Rework movement to accomodate free move + push/pull
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ Currently missing core mechanics include:
- Obliteration
- Obliteration
- Targetting walls
- Targetting walls
- Corpses
- Corpses
- Free movement
- Stepping
- Stepping
- Most faction tags/tokens
- Most faction tags/tokens
@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ module Main (main) where
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Util (note)
import Util (note)
import GameModel (Point(..), Player(..), newBoard, BaseStats, BoardState, EnvTile (..), DieFace, bestOrWorst)
import GameModel (Point(..), Player(..), newBoard, BaseStats, BoardState, EnvTile (..), DieFace, bestOrWorst)
import Units.Carcass (gunwight)
import Units.Debug (basic, freeMoveTester)
import Units.Debug (basic)
import GameLogic (buildChoiceTree, ChoiceTree(..), ChoiceTree'(..), makeChoice, ctTree)
import GameLogic (buildChoiceTree, ChoiceTree(..), ChoiceTree'(..), makeChoice, ctTree)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ import Control.Monad (replicateM, void)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import System.Random (randomIO)
initialPlacement :: Point -> Maybe (Player, BaseStats)
initialPlacement :: Point -> Maybe (Player, BaseStats)
initialPlacement = flip lookup [(Point 5, (Max, basic)), (Point 0, (Max, gunwight)), (Point 23, (Min, basic)), (Point 22, (Min, gunwight))]
initialPlacement = flip lookup [(Point 5, (Max, basic)), (Point 0, (Max, freeMoveTester)), (Point 23, (Min, basic)), (Point 22, (Min, freeMoveTester))]
initialTerrain :: Point -> [EnvTile]
initialTerrain :: Point -> [EnvTile]
initialTerrain (Point 4) = [Rough]
initialTerrain (Point 4) = [Rough]
@ -63,13 +63,27 @@ chooseCharacter board = playerChoice player <$> fmap toList (nonEmpty $ board ^.
c = renderCharacterHandle board cid
c = renderCharacterHandle board cid
computePossibleSteps :: BoardState -> Player -> Bool -> Natural -> Point -> [(Point, Natural)]
forcedMovementValidDirections :: Natural -> Natural -> Point -> (Point, ForcedMoveType, Player) -> [OrthagonalDirection]
computePossibleSteps board _ firstStep currentMove originalLocation = mapMaybe getRemainingMov validDirections
forcedMovementValidDirections w h currentLocation (locus, moveType, _) =
case moveType of
Shift -> orthagonalDirections
Pull -> directionToLocus
Push -> flipDirection <$> directionToLocus
validDirections = offsetB board originalLocation `mapMaybe` orthagonalDirections
directionToLocus = identifyCardinalDirection w h currentLocation locus
currentTerrain = board ^. terrainAt originalLocation
paysElevationCost = not (elem Stairs currentTerrain || elem Elevation currentTerrain)
computePossibleSteps :: BoardState -> MovementSpecs -> Point -> [(Point, Natural)]
baseMovementCost = if Rough `elem` currentTerrain then 2 else 1
computePossibleSteps board (MovementSpecs {..}) currentLocation = mapMaybe getRemainingMov validDestinations
validDirections =
(usingBoardDimensions board forcedMovementValidDirections currentLocation)
validDestinations = mapMaybe (offsetB board currentLocation) validDirections
currentTerrain = board ^. terrainAt currentLocation
paysElevationCost = not (elem Stairs currentTerrain || elem Elevation currentTerrain || movFree)
baseMovementCost = if Rough `elem` currentTerrain && not movFree then 2 else 1
getRemainingMov :: Point -> Maybe (Point, Natural)
getRemainingMov :: Point -> Maybe (Point, Natural)
getRemainingMov dest = toMaybe (not unreachable) (dest, remainingMovement)
getRemainingMov dest = toMaybe (not unreachable) (dest, remainingMovement)
@ -81,8 +95,27 @@ computePossibleSteps board _ firstStep currentMove originalLocation = mapMaybe g
hostileOccupied = occupied && (owner <$> destCharacter) /= (owner <$> movingCharacter)
hostileOccupied = occupied && (owner <$> destCharacter) /= (owner <$> movingCharacter)
hasMovementBlocker = Wall `elem` destTerrain || hostileOccupied
hasMovementBlocker = Wall `elem` destTerrain || hostileOccupied
totalCost = if paysElevationCost && destElevated then succ baseMovementCost else baseMovementCost
totalCost = if paysElevationCost && destElevated then succ baseMovementCost else baseMovementCost
unreachable = (currentMove < totalCost && not firstStep) || hasMovementBlocker || (occupied && totalCost >= currentMove)
unreachable = (movAmount < totalCost && not movMinimum) || hasMovementBlocker || (occupied && totalCost >= movAmount)
remainingMovement = if unreachable then 0 else currentMove - totalCost
remainingMovement = if unreachable then 0 else movAmount - totalCost
endOfMovementEffects :: MovementSpecs -> CharacterIdentifier -> [Effect]
endOfMovementEffects (MovementSpecs {..}) cid =
++ [DropToken SpeedSlow cid | movSpendTokens ]
++ [Event $ EndMove cid | movEndMoveTrigger]
generateMovementChoice :: BoardState -> MovementSpecs -> CharacterIdentifier -> Point -> (Point, Natural) -> Choice
generateMovementChoice board specs@(MovementSpecs {..}) cid originalLocation (dest, remainingMov) =
(movVerb ++ ' ' : show direction)
( MoveTo dest
: if remainingMov > 0
then [Move updatedSpecs cid]
else endOfMovementEffects specs cid
direction = fromMaybe North $ usingBoardDimensions board identifyDirection originalLocation dest
updatedSpecs = specs & movAmountL .~ remainingMov & movMinimumL .~ False
dontAct :: Choice
dontAct :: Choice
dontAct = mkChoice "Do nothing" []
dontAct = mkChoice "Do nothing" []
@ -102,44 +135,70 @@ applyEffect StartTurn board = case (chooseCharacter board, chooseCharacter oppon
applyEffect (Event trigger) board = continue $ pushEffects (listHooks board trigger) board
applyEffect (Event trigger) board = continue $ pushEffects (listHooks board trigger) board
applyEffect (ChooseActMove cid) _ = unitChoice cid [moveFirst, actFirst]
applyEffect (ChooseActMove cid) _ = unitChoice cid [moveFirst, actFirst]
moveFirst = mkChoice "Move first" [InitMove cid, ActOrMove cid, EndTurn cid]
moveFirst = mkChoice "Move first" [basicMove cid, ActOrMove cid, EndTurn cid]
actFirst = mkChoice "Act first" [Act cid, InitMove cid, EndTurn cid]
actFirst = mkChoice "Act first" [Act cid, basicMove cid, EndTurn cid]
applyEffect (ActOrMove cid) _ = unitChoice cid [moveAgain, nowAct]
applyEffect (ActOrMove cid) _ = unitChoice cid [moveAgain, nowAct]
moveAgain = mkChoice "Move again" [InitMove cid]
moveAgain = mkChoice "Move again" [basicMove cid]
nowAct = mkChoice "Act" [Act cid]
nowAct = mkChoice "Act" [Act cid]
applyEffect (InitMove cid) board = continue $ changeMovingUnit board cid <++ [Move True characterMovement cid]
applyEffect (InitMove (ProtoMovementSpecs {..}) cid) board = continue $ case adjustedFm of
Just movForced -> changeMovingUnit board cid <++ [Move (MovementSpecs {..}) cid]
Nothing -> board
characterMovement = board ^?! ixCharacter cid . to getSpeed
movFree = fromMaybe (computeStat board cid FreeMove) movFree'
applyEffect (Move _ 0 _) board = continue $ board <++ [ConfirmMove]
adjustedFm = case movForced' of
applyEffect (Move firstMove mov cid) board = case unitPosition board cid of
Nothing -> Just Nothing
Nothing -> continue board
Just (Right p, fmType, forcer) -> Just $ Just (p, fmType, forcer)
Just (Left locusUnit, fmType, forcer) -> case unitPosition board locusUnit of
Just p -> Just $ Just (p, fmType, forcer)
Nothing -> Nothing -- Locus unit died before pull began
characterMovement = board ^?! ixCharacter cid . to (getSpeed movFree)
movAmount = fromMaybe characterMovement movAmount'
applyEffect (Move (MovementSpecs {movAmount = 0}) _) board = continue $ board <++ [ConfirmMove]
applyEffect (Move specs@(MovementSpecs{..}) cid) board = case unitPosition board cid of
Nothing -> -- Unit died mid-move
if movEndMoveTrigger
then continue $ board <++ [endMoveTrigger]
else continue board
Just originalLocation ->
Just originalLocation ->
generateChoice :: (Point, Natural) -> Choice
possibleSteps = computePossibleSteps board specs originalLocation
generateChoice (dest, remainingMov) =
movementChoices =
("Move " ++ show direction)
( MoveTo dest
: if remainingMov > 0 then [Move False remainingMov cid] else [ConfirmMove, Event $ EndMove cid]
<$> possibleSteps
-- Possibilities:
-- Standard move, first step, movement possible (Standard movement choices + Don't move)
-- Standard move, first step, movement impossible (Silent don't move)
-- Standard move, subsequent step, movement possible (Standard movement choices + Finish moving)
-- Standard move, subsequent step, movement impossible (Silent finish moving)
-- Compelled move, first step, movement possible (Standard movement choices)
-- Compelled move, first step, movement impossible (Silent finish moving)
-- Compelled move, subsequent step, movement possible (Standard movement choices)
-- Compelled move, subsequent step, movement impossible (Silent finish moving)
in if null possibleSteps
then continue $ board <++ if movMinimum
then dontMoveEffects
else finishMoveEffects
else choiceBuilder $ (++ movementChoices) $ if movCompelled
then []
else if movMinimum
then [dontMoveChoice]
else [finishMoveChoice]
direction = fromMaybe North $ usingBoardDimensions board identifyDirection originalLocation dest
dontMoveEffects = [ConfirmMove]
possibleSteps = computePossibleSteps board (board ^. activePlayer) firstMove mov originalLocation
dontMoveChoice = mkChoice "Don't move" dontMoveEffects
movementChoices = generateChoice <$> possibleSteps
finishMoveEffects = endOfMovementEffects specs cid
dontMove = mkChoice "Don't move" [ConfirmMove]
finishMoveChoice = mkChoice "Finish moving" finishMoveEffects
finishMoving = mkChoice "Finish moving" [ConfirmMove, Event $ EndMove cid]
endMoveTrigger = Event $ EndMove cid
allowedToEndMovement = not $ has (atPoint originalLocation . _1 . _Just) board
choiceBuilder = maybe (unitChoice cid) playerChoice $ movForced ^? _Just . _3
| firstMove = [dontMove]
| allowedToEndMovement = [finishMoving]
| otherwise = []
in unitChoice cid $ noMovement ++ movementChoices
applyEffect (MoveTo dest) board = continue $ moveUnit dest board
applyEffect (MoveTo dest) board = continue $ moveUnit dest board
applyEffect ConfirmMove board = continue $
applyEffect (DropToken token unit) board = continue $
case board ^? movingUnit . _Just . _1 of
ixCharacter unit %~ removeTokenInCategory token $ board
Just cid -> finalizeMove board & ixCharacter cid %~ removeTokenInCategory SpeedSlow
applyEffect ConfirmMove board = continue $ finalizeMove board
Nothing -> board
applyEffect (Act cid) board = case board ^.. ixCharacter cid . baseStats . actionsL . each . to ($ cid) of
applyEffect (Act cid) board = case board ^.. ixCharacter cid . baseStats . actionsL . each . to ($ cid) of
[] -> continue board
[] -> continue board
act -> unitChoice cid (dontAct : act)
act -> unitChoice cid (dontAct : act)
@ -32,6 +32,15 @@ module GameModel
, identifyCardinalDirection
, identifyCardinalDirection
, adjacentPoints
, adjacentPoints
, distanceCardinal
, distanceCardinal
, MovementSpecs(..)
, movVerbL
, movFreeL
, movMinimumL
, movAmountL
, movForcedL
, movSpendTokensL
, movEndMoveTriggerL
, movCompelledL
, Effect(..)
, Effect(..)
, Player(..)
, Player(..)
, PPair
, PPair
@ -113,6 +122,11 @@ module GameModel
, newBoard
, newBoard
, characterHandle
, characterHandle
, renderCharacterHandle
, renderCharacterHandle
, ForcedMoveType(..)
, flipDirection
, ProtoMovementSpecs(..)
, basicMove
, forcedMove
) where
) where
import Util (toMaybe, dup, secondClassLensNames, (??))
import Util (toMaybe, dup, secondClassLensNames, (??))
@ -288,6 +302,12 @@ data OrthagonalDirection
orthagonalDirections :: [OrthagonalDirection]
orthagonalDirections :: [OrthagonalDirection]
orthagonalDirections = [North, East, South, West]
orthagonalDirections = [North, East, South, West]
flipDirection :: OrthagonalDirection -> OrthagonalDirection
flipDirection North = South
flipDirection East = West
flipDirection South = North
flipDirection West = East
offset :: Natural -> Natural -> Point -> OrthagonalDirection -> Maybe Point
offset :: Natural -> Natural -> Point -> OrthagonalDirection -> Maybe Point
offset width _ (Point indx) North = toMaybe (indx >= width) (Point $ indx - width)
offset width _ (Point indx) North = toMaybe (indx >= width) (Point $ indx - width)
offset width height (Point indx) South = toMaybe (indx `div` width < height - 1) (Point $ indx + width)
offset width height (Point indx) South = toMaybe (indx `div` width < height - 1) (Point $ indx + width)
@ -331,6 +351,12 @@ distanceCardinal w _ a b = max xDist yDist
xDist = max aX bX - min aX bX
xDist = max aX bX - min aX bX
yDist = max aY bY - min aY bY
yDist = max aY bY - min aY bY
data ForcedMoveType
= Push
| Pull
| Shift
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Token a where
data Token a where
StrWeak :: Token Int
StrWeak :: Token Int
VitalVulnr :: Token Int
VitalVulnr :: Token Int
@ -342,6 +368,55 @@ data Token a where
Reload :: Token Natural
Reload :: Token Natural
Health :: Token Natural
Health :: Token Natural
-- | Details which characterize any kind of movement
data MovementSpecs = MovementSpecs
{ movVerb :: String -- ^ The verb used to describe this move, e.g. "Move" or "Step"
, movFree :: Bool -- ^ Indicates whether moving with free movement
, movMinimum :: Bool -- ^ This movement gets to move at least 1 tile regardless of cost
, movAmount :: Natural -- ^ The amount of MV available to spend
, movForced :: Maybe (Point, ForcedMoveType, Player) -- ^ If this is a forced move, the locus, direction, and compelling player
, movSpendTokens :: Bool -- ^ Whether this movement uses up movement tokens
, movEndMoveTrigger :: Bool -- ^ Whether this movement should trigger "after MOVE" effects
, movCompelled :: Bool -- ^ If movement can be stopped prematurely
-- | A version of `MovementSpecs` where some values will be populated dynamically
data ProtoMovementSpecs = ProtoMovementSpecs
{ movVerb :: String -- ^ The verb used to describe this move, e.g. "Move" or "Step"
, movFree' :: Maybe Bool -- ^ Whether moving with free movement, or Nothing to compute at init
, movMinimum :: Bool -- ^ This movement gets to move at least 1 tile regardless of cost
, movAmount' :: Maybe Natural -- ^ How many spaces to move, or Nothing to compute at init
, movForced' :: Maybe (Either CharacterIdentifier Point, ForcedMoveType, Player) -- ^ If this is a forced move, the locus, direction, and compelling player
, movSpendTokens :: Bool -- ^ Whether this movement spends speed/slow tokens
, movEndMoveTrigger :: Bool -- ^ Whether this movement should trigger "after MOVE" effects
, movCompelled :: Bool -- ^ If movement can be stopped prematurely
basicMove :: CharacterIdentifier -> Effect
basicMove = InitMove $ ProtoMovementSpecs
{ movVerb = "Move"
, movFree' = Nothing
, movMinimum = True
, movAmount' = Nothing
, movForced' = Nothing
, movSpendTokens = True
, movEndMoveTrigger = True
, movCompelled = False
forcedMove :: ForcedMoveType -> Natural -> Player -> Either CharacterIdentifier Point -> CharacterIdentifier -> Effect
forcedMove fmType amt compeller locus = InitMove $ ProtoMovementSpecs
{ movVerb = show fmType
, movFree' = Just True
, movMinimum = False
, movAmount' = Just amt
, movForced' = Just (locus, fmType, compeller)
, movSpendTokens = False
, movEndMoveTrigger = False
, movCompelled = True
data Effect
data Effect
-- | Does nothing
-- | Does nothing
@ -360,7 +435,7 @@ data Effect
-- | Mark the start of movement
-- | Mark the start of movement
-- Can be finalized later with FinalizeMove
-- Can be finalized later with FinalizeMove
| InitMove CharacterIdentifier
| InitMove ProtoMovementSpecs CharacterIdentifier
-- | Active player may MOVE this character
-- | Active player may MOVE this character
-- Should evaluate to a choice for every OrthagonalDirection which is valid to move in,
-- Should evaluate to a choice for every OrthagonalDirection which is valid to move in,
@ -368,14 +443,18 @@ data Effect
-- to neglect to move. The first move of a turn should also push an EndMove onto the
-- to neglect to move. The first move of a turn should also push an EndMove onto the
-- stack.
-- stack.
| Move
| Move
Bool -- ^ Whether this is the first step of this MOVE
MovementSpecs -- ^ Details about the movement
Natural -- ^ Number of MOV points remaining
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Which character is being moved
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Which character is being moved
-- | Pick up a character and put them down on another space
-- | Pick up a character and put them down on another space
-- Should trigger effects like overwatch and hazard damage
-- Should trigger effects like overwatch and hazard damage
| MoveTo Point
| MoveTo Point
-- | Remove up to one token from the given category from a unit
| forall n. Num n => DropToken
(Token n) -- ^ The token category to drop from
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Which character drops a token
-- | Confirms a Move, placing the unit in the target space
-- | Confirms a Move, placing the unit in the target space
| ConfirmMove
| ConfirmMove
@ -441,6 +520,7 @@ otherPlayer Min = Max
data Stat a where
data Stat a where
AttackDice :: Stat Int
AttackDice :: Stat Int
DefenseDice :: Stat Int
DefenseDice :: Stat Int
FreeMove :: Stat Bool
data BaseStats = BaseStats
data BaseStats = BaseStats
{ name :: String
{ name :: String
@ -562,6 +642,8 @@ makeLenses ''BoardState
makeLensesWith (secondClassLensNames & generateUpdateableOptics .~ False) ''BaseStats
makeLensesWith (secondClassLensNames & generateUpdateableOptics .~ False) ''BaseStats
makeLensesWith secondClassLensNames ''MovementSpecs
instantiate :: BaseStats -> Character
instantiate :: BaseStats -> Character
instantiate stats = Character stats False noTokens & tokenCount . ofToken Health .~ hp stats
instantiate stats = Character stats False noTokens & tokenCount . ofToken Health .~ hp stats
@ -578,10 +660,10 @@ removeTokenInCategory t = tokenCount . ofToken t %~ minusSignum
minusSignum n = n - signum n
minusSignum n = n - signum n
getSpeed :: Character -> Natural
getSpeed :: Bool -> Character -> Natural
getSpeed c
getSpeed preventReducions c
| spdTokenCount > 0 = 2 + baseSpeed
| spdTokenCount > 0 = 2 + baseSpeed
| spdTokenCount < 0 = 1
| spdTokenCount < 0 && not preventReducions = 1
| otherwise = baseSpeed
| otherwise = baseSpeed
baseSpeed = c ^. baseStats . movL
baseSpeed = c ^. baseStats . movL
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ computeStat :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Stat a -> a
computeStat board cid stat = case stat of
computeStat board cid stat = case stat of
AttackDice -> 1 + elevationBonus + fromMaybe 0 specialtyBonus
AttackDice -> 1 + elevationBonus + fromMaybe 0 specialtyBonus
DefenseDice -> 0 + elevationBonus + fromMaybe 0 specialtyBonus
DefenseDice -> 0 + elevationBonus + fromMaybe 0 specialtyBonus
FreeMove -> fromMaybe False specialtyBonus
statBonuses = ixCharacter cid . baseStats . statBonusL
statBonuses = ixCharacter cid . baseStats . statBonusL
specialtyBonus = case board ^? statBonuses of
specialtyBonus = case board ^? statBonuses of
@ -57,3 +57,4 @@ gunwightActions =
gunwightStatBonuses :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Stat a -> a
gunwightStatBonuses :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Stat a -> a
gunwightStatBonuses board cid AttackDice = if adjacentAllies board cid /= Just [] then 1 else 0
gunwightStatBonuses board cid AttackDice = if adjacentAllies board cid /= Just [] then 1 else 0
gunwightStatBonuses _ _ DefenseDice = 0
gunwightStatBonuses _ _ DefenseDice = 0
gunwightStatBonuses _ _ FreeMove = False
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
module Units.Debug
module Units.Debug
( basic
( basic
, freeMoveTester)
import GameModel
import GameModel
( adjacentAllies
( Armor(..)
, Armor(..)
, BaseStats(..)
, BaseStats(..)
, BoardState
, BoardState
, CharacterIdentifier
, CharacterIdentifier
@ -14,7 +13,8 @@ import GameModel
, Effect(..)
, Effect(..)
, Stat(..)
, Stat(..)
, Token(..)
, Token(..)
, Trigger(..)
, Trigger(..), ixCharacter, tokenCount, ofToken
, forcedMove, ForcedMoveType (Pull), Player (..)
import Units
import Units
( AttackT(..)
( AttackT(..)
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Units
, SelfAbilityT(..)
, SelfAbilityT(..)
, mkSelfAbility
, mkSelfAbility
import Lens.Micro
basic :: BaseStats
basic :: BaseStats
basic = BaseStats
basic = BaseStats
@ -84,6 +85,16 @@ basicActions =
, tHeadshotEffects = []
, tHeadshotEffects = []
, tStandardEffects = [InflictTokens StrWeak (-1)]
, tStandardEffects = [InflictTokens StrWeak (-1)]
, buildAttack $ AttackT
{ tName = "Yoink"
, tRange = (1, 4)
, tValidTargets = anyTarget
, tMelee = False
, tDamageType = BasicDamage
, tDamageAmount = 0
, tHeadshotEffects = []
, tStandardEffects = [forcedMove Pull 3 Min (Left (Max, 1))]
, mkSelfAbility $ SelfAbilityT
, mkSelfAbility $ SelfAbilityT
{ tName = "Calcify"
{ tName = "Calcify"
, tEffects = [InflictTokens VitalVulnr 1]
, tEffects = [InflictTokens VitalVulnr 1]
@ -101,3 +112,33 @@ basicActions =
basicStatBonuses :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Stat a -> a
basicStatBonuses :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Stat a -> a
basicStatBonuses _ _ AttackDice = 0
basicStatBonuses _ _ AttackDice = 0
basicStatBonuses _ _ DefenseDice = 0
basicStatBonuses _ _ DefenseDice = 0
basicStatBonuses _ _ FreeMove = False
freeMoveTester :: BaseStats
freeMoveTester = BaseStats
{ name = "Free Move Debug Unit"
, hp = 4
, mov = 4
, df = 1
, arm = NoArmor
, hooks = freeMoveHooks
, actions = freeMoveActions
, statBonus = freeMoveStatBonuses
freeMoveHooks :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Trigger -> [Effect]
freeMoveHooks _ _ TurnStart = []
freeMoveHooks _ _ (TookDamage _) = []
freeMoveHooks _ _ (Died _ _) = []
freeMoveHooks _ _ (EndMove _) = []
freeMoveActions :: [CharacterIdentifier -> Choice]
freeMoveActions =
freeMoveStatBonuses :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Stat a -> a
freeMoveStatBonuses _ _ AttackDice = 0
freeMoveStatBonuses _ _ DefenseDice = 0
freeMoveStatBonuses board cid FreeMove = -- Has free movement when below max health
maybe True (<4) $ board ^? ixCharacter cid . tokenCount . ofToken Health
Reference in a new issue