module Aviary.UI where import Prelude import Aviary.Logic (fetchFull, fetchThumb) import Aviary.Model ( GalleryError(..) , Image , ImageData(..) , Model(..) ) import Control.Parallel (parSequence_) import Control.Monad.Free (liftF) import Data.Array (index, length, mapWithIndex, modifyAt) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybe, Maybe(..)) import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..)) import Effect.Aff (Aff) import Halogen as H import Halogen.HTML as HH import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP import Halogen.Query.Event (eventListener) import Halogen.Query.HalogenM as HM import Web.HTML (window) as Web import Web.HTML.Common (ClassName(..)) import Web.HTML.HTMLDocument as HTMLDocument import Web.HTML.Window (document) as Web import Web.UIEvent.KeyboardEvent as KE import Web.UIEvent.KeyboardEvent.EventTypes as KET data Event = LoadThumbs | ThumbLoaded Int ImageData | FullLoaded Int ImageData | Focus Int | Unfocus | Zoom | Unzoom | Pan Boolean -- True if right | DownloadImage Int | Init | RegisterListeners component :: forall query input. Model -> H.Component query input Event Aff component initialState = H.mkComponent { initialState: \_ -> initialState , render , eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval { handleAction = wrapUpdate update', initialize = Just Init } } backgroundUrl :: String -> String backgroundUrl url = "background-image: url(" <> url <> ");" widthHeight :: Int -> Int -> String widthHeight w h = "width:" <> (show w) <> "px;height:" <> (show h) <> "px;" renderThumbnail :: forall m. Int -> Image -> H.ComponentHTML Event () m renderThumbnail pos image = HH.button ( [ HP.classes $ ClassName <$> ["thumbnail-card", "blurhash-frame", "control"] , HE.onClick \_ -> Focus pos ] <> maybe [] (backgroundUrl >>> >>> pure) (image.blurhashUrl) ) case image.thumb of Unloaded _ -> [ HH.span [ HP.class_ $ ClassName "loading-msg" ] [ HH.text "Loading..." ] ] IError e -> [ HH.span [ HP.class_ $ ClassName "error-msg" ] [ HH.text $ "Error! " <> (show e) ] ] ILoaded url -> [ HH.img [HP.src url] ] renderFocused :: forall m. Boolean -> Image -> H.ComponentHTML Event () m renderFocused zoom image = HH.div [ "focused-panel" , HP.class_ $ ClassName if zoom then "zoomed" else "unzoomed" ] [ HH.div [ "focused-bg" , HE.onClick \_ -> Unfocus ] [ HH.button [ "close" , HP.class_ $ ClassName "control" ] [ HH.text "⨯" ] ] , HH.button [ "prev-image" , HP.class_ $ ClassName "control" , HE.onClick \_ -> Pan false ] [ HH.text "❰" ] , HH.button [ "next-image" , HP.class_ $ ClassName "control" , HE.onClick \_ -> Pan true ] [ HH.text "❱" ] , HH.div [ case image.full of ILoaded _ -> "" _ -> ( maybe "" backgroundUrl (image.blurhashUrl) <> widthHeight image.width image.height ) , HP.class_ $ ClassName "blurhash-frame" ] case image.full of Unloaded _ -> [ HH.span [ HP.class_ $ ClassName "loading-msg" ] [ HH.text "Loading..." ] ] IError e -> [ HH.span [ HP.class_ $ ClassName "error-msg" ] [ HH.text $ "Error! " <> (show e) ] ] ILoaded url -> [ HH.img [ HP.src url , HE.onClick \_ -> if zoom then Unzoom else Zoom ] ] ] setImage :: (Image -> Image) -> Int -> Model -> Model setImage _ _ (GError e) = (GError e) setImage tranformation pos (GLoaded gallery) = case modifyAt pos tranformation gallery.images of Just newImages -> GLoaded gallery{images = newImages} Nothing -> GError $ UnexpectedError "setImage called with an out of bounds index!" setThumb :: ImageData -> Int -> Model -> Model setThumb newThumb = setImage \i -> i{thumb = newThumb} setFull :: ImageData -> Int -> Model -> Model setFull newImage = setImage \i -> i{full = newImage} fetchThumbAction :: Int -> Image -> Aff Event fetchThumbAction position image = fetchThumb image <#> ThumbLoaded position fetchFullAction :: Int -> Image -> Aff Event fetchFullAction position image = fetchFull image <#> FullLoaded position eventByKey :: KE.KeyboardEvent -> Maybe Event eventByKey ev = case KE.key ev of "ArrowLeft" -> Just $ Pan false "ArrowRight" -> Just $ Pan true "Escape" -> Just $ Unfocus "1" -> Just $ Focus 0 _ -> Nothing focusedIndex :: Model -> Maybe Int focusedIndex (GLoaded { focus: Just { imageIndex } }) = Just imageIndex focusedIndex _ = Nothing data UpdateResult = Modify Model | Affect (Array (Aff Event)) | Both (Array (Aff Event)) Model updateResultToTuple :: Model -> UpdateResult -> Tuple (Array (Aff Event)) Model updateResultToTuple _ (Modify m) = Tuple [] m updateResultToTuple m (Affect a) = Tuple a m updateResultToTuple _ (Both a m) = Tuple a m wrapUpdate :: (Event -> Model -> UpdateResult) -> Event -> H.HalogenM Model Event () Event Aff Unit wrapUpdate _ RegisterListeners = do document <- H.liftEffect $ Web.document =<< Web.window H.subscribe' \_ -> eventListener KET.keydown (HTMLDocument.toEventTarget document) (KE.fromEvent >>> (=<<) eventByKey) wrapUpdate inner event = do affects <- H.HalogenM $ liftF $ HM.State (\m -> updateResultToTuple m $ update' event m) let wrapAff :: Aff Event -> H.HalogenM Model Event () Event Aff Unit wrapAff = H.liftAff >>> (=<<) (wrapUpdate inner) parSequence_ $ affects <#> wrapAff update' :: Event -> Model -> UpdateResult update' Init _ = Affect $ [RegisterListeners, LoadThumbs] <#> pure update' LoadThumbs (GLoaded {images}) = Affect $ mapWithIndex fetchThumbAction images update' (ThumbLoaded pos newData) m = Modify $ setThumb newData pos m update' (FullLoaded pos newData) m = Modify $ setFull newData pos m update' (Focus imageIndex) (GLoaded gal) = Both ([DownloadImage >>> pure] <*> [imageIndex, imageIndex - 1, imageIndex + 1]) (GLoaded gal{ focus = Just { imageIndex, zoom: false } }) update' Unfocus (GLoaded gal) = Modify $ GLoaded gal{ focus = Nothing } update' Zoom (GLoaded gal) = Modify $ GLoaded gal{ focus = gal.focus <#> _{ zoom = true } } update' Unzoom (GLoaded gal) = Modify $ GLoaded gal { focus = gal.focus <#> _{ zoom = false } } update' (Pan right) (GLoaded gal@{images, focus: Just { imageIndex }}) = let offset = if right then 1 else -1 newImageIndex = mod (imageIndex + offset) (length images) in Both [ pure $ DownloadImage $ (offset + newImageIndex) ] (GLoaded gal{ focus = Just {imageIndex: newImageIndex, zoom: false }}) update' (DownloadImage indx) (GLoaded { images }) = let revisedIndex = mod indx (length images) maybeImageData = index images revisedIndex in case maybeImageData of Just imageData -> Affect [fetchFullAction revisedIndex imageData] Nothing -> Modify $ GError $ UnexpectedError "Despite taking the modulo, still invalid index" update' _ modl = Modify modl render :: forall m. Model -> H.ComponentHTML Event () m render (GError e) = HH.div [ HP.class_ $ ClassName "uh-oh-stinky" ] [ HH.p_ [ HH.text $ show e ] ] render (GLoaded {title, desc, images, focus}) = HH.div_ ((maybe [] (HH.text >>> pure >>> HH.h1_ >>> pure) title) <> (maybe [] (HH.text >>> pure >>> HH.p_ >>> pure) desc) <> [ HH.div [ "thumbnails" ] (mapWithIndex renderThumbnail images) ] <> (maybe [] (renderFocused (fromMaybe false (_.zoom <$> focus)) >>> pure) (index images =<< (_.imageIndex <$> focus))))