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2023-12-04 21:39:42 +00:00
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Eta reduce" #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
module GameModel
( DieFace(..)
, bestOrWorst
, EnvTile(..)
, Armor(..)
, DamageType(..)
, Attack(Attack)
, headshotEffectsL
, meleeL
, otherEffectsL
, damageTypeL
, damageAmountL
, headshotEffects
, melee
, otherEffects
, damageType
, damageAmount
, simpleRangedAttack
, simpleMeleeAttack
, blocks
, Point(..)
, Trigger(..)
, OrthagonalDirection(..)
, orthagonalDirections
, offset
, cardinalDirections
, offsetCardinal
, identifyDirection
, identifyCardinalDirection
, adjacentPoints
, distanceCardinal
, MovementSpecs(..)
, movVerbL
, movFreeL
, movMinimumL
, movAmountL
, movForcedL
, movSpendTokensL
, movEndMoveTriggerL
, movCompelledL
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, Effect(..)
, Player(..)
, PPair
, forPlayer
, everybody
, otherPlayer
, Token(..)
, ofToken
, Stat(..)
, BaseStats(..)
, nameL
, hpL
, movL
, dfL
, armL
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, traitsL
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, actionsL
, instantiate
, Character(..)
, baseStats
, movedThisRound
, tokenCount
, removeTokenInCategory
, clearUpToNTokens
, getSpeed
, getDefense
, CharacterIdentifier
, owner
, ownerL
, isNecromancer
, showCID
, untapped
, BoardState
, atPoint
, tiles
, width
, height
, characters
, soul
, movingUnit
, roundNumber
, turn
, effectStack
, activePlayer
, switchActivePlayer
, popEffect
, usingBoardDimensions
, offsetB
, cidsInRange
, isAlive
, pushEffects
, unitPosition
, terrainAt
, characterAt
, adjacentUnits
, adjacentAllies
, isElevated
, removeUnit
, nextRound
, changeMovingUnit
, moveUnit
, finalizeMove
, (<++)
, Choice
, decisionSequenceL
, effectsL
, decisionSequence
, effects
, mkChoice
, prependDecision
, tap
, characterLocations
, eachCID
, ixCharacter
, ofPlayer
, untappedUnits
, newBoard
, characterHandle
, renderCharacterHandle
, ForcedMoveType(..)
, flipDirection
, ProtoMovementSpecs(..)
, basicMove
, forcedMove
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, allStatsAreMonoids
, HasMonoidInstance
, Hook(..)
, hookTriggerL
, hookEffectL
, Modifier(..)
, Trait(..)
, traitNameL
, traitHooksL
, traitModifiersL
, computeStat_
, runHooks_
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) where
import Util (toMaybe, dup, secondClassLensNames, (??))
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import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
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import Control.Arrow ((>>>), Arrow (second))
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import Control.Monad (join, mfilter, zipWithM)
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import Data.Ix (inRange)
import Data.List (intersperse, elemIndex)
import Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty (cons, NonEmpty, singleton)
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import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes)
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import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Safe (headMay)
import Lens.Micro
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import Data.Monoid (Sum, Any)
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import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses, makeLensesWith, generateUpdateableOptics)
import Lens.Micro.Extras (preview)
import Data.Data ((:~:)(..))
import System.Random (Random(..))
data DieFace = One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Read)
instance Random DieFace where
randomR (low, hi) g = (toEnum r, g')
lowN = fromEnum low
hiN = fromEnum hi
(r, g') = randomR (lowN, hiN) g
random g = randomR (One, Six) g
bestOrWorst :: Bool -> [DieFace] -> DieFace
bestOrWorst True = maximum
bestOrWorst False = minimum
instance Show DieFace where
show One = "1"
show Two = "2"
show Three = "3"
show Four = "4"
show Five = "5"
show Six = "6"
instance Num DieFace where
One + One = Two
Two + One = Three
Three + One = Four
Four + One = Five
One + Two = Three
Two + Two = Four
Three + Two = Five
Two + Three = Five
_ + _ = Six
Six - One = Five
Six - Two = Four
Six - Three = Three
Six - Four = Two
Five - One = Four
Five - Two = Three
Five - Three = Two
Four - One = Three
Four - Two = Two
_ - _ = One
One * n = n
n * One = n
Two * n = n + n
n * Two = n + n
_ * _ = Six
abs n = n
signum = const One
fromInteger 1 = One
fromInteger 2 = Two
fromInteger 3 = Three
fromInteger 4 = Four
fromInteger 5 = Five
fromInteger 6 = Six
fromInteger n = error ("The integer literal " ++ show n ++ " is not a face on a d6")
type CharacterIdentifier = (Player, Int)
owner :: CharacterIdentifier -> Player
owner = fst
ownerL :: Lens' CharacterIdentifier Player
ownerL = _1
isNecromancer :: CharacterIdentifier -> Bool
isNecromancer = snd >>> (== 0)
showCID :: CharacterIdentifier -> Char
showCID (cidOwner, idx) = (if cidOwner == Max then upperLetters else lowerLetters) !! idx
lowerLetters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
data Player
= Max
| Min
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data PPair t = PPair t t
toPPair :: (Player -> t) -> PPair t
toPPair f = PPair (f Min) (f Max)
forPlayer :: Player -> Lens' (PPair a) a
forPlayer Min f (PPair p_min p_max) = PPair <$> f p_min ?? p_max
forPlayer Max f (PPair p_min p_max) = PPair p_min <$> f p_max
everybody :: Traversal (PPair a) (PPair b) a b
everybody f (PPair p_min p_max) = PPair <$> f p_min <*> f p_max
data EnvTile
= Wall
| Rough
| Hazard
| Elevation
| Stairs
deriving (Enum, Read, Eq, Show)
data Armor
= NoArmor
| PhysicalArmor
| MagicArmor
| SuperArmor
deriving (Enum, Read, Eq)
instance Show Armor where
show NoArmor = "-"
show PhysicalArmor = "PHY"
show MagicArmor = "MAG"
show SuperArmor = "SUP"
data DamageType
= BasicDamage
| SpecialDamage
| Unblockable
| DevilDamage
deriving (Enum, Read, Eq, Show)
blocks :: Armor -> DamageType -> Bool
blocks _ Unblockable = False
blocks _ DevilDamage = False
blocks PhysicalArmor BasicDamage = True
blocks MagicArmor SpecialDamage = True
blocks SuperArmor _ = True
blocks _ _ = False
newtype Point = Point Natural
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
enumeratePoints :: Natural -> Natural -> [Point]
enumeratePoints w h = Point <$> [0..w * h - 1]
data Trigger
= TurnStart
| TookDamage CharacterIdentifier
| Died CharacterIdentifier Point
| EndMove CharacterIdentifier
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deriving (Eq, Show)
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data OrthagonalDirection
= North
| East
| South
| West
deriving (Enum, Read, Eq, Ord, Show)
orthagonalDirections :: [OrthagonalDirection]
orthagonalDirections = [North, East, South, West]
flipDirection :: OrthagonalDirection -> OrthagonalDirection
flipDirection North = South
flipDirection East = West
flipDirection South = North
flipDirection West = East
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offset :: Natural -> Natural -> Point -> OrthagonalDirection -> Maybe Point
offset width _ (Point indx) North = toMaybe (indx >= width) (Point $ indx - width)
offset width height (Point indx) South = toMaybe (indx `div` width < height - 1) (Point $ indx + width)
offset width _ (Point indx) West = toMaybe (indx `rem` width > 0) (Point $ indx - 1)
offset width _ (Point indx) East = toMaybe (indx `rem` width < width - 1) (Point $ indx + 1)
identifyDirection :: Natural -> Natural -> Point -> Point -> Maybe OrthagonalDirection
identifyDirection w h from to = headMay $ filter ((== Just to) . offset w h from) orthagonalDirections
identifyCardinalDirection :: Natural -> Natural -> Point -> Point -> [OrthagonalDirection]
identifyCardinalDirection w _ from to = northOrSouth ++ eastOrWest
(fromX, fromY) = coordinates w from
(toX, toY) = coordinates w to
| fromY < toY = [South]
| fromY > toY = [North]
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| otherwise = [ ]
| fromX < toX = [East]
| fromX > toX = [West]
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| otherwise = [ ]
cardinalDirections :: [[OrthagonalDirection]]
cardinalDirections = [[North], [North, East], [East], [South, East], [South], [South, West], [West], [North, West]]
offsetCardinal :: Natural -> Natural -> Point -> [OrthagonalDirection] -> Maybe Point
offsetCardinal w h point = foldr ((=<<) . flip (offset w h)) (Just point)
adjacentPoints :: Natural -> Natural -> Point -> [Point]
adjacentPoints w h center = mapMaybe (offsetCardinal w h center) cardinalDirections
coordinates :: Natural -> Point -> (Natural, Natural)
coordinates w (Point x) = (x `rem` w, x `div` w)
distanceCardinal :: Natural -> Natural -> Point -> Point -> Natural
distanceCardinal w _ a b = max xDist yDist
(aX, aY) = coordinates w a
(bX, bY) = coordinates w b
xDist = max aX bX - min aX bX
yDist = max aY bY - min aY bY
data ForcedMoveType
= Push
| Pull
| Shift
deriving (Show, Eq)
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data Token a where
StrWeak :: Token Int
VitalVulnr :: Token Int
SpeedSlow :: Token Int
Berserk :: Token Natural
Doom :: Token Natural
Plague :: Token Natural
Mutation :: Token Natural
Reload :: Token Natural
Health :: Token Natural
-- | Details which characterize any kind of movement
data MovementSpecs = MovementSpecs
{ movVerb :: String -- ^ The verb used to describe this move, e.g. "Move" or "Step"
, movFree :: Bool -- ^ Indicates whether moving with free movement
, movMinimum :: Bool -- ^ This movement gets to move at least 1 tile regardless of cost
, movAmount :: Natural -- ^ The amount of MV available to spend
, movForced :: Maybe (Point, ForcedMoveType, Player) -- ^ If this is a forced move, the locus, direction, and compelling player
, movSpendTokens :: Bool -- ^ Whether this movement uses up movement tokens
, movEndMoveTrigger :: Bool -- ^ Whether this movement should trigger "after MOVE" effects
, movCompelled :: Bool -- ^ If movement can be stopped prematurely
-- | A version of `MovementSpecs` where some values will be populated dynamically
data ProtoMovementSpecs = ProtoMovementSpecs
{ movVerb :: String -- ^ The verb used to describe this move, e.g. "Move" or "Step"
, movFree' :: Maybe Bool -- ^ Whether moving with free movement, or Nothing to compute at init
, movMinimum :: Bool -- ^ This movement gets to move at least 1 tile regardless of cost
, movAmount' :: Maybe Natural -- ^ How many spaces to move, or Nothing to compute at init
, movForced' :: Maybe (Either CharacterIdentifier Point, ForcedMoveType, Player) -- ^ If this is a forced move, the locus, direction, and compelling player
, movSpendTokens :: Bool -- ^ Whether this movement spends speed/slow tokens
, movEndMoveTrigger :: Bool -- ^ Whether this movement should trigger "after MOVE" effects
, movCompelled :: Bool -- ^ If movement can be stopped prematurely
basicMove :: CharacterIdentifier -> Effect
basicMove = InitMove $ ProtoMovementSpecs
{ movVerb = "Move"
, movFree' = Nothing
, movMinimum = True
, movAmount' = Nothing
, movForced' = Nothing
, movSpendTokens = True
, movEndMoveTrigger = True
, movCompelled = False
forcedMove :: ForcedMoveType -> Natural -> Player -> Either CharacterIdentifier Point -> CharacterIdentifier -> Effect
forcedMove fmType amt compeller locus = InitMove $ ProtoMovementSpecs
{ movVerb = show fmType
, movFree' = Just True
, movMinimum = False
, movAmount' = Just amt
, movForced' = Just (locus, fmType, compeller)
, movSpendTokens = False
, movEndMoveTrigger = False
, movCompelled = True
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data Effect
-- | Does nothing
= NoOp
| StartTurn
-- | Send some trigger to every Unit
| Event Trigger
-- | Active player chooses whether they want to move or act first
| ChooseActMove CharacterIdentifier
-- | Active player may choose whether they want to act or move
| ActOrMove CharacterIdentifier
-- | Mark the start of movement
-- Can be finalized later with FinalizeMove
| InitMove ProtoMovementSpecs CharacterIdentifier
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-- | Active player may MOVE this character
-- Should evaluate to a choice for every OrthagonalDirection which is valid to move in,
-- where each choice includes another Move. Additionally, the user may choose
-- to neglect to move. The first move of a turn should also push an EndMove onto the
-- stack.
| Move
MovementSpecs -- ^ Details about the movement
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CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Which character is being moved
-- | Pick up a character and put them down on another space
-- Should trigger effects like overwatch and hazard damage
| MoveTo Point
-- | Remove up to one token from the given category from a unit
| forall n. Num n => DropToken
(Token n) -- ^ The token category to drop from
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Which character drops a token
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-- | Confirms a Move, placing the unit in the target space
| ConfirmMove
-- | Allow a character to Act
| Act CharacterIdentifier
-- | Target a unit in a given range, then run a different event
| Target
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ ACTing unit
(Natural, Natural) -- ^ Range
(BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Bool) -- ^ Target filter
(CharacterIdentifier -> [Effect]) -- ^ Ultimate effect
-- | Check if a character can body block
-- If they can, offer a choice of target to the targetted player. Pass result on to
-- the effect.
| BodyBlock CharacterIdentifier (CharacterIdentifier -> [Effect])
-- | Resolve an attack
| ResolveAttack
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Attacker
Attack -- ^ Attack information
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Target
| InflictDamage
Natural -- ^ Damage amount
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Target
| forall n. Num n => InflictTokens
(Token n) -- ^ Token kind
n -- ^ Token amount
CharacterIdentifier -- ^ Target
| Kill CharacterIdentifier
-- | Tap the active unit, change the active player
| EndTurn CharacterIdentifier
data Attack = Attack
{ headshotEffects :: [Effect]
, melee :: Bool
, otherEffects :: [Effect]
, damageType :: DamageType
, damageAmount :: Natural
simpleRangedAttack :: [Effect] -> DamageType -> Natural -> Attack
simpleRangedAttack = Attack [] False
simpleMeleeAttack :: [Effect] -> DamageType -> Natural -> Attack
simpleMeleeAttack = Attack [] True
data Choice = Choice
{ decisionSequence :: NonEmpty String
, effects :: [Effect]
otherPlayer :: Player -> Player
otherPlayer Max = Min
otherPlayer Min = Max
data Stat a where
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AttackDice :: Stat (Sum Int)
DefenseDice :: Stat (Sum Int)
FreeMove :: Stat Any
statEq :: Stat a -> Stat b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
statEq AttackDice AttackDice = Just Refl
statEq DefenseDice DefenseDice = Just Refl
statEq FreeMove FreeMove = Just Refl
statEq _ _ = Nothing
data HasMonoidInstance a = forall m. Monoid m => HasMonoidInstance (a :~: m)
allStatsAreMonoids :: Stat a -> HasMonoidInstance a
allStatsAreMonoids AttackDice = HasMonoidInstance Refl
allStatsAreMonoids DefenseDice = HasMonoidInstance Refl
allStatsAreMonoids FreeMove = HasMonoidInstance Refl
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data BaseStats = BaseStats
{ name :: String
, hp :: Natural
, mov :: Natural
, df :: DieFace
, arm :: Armor
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, traits :: [Trait]
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, actions :: [CharacterIdentifier -> Choice]
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-- | Some effect which is activated by some trigger event
data Hook h = Hook
{ hookTrigger :: Trigger -- ^ The trigger which should activate this effect
-- | What this effect does. Recieves board & this character's CID
, hookEffect :: BoardState -> h
-- | A modifier which conditionally affects thet value of some stat for a unit
data Modifier = forall a. Monoid a => Modifier
{ modifierStat :: Stat a -- ^ Which stat this modifier effects
-- | What the effects of this modifier are
, modifierEffect :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> a
queryModifier :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Stat a -> Modifier -> a
queryModifier board cid queryStat (Modifier {..}) = case queryStat `statEq` modifierStat of
Just Refl -> modifierEffect board cid
Nothing -> case allStatsAreMonoids queryStat of HasMonoidInstance Refl -> mempty
-- | A passive trait on a unit
-- Can affect a unit or surrounding units by directly and conditionally modifying that
-- units stats, or by running certain 'Effect's on a given trigger
data Trait = Trait
{ traitName :: String -- ^ The name of this trait, e.g. "Formation"
, traitHooks :: [Hook (CharacterIdentifier -> [Effect])] -- ^ Any hooks which this trait needs
, traitModifiers :: [Modifier] -- ^ Any modifiers this trait imposes
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instance Show BaseStats where
show stats = "===== " ++ name stats ++ " =====\nMV: " ++ show (mov stats) ++ " DF: " ++ show (df stats) ++ "+ ARM: " ++ show (arm stats)
newtype TokenCount = TokenCount (forall n. Token n -> n)
instance Show TokenCount where
show tc = mconcat $ intersperse "\n" $ filter (/=[])
[ showHealth
, showReload
, " "
, showDualTokens ("Strength", "Weakness") ("+1 damage", "-1 damage") StrWeak
, showDualTokens ("Vitality", "Vulnerability") ("take -1 damage", "take +1 damage") VitalVulnr
, showDualTokens ("Speed", "Slow") ("move +2 spaces", "move at most one space") SpeedSlow
, showMonoToken "Berserk" "splash self after ACTing" Berserk
, showMonoToken "Doom" "die after round 4" Doom
, showMonoToken "Plague" "take 1 damage / turn" Plague
, showMonoToken "Mutation" "spend as any other token" Mutation
showTokensInner :: Integral n => String -> String -> n -> String
showTokensInner name effectText count
| count > 0 = name ++ ": " ++ replicate (fromIntegral count) '*' ++ if effectText /= "" then " (" ++ effectText ++ ")" else ""
| otherwise = ""
showMonoToken name effectText t = showTokensInner name effectText (tc ^. ofToken t)
showDualTokens (goodName, badName) (goodEffect, badEffet) t
| count >= 0 = showTokensInner goodName goodEffect count
| otherwise = showTokensInner badName badEffet (negate count)
count = tc ^. ofToken t
hp = fromIntegral $ tc ^. ofToken Health
rel = fromIntegral $ tc ^. ofToken Reload
| hp == 0 = "HP: 💀"
| otherwise = "HP: " ++ replicate hp '*'
| rel == 0 = []
| rel == 1 = "Needs reload!"
| rel == 2 = "Needs reload! (Twice)"
| otherwise = "Needs reload! (" ++ replicate rel '*' ++ ")"
tokenEq :: Token a -> Token b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
tokenEq StrWeak StrWeak = Just Refl
tokenEq VitalVulnr VitalVulnr = Just Refl
tokenEq SpeedSlow SpeedSlow = Just Refl
tokenEq Berserk Berserk = Just Refl
tokenEq Doom Doom = Just Refl
tokenEq Plague Plague = Just Refl
tokenEq Mutation Mutation = Just Refl
tokenEq Reload Reload = Just Refl
tokenEq Health Health = Just Refl
tokenEq _ _ = Nothing
ofToken :: forall n. Token n -> Lens' TokenCount n
ofToken token f (TokenCount initCount) = update' <$> innerMapped
innerMapped = f $ initCount token
update :: n -> forall m. Token m -> m
update newTokenVal queryToken =
case tokenEq token queryToken of
Just Refl -> newTokenVal
Nothing -> initCount queryToken
update' :: n -> TokenCount
update' newVal = TokenCount $ update newVal
data Character = Character
{ _baseStats :: BaseStats
, _movedThisRound :: Bool
, _tokenCount :: TokenCount
instance Show Character where
show c = show (_baseStats c) ++ (if _movedThisRound c then "\n(already moved this round)" else "\n") ++ '\n' : show (_tokenCount c)
noTokens :: TokenCount
noTokens = TokenCount noTokens'
noTokens' :: Token n -> n
noTokens' StrWeak = 0
noTokens' VitalVulnr = 0
noTokens' SpeedSlow = 0
noTokens' Berserk = 0
noTokens' Doom = 0
noTokens' Plague = 0
noTokens' Mutation = 0
noTokens' Reload = 0
noTokens' Health = 0
data BoardState = BoardState
{ _tiles :: [(Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])]
, _width :: Natural
, _height :: Natural
, _characters :: PPair [Character]
, _soul :: PPair Natural
, _movingUnit :: Maybe (CharacterIdentifier, Point)
, _roundNumber :: Natural
, _turn :: Player
, _effectStack :: [Effect]
makeLenses ''Character
makeLensesWith (secondClassLensNames & generateUpdateableOptics .~ False) ''Attack
makeLensesWith secondClassLensNames ''Choice
makeLenses ''BoardState
makeLensesWith (secondClassLensNames & generateUpdateableOptics .~ False) ''BaseStats
makeLensesWith secondClassLensNames ''MovementSpecs
2023-12-06 19:57:24 +00:00
makeLensesWith secondClassLensNames ''Hook
makeLensesWith secondClassLensNames ''Trait
2023-12-04 21:39:42 +00:00
instantiate :: BaseStats -> Character
instantiate stats = Character stats False noTokens & tokenCount . ofToken Health .~ hp stats
clearUpToNTokens :: (Num a, Ord a) => Token a -> a -> Character -> Character
clearUpToNTokens t n = tokenCount . ofToken t %~ clearUpToN n
clearUpToN toClear currentCount
| currentCount > 0 && toClear < 0 || currentCount < 0 && toClear > 0 = currentCount
| abs currentCount > abs toClear = currentCount - toClear
| otherwise = 0
removeTokenInCategory :: Num a => Token a -> Character -> Character
removeTokenInCategory t = tokenCount . ofToken t %~ minusSignum
minusSignum n = n - signum n
getSpeed :: Bool -> Character -> Natural
getSpeed preventReducions c
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| spdTokenCount > 0 = 2 + baseSpeed
| spdTokenCount < 0 && not preventReducions = 1
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| otherwise = baseSpeed
baseSpeed = c ^. baseStats . movL
spdTokenCount = c ^. tokenCount . ofToken SpeedSlow
getDefense :: Character -> DieFace
getDefense = df . _baseStats
tap :: Character -> Character
tap = movedThisRound .~ True
untapped :: Character -> Bool
untapped = not . _movedThisRound
untap :: Character -> Character
untap = movedThisRound .~ False
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-- | Compute a stat for a unit by accumulating the modifiers for the stat in all places
-- This includes so called global modifiers, but in order to keep game rules seperate from
-- the model, global modifiers must be provided as the first argument.
computeStat_ :: [Modifier] -> BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Stat a -> a
computeStat_ globalModifiers board cid stat = case allStatsAreMonoids stat of
HasMonoidInstance Refl ->
queryStatsL = each . to (queryModifier board cid stat)
globalBonus = globalModifiers ^. queryStatsL
traitBonus = board ^. ixCharacter cid . baseStats . traitsL . each . traitModifiersL . queryStatsL
in globalBonus <> traitBonus
-- | Activate all of the relevant hooks on the board
-- Searches through all hooks in traits and global hooks, accumulates all their effects,
-- then adds all the resulting effects to the effect stack. Similar to `computeStat_`,
-- this is additionall searches so called global hooks, but only recognizes global hooks
-- passed as an argument.
runHooks_ :: [Hook [Effect]] -> Trigger -> BoardState -> BoardState
runHooks_ globalHooks trigger board = board <++ characterEffects <++ globalEffects
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filterActivatedL :: Traversal' (Hook a) (Hook a)
filterActivatedL = filtered ((==trigger) . hookTrigger)
unitHooksL :: SimpleFold Character (BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> [Effect])
unitHooksL = baseStats . traitsL . each . traitHooksL . each . filterActivatedL . hookEffectL
charRunHooks :: (CharacterIdentifier, Character) -> [Effect]
charRunHooks (cid, c) =
(c ^. unitHooksL) board cid
characterEffects :: [Effect]
characterEffects = board ^. enumerateUnits . to charRunHooks
globalEffects :: [Effect]
globalEffects = (globalHooks ^. each . filterActivatedL . hookEffectL) board
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instance Show BoardState where
show board = join (intersperse "\n" showTiles) ++ '\n':showRound ++ "\n" ++ showCharacters
renderUpperCorner :: (Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])) -> Char
renderUpperCorner (_, (_, tiles))
| Wall `elem` tiles = '█'
| Rough `elem` tiles = '~'
| otherwise = ' '
renderLowerLeftCorner :: (Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])) -> Char
renderLowerLeftCorner t@(_, (_, tiles))
| Wall `elem` tiles = '█'
| Elevation `elem` tiles = '▛'
| otherwise = renderUpperCorner t
renderLowerRightCorner :: (Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])) -> Char
renderLowerRightCorner t@(_, (_, tiles))
| Wall `elem` tiles = '█'
| Elevation `elem` tiles = '▜'
| otherwise = renderUpperCorner t
renderBorderTile :: (Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])) -> Char
renderBorderTile (_, (_, tiles))
|Wall `elem` tiles = '█'
|Hazard `elem` tiles = '⩚'
|Rough `elem` tiles = '~'
| otherwise = ' '
renderLowerBorderTile :: (Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])) -> Char
renderLowerBorderTile t@(_, (_, tiles))
|Wall `elem` tiles = '█'
|Elevation `elem` tiles = '▀'
| otherwise = renderBorderTile t
renderUpperCenterTile :: (Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])) -> Char
renderUpperCenterTile t@(_, (_, tiles))
| Wall `elem` tiles = '█'
| Stairs `elem` tiles = '≣'
| otherwise = renderBorderTile t
renderLowerCenterTile :: (Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])) -> Char
renderLowerCenterTile t@(_, (_, tiles))
| Wall `elem` tiles = '█'
| Elevation `elem` tiles = '▀'
| otherwise = renderUpperCenterTile t
renderLeftCenterTile :: (Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])) -> Char
renderLeftCenterTile t@(_, (_, tiles))
| Wall `elem` tiles = '█'
| Stairs `elem` tiles = '▙'
| otherwise = renderBorderTile t
renderRightCenterTile :: (Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])) -> Char
renderRightCenterTile t@(_, (_, tiles))
| Wall `elem` tiles = '█'
| Stairs `elem` tiles = '▟'
| otherwise = renderBorderTile t
renderMidTile :: (Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])) -> Char
renderMidTile (_, (_, tiles))
| Wall `elem` tiles = '█'
| otherwise = ' '
renderTrueCenter :: (Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])) -> Char
renderTrueCenter (p, (Nothing, tiles))
| board ^? movingUnit . _Just . _2 == Just p = '*'
| Wall `elem` tiles = '█'
| otherwise = ' '
renderTrueCenter (p, (Just cid, _))
| board ^? movingUnit . _Just . _2 == Just p = '*'
| board ^? movingUnit . _Just . _1 == Just cid = ' '
| otherwise = showCID cid
renderTile :: (Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])) -> [String]
renderTile t =
[ [renderUpperCorner t , renderBorderTile t , renderUpperCenterTile t, renderBorderTile t , renderUpperCorner t ]
, [renderLeftCenterTile t , renderMidTile t , renderTrueCenter t , renderMidTile t , renderRightCenterTile t ]
, [renderLowerLeftCorner t, renderLowerBorderTile t, renderLowerCenterTile t, renderLowerBorderTile t, renderLowerRightCorner t]
renderRow :: [(Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile]))] -> [String]
renderRow tiles = foldr (zipWith $ (++) . ('│':)) (repeat "") (renderTile <$> tiles)
hIndicies = [0..board ^. width - 1]
vIndicies = [0..board ^. height - 1]
arrIndicies :: [[Point]]
arrIndicies = zipWith (\x y -> Point $ x + y * _height board) hIndicies . replicate (fromIntegral $ _width board) <$> vIndicies
arrValues :: [[(Point, (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile]))]]
arrValues = arrIndicies & traversed . traversed %~ (\p -> (p, board ^?! atPoint p))
hLine :: String
hLine = "─────"
mkLine :: Char -> Char -> Char -> String
mkLine l m r = l : (replicate (fromIntegral $ board ^. width) hLine & intersperse [m] & mconcat) ++ [r]
floor :: String
floor = mkLine '├' '┼' '┤'
roof :: String
roof = mkLine '┌' '┬' '┐'
basement :: String
basement = mkLine '└' '┴' '┘'
showTiles :: [String]
showTiles = mconcat $ [roof] : intersperse [floor] (renderRow <$> arrValues) ++ [[basement]]
showRound :: String
showRound = "Round: " ++ show (board ^. roundNumber)
showCharPair (cid, c) = "\n\n===== [" ++ showCID cid : "] " ++ drop 6 (show c)
showCharacters = board ^.. enumerateUnits . to showCharPair . each
newBoard :: Natural -> Natural -> (Point -> Maybe (Player, BaseStats)) -> (Point -> [EnvTile]) -> BoardState
newBoard width height initialLayout terrain = BoardState
{ _tiles = tiles
, _width = width
, _height = height
, _characters = characters
, _soul = toPPair $ const 0
, _movingUnit = Nothing
, _roundNumber = 1
, _turn = Max
, _effectStack = [StartTurn]
allPoints = enumeratePoints width height
buildCharacter :: (Point, Maybe (Player, BaseStats)) -> Maybe (Player, (Point, BaseStats))
buildCharacter (p, Just (player, stats)) = Just (player, (p, stats))
buildCharacter (_, Nothing) = Nothing
protocharacters :: [(Player, (Point, BaseStats))]
protocharacters = mapMaybe (buildCharacter . second initialLayout . dup) allPoints
pointToCID :: Player -> Point -> Maybe CharacterIdentifier
pointToCID player point = (player,) <$> characterIndex
playersOccupiedTiles :: [Point]
playersOccupiedTiles = map (fst . snd) $ filter ((==player) . fst) protocharacters
characterIndex :: Maybe Int
characterIndex = elemIndex point playersOccupiedTiles
tiles :: [(Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])]
tiles = (\p -> (pointToCID Min p <|> pointToCID Max p, terrain p)) <$> enumeratePoints width height
characters :: PPair [Character]
characters = toPPair (\player -> protocharacters ^.. each . filtered ((==player) . fst). _2 . _2 . to instantiate)
activePlayer :: Lens' BoardState Player
activePlayer = turn
switchActivePlayer :: BoardState -> BoardState
switchActivePlayer = turn %~ otherPlayer
popEffect :: BoardState -> Maybe (Effect, BoardState)
popEffect board@(BoardState {_effectStack = topEffect : remainingEffects})
= Just (topEffect, board {_effectStack = remainingEffects})
popEffect _ = Nothing
usingBoardDimensions :: BoardState -> (Natural -> Natural -> a) -> a
usingBoardDimensions (BoardState {_width, _height}) f = f _width _height
offsetB :: BoardState -> Point -> OrthagonalDirection -> Maybe Point
offsetB b = usingBoardDimensions b offset
eachCID :: Monoid m => Getting m BoardState CharacterIdentifier
eachCID = tiles . each . _1 . _Just
ixCharacter :: CharacterIdentifier -> Traversal' BoardState Character
ixCharacter (player, indx) = characters . forPlayer player . ix indx
renderCharacterHandle :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> String
renderCharacterHandle board cid = maybe "[💀]" (characterHandle cid) $ board ^? ixCharacter cid
eachCharacter :: Traversal' BoardState Character
eachCharacter = characters . everybody . traverse
characterLocations :: Monoid m => Getting m BoardState (Point, CharacterIdentifier)
characterLocations = to listCIDsWithLocations' . each
listCIDsWithLocations' :: BoardState -> [(Point, CharacterIdentifier)]
listCIDsWithLocations' (BoardState {_tiles}) = catMaybes $ zipWith (\p (cid, _) -> (Point p,) <$> cid) [0..] _tiles
cidsInRange :: BoardState -> (Natural, Natural) -> Point -> [CharacterIdentifier]
cidsInRange board range locus = board ^.. inner
inner :: SimpleFold BoardState CharacterIdentifier
inner = characterLocations . filtered (fst >>> usingBoardDimensions board distanceCardinal locus >>> inRange range) . _2
ofPlayer :: Player -> Traversal' CharacterIdentifier CharacterIdentifier
ofPlayer player = filtered (owner >>> (== player))
-- | A traversal over pairs in the form (`CharacterIdentifier`, `Character`)
-- On modifying these pairs: Modifications to the `Character` will be applied to the
-- original character, but __changes to the `CharacterIdentifier` will be completely
-- ignored__. This means you /cannot/ use this traversal to change the order of
-- characters, switch characters between players, or anything like that.
enumerateUnits :: Traversal' BoardState (CharacterIdentifier, Character)
enumerateUnits = enumerateUnits'
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enumerateUnits' :: forall f. Applicative f
=> ((CharacterIdentifier, Character) -> f (CharacterIdentifier, Character))
-> BoardState -> f BoardState
enumerateUnits' f = characters fCharacters
fUnit :: Player -> Int -> Character -> f Character
fUnit player indx c = snd <$> f ((player, indx), c)
fRoster :: Player -> [Character] -> f [Character]
fRoster player roster = zipWithM (fUnit player) [0..] roster
fCharacters :: PPair [Character] -> f (PPair [Character])
fCharacters (PPair p1 p2) = PPair <$> fRoster Min p1 <*> fRoster Max p2
2023-12-04 21:39:42 +00:00
untappedUnits :: SimpleFold BoardState CharacterIdentifier
untappedUnits = enumerateUnits . filtered (untapped . snd) . _1
isAlive :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Bool
isAlive board cid = has (eachCID . filtered (== cid)) board
pushEffects :: [Effect] -> BoardState -> BoardState
pushEffects newEffects = effectStack %~ (newEffects ++)
unitPosition :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Maybe Point
unitPosition (BoardState {_movingUnit=Just (movingCid, movingPoint)}) cid
| movingCid == cid = Just movingPoint
unitPosition (BoardState {_tiles}) cid = headMay $ catMaybes $ zipWith aux [0..] _tiles
aux :: Natural -> (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile]) -> Maybe Point
aux p (potentialCid, _)
| potentialCid == Just cid = Just $ Point p
| otherwise = Nothing
atPoint :: Point -> Traversal' BoardState (Maybe CharacterIdentifier, [EnvTile])
atPoint p = tiles . ixp p
ixp :: Point -> Traversal' [a] a
ixp (Point n) = ix $ fromIntegral n
characterAt :: Point -> Traversal' BoardState (Maybe CharacterIdentifier)
characterAt p f board = inner f board
inner :: Traversal' BoardState (Maybe CharacterIdentifier)
inner = atPoint p . _1 . filtered (/= board ^? movingUnit . _Just . _1)
adjacentUnits :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Maybe [CharacterIdentifier]
adjacentUnits board cid = do
originalLocation <- unitPosition board cid
let adjacentTiles = usingBoardDimensions board adjacentPoints originalLocation
let characterAt' p = characterAt p . _Just :: SimpleFold BoardState CharacterIdentifier
let unitsAdjacent = mapMaybe (flip preview board . characterAt') adjacentTiles
return unitsAdjacent
adjacentAllies :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Maybe [CharacterIdentifier]
adjacentAllies board cid = filter (owner >>> (owner cid ==)) <$> adjacentUnits board cid
isElevated :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> Bool
isElevated board cid = maybe False (\p -> elem Elevation $ board ^. terrainAt p) $ unitPosition board cid
removeUnit :: CharacterIdentifier -> BoardState -> BoardState
removeUnit cid = tiles . each . _1 %~ mfilter (/= cid)
setUnit :: CharacterIdentifier -> Point -> BoardState -> BoardState
setUnit character point = atPoint point . _1 ?~ character
terrainAt :: Point -> Traversal' BoardState [EnvTile]
terrainAt p = atPoint p . _2
-- | Untap all units, dish out SOUL, and increment the round number
nextRound :: BoardState -> BoardState
nextRound = (soul . everybody +~ 1) . (roundNumber +~ 1) . (eachCharacter %~ untap) . (<++ [StartTurn])
changeMovingUnit :: BoardState -> CharacterIdentifier -> BoardState
changeMovingUnit board unit = board & movingUnit .~ ((unit,) <$> unitPosition board unit)
moveUnit :: Point -> BoardState -> BoardState
moveUnit point = movingUnit . _Just . _2 .~ point
finalizeMove :: BoardState -> BoardState
finalizeMove board@(BoardState {_movingUnit = Just (unit, newLocation)}) =
removeUnit unit board & setUnit unit newLocation & movingUnit .~ Nothing
finalizeMove board = board
(<++) :: BoardState -> [Effect] -> BoardState
(<++) = flip pushEffects
mkChoice :: String -> [Effect] -> Choice
mkChoice = Choice . NonEmpty.singleton
prependDecision :: String -> Choice -> Choice
prependDecision decision = decisionSequenceL %~ NonEmpty.cons decision
characterHandle :: CharacterIdentifier -> Character -> String
characterHandle cid c = '[' : showCID cid : "] " ++ (c ^. baseStats . nameL)