Merge branch 'Alch-Emi-timeout-override'

This commit is contained in:
panicbit 2020-11-19 19:39:28 +01:00
commit 07c2d539d0
3 changed files with 114 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased]
### Added
- `document` API for creating Gemini documents
- preliminary timeout API by [@Alch-Emi](
- preliminary timeout API, incl a special case for complex MIMEs by [@Alch-Emi](
- `Response::success_with_body` by [@Alch-Emi](
- `redirect_temporary_lossy` for `Response` and `ResponseHeader`
- `bad_request_lossy` for `Response` and `ResponseHeader`

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ use tokio_rustls::{rustls, TlsAcceptor};
use rustls::*;
use anyhow::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use crate::util::opt_timeout;
pub mod types;
pub mod util;
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ pub struct Server {
listener: Arc<TcpListener>,
handler: Handler,
timeout: Duration,
complex_timeout: Option<Duration>,
impl Server {
@ -102,18 +104,54 @@ impl Server {
.context("Request handler failed")?;
// Use a timeout for sending the response
let fut_send_and_flush = async {
send_response(response, &mut stream).await
self.send_response(response, &mut stream).await
.context("Failed to send response")?;
async fn send_response(&self, mut response: Response, stream: &mut (impl AsyncWrite + Unpin)) -> Result<()> {
let maybe_body = response.take_body();
let header = response.header();
let use_complex_timeout =
header.status.is_success() &&
maybe_body.is_some() &&
header.meta.as_str() != "text/plain" &&
header.meta.as_str() != "text/gemini" &&
let send_general_timeout;
let send_header_timeout;
let send_body_timeout;
if use_complex_timeout {
send_general_timeout = None;
send_header_timeout = Some(self.timeout);
send_body_timeout = self.complex_timeout;
} else {
send_general_timeout = Some(self.timeout);
send_header_timeout = None;
send_body_timeout = None;
opt_timeout(send_general_timeout, async {
// Send the header
opt_timeout(send_header_timeout, send_response_header(response.header(), stream))
.context("Failed to flush response data")
timeout(self.timeout, fut_send_and_flush)
.context("Client timed out receiving response data")??;
.context("Timed out while sending response header")?
.context("Failed to write response header")?;
// Send the body
opt_timeout(send_body_timeout, maybe_send_response_body(maybe_body, stream))
.context("Timed out while sending response body")?
.context("Failed to write response body")?;
.context("Timed out while sending response data")??;
@ -124,15 +162,17 @@ pub struct Builder<A> {
cert_path: PathBuf,
key_path: PathBuf,
timeout: Duration,
complex_body_timeout_override: Option<Duration>,
impl<A: ToSocketAddrs> Builder<A> {
fn bind(addr: A) -> Self {
Self {
timeout: Duration::from_secs(1),
complex_body_timeout_override: Some(Duration::from_secs(30)),
cert_path: PathBuf::from("cert/cert.pem"),
key_path: PathBuf::from("cert/key.pem"),
timeout: Duration::from_secs(30),
@ -187,12 +227,54 @@ impl<A: ToSocketAddrs> Builder<A> {
/// If you would like a timeout for your code itself, please use
/// [`tokio::time::Timeout`] to implement it internally.
/// The default timeout is 30 seconds.
/// **The default timeout is 1 second.** As somewhat of a workaround for
/// shortcomings of the specification, this timeout, and any timeout set using this
/// method, is overridden in special cases, specifically for MIME types outside of
/// `text/plain` and `text/gemini`, to be 30 seconds. If you would like to change or
/// prevent this, please see
/// [`override_complex_body_timeout`](Self::override_complex_body_timeout()).
pub fn set_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self {
self.timeout = timeout;
/// Override the timeout for complex body types
/// Many clients choose to handle body types which cannot be displayed by prompting
/// the user if they would like to download or open the request body. However, since
/// this prompt occurs in the middle of receiving a request, often the connection
/// times out before the end user is able to respond to the prompt.
/// As a workaround, it is possible to set an override on the request timeout in
/// specific conditions:
/// 1. **Only override the timeout for receiving the body of the request.** This will
/// not override the timeout on sending the request header, nor on receiving the
/// response header.
/// 2. **Only override the timeout for successful responses.** The only bodies which
/// have bodies are successful ones. In all other cases, there's no body to
/// timeout for
/// 3. **Only override the timeout for complex body types.** Almost all clients are
/// able to display `text/plain` and `text/gemini` responses, and will not prompt
/// the user for these response types. This means that there is no reason to
/// expect a client to have a human-length response time for these MIME types.
/// Because of this, responses of this type will not be overridden.
/// This method is used to override the timeout for responses meeting these specific
/// criteria. All other stages of the connection will use the timeout specified in
/// [`set_timeout()`](Self::set_timeout()).
/// If this is set to [`None`], then the client will have the default amount of time
/// to both receive the header and the body. If this is set to [`Some`], the client
/// will have the default amount of time to recieve the header, and an *additional*
/// alotment of time to recieve the body.
/// The default timeout for this is 30 seconds.
pub fn override_complex_body_timeout(mut self, timeout: Option<Duration>) -> Self {
self.complex_body_timeout_override = timeout;
pub async fn serve<F>(self, handler: F) -> Result<()>
F: Fn(Request) -> HandlerResponse + Send + Sync + 'static,
@ -208,6 +290,7 @@ impl<A: ToSocketAddrs> Builder<A> {
listener: Arc::new(listener),
handler: Arc::new(handler),
timeout: self.timeout,
complex_timeout: self.complex_body_timeout_override,
@ -242,18 +325,6 @@ async fn receive_request(stream: &mut (impl AsyncBufRead + Unpin)) -> Result<Req
async fn send_response(mut response: Response, stream: &mut (impl AsyncWrite + Unpin)) -> Result<()> {
send_response_header(response.header(), stream).await
.context("Failed to send response header")?;
if let Some(body) = response.take_body() {
send_response_body(body, stream).await
.context("Failed to send response body")?;
async fn send_response_header(header: &ResponseHeader, stream: &mut (impl AsyncWrite + Unpin)) -> Result<()> {
let header = format!(
"{status} {meta}\r\n",
@ -262,6 +333,15 @@ async fn send_response_header(header: &ResponseHeader, stream: &mut (impl AsyncW
async fn maybe_send_response_body(maybe_body: Option<Body>, stream: &mut (impl AsyncWrite + Unpin)) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(body) = maybe_body {
send_response_body(body, stream).await?;
@ -272,6 +352,8 @@ async fn send_response_body(body: Body, stream: &mut (impl AsyncWrite + Unpin))
Body::Reader(mut reader) => { io::copy(&mut reader, stream).await?; },

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ use crate::types::Response;
use std::panic::{catch_unwind, AssertUnwindSafe};
use std::task::Poll;
use futures_core::future::Future;
use tokio::time;
pub async fn serve_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, mime: &Mime) -> Result<Response> {
@ -155,3 +156,10 @@ impl Future for HandlerCatchUnwind {
pub(crate) async fn opt_timeout<T>(duration: Option<time::Duration>, future: impl Future<Output = T>) -> Result<T, time::error::Elapsed> {
match duration {
Some(duration) => time::timeout(duration, future).await,
None => Ok(future.await),