use anyhow::*; use log::LevelFilter; use northstar::{Document, document::HeadingLevel, Request, Response, GEMINI_PORT}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { env_logger::builder() .filter_module("northstar", LevelFilter::Debug) .init(); northstar::Server::bind(("localhost", GEMINI_PORT)) .add_route("/", handle_base) .add_route("/route", handle_short) .add_route("/route/long", handle_long) .serve() .await } async fn handle_base(req: Request) -> Result { let doc = generate_doc("base", &req); Ok(doc.into()) } async fn handle_short(req: Request) -> Result { let doc = generate_doc("short", &req); Ok(doc.into()) } async fn handle_long(req: Request) -> Result { let doc = generate_doc("long", &req); Ok(doc.into()) } fn generate_doc(route_name: &str, req: &Request) -> Document { let trailing = req.trailing_segments().join("/"); let mut doc = Document::new(); doc.add_heading(HeadingLevel::H1, "Routing Demo") .add_text(&format!("You're currently on the {} route", route_name)) .add_text(&format!("Trailing segments: /{}", trailing)) .add_blank_line() .add_text("Here's some links to try:") .add_link_without_label("/") .add_link_without_label("/route") .add_link_without_label("/route/long") .add_link_without_label("/route/not_real") .add_link_without_label("/rowte"); doc }