
106 lines
3.3 KiB

use std::ops;
use anyhow::*;
use percent_encoding::percent_decode_str;
use uriparse::URIReference;
use rustls::Certificate;
pub struct Request {
uri: URIReference<'static>,
input: Option<String>,
certificate: Option<Certificate>,
trailing_segments: Option<Vec<String>>,
impl Request {
pub fn from_uri(uri: URIReference<'static>) -> Result<Self> {
Self::with_certificate(uri, None)
pub fn with_certificate(
mut uri: URIReference<'static>,
certificate: Option<Certificate>
) -> Result<Self> {
let input = match uri.query() {
None => None,
Some(query) => {
let input = percent_decode_str(query.as_str())
.context("Request URI query contains invalid UTF-8")?
Ok(Self {
trailing_segments: None,
pub const fn uri(&self) -> &URIReference {
/// All of the path segments following the route to which this request was bound.
/// For example, if this handler was bound to the `/api` route, and a request was
/// received to `/api/v1/endpoint`, then this value would be `["v1", "endpoint"]`.
/// This should not be confused with [`path_segments()`](Self::path_segments()), which
/// contains *all* of the segments, not just those trailing the route.
/// If the trailing segments have not been set, this method will panic, but this
/// should only be possible if you are constructing the Request yourself. Requests
/// to handlers registered through [`add_route`](northstar::Builder::add_route()) will
/// always have trailing segments set.
pub fn trailing_segments(&self) -> &Vec<String> {
/// All of the segments in this path, percent decoded
/// For example, for a request to `/api/v1/endpoint`, this would return `["api", "v1",
/// "endpoint"]`, no matter what route the handler that recieved this request was
/// bound to. This is not to be confused with
/// [`trailing_segments()`](Self::trailing_segments), which contains only the segments
/// following the bound route.
/// Additionally, unlike `trailing_segments()`, this method percent decodes the path.
pub fn path_segments(&self) -> Vec<String> {
.map(|segment| percent_decode_str(segment.as_str()).decode_utf8_lossy().into_owned())
pub fn input(&self) -> Option<&str> {
pub fn set_cert(&mut self, cert: Option<Certificate>) {
self.certificate = cert;
pub fn set_trailing(&mut self, segments: Vec<String>) {
self.trailing_segments = Some(segments);
pub const fn certificate(&self) -> Option<&Certificate> {
impl ops::Deref for Request {
type Target = URIReference<'static>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {