# Created by: Mia PORTNAME= lwjgl3 DISTVERSION= 3.2.4.alpha2 CATEGORIES= games java MASTER_SITES= https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/releases/download/v1.3.61/:compiler https://kurt.mosiejcz.uk/pub/distfiles/:maven DISTFILES+= kotlin-compiler-1.3.61.zip:compiler lwjgl3-maven-20210208.tar.gz:maven # these maven libaraies are pulled from openbsd; their original source is https://www.lwjgl.org/customize with mode:maven # however 3.2.4* is an unoffical release and modifications may have been made to the maven libs EXTRACT_ONLY= ${DISTNAME}.tar.gz MAINTAINER= mia-rain@tuta.io COMMENT= Lightweight Java Game Library v3 LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE BROKEN_i386= ld: error: undefined symbol: __stack_smash_handler # openbsd reports this error, however I am unable to test it BROKEN_java11= java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: bin/classes/lwjgl/core/module-info.class # this error seems to come from freebsd as openbsd builds with java 11 fine ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= amd64 powerpc64 powerpc64le BUILD_DEPENDS= ant:devel/apache-ant \ unzip:archivers/unzip \ ant:devel/apache-ant \ ${PREFIX}/libdata/pkgconfig/bullet.pc:devel/bullet \ ${PREFIX}/include/dynload.h:devel/dyncall \ ${PREFIX}/openjdk8/jre/lib/jce.jar:java/openjdk8 \ ${PREFIX}/libdata/pkgconfig/liblz4.pc:archivers/liblz4 LIB_DEPENDS= libopenal.so:audio/openal-soft \ libopus.so:audio/opus \ liblmdb.so:databases/lmdb \ libglfw.so:graphics/glfw \ libassimp.so:multimedia/assimp \ libxxhash.so:devel/xxhash \ libgtk-3.so:x11-toolkits/gtk30 USES= dos2unix xorg USE_GITHUB= yes GH_ACCOUNT= kmosiejczuk GH_TAGNAME= 3b9d8ce GH_PROJECT= ${PORTNAME} # there is a CRKatri fork directly for freebsd that kmosiejczuk's fork cherrypicked from # future testing will be done with that fork to see if it fixes some issues DOS2UNIX_REGEX= .*.[^jp][^an][^rg]$ USE_JAVA= yes USE_ANT= yes USE_XORG= xcursor xrandr xxf86vm MAKE_ENV+= LWJGL_BUILD_OFFLINE=true JAVA8_HOME=${PREFIX}/openjdk8/ # openbsd has JAVA8_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}; but this fails as openjdk11/jre is missing # ALL_TARGET= compile-templates generate compile release JAVA_VERSION=8 # upstream changes need to be merged to allow for 15+ compiliation LWJGL3_HOME= ${JAVASHAREDIR}/lwjgl3 .include post-extract: ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/bin/libs ${UNZIP_CMD} -oq -d ${WRKSRC}/bin/libs/ \ ${DISTDIR}/kotlin-compiler-1.3.61.zip ${TAR} -C ${WRKSRC}/bin/libs -zxf \ ${DISTDIR}/lwjgl3-maven-20210208.tar.gz pre-configure: ${SED} -i -e 's,/usr/X11R6,${X11BASE},g' \ ${WRKSRC}/build.xml ${SED} -i -e 's,/usr/local,${LOCALBASE},g' \ ${WRKSRC}/build.xml :> ${WRKSRC}/bin/libs/touch.txt do-install: ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} LWJGL_BUILD_OFFLINE=true ${RM} ${WRKSRC}/bin/RELEASE/lwjgl*/lwjgl-*-sources.jar ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}/${LWJGL3_HOME} for x in ${WRKSRC}/bin/RELEASE/lwjgl*/*.jar; do \ ${INSTALL_DATA} $$x ${STAGEDIR}/${LWJGL3_HOME}/; \ done for x in ${WRKSRC}/bin/RELEASE/lwjgl*/*license.txt; do \ ${INSTALL_DATA} $$x ${STAGEDIR}/${LWJGL3_HOME}/; \ done .include