Compare commits


10 Commits

4 changed files with 621 additions and 497 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
"elm-version": "0.19.1",
"dependencies": {
"direct": {
"chelovek0v/bbase64": "1.0.1",
"elm/browser": "1.0.2",
"elm/core": "1.0.5",
"elm/html": "1.0.0",
@ -14,13 +15,17 @@
"elm/url": "1.0.0",
"elm-community/array-extra": "2.6.0",
"elm-community/html-extra": "3.4.0",
"elm-community/list-extra": "8.7.0",
"elm-community/maybe-extra": "5.3.0",
"elm-community/string-extra": "4.0.1"
"elm-community/string-extra": "4.0.1",
"elm-toulouse/cbor": "1.1.0"
"indirect": {
"elm/bytes": "1.0.8",
"elm/regex": "1.0.0",
"elm/time": "1.0.0",
"elm/virtual-dom": "1.0.3"
"elm/virtual-dom": "1.0.3",
"elm-toulouse/float16": "1.0.1"
"test-dependencies": {

View File

@ -1,24 +1,34 @@
module Main exposing (main)
import FunkyFunktions exposing (..)
import Presets exposing (activities)
import Stickers exposing (Sticker, StickerContent(..), viewSticker)
import Array exposing (Array, get, set)
import Array.Extra as Array
import Base64.Encode as B64E
import Base64.Decode as B64D
import Browser
import Browser.Dom exposing (focus, getViewport, Viewport)
import Browser.Navigation exposing (Key)
import Browser.Navigation exposing (Key, pushUrl)
import Browser.Events exposing (onMouseMove, onMouseUp, onResize)
import Cbor exposing (CborItem(..))
import Cbor.Encode as CE
import Cbor.Decode as CD
import Html exposing (Attribute, button, div, h3, input, Html, section, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, id, style, value)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, disabled, id, style, value)
import Html.Attributes.Extra as Attributes exposing (attributeIf)
import Html.Extra exposing (viewMaybe)
import Html.Events exposing (onBlur, onClick, onInput, onMouseDown, onMouseEnter)
import Html.Lazy exposing (lazy2)
import Html.Events exposing (onBlur, onClick, onInput, onMouseDown, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave)
import Html.Events.Extra exposing (onEnter)
import Html.Lazy exposing (lazy, lazy2)
import Json.Decode as D
import List exposing (map, singleton)
import List.Extra exposing (elemIndex, getAt)
import Maybe exposing (andThen)
import Maybe.Extra exposing (isJust)
import String exposing (fromInt, isEmpty)
import Result exposing (toMaybe)
import String exposing (dropLeft, fromInt, isEmpty, replace, toLower)
import String.Extra exposing (isBlank)
import Svg exposing (path, Svg, svg)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (d, fill, height, stroke, viewBox, width)
@ -40,7 +50,7 @@ type Msg
| Click Int Int Int Int
| SetTileText Int Int String
| AddTile Int
| TileDeselected Int
| PruneTile Int Int
| HeldOverNewTile Int Int
| NewMousePos Int Int
| StartDrag Int Int Tile Int Int
@ -50,12 +60,10 @@ type alias Model =
{ columns: Array Column
, heldTile: Maybe HeldTile
, mousePos: (Int, Int)
, browserKey: Key
type alias Column =
{ name: String
, tiles: Array Tile
type alias Column = { tiles: Array Tile }
type alias Tile =
{ text: String
@ -72,25 +80,17 @@ blankTile = { text = "", stickers = [] }
init : () -> Url -> Key -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init flags url browserKey =
{ columns =
[ { name = "Into"
, tiles = Array.empty
, { name = "Willing"
, tiles = Array.empty
, { name = "Maybe"
, tiles = Array.empty
, { name = "No"
, tiles = Array.empty
|> Array.fromList
, mousePos = (200, 200)
, heldTile = Nothing
|> withoutCmd
m =
case load browserKey url of
Just model -> model
Nothing ->
{ columns = Array.repeat 4 (Column Array.empty)
, mousePos = (200, 200)
, heldTile = Nothing
, browserKey = browserKey
in m |> withoutCmd
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ subscriptions model =
view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg
view {columns, heldTile, mousePos} =
[ lazy2 viewColumns heldTile columns
, lazy viewWordbank activities
, viewMaybe (viewFloatyTile mousePos) heldTile
|> Browser.Document "meow!"
@ -116,11 +117,10 @@ view {columns, heldTile, mousePos} =
viewColumns : Maybe HeldTile -> Array Column -> Html Msg
viewColumns heldTile columns =
Array.indexedMap (viewColumn heldTile) columns
|> (singleton >> div [])
|> Array.toList
|> section
[ class "columns"
-- Temporary hack while firefox's :has() selector is broken
, attributeIf (isJust heldTile) <| style "user-select" "none"
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ viewFloatyTile (mouseX, mouseY) { tile, hoveredColumnIndex } =
viewHoverTile = div [id "hover-tile"] []
viewColumn : Maybe HeldTile -> Int -> Column -> Html Msg
viewColumn heldOverTile columnIndex {name, tiles} =
viewColumn heldOverTile columnIndex {tiles} =
isTileHeld = isJust heldOverTile
tileCount = Array.length tiles
@ -157,14 +157,23 @@ viewColumn heldOverTile columnIndex {name, tiles} =
[ class "column"
, attributeIf isTileHeld (onMouseLeave <| HeldOverNewTile -1 -1)
( ( h3
[text name]
[text <| columnIndexToName columnIndex]
) :: tilesList
++ [ viewAddTile isTileHeld columnIndex tileCount ]
columnIndexToName : Int -> String
columnIndexToName i = case i of
0 -> "Into"
1 -> "Willing"
2 -> "Maybe"
3 -> "No"
_ -> "Too Many Columns"
viewTile : Bool -> Int -> Int -> Tile -> Html Msg
viewTile isTileHeld columnIndex tileIndex tile =
@ -176,29 +185,30 @@ viewTile isTileHeld columnIndex tileIndex tile =
-- )
, attributeIf isTileHeld (onMouseEnter <| HeldOverNewTile columnIndex tileIndex)
[ viewGrip columnIndex tileIndex tile
[ viewGrip 24 columnIndex tileIndex tile
, input
[ value tile.text
, onInput (SetTileText columnIndex tileIndex)
, onBlur (TileDeselected columnIndex)
, attributeIf (isBlank tile.text) <| onBlur (PruneTile columnIndex tileIndex)
, attributeIf (isBlank tile.text) (id "new-tile")
, onEnter (AddTile columnIndex)
, svg
[ Svg.Attributes.class "tile-stickers"
, height "80"
, width "400"
, height "64"
, width "320"
, style "user-select" "none"
(map viewSticker tile.stickers)
viewGrip : Int -> Int -> Tile -> Html Msg
viewGrip colIndx tileIndx tile =
viewGrip : Int -> Int -> Int -> Tile -> Html Msg
viewGrip size colIndx tileIndx tile =
[ viewBox "0 0 103.4 103.4"
, width "30"
, height "30"
, width <| String.fromInt size
, height <| String.fromInt size
, Svg.Attributes.class "drag-gripper"
, on "mousedown" <| (
D.map2 (StartDrag colIndx tileIndx tile)
@ -226,6 +236,27 @@ viewAddTile isTileHeld columnIndex tileCount =
[ text "+" ]
viewWordbank : List String -> Html Msg
viewWordbank wordlist =
[ id "word-bank"
(map viewMiniTile wordlist)
viewMiniTile : String -> Html Msg
viewMiniTile word =
[ class "tile"
, class "mini-tile"
[ viewGrip 16 -1 -1 { text = word, stickers = [] }
, input
[ value word
, disabled True
addStickerToTile : Sticker -> Tile -> Tile
addStickerToTile sticker tile =
{ tile | stickers = sticker :: tile.stickers }
@ -237,10 +268,6 @@ addTileToColumn column =
isTileEmpty : Tile -> Bool
isTileEmpty = .text >> isEmpty
pruneTiles : Column -> Column
pruneTiles column =
{ column | tiles = Array.filter (not << isTileEmpty) column.tiles }
updateTileText : String -> Tile -> Tile
updateTileText text tile =
{ tile | text = text }
@ -292,17 +319,17 @@ update msg model = case Debug.log "UPDATE" msg of
(modColumnInPage columnIndex << modTileInColumn tileIndex)
(updateTileText newText)
|> withoutCmd
|> withSaveCmd
AddTile columnIndex ->
modColumnInPage columnIndex
|> withCmd (Task.attempt (constant Noop) (focus "new-tile"))
TileDeselected columnIndex ->
PruneTile columnIndex tileIndex ->
modColumnInPage columnIndex
(removeTileFromColumn tileIndex)
|> withoutCmd
|> withSaveCmd
HeldOverNewTile columnIndex tileIndex -> case model.heldTile of
Nothing -> model |> withoutCmd
Just oldHeldTileInfo ->
@ -353,4 +380,79 @@ update msg model = case Debug.log "UPDATE" msg of
{ modelWithTileInserted | heldTile = Nothing }
|> withoutCmd
|> withSaveCmd
withSaveCmd : Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
withSaveCmd model = (model, save model)
andSaveCmd : (Model, Cmd Msg) -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
andSaveCmd (model, cmd) = (model, Cmd.batch [cmd, save model])
save : Model -> Cmd Msg
save model =
saveModel model
|> CE.encode
|> B64E.bytes
|> B64E.encode
|> dropLeft 1
|> replace "=" ""
|> (++) "#"
|> pushUrl model.browserKey
load : Key -> Url -> Maybe Model
load key url =
|> ((++) "g")
|> andThen (B64D.decode B64D.bytes >> toMaybe)
|> andThen (CD.decode (loadModel key))
saveModel : Model -> CE.Encoder
saveModel { columns } =
Array.toList columns
|> map saveColumn
|> CE.sequence
array4 a b c d = Array.fromList [a, b, c, d]
loadModel : Key -> CD.Decoder Model
loadModel key =
CD.map4 array4 loadColumn loadColumn loadColumn loadColumn
|> Model
|> ((|>) Nothing)
|> ((|>) (0, 0))
|> ((|>) key)
saveColumn : Column -> CE.Encoder
saveColumn { tiles } = CE.list saveTile (Array.toList tiles)
loadColumn : CD.Decoder Column
loadColumn =
CD.list loadTile
|> Array.fromList
|> Column
saveTile : Tile -> CE.Encoder
saveTile { text } =
case elemIndex (toLower text) activities of
Just index -> index
Nothing -> CE.string text
loadTile : CD.Decoder Tile
loadTile =
|> CD.andThen loadTileInner
loadTileInner : CborItem -> CD.Decoder Tile
loadTileInner item =
word =
case item of
CborInt i ->
case getAt i activities of
Just activity -> CD.succeed activity
Nothing ->
CborString s -> CD.succeed s
_ ->
in (flip Tile []) word

View File

@ -9,411 +9,390 @@ type alias WordSet =
, words : List String -- e.g. Bondage, Schlong, Loss of Control
allWordSets = [activitiesSet, languageSet, feelingsSet]
activitiesSet = WordSet
(["Yes - Into", "Yes - Willing", "Maybe", "No"] |> StickerContent "black")
-- TODO make actual stickers for these
(["Top / Giver", "Bottom / Reciever", "Never Tried", "Favorite"] |> StickerContent "black")
languageSet = WordSet
(["Yes - Into", "Yes - Willing", "Maybe", "No"] |> StickerContent "black")
(["Speaker", "Listener", "Never Tried", "Favorite"] |> StickerContent "black")
feelingsSet = WordSet
(["Often", "Sometimes", "Never"] |> StickerContent "black")
(["I like to feel", "I want my partner to feel", "Never Tried", "Favorite"] |> StickerContent "black")
activities =
[ "69"
, "Age-Play"
, "Anal Sex"
, "Analingus/Rimming"
, "Ball Stretching"
, "Being Filmed/Photographed"
, "Being Watched"
, "Biting"
, "Blindfolds"
, "Blood Play"
, "Light Bondage"
, "Heavy Bondage"
, "Rope"
, "Boot-blacking"
, "Bratting"
, "Breath Play"
, "Butt Plugs"
, "Cages/Confinement"
, "Caning"
, "Chastity"
, "Cock/Pussy Worship"
, "Cockrings"
, "Collars"
, "Consensual Non-Consent"
, "Costumes"
, "Cross Dressing"
, "Cuckolding"
, "Cuddling"
, "Cunnilingus"
, "Degradation"
, "Dirty Talk"
, "Domination"
, "Double Penetration" -- TODO Which hole(s)? note??? how do we handle this?
, "E-Stim"
, "Edging"
, "Ejaculate"
, "Enemas"
, "Eye Contact (or restriction from)"
, "Face Fucking"
, "Facesitting"
, "Fellatio"
, "Fingering" -- (External? Anal? Vaginal?)
, "Fisting" -- (Anal? Vaginal?)
, "Flogging"
, "Food Play"
, "Foot Play"
, "Frottage"
, "Furries"
, "G-Spot"
, "Gags"
, "Gender Play"
, "Genital Torture"
, "Group Sex"
, "Hair Pulling"
, "Hoods"
, "Humiliation"
, "Incest"
, "Roleplay"
, "Kicking"
, "Kidnapping"
, "Roleplay"
, "Kissing" -- (Where?)
, "Knife Play"
, "Leather"
, "Lingerie"
, "Massage"
, "Medical Play"
, "Moans"
, "Mutual Masturbation"
, "Nipple Clamps"
, "Nipple Play"
, "Nipple Torture"
, "Objectification"
, "Orgasm Control"
, "Orgasm Denial"
, "Paddles"
, "Mild Pain"
, "Moderate Pain"
, "Severe Pain"
, "Pegging"
, "Piercing"
, "Phone Sex"
, "Piss Play"
, "Porn"
, "Power Exchange"
, "Prostate Play"
, "Punching"
, "Punishment"
, "Race Play"
, "Riding Crops"
, "Role Play" -- (Which Roles?)
, "Rubber/Latex Clothing"
, "Scat"
, "Scratching"
, "Sensory Deprivation"
, "Service"
, "Sex During Menstruation"
, "Sex in Public"
, "Sex Magic"
, "Sex Parties"
, "Sex Toys"
, "Sexting"
, "Shaving"
, "Slapping" -- (Where?)
, "Smoking" -- (Cigarettes? 420? Cigars?)
, "Spanking"
, "Sploshing"
, "Spreader Bars"
, "Strap Ons"
, "Strip Clubs"
, "Submission"
, "Suspension"
, "Swallowing Ejaculate"
, "Tantra"
, "Teasing"
, "Temporary Marks"
, "Threesome" -- (Genders?)
, "Tickling"
, "Tit-Fucking"
, "Tribadism"
, "Triple Penetration"
, "Vaginal Penetration"
, "Watching Others"
, "Wax"
, "Whips"
, "Wrestling"
, "age-play"
, "anal sex"
, "analingus/rimming"
, "ball stretching"
, "being filmed/photographed"
, "being watched"
, "biting"
, "blindfolds"
, "blood play"
, "light bondage"
, "heavy bondage"
, "rope"
, "boot-blacking"
, "bratting"
, "breath play"
, "butt plugs"
, "cages/confinement"
, "caning"
, "chastity"
, "cock/pussy worship"
, "cockrings"
, "collars"
, "consensual non-consent"
, "costumes"
, "cross dressing"
, "cuckolding"
, "cuddling"
, "cunnilingus"
, "degradation"
, "dirty talk"
, "domination"
, "double penetration" -- todo which hole(s)? note??? how do we handle this?
, "e-stim"
, "edging"
, "ejaculate"
, "enemas"
, "eye contact (or restriction from)"
, "face fucking"
, "facesitting"
, "fellatio"
, "fingering" -- (external? anal? vaginal?)
, "fisting" -- (anal? vaginal?)
, "flogging"
, "food play"
, "foot play"
, "frottage"
, "furries"
, "g-spot"
, "gags"
, "gender play"
, "genital torture"
, "group sex"
, "hair pulling"
, "hoods"
, "humiliation"
, "incest"
, "roleplay"
, "kicking"
, "kidnapping"
, "roleplay"
, "kissing" -- (where?)
, "knife play"
, "leather"
, "lingerie"
, "massage"
, "medical play"
, "moans"
, "mutual masturbation"
, "nipple clamps"
, "nipple play"
, "nipple torture"
, "objectification"
, "orgasm control"
, "orgasm denial"
, "paddles"
, "mild pain"
, "moderate pain"
, "severe pain"
, "pegging"
, "piercing"
, "phone sex"
, "piss play"
, "porn"
, "power exchange"
, "prostate play"
, "punching"
, "punishment"
, "race play"
, "riding crops"
, "role play" -- (which roles?)
, "rubber/latex clothing"
, "scat"
, "scratching"
, "sensory deprivation"
, "service"
, "sex during menstruation"
, "sex in public"
, "sex magic"
, "sex parties"
, "sex toys"
, "sexting"
, "shaving"
, "slapping" -- (where?)
, "smoking" -- (cigarettes? 420? cigars?)
, "spanking"
, "sploshing"
, "spreader bars"
, "strap ons"
, "strip clubs"
, "submission"
, "suspension"
, "swallowing ejaculate"
, "tantra"
, "teasing"
, "temporary marks"
, "threesome" -- (genders?)
, "tickling"
, "tit-fucking"
, "tribadism"
, "triple penetration"
, "vaginal penetration"
, "watching others"
, "wax"
, "whips"
, "wrestling"
language =
[ "Abuse"
, "Aching"
, "Ample"
, "Aroused"
, "Ass"
, "Asshole"
, "Babe"
, "Baby"
, "Baby Girl/Boy"
, "Balls"
, "Bang"
, "Beat"
, "Beautiful"
, "Beg"
, "Bitch"
, "Bite"
, "Bits"
, "Blowjob"
, "Blush"
, "Bone/Boner"
, "Boobs"
, "Booty"
, "Bottom"
, "Boy/Boi"
, "Brat"
, "Breasts"
, "Bruise"
, "Bulge"
, "Blush"
, "Butt"
, "Button"
, "Choke"
, "Clit"
, "Clitoris"
, "Cock"
, "Cock Sucking"
, "Cum"
, "Cum Dumpster"
, "Cum Slut"
, "Cunnilingus"
, "Cunt"
, "Daddy"
, "Darling"
, "Destroy"
, "Dick"
, "Dirty"
, "Disappointment"
, "Disgusting"
, "Down There"
, "Dripping"
, "Eating Out"
, "Embarrassed"
, "Face Fucking"
, "Faggot"
, "Fap"
, "Fellatio"
, "Filthy"
, "Finger"
, "Finger Bang"
, "Finger Fuck"
, "Freak"
, "Fuck"
, "Fuck Toy"
, "Gag"
, "Giggle"
, "Girl"
, "Goddess"
, "Gorgeous"
, "Grab"
, "Groan"
, "Hairy"
, "Hard/Hard On"
, "Hole"
, "Honey"
, "Horny"
, "Hot"
, "Intense"
, "Jerk Off"
, "Jizz"
, "Jugs"
, "Juicy"
, "Junk"
, "Kitten"
, "Lick"
, "Lips"
, "Little"
, "Little One"
, "Load"
, "Maam"
, "Master"
, "Masturbate"
, "Member"
, "Mine"
, "Miss"
, "Mister"
, "Mistress"
, "Moan"
, "Moist"
, "Mouth"
, "Nads"
, "Nasty"
, "Nipples"
, "Pathetic"
, "Pecker"
, "Pervert"
, "Pig/Piggy"
, "Pink"
, "Please"
, "Pound"
, "Prick"
, "Princess"
, "Property"
, "Punch"
, "Pup"
, "Pussy"
, "Rape"
, "Ravage"
, "Red"
, "Rump"
, "Sack"
, "Sad"
, "Schlong"
, "Scratch"
, "Scream"
, "Screw"
, "Sexy"
, "Shiver"
, "Shoot"
, "Sir"
, "Sissy"
, "Skank"
, "Slam"
, "Slap"
, "Slave"
, "Slide"
, "Slut"
, "Smack"
, "Smooth"
, "Snatch"
, "Soft"
, "Solid"
, "Spank"
, "Spit"
, "Squeeze"
, "Strong"
, "Stupid"
, "Suck"
, "Sweet"
, "Sweetheart"
, "Tease"
, "Teeth"
, "Tight"
, "Tits"
, "Top"
, "Toy"
, "Tramp"
, "Turgid"
, "Twat"
, "Vag"
, "Vagina"
, "Vixen"
, "Vulva"
, "Wad"
, "Wang"
, "Wank"
, "Watch"
, "Wet"
, "Whimper"
, "Whore"
, "Worthless"
[ "abuse"
, "aching"
, "ample"
, "aroused"
, "ass"
, "asshole"
, "babe"
, "baby"
, "baby girl/boy"
, "balls"
, "bang"
, "beat"
, "beautiful"
, "beg"
, "bitch"
, "bite"
, "bits"
, "blowjob"
, "blush"
, "bone/boner"
, "boobs"
, "booty"
, "bottom"
, "boy/boi"
, "brat"
, "breasts"
, "bruise"
, "bulge"
, "blush"
, "butt"
, "button"
, "choke"
, "clit"
, "clitoris"
, "cock"
, "cock sucking"
, "cum"
, "cum dumpster"
, "cum slut"
, "cunnilingus"
, "cunt"
, "daddy"
, "darling"
, "destroy"
, "dick"
, "dirty"
, "disappointment"
, "disgusting"
, "down there"
, "dripping"
, "eating out"
, "embarrassed"
, "face fucking"
, "faggot"
, "fap"
, "fellatio"
, "filthy"
, "finger"
, "finger bang"
, "finger fuck"
, "freak"
, "fuck"
, "fuck toy"
, "gag"
, "giggle"
, "girl"
, "goddess"
, "gorgeous"
, "grab"
, "groan"
, "hairy"
, "hard/hard on"
, "hole"
, "honey"
, "horny"
, "hot"
, "intense"
, "jerk off"
, "jizz"
, "jugs"
, "juicy"
, "junk"
, "kitten"
, "lick"
, "lips"
, "little"
, "little one"
, "load"
, "maam"
, "master"
, "masturbate"
, "member"
, "mine"
, "miss"
, "mister"
, "mistress"
, "moan"
, "moist"
, "mouth"
, "nads"
, "nasty"
, "nipples"
, "pathetic"
, "pecker"
, "pervert"
, "pig/piggy"
, "pink"
, "please"
, "pound"
, "prick"
, "princess"
, "property"
, "punch"
, "pup"
, "pussy"
, "rape"
, "ravage"
, "red"
, "rump"
, "sack"
, "sad"
, "schlong"
, "scratch"
, "scream"
, "screw"
, "sexy"
, "shiver"
, "shoot"
, "sir"
, "sissy"
, "skank"
, "slam"
, "slap"
, "slave"
, "slide"
, "slut"
, "smack"
, "smooth"
, "snatch"
, "soft"
, "solid"
, "spank"
, "spit"
, "squeeze"
, "strong"
, "stupid"
, "suck"
, "sweet"
, "sweetheart"
, "tease"
, "teeth"
, "tight"
, "tits"
, "top"
, "toy"
, "tramp"
, "turgid"
, "twat"
, "vag"
, "vagina"
, "vixen"
, "vulva"
, "wad"
, "wang"
, "wank"
, "watch"
, "wet"
, "whimper"
, "whore"
, "worthless"
feelings =
[ "Abandoned"
, "Accomplished"
, "Adored"
, "Animalistic"
, "Anger"
, "Ashamed"
, "Bad"
, "Belonging"
, "Big"
, "Catharsis"
, "Cherished"
, "Clever"
, "Coerced"
, "Competent"
, "Connected"
, "Corrupted"
, "Defeated"
, "Desired"
, "Dirty"
, "Disrespected"
, "Dutiful"
, "Embarrassed"
, "Encouraged"
, "Euphoric"
, "Fear"
, "Focused"
, "Forced"
, "Forgiveness"
, "Free"
, "Good"
, "Helplessness"
, "Humiliation"
, "Humility"
, "Idolized"
, "Impressed"
, "Infantilized"
, "Innocent"
, "Loss of Control"
, "Loved"
, "Lust"
, "Mean"
, "Neediness"
, "Nurturing"
, "Objectified"
, "Open"
, "Out of Control"
, "Overpowered"
, "Overwhelmed"
, "Owned"
, "Passivity"
, "Pathos"
, "Perverted"
, "Pity"
, "Powerful"
, "Protected"
, "Punished"
, "Rebellious"
, "Rebellious"
, "Redemption"
, "Resentment"
, "Redeemed"
, "Resentment"
, "Respected"
, "Sadistic"
, "Sadness"
, "Safe"
, "Satiated"
, "Served"
, "Sexy"
, "Small"
, "Special"
, "Strong"
, "Submissive"
, "Subservient"
, "Trust"
, "Used"
, "Useful"
, "Victimized"
, "Violated"
, "Wanted"
, "Worshiped"
, "Worthless"
, "Wrong"
[ "abandoned"
, "accomplished"
, "adored"
, "animalistic"
, "anger"
, "ashamed"
, "bad"
, "belonging"
, "big"
, "catharsis"
, "cherished"
, "clever"
, "coerced"
, "competent"
, "connected"
, "corrupted"
, "defeated"
, "desired"
, "dirty"
, "disrespected"
, "dutiful"
, "embarrassed"
, "encouraged"
, "euphoric"
, "fear"
, "focused"
, "forced"
, "forgiveness"
, "free"
, "good"
, "helplessness"
, "humiliation"
, "humility"
, "idolized"
, "impressed"
, "infantilized"
, "innocent"
, "loss of control"
, "loved"
, "lust"
, "mean"
, "neediness"
, "nurturing"
, "objectified"
, "open"
, "out of control"
, "overpowered"
, "overwhelmed"
, "owned"
, "passivity"
, "pathos"
, "perverted"
, "pity"
, "powerful"
, "protected"
, "punished"
, "rebellious"
, "rebellious"
, "redemption"
, "resentment"
, "redeemed"
, "resentment"
, "respected"
, "sadistic"
, "sadness"
, "safe"
, "satiated"
, "served"
, "sexy"
, "small"
, "special"
, "strong"
, "submissive"
, "subservient"
, "trust"
, "used"
, "useful"
, "victimized"
, "violated"
, "wanted"
, "worshiped"
, "worthless"
, "wrong"

View File

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