2020-11-19 19:34:48 +01:00

166 lines
5 KiB

use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use mime::Mime;
use anyhow::*;
use tokio::{
fs::{self, File},
use crate::types::{Document, document::HeadingLevel::*};
use crate::types::Response;
use std::panic::{catch_unwind, AssertUnwindSafe};
use std::task::Poll;
use futures_core::future::Future;
use tokio::time;
pub async fn serve_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, mime: &Mime) -> Result<Response> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let file = match File::open(path).await {
Ok(file) => file,
Err(err) => match err.kind() {
io::ErrorKind::NotFound => return Ok(Response::not_found()),
_ => return Err(err.into()),
Ok(Response::success_with_body(mime, file))
pub async fn serve_dir<D: AsRef<Path>, P: AsRef<Path>>(dir: D, virtual_path: &[P]) -> Result<Response> {
debug!("Dir: {}", dir.as_ref().display());
let dir = dir.as_ref().canonicalize()
.context("Failed to canonicalize directory")?;
let mut path = dir.to_path_buf();
for segment in virtual_path {
let path = path.canonicalize()
.context("Failed to canonicalize path")?;
if !path.starts_with(&dir) {
return Ok(Response::not_found());
if !path.is_dir() {
let mime = guess_mime_from_path(&path);
return serve_file(path, &mime).await;
serve_dir_listing(path, virtual_path).await
async fn serve_dir_listing<P: AsRef<Path>, B: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, virtual_path: &[B]) -> Result<Response> {
let mut dir = match fs::read_dir(path).await {
Ok(dir) => dir,
Err(err) => match err.kind() {
io::ErrorKind::NotFound => return Ok(Response::not_found()),
_ => return Err(err.into()),
let breadcrumbs: PathBuf = virtual_path.iter().collect();
let mut document = Document::new();
document.add_heading(H1, format!("Index of /{}", breadcrumbs.display()));
if virtual_path.get(0).map(<_>::as_ref) != Some(Path::new("")) {
document.add_link("..", "📁 ../");
while let Some(entry) = dir.next_entry().await.context("Failed to list directory")? {
let file_name = entry.file_name();
let file_name = file_name.to_string_lossy();
let is_dir = entry.file_type().await
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to get file type of `{}`", entry.path().display()))?
let trailing_slash = if is_dir { "/" } else { "" };
let uri = format!("./{}{}", file_name, trailing_slash);
document.add_link(uri.as_str(), format!("{icon} {name}{trailing_slash}",
icon = if is_dir { '📁' } else { '📄' },
name = file_name,
trailing_slash = trailing_slash
pub fn guess_mime_from_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Mime {
let path = path.as_ref();
let extension = path.extension().and_then(|s| s.to_str());
let extension = match extension {
Some(extension) => extension,
None => return mime::APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM,
if let "gemini" | "gmi" = extension {
return crate::GEMINI_MIME.clone();
/// A convenience trait alias for `AsRef<T> + Into<T::Owned>`,
/// most commonly used to accept `&str` or `String`:
/// `Cowy<str>` ⇔ `AsRef<str> + Into<String>`
pub trait Cowy<T>
Self: AsRef<T> + Into<T::Owned>,
T: ToOwned + ?Sized,
impl<C, T> Cowy<T> for C
C: AsRef<T> + Into<T::Owned>,
T: ToOwned + ?Sized,
/// A utility for catching unwinds on Futures.
/// This is adapted from the futures-rs CatchUnwind, in an effort to reduce the large
/// amount of dependencies tied into the feature that provides this simple struct.
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless polled"]
pub (crate) struct HandlerCatchUnwind {
future: AssertUnwindSafe<crate::HandlerResponse>,
impl HandlerCatchUnwind {
pub(super) fn new(future: AssertUnwindSafe<crate::HandlerResponse>) -> Self {
Self { future }
impl Future for HandlerCatchUnwind {
type Output = Result<Result<Response>, Box<dyn std::any::Any + Send>>;
fn poll(
mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut std::task::Context
) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
match catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| self.future.as_mut().poll(cx))) {
Ok(res) => res.map(Ok),
Err(e) => Poll::Ready(Err(e))
pub(crate) async fn opt_timeout<T>(duration: Option<time::Duration>, future: impl Future<Output = T>) -> Result<T, time::error::Elapsed> {
match duration {
Some(duration) => time::timeout(duration, future).await,
None => Ok(future.await),