use anyhow::*; use futures_core::future::BoxFuture; use futures_util::FutureExt; use log::LevelFilter; use northstar::{Server, Request, Response, GEMINI_PORT, Document}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { env_logger::builder() .filter_module("northstar", LevelFilter::Debug) .init(); let two = std::num::NonZeroU32::new(2).unwrap(); Server::bind(("localhost", GEMINI_PORT)) .add_route("/", handle_request) .rate_limit("/limit", northstar::Quota::per_minute(two)) .serve() .await } fn handle_request(request: Request) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result> { async move { let mut document = Document::new(); if let Some("limit") = request.trailing_segments().get(0).map(String::as_str) { document.add_text("You're on a rate limited page!") .add_text("You can only access this page twice per minute"); } else { document.add_text("You're on a normal page!") .add_text("You can access this page as much as you like."); } document.add_blank_line() .add_link("/limit", "Go to rate limited page") .add_link("/", "Go to a page that's not rate limited"); Ok(Response::document(document)) } .boxed() }