr(segment.Attribute()))
case text.Codeblocker:
// Treat codeblocks the same as a monospace tag.
// TODO: add highlighting
appended.span(start, end, `font_family="monospace"`)
// Syntax highlight the codeblock.
hl.Segments(&appended, content.Content, segment)
case text.Quoteblocker:
// TODO: pls.
appended.span(start, end, `color="#789922"`)
appended.Span(start, end, `color="#789922"`)
var lastIndex = 0
for _, index := range appended.finalize(len(content.Content)) {
for _, index := range appended.Finalize(len(content.Content)) {
// Write the content.
// Write the tags.
// Set the last index.
lastIndex = index
Reference in a new issue