module GameLogic ( chooseCharacter , applyEffect , EngineState , playerChoice , unitChoice , activePlayerChoice , continue , ChoiceTree(..) , ChoiceTree'(..) , buildChoiceTree , Token(..) , makeChoice , ctTree , ctDecisions , ctDecisionsL ) where import GameModel import Util (toMaybe, Never, (??), never) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, isJust) import Data.List ( nub, intersperse ) import Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty (NonEmpty, nonEmpty, toList, head, tail) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Lens.Micro import Safe (atMay) import Mechanics (universalModifiers, globalHooks) import Data.Monoid (Any(getAny), getSum) import Data.Coerce -- | A version of `computeStat_` using `universalModifiers` as global modifiers computeStat :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => BoardState -> cid -> Stat a -> a computeStat = computeStat_ universalModifiers -- | A version of `runHooks_` using `globalHooks` as the global hooks runHooks :: Broadcast -> BoardState -> BoardState runHooks = runHooks_ globalHooks data EngineState = PlayerChoice Player [Choice] | Roll Natural -- ^ Number of dice Bool -- ^ True = Xd6kh1, False = Xd6kl1 (DieFace -> Choice) -- ^ Outcomes | Continue BoardState | Victory Player playerChoice :: Player -> [Choice] -> EngineState playerChoice = PlayerChoice unitChoice :: (Coercible cid c, c ~ CharacterIdentifier) => cid -> [Choice] -> EngineState unitChoice = playerChoice . owner activePlayerChoice :: BoardState -> [Choice] -> EngineState activePlayerChoice = playerChoice . (^. activePlayer) continue :: BoardState -> EngineState continue = Continue chooseCharacter :: BoardState -> Maybe EngineState chooseCharacter board = playerChoice player <$> fmap toList (nonEmpty $ board ^.. possibleActivations) where player :: Player player = board ^. activePlayer possibleActivations :: SimpleFold BoardState Choice possibleActivations = untappedUnits . filtered ((== player) . owner) . to (activateUnit . ActingUnit) activateUnit :: ActingUnit -> Choice activateUnit cid = mkChoice ("Activate unit " ++ c) [ChooseActMove cid] where c = renderCharacterHandle board cid forcedMovementValidDirections :: Natural -> Natural -> Point -> (Point, ForcedMoveType, Player) -> [OrthagonalDirection] forcedMovementValidDirections w h currentLocation (locus, moveType, _) = case moveType of Shift -> orthagonalDirections Pull -> directionToLocus Push -> flipDirection <$> directionToLocus where directionToLocus = identifyCardinalDirection w h currentLocation locus {-# ANN computePossibleSteps "HLint: ignore Apply De Morgan law" #-} computePossibleSteps :: BoardState -> MovementSpecs -> Point -> [(Point, Natural)] computePossibleSteps board (MovementSpecs {..}) currentLocation = mapMaybe getRemainingMov validDestinations where validDirections = maybe orthagonalDirections (usingBoardDimensions board forcedMovementValidDirections currentLocation) movForced validDestinations = mapMaybe (offsetB board currentLocation) validDirections currentTerrain = board ^. terrainAt currentLocation paysElevationCost = not (elem Stairs currentTerrain || elem Elevation currentTerrain || movFree) baseMovementCost = if Rough `elem` currentTerrain && not movFree then 2 else 1 getRemainingMov :: Point -> Maybe (Point, Natural) getRemainingMov dest = toMaybe (not unreachable) (dest, remainingMovement) where (destCharacter, destTerrain) = board ^?! atPoint dest destElevated = Elevation `elem` destTerrain movingCharacter :: Maybe CharacterIdentifier movingCharacter = board ^? movingUnit . _Just . _1 occupied = isJust destCharacter && destCharacter /= movingCharacter hostileOccupied = occupied && (owner <$> destCharacter) /= (owner <$> movingCharacter) hasMovementBlocker = Wall `elem` destTerrain || hostileOccupied totalCost = if paysElevationCost && destElevated then succ baseMovementCost else baseMovementCost unreachable = (movAmount < totalCost && not movMinimum) || hasMovementBlocker || (occupied && totalCost >= movAmount) remainingMovement = if unreachable then 0 else movAmount - totalCost endOfMovementEffects :: MovementSpecs -> CharacterIdentifier -> [Effect] endOfMovementEffects (MovementSpecs {..}) cid = [ConfirmMove] ++ [DropToken SpeedSlow (TargettedUnit cid) | movSpendTokens ] ++ [Event $ Broadcast EndMove (ActingUnit cid) | movEndMoveTrigger] generateMovementChoice :: BoardState -> MovementSpecs -> CharacterIdentifier -> Point -> (Point, Natural) -> Choice generateMovementChoice board specs@(MovementSpecs {..}) cid originalLocation (dest, remainingMov) = mkChoice (movVerb ++ ' ' : show direction) ( MoveTo dest : if remainingMov > 0 then [Move updatedSpecs cid] else endOfMovementEffects specs cid ) where direction = fromMaybe North $ usingBoardDimensions board identifyDirection originalLocation dest updatedSpecs = specs & movAmountL .~ remainingMov & movMinimumL .~ False dontAct :: Choice dontAct = mkChoice "Do nothing" [] applyEffect :: Effect -> BoardState -> EngineState applyEffect NoOp board = continue board applyEffect StartTurn board = case (chooseCharacter board, chooseCharacter opponentTurn) of (Just pickUnits, _) -> pickUnits (_, Just _) -> continue $ opponentTurn <++ [StartTurn] _ -> continue advanceRound where opponentTurn = switchActivePlayer board advanceRound = if board ^. roundNumber == 6 then board else nextRound board applyEffect (Event trigger) board = continue $ runHooks trigger board applyEffect (ChooseActMove cid) _ = unitChoice cid [moveFirst, actFirst] where moveFirst = mkChoice "Move first" [basicMove cid, ActOrMove cid, EndTurn cid] actFirst = mkChoice "Act first" [Act cid, basicMove cid, EndTurn cid] applyEffect (ActOrMove cid) _ = unitChoice cid [moveAgain, nowAct] where moveAgain = mkChoice "Move again" [basicMove cid] nowAct = mkChoice "Act" [Act cid] applyEffect (InitMove (ProtoMovementSpecs {..}) cid) board = continue $ case adjustedFm of Just movForced -> changeMovingUnit board cid <++ [Move (MovementSpecs {..}) cid] Nothing -> board where movFree = getAny $ computeStat board cid FreeMove adjustedFm = case movForced' of Nothing -> Just Nothing Just (Right p, fmType, forcer) -> Just $ Just (p, fmType, forcer) Just (Left locusUnit, fmType, forcer) -> case unitPosition board locusUnit of Just p -> Just $ Just (p, fmType, forcer) Nothing -> Nothing -- Locus unit died before pull began characterMovement = board ^?! ixCharacter cid . to (getSpeed movFree) movAmount = fromMaybe characterMovement movAmount' applyEffect (Move (MovementSpecs {movAmount = 0}) _) board = continue $ board <++ [ConfirmMove] applyEffect (Move specs@(MovementSpecs{..}) cid) board = case unitPosition board cid of Nothing -> -- Unit died mid-move if movEndMoveTrigger then continue $ board <++ [endMoveTrigger] else continue board Just originalLocation -> let possibleSteps = computePossibleSteps board specs originalLocation movementChoices = generateMovementChoice board specs cid originalLocation <$> possibleSteps -- Possibilities: -- Standard move, first step, movement possible (Standard movement choices + Don't move) -- Standard move, first step, movement impossible (Silent don't move) -- Standard move, subsequent step, movement possible (Standard movement choices + Finish moving) -- Standard move, subsequent step, movement impossible (Silent finish moving) -- Compelled move, first step, movement possible (Standard movement choices) -- Compelled move, first step, movement impossible (Silent finish moving) -- Compelled move, subsequent step, movement possible (Standard movement choices) -- Compelled move, subsequent step, movement impossible (Silent finish moving) in if null possibleSteps then continue $ board <++ if movMinimum then dontMoveEffects else finishMoveEffects else choiceBuilder . (++ movementChoices) $ if movCompelled then [] else if movMinimum then [dontMoveChoice] else [finishMoveChoice] where dontMoveEffects = [ConfirmMove] dontMoveChoice = mkChoice "Don't move" dontMoveEffects finishMoveEffects = endOfMovementEffects specs cid finishMoveChoice = mkChoice "Finish moving" finishMoveEffects endMoveTrigger = Event $ Broadcast EndMove (ActingUnit cid) choiceBuilder = maybe (unitChoice cid) playerChoice $ movForced ^? _Just . _3 applyEffect (MoveTo dest) board = continue $ moveUnit dest board applyEffect (DropToken token unit) board = continue $ ixCharacter unit %~ removeTokenInCategory token $ board applyEffect ConfirmMove board = continue $ finalizeMove board applyEffect (Act cid) board = case board ^.. ixCharacter cid . baseStats . actionsL . each . to ($ cid) of [] -> continue board act -> unitChoice cid (dontAct : act) applyEffect (Target fromPerspective range eligability ultimateEffect) board = unitChoice fromPerspective choices where locus = unitPosition board fromPerspective potentialUnits = TargettedUnit <$> (maybe [] (cidsInRange board range) locus) eligableUnits = filter (eligability board) potentialUnits buildChoice targetCid = mkChoice ("Target " ++ renderCharacterHandle board targetCid) [BodyBlock targetCid ultimateEffect] choices = buildChoice <$> eligableUnits applyEffect (BodyBlock originalTarget ultimateEffect) board = if canBB then allChoices else cantBBResult where potentialBBers = fromMaybe [] $ adjacentAllies board originalTarget canBB = isNecromancer originalTarget && not (null potentialBBers) buildChoice bber = mkChoice ("Bodyblock with " ++ renderCharacterHandle board bber) (ultimateEffect bber) dontBodyblock = mkChoice "Take the hit to your necromancer" (ultimateEffect originalTarget) bbChoices = buildChoice . TargettedUnit <$> potentialBBers allChoices = unitChoice originalTarget $ dontBodyblock : bbChoices cantBBResult = continue $ board <++ ultimateEffect originalTarget applyEffect (ResolveAttack attacker attack defender) board = Roll actualDiceRolled keepHighest consequence where attacker' = board ^? ixCharacter attacker defender' = board ^? ixCharacter defender attackerDieBonus = computeStat board attacker AttackDice defenderDieBonus = computeStat board defender DefenseDice attackerPosition = unitPosition board attacker defenderPosition = unitPosition board defender potentialCoverDirections = usingBoardDimensions board identifyCardinalDirection <$> defenderPosition <*> attackerPosition potentialCoverLocations = fromMaybe [] $ (mapMaybe . offsetB board <$> defenderPosition) <*> potentialCoverDirections coveringTerrain = nub $ (\p -> board ^. terrainAt p) =<< potentialCoverLocations defenderElevated = isElevated board defender validCover = if defenderElevated then [Wall] else [Wall, Elevation] hasCover = or $ (==) <$> validCover <*> coveringTerrain coverBonus = if not (melee attack) && hasCover then 1 else 0 netDice = getSum $ attackerDieBonus - (defenderDieBonus + coverBonus) actualDiceRolled = fromIntegral $ if netDice <= 0 then 2 else netDice keepHighest = netDice > 0 toHit = maybe 1 getDefense defender' attackerStrWeak = sum $ attacker' ^? _Just . tokenCount . ofToken StrWeak tokenDamageModifier | attackerStrWeak < 0 = \x -> x-1 | attackerStrWeak > 0 = (+1) | otherwise = id missDamage = InflictDamage (damageType attack) (tokenDamageModifier 1) defender hitDamage = InflictDamage (damageType attack) (tokenDamageModifier $ damageAmount attack) defender onMiss = [missDamage] onHit = hitDamage : otherEffects attack onHeadshot = onHit ++ headshotEffects attack consequence Six | not . null $ headshotEffects attack = mkChoice "Headshot!" onHeadshot consequence r | r >= toHit = mkChoice "Hit!" onHit | otherwise = mkChoice "Graze" onMiss applyEffect (InflictDamage damageType incomingAmount recipient) board = continue $ board' <++ damageEffects where incomingAmount' = fromIntegral incomingAmount recipient' = board ^? ixCharacter recipient armorType = maybe NoArmor (^. baseStats . armL) recipient' armorReduction = if armorType `blocks` damageType then 1 else 0 tokenReduction = signum . sum $ (recipient' ^? _Just . tokenCount . ofToken VitalVulnr) totalReduction = if damageType == DevilDamage then min 0 tokenReduction else armorReduction + tokenReduction netDamage | totalReduction >= incomingAmount' = 0 | otherwise = fromIntegral $ incomingAmount' - totalReduction board' = board & ixCharacter recipient %~ clearUpToNTokens Health netDamage & if incomingAmount' > armorReduction then ixCharacter recipient %~ removeTokenInCategory VitalVulnr else id updatedHealth = fromMaybe 9999 $ board' ^? ixCharacter recipient . tokenCount . ofToken Health dead = updatedHealth == 0 damageEffects = [Event $ Broadcast TookDamage recipient, if dead then Kill recipient else NoOp] applyEffect (InflictStatusEffect se target) board = continue $ board & ixCharacter target . statusEffects %~ (se :) applyEffect (InflictTokens tokenType numberToAdd target) board = continue $ board & ixCharacter target . tokenCount . ofToken tokenType +~ numberToAdd applyEffect (Kill unit) board = if isNecromancer unit then Victory . otherPlayer $ owner unit else continue $ unitRemoved <++ [deathAlert] where deathLocation = unitPosition board unit unitRemoved = removeUnit unit board deathAlert = maybe NoOp (Event . Broadcast Died . (unit,)) deathLocation applyEffect (EndTurn cid) board = continue $ afterPlayerSwitched <++ [StartTurn] where afterUnitTapped = board & ixCharacter cid %~ tap afterPlayerSwitched = switchActivePlayer afterUnitTapped data ChoiceTree' inp where Node :: BoardState -> Player -> [ChoiceTreeChoice] -> ChoiceTree' Int Random :: Natural -- ^ Number of dice -> Bool -- ^ True = Xd6kh1, False = Xd6kl1 -> (DieFace -> ChoiceTreeChoice) -- ^ Outcomes -> ChoiceTree' DieFace EndOfGame :: Maybe Player -> ChoiceTree' Never data ChoiceTree = forall i. ChoiceTree (ChoiceTree' i) instance Show (ChoiceTree' a) where show (EndOfGame Nothing) = "It's a draw!" show (EndOfGame (Just player)) = show player ++ " Wins!" show (Node board player choices) = show board ++ "\n\n\n[" ++ show player ++ "]\n" ++ viewChoices where choicesText :: [String] choicesText = firstDecisions choices numberedChoices :: [String] numberedChoices = zipWith (\n c -> show n ++ ") " ++ c) ([1..] :: [Int]) choicesText viewChoices :: String viewChoices = mconcat $ intersperse "\n" numberedChoices show (Random numDice rollType _) = "Roll " ++ show numDice ++ "d6 and take the " ++ (if rollType then "highest" else "lowest") instance Show ChoiceTree where show (ChoiceTree t) = show t data ChoiceTreeChoice = ChoiceTreeChoice (NonEmpty String) ChoiceTree firstDecisions :: [ChoiceTreeChoice] -> [String] firstDecisions choices = nub $ choices ^.. each . ctDecisionsL . to NonEmpty.head ctDecisions :: ChoiceTreeChoice -> NonEmpty String ctDecisions (ChoiceTreeChoice decs _) = decs ctDecisionsL :: Lens' ChoiceTreeChoice (NonEmpty String) ctDecisionsL f (ChoiceTreeChoice decs choices) = ChoiceTreeChoice <$> f decs ?? choices ctTree :: ChoiceTreeChoice -> ChoiceTree ctTree (ChoiceTreeChoice _ tree) = tree convertChoice :: BoardState -> Choice -> ChoiceTreeChoice convertChoice board choice = ChoiceTreeChoice (decisionSequence choice) (buildChoiceTree $ board <++ effects choice) buildChoiceTree :: BoardState -> ChoiceTree buildChoiceTree board = case popEffect board of Nothing -> ChoiceTree $ EndOfGame Nothing Just (effect, board') -> case applyEffect effect board' of PlayerChoice chooser choices -> ChoiceTree $ Node board' chooser (convertChoice board' <$> choices) Roll n d outcomes -> ChoiceTree $ Random n d (convertChoice board' <$> outcomes) Continue board'' -> buildChoiceTree board'' Victory player -> ChoiceTree . EndOfGame $ Just player makeChoice :: n -> ChoiceTree' n -> Maybe ChoiceTree makeChoice n (EndOfGame _) = never n makeChoice die (Random _ _ outcomes) = Just . ctTree $ outcomes die makeChoice indx (Node b p options) = trimmedChoices <$> providedDecision where providedDecision :: Maybe String providedDecision = firstDecisions options `atMay` (indx - 1) matchingChoices :: String -> [ChoiceTreeChoice] matchingChoices decision = filter ((== decision) . NonEmpty.head . ctDecisions) options trimChoice :: ChoiceTreeChoice -> Either ChoiceTree ChoiceTreeChoice trimChoice (ChoiceTreeChoice decs tree) = case nonEmpty $ NonEmpty.tail decs of Just newDecs -> Right $ ChoiceTreeChoice newDecs tree Nothing -> Left tree trimmedChoices :: String -> ChoiceTree trimmedChoices decision = either id (ChoiceTree . Node b p) $ traverse trimChoice (matchingChoices decision)