Partially sequentialize code for loading adjacent images on focus

This commit is contained in:
Emi Simpson 2022-11-16 17:12:53 -05:00
parent b9803d260b
commit 4d8d6ee8e0
Signed by: Emi
GPG Key ID: A12F2C2FFDC3D847
2 changed files with 30 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ to generate this file without the comments in this block.
, "exceptions"
, "fetch"
, "filterable"
, "foldable-traversable"
, "free"
, "halogen"
, "maybe"

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Aviary.Model ( GalleryError(..)
import Control.Parallel (parSequence_)
import Control.Monad.Free (liftF)
import Data.Array (index, length, mapWithIndex, modifyAt)
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybe, Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Time.Duration (Milliseconds(..))
@ -196,12 +197,26 @@ focusedIndex :: Model -> Maybe Int
focusedIndex (GLoaded { focus: Just { imageIndex } }) = Just imageIndex
focusedIndex _ = Nothing
data AffectKind
= Parallel (Array (Aff Event))
| Seq (Array (Aff Event))
| Single (Aff Event)
affArray :: AffectKind -> Array (Aff Event)
affArray (Parallel a) = a
affArray (Seq a) = a
affArray (Single a) = [a]
isParallel :: AffectKind -> Boolean
isParallel (Parallel _) = true
isParallel _ = false
data UpdateResult
= Modify Model
| Affect (Array (Aff Event))
| Both (Array (Aff Event)) Model
updateResultToTuple :: Model -> UpdateResult -> Tuple (Array (Aff Event)) Model
updateResultToTuple _ (Modify m) = Tuple [] m
| Affect AffectKind
| Both AffectKind Model
updateResultToTuple :: Model -> UpdateResult -> Tuple AffectKind Model
updateResultToTuple _ (Modify m) = Tuple (Seq []) m
updateResultToTuple m (Affect a) = Tuple a m
updateResultToTuple _ (Both a m) = Tuple a m
@ -214,15 +229,17 @@ wrapUpdate _ RegisterListeners = do
(HTMLDocument.toEventTarget document)
(KE.fromEvent >>> (=<<) eventByKey)
wrapUpdate inner event = do
affects <- H.HalogenM $ liftF $ HM.State (\m -> updateResultToTuple m $ update' event m)
affects <- H.HalogenM $ liftF $ HM.State (\m -> updateResultToTuple m $ inner event m)
let wrapAff :: Aff Event -> H.HalogenM Model Event () Event Aff Unit
wrapAff = H.liftAff >>> (=<<) (wrapUpdate inner)
parSequence_ $ affects <#> wrapAff
let runArray :: Array (H.HalogenM Model Event () Event Aff Unit) -> H.HalogenM Model Event () Event Aff Unit
runArray = if isParallel affects then parSequence_ else fold
runArray $ (affArray affects) <#> wrapAff
update' :: Event -> Model -> UpdateResult
update' Init _ = Affect $ [RegisterListeners, LoadThumbs] <#> pure
update' Init _ = Affect $ Seq $ [RegisterListeners, LoadThumbs] <#> pure
update' LoadThumbs (GLoaded {images}) =
Affect $ mapWithIndex fetchThumbAction images
Affect $ Parallel $ mapWithIndex fetchThumbAction images
update' (ImgUpdate isThumb pos newData) (GLoaded gal) =
let newGallery = (if isThumb then setThumb else setFull) newData pos gal
updatedImage = case newGallery of
@ -233,11 +250,11 @@ update' (ImgUpdate isThumb pos newData) (GLoaded gal) =
_ <- delay failCooldown
fetch pos img
in case newData, updatedImage of
(Retrying _ _), Just img -> Both [retryAction img] newGallery
(Retrying _ _), Just img -> Both (Single $ retryAction img) newGallery
_, Nothing -> Modify $ GError $ UnexpectedError $ "Suprising out of bound index!"
_, (Just _) -> Modify newGallery -- No fetch required
update' (Focus imageIndex) (GLoaded gal) = Both
([DownloadImage >>> pure] <*> [imageIndex, imageIndex + 1, imageIndex - 1])
(Seq ([DownloadImage >>> pure] <*> [imageIndex, imageIndex + 1, imageIndex - 1]))
(GLoaded gal{ focus = Just { imageIndex, zoom: false } })
update' Unfocus (GLoaded gal) = Modify $ GLoaded gal{ focus = Nothing }
update' Zoom (GLoaded gal) = Modify $ GLoaded gal{ focus = gal.focus <#> _{ zoom = true } }
@ -246,7 +263,7 @@ update' (Pan right) (GLoaded gal@{images, focus: Just { imageIndex }}) =
let offset = if right then 1 else -1
newImageIndex = mod (imageIndex + offset) (length images) in
[ pure $ DownloadImage $ (offset + newImageIndex) ]
(Single $ pure $ DownloadImage $ (offset + newImageIndex))
(GLoaded gal{ focus = Just {imageIndex: newImageIndex, zoom: false }})
update' (DownloadImage indx) (GLoaded gal@{ images }) =
let revisedIndex = mod indx (length images)
@ -254,7 +271,7 @@ update' (DownloadImage indx) (GLoaded gal@{ images }) =
case maybeImageData of
Just imageData -> case modifyAt revisedIndex _{full = Loading} images of
Just newImages -> Both
[fetchFullAction revisedIndex imageData]
(Single $ fetchFullAction revisedIndex imageData)
(GLoaded gal{ images = newImages })
Nothing -> Modify $ GError $ UnexpectedError "Valid position asserted by index and module declared invalid by index"
Nothing -> Modify $ GError $ UnexpectedError "Despite taking the modulo, still invalid index"