2020-12-06 10:24:54 -05:00

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//! Utilities for routing requests
//! For most users, this is more advanced than you need to get. If you're interested in
//! adding routes, please see [`Server::add_route()`], which is how most people will
//! interact with the routing API
//! See [`RoutingNode`] for details on how routes are matched.
//! [`Server::add_route()`]: crate::Server::add_route
use uriparse::path::{Path, Segment};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use crate::types::Request;
/// A node for linking values to routes
/// Routing is processed by a tree, with each child being a single path segment. For
/// example, if an entry existed at "/trans/rights", then the root-level node would have
/// a child "trans", which would have a child "rights". "rights" would have no children,
/// but would have an attached entry.
/// If one route is shorter than another, say "/trans/rights" and
/// "/trans/rights/r/human", then the longer route always matches first, so a request for
/// "/trans/rights/r/human/rights" would be routed to "/trans/rights/r/human", and
/// "/trans/rights/now" would route to "/trans/rights"
/// Routing is only performed on normalized paths, so "/endpoint" and "/endpoint/" are
/// considered to be the same route.
/// ```
/// # use kochab::routing::RoutingNode;
/// let mut routes = RoutingNode::<&'static str>::default();
/// routes.add_route("/", "base");
/// routes.add_route("/trans/rights/", "short route");
/// routes.add_route("/trans/rights/r/human", "long route");
/// assert_eq!(
/// routes.match_path(&["any", "other", "request"]),
/// Some((vec![&"any", &"other", &"request"], &"base"))
/// );
/// assert_eq!(
/// routes.match_path(&["trans", "rights"]),
/// Some((vec![], &"short route"))
/// );
/// assert_eq!(
/// routes.match_path(&["trans", "rights", "now"]),
/// Some((vec![&"now"], &"short route"))
/// );
/// assert_eq!(
/// routes.match_path(&["trans", "rights", "r", "human", "rights"]),
/// Some((vec![&"rights"], &"long route"))
/// );
/// ```
pub struct RoutingNode<T>(Option<T>, HashMap<String, Self>);
impl<T> RoutingNode<T> {
/// Attempt to find and entry based on path segments
/// This searches the network of routing nodes attempting to match a specific request,
/// represented as a sequence of path segments. For example, "/dir/image.png?text"
/// should be represented as `&["dir", "image.png"]`.
/// If a match is found, it is returned, along with the segments of the path trailing
/// the subpath matching the route. For example, a route `/foo` receiving a request to
/// `/foo/bar` would produce `vec!["bar"]`
/// See [`RoutingNode`] for details on how routes are matched.
pub fn match_path<I,S>(&self, path: I) -> Option<(Vec<S>, &T)>
I: IntoIterator<Item=S>,
S: AsRef<str>,
let mut node = self;
let mut path = path.into_iter().filter(|seg| !seg.as_ref().is_empty());
let mut last_seen_handler = None;
let mut since_last_handler = Vec::new();
loop {
let Self(maybe_handler, map) = node;
if maybe_handler.is_some() {
last_seen_handler = maybe_handler.as_ref();
if let Some(segment) = path.next() {
let maybe_route = map.get(segment.as_ref());
if let Some(route) = maybe_route {
node = route;
} else {
} else {
if let Some(handler) = last_seen_handler {
Some((since_last_handler, handler))
} else {
/// Attempt to identify a route for a given [`Request`]
/// See [`RoutingNode::match_path()`] for more information
pub fn match_request(&self, req: &Request) -> Option<(Vec<String>, &T)> {
let mut path = req.path().to_borrowed();
.map(|(segs, h)| (
/// Add a route to the network
/// This method wraps [`add_route_by_path()`](Self::add_route_by_path()) while
/// unwrapping any errors that might occur. For this reason, this method only takes
/// static strings. If you would like to add a string dynamically, please use
/// [`RoutingNode::add_route_by_path()`] in order to appropriately deal with any
/// errors that might arise.
pub fn add_route(&mut self, path: &'static str, data: T) {
let path: Path = path.try_into().expect("Malformed path route received");
self.add_route_by_path(path, data).unwrap();
/// Add a route to the network
/// The path provided MUST be absolute. Callers should verify this before calling
/// this method.
/// For information about how routes work, see [`RoutingNode::match_path()`]
pub fn add_route_by_path(&mut self, mut path: Path, data: T) -> Result<(), ConflictingRouteError>{
let mut node = self;
for segment in path.segments() {
if segment != "" {
node = node.1.entry(segment.to_string()).or_default();
if node.0.is_some() {
} else {
node.0 = Some(data);
/// Recursively shrink maps to fit
pub fn shrink(&mut self) {
let mut to_shrink = vec![&mut self.1];
while let Some(shrink) = to_shrink.pop() {
to_shrink.extend(shrink.values_mut().map(|n| &mut n.1));
/// Iterate over the items in this map
/// This includes not just the direct children of this node, but also all children of
/// those children. No guarantees are made as to the order values are visited in.
/// ## Example
/// ```
/// # use std::collections::HashSet;
/// # use kochab::routing::RoutingNode;
/// let mut map = RoutingNode::<usize>::default();
/// map.add_route("/", 0);
/// map.add_route("/hello/world", 1312);
/// map.add_route("/example", 621);
/// let values: HashSet<&usize> = map.iter().collect();
/// assert!(values.contains(&0));
/// assert!(values.contains(&1312));
/// assert!(values.contains(&621));
/// assert!(!values.contains(&1));
/// ```
pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, T> {
Iter {
unexplored: vec![self],
impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a RoutingNode<T> {
type Item = &'a T;
type IntoIter = Iter<'a, T>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Iter<'a, T> {
impl<T> Default for RoutingNode<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self(None, HashMap::default())
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
/// An error returned when attempting to register a route that already exists
/// Routes will not be overridden if this error is returned. Routes are never overwritten
/// See [`RoutingNode::add_route_by_path()`]
pub struct ConflictingRouteError();
impl std::error::Error for ConflictingRouteError { }
impl std::fmt::Display for ConflictingRouteError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Attempted to create a route with the same matcher as an existing route")
/// An iterator over the values in a [`RoutingNode`] map
pub struct Iter<'a, T> {
unexplored: Vec<&'a RoutingNode<T>>,
impl<'a, T> Iterator for Iter<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
while let Some(node) = self.unexplored.pop() {
if node.0.is_some() {
return node.0.as_ref();
impl<T> std::iter::FusedIterator for Iter<'_, T> { }