Tear everything up, switch to column-based layout

This commit is contained in:
Emi Simpson 2023-06-28 21:48:49 -04:00
parent a5345d5dc6
commit 717d917348
Signed by: Emi
GPG key ID: A12F2C2FFDC3D847
3 changed files with 106 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
module FunkyFunktions exposing (..)
import Array exposing (get, set)
constant a b = a
flip f a b = f b a
compose f1 f2 a = f1 (f2 a)
@ -6,4 +9,8 @@ withCmd cmd model = (model, cmd)
withoutCmd model = (model, Cmd.none)
andCmd cmd2 (model, cmd1) = (model, Cmd.batch [cmd1, cmd2])
curry2 f (a, b) = f a b
uncurry2 f a b = f (a, b)
uncurry2 f a b = f (a, b)
updateArray f i a =
case get i a of
Just e -> set i (f e) a
Nothing -> a

View file

@ -3,11 +3,14 @@ module Main exposing (main)
import FunkyFunktions exposing (..)
import Stickers exposing (Sticker, StickerContent(..), viewSticker)
import Array exposing (Array, get, set)
import Browser
import Browser.Dom exposing (getViewport, Viewport)
import Browser.Navigation exposing (Key)
import Browser.Events exposing (onResize)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Html exposing (div, h3, Html, section, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, style)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Json.Decode as D
import List exposing (map, singleton)
import String exposing (fromInt)
@ -28,58 +31,112 @@ main = Browser.application
type Msg
= Noop
| Click Int Int
| Click Int Int Int Int
| WindowSize Int Int
type alias Model =
{ windowW: Int
, windowH: Int
, stickers: List Sticker
, columns: Array Column
sqrt2 = sqrt 2
type alias Column =
{ name: String
, tiles: Array Tile
type alias Tile =
{ text: String
, stickers: List Sticker
viewportToWindowSize : Viewport -> Msg
viewportToWindowSize { viewport } =
WindowSize (round viewport.width) (round viewport.height)
canvasSize : Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
canvasSize windowW windowH =
if (toFloat windowW) / (toFloat windowH) < sqrt2
then (windowW, (toFloat windowW) / sqrt2 |> round)
else (sqrt2 * (toFloat windowH) |> round, windowH)
translateToCanvasCoords : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
translateToCanvasCoords realCanvasW realCanvasH x y =
(x * 11890 // realCanvasW, y * 8410 // realCanvasH)
init : () -> Url -> Key -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init flags url browserKey =
{windowW = 1, windowH = 1, stickers = []}
{ windowW = 1
, windowH = 1
, columns =
[ { name = "Yes - Into"
, tiles =
[ Tile
[(Sticker (TextSticker "red" "<3") "Into This" 100 40)]
] |> Array.fromList
, { name = "Yes - Willing"
, tiles = Array.empty
, { name = "Maybe"
, tiles = Array.empty
, { name = "No"
, tiles = Array.empty
|> Array.fromList
|> withCmd (
|> Task.perform viewportToWindowSize
view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg
view {windowW, windowH, stickers} =
(canvasW, canvasH) = canvasSize windowW windowH
[ viewBox "0 0 11890 8410"
, width <| fromInt canvasW
, height <| fromInt canvasH
view {windowW, windowH, columns} =
[ class "columns"
( Array.indexedMap viewColumn columns
|> Array.toList
|> singleton
|> Browser.Document "meow!"
viewColumn : Int -> Column -> Html Msg
viewColumn columnIndex {name, tiles} =
[ class "column"
( ( h3
[text name]
) :: (Array.indexedMap (viewTile columnIndex) tiles |> Array.toList)
viewTile : Int -> Int -> Tile -> Html Msg
viewTile columnIndex tileIndex tile =
[ class "tile"
, on "click" <| (
D.map2 (Click columnIndex tileIndex)
(D.field "x" D.int)
(D.field "y" D.int)
[ text tile.text
, svg
[ Svg.Attributes.class "tile-stickers"
, height "80"
, width "400"
, style "user-select" "none"
, on "click" <| (
D.map2 (uncurry2 <| compose (curry2 Click) (curry2 <| translateToCanvasCoords canvasW canvasH))
(D.field "x" D.int)
(D.field "y" D.int)
(map viewSticker stickers)
|> singleton
|> Browser.Document "meow!"
(map viewSticker tile.stickers)
addStickerToTile : Sticker -> Tile -> Tile
addStickerToTile sticker tile =
{ tile | stickers = sticker :: tile.stickers }
addStickerToColumn : Int -> Sticker -> Column -> Column
addStickerToColumn tileIndex sticker column =
{ column | tiles =
(addStickerToTile sticker)
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model = case Debug.log "UPDATE" (msg, model) of
@ -87,6 +144,12 @@ update msg model = case Debug.log "UPDATE" (msg, model) of
(WindowSize w h, _) ->
{ model | windowW = w, windowH = h }
|> withoutCmd
(Click x y, {stickers}) ->
{ model | stickers = (Sticker (TextSticker "red" "<3" ) "Into This" x y ) :: stickers }
(Click columnIndex tileIndex x y, {columns}) ->
{ model
| columns =
(addStickerToColumn tileIndex (Sticker (TextSticker "red" "<3") "Into This" x y))
|> withoutCmd

View file

@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ viewSticker sticker =
attributes =
[ x <| fromInt sticker.x
, y <| fromInt (sticker.y + 100)
, y <| fromInt (sticker.y + 13)
in case sticker.content of
TextSticker color textContent ->
( fill color
:: fontSize "200px"
:: fontSize "30px"
:: textAnchor "middle"
:: attributes