
133 lines
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module Main where
import Prelude
import AviaryFormat.Format (Format, Image, Index, parseIndex) as Format
import Aviary.FFI (arrayBufferToBlob)
import Aviary.Model (formatToMime, GalleryError(..), Image, ImageData(..), ImageError(..), Model(..))
import Aviary.UI (component)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (try)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Fetch (fetch)
import Data.Array (head)
import Data.Base64 (decodeBase64, fromString)
import Data.Either (Either(..), note)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.ArrayBuffer.ArrayBuffer (byteLength)
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Builder (DataBuff, execPut, putDataBuff, putInt8)
import Data.ArrayBuffer.DataView (whole)
import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import Data.Filterable (partitionMap)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.String (drop)
import Halogen.Aff (awaitBody)
import Halogen.VDom.Driver (runUI)
import Parsing (runParserT)
import Web.File.Url (createObjectURL)
import Web.HTML (window) as HTML
import Web.HTML.Window (location)
import Web.HTML.Location (hash, origin, pathname) as Location
import Crypto.Subtle.Constants.AES (aesGCM, t128)
import Crypto.Subtle.Encrypt (aesGCM, decrypt) as Alg
import Crypto.Subtle.Key.Import (aes)
import Crypto.Subtle.Key.Import (importKey) as SC
import Crypto.Subtle.Key.Types (CryptoKey, decrypt, raw)
nonceE :: Effect ArrayBuffer
nonceE = execPut $ traverse_ putInt8 [0xd0, 0xc3, 0x75, 0x56, 0x58, 0xc1, 0x7e, 0x5f, 0xd6, 0xcc, 0xb6, 0x76]
databuffToBuffer :: DataBuff -> Effect ArrayBuffer
databuffToBuffer = execPut <<< putDataBuff
decodeKey :: String -> Maybe ArrayBuffer
decodeKey key = decodeBase64 <$> fromString key
importKey :: ArrayBuffer -> Aff CryptoKey
importKey key =
SC.importKey raw key (aes aesGCM) false [decrypt]
decryptBlob :: CryptoKey -> ArrayBuffer -> ArrayBuffer -> Aff ArrayBuffer
decryptBlob key cyphertext nonce =
-- nonce <- makeAff (\_ -> nonceE)
Alg.decrypt (Alg.aesGCM nonce Nothing (Just t128)) key cyphertext
convertImageFromProtobuf :: Format.Image -> Either GalleryError Image
convertImageFromProtobuf protoimage = let protoimage' = unwrap protoimage in do
rawKey <- note (IndexMissingField "images[].key") protoimage'.key
fullUrl <- note (IndexMissingField "images[].full_url") protoimage'.full_url
thumbUrl <- note (IndexMissingField "images[].thumb_url") protoimage'.thumb_url
blurhash <- note (IndexMissingField "images[].blurhash") protoimage'.blurhash
format <- note (IndexMissingField "images[].format") protoimage'.format
let key = importKey =<< liftEffect (databuffToBuffer $ unwrap rawKey)
let thumb = Unloaded thumbUrl
let full = Unloaded fullUrl
pure { key, blurhash, format, thumb, full }
convertIndexFromProtobuf :: Format.Index -> Model
convertIndexFromProtobuf protoindex =
let protoindex' = unwrap protoindex in
let {right: images, left: imagesErrors} = partitionMap convertImageFromProtobuf protoindex'.images
case head imagesErrors of
Nothing -> GLoaded protoindex'.title protoindex'.desc images
Just err -> GError err
parseIndex :: ArrayBuffer -> Effect Model
parseIndex rawData = do
parseResult <- runParserT (whole rawData) (Format.parseIndex (byteLength rawData))
pure case parseResult of
Left _ -> GError StrangeIndex
Right index -> convertIndexFromProtobuf index
fetchImageAsBlobUrl :: ArrayBuffer -> Format.Format -> CryptoKey -> String -> Aff ImageData
fetchImageAsBlobUrl nonce format key fileID = do
{ status, arrayBuffer } <- fetch (fileID <> ".bin") {}
case status of
200 -> do
encryptedImage <- arrayBuffer
decryptedImage <- try $ decryptBlob key encryptedImage nonce
case decryptedImage of
Left _ -> pure $ IError ImageDecryptFailed
Right rawImage -> do
url <- liftEffect $ createObjectURL $ (arrayBufferToBlob $ formatToMime format) rawImage
pure $ ILoaded url
404 -> pure $ IError ImageNotFound
s -> pure $ IError $ if s / 100 == 5 then MinorServerError else UnknownStatusCodeForImage s
main_aff :: Aff Unit
main_aff = do
body <- awaitBody
urlInfo <- liftEffect do
window <- HTML.window
location <- location window
keyB64 <- drop 1 <$> Location.hash location
server <- Location.origin location
fileId <- drop 1 <$> Location.pathname location
nonce <- nonceE
pure {keyB64, server, fileId, nonce}
gallery <- case decodeKey urlInfo.keyB64 of
Nothing -> pure $ GError MalformedKey
Just keyBuffer -> do
cryptoKey <- importKey keyBuffer
{ status, arrayBuffer } <- fetch (urlInfo.server <> "/" <> urlInfo.fileId <> ".bin") {}
case status of
200 -> do
encryptedIndex <- arrayBuffer
serializedIndex <- try $ decryptBlob cryptoKey encryptedIndex urlInfo.nonce
case serializedIndex of
Left _ -> pure $ GError DecryptFailed
Right serializedIndex' -> do
liftEffect $ parseIndex serializedIndex'
404 -> pure $ GError NotFound
s -> pure $ GError $ if s / 100 == 5 then ServerError else UnknownStatusCodeForIndex s
_ <- runUI (component gallery) unit body
pure unit
main :: Effect Unit
main = launchAff main_aff $> unit