Emii Tatsuo b69aba139f
Rebrand as kochab
I spent /so/ long looking for that figlet font.
    __              __          __
   / /______  _____/ /_  ____ _/ /_
  / //_/ __ \/ ___/ __ \/ __ `/ __ \
 / ,< / /_/ / /__/ / / / /_/ / /_/ /
/_/|_|\____/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/_.___/
2020-11-25 00:42:09 -05:00
types Rebrand as kochab 2020-11-25 00:42:09 -05:00
user_management Move user management routes to their seperate feature 2020-11-23 11:37:47 -05:00
handling.rs Allow serving a single file 2020-11-24 17:28:54 -05:00
lib.rs Rebrand as kochab 2020-11-25 00:42:09 -05:00
ratelimiting.rs Added automatic clearing of ratelimit keys 2020-11-24 16:45:30 -05:00
routing.rs Rebrand as kochab 2020-11-25 00:42:09 -05:00
types.rs implement document API 2020-11-14 09:55:21 +01:00
util.rs Merge several pending changes into a virtual master 2020-11-24 23:04:26 -05:00