Predict the correct size of full images
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ message Image {
string thumb_url = 3;
string blurhash = 4;
Format format = 5;
uint32 width = 6;
uint32 height = 7;
message Index {
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ body {
.thumbnail-card {
height: 400px;
width: 400px;
.blurhash-frame {
background-size: cover;
display: grid;
align-items: center;
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (ArrayBuffer)
import Data.Filterable (partitionMap)
import Data.String (drop)
import Parsing (runParserT)
import Protobuf.Internal.Prelude (toInt)
import Web.File.Url (createObjectURL)
import Web.HTML (window) as HTML
import Web.HTML.Window (location)
@ -60,11 +61,15 @@ convertImageFromProtobuf protoimage = let protoimage' = unwrap protoimage in do
thumbUrl <- note (IndexMissingField "images[].thumb_url") protoimage'.thumb_url
blurhash <- note (IndexMissingField "images[].blurhash") protoimage'.blurhash
format <- note (IndexMissingField "images[].format") protoimage'.format
width' <- note (IndexMissingField "images[].width") protoimage'.width
height' <- note (IndexMissingField "images[].height") protoimage'.height
let blurhashUrl = decodeBlurhash32 blurhash
let key = hush <$> (importKey =<< liftEffect (databuffToBuffer $ unwrap rawKey))
let thumb = Unloaded thumbUrl
let full = Unloaded fullUrl
pure { key, blurhashUrl, format, thumb, full }
let width = toInt width'
let height = toInt height'
pure { key, blurhashUrl, format, thumb, full, width, height }
convertIndexFromProtobuf :: Format.Index -> Model
convertIndexFromProtobuf protoindex =
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Prelude
import AviaryFormat.Format (Format(..)) as Format
import Crypto.Subtle.Key.Types (CryptoKey)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
data GalleryError
@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ type Image =
, format :: Format.Format
, thumb :: ImageData
, full :: ImageData
, width :: Int
, height :: Int
type LoadedGallery =
@ -58,17 +60,6 @@ data Model
= GError GalleryError
| GLoaded LoadedGallery
imgOrBlurhash :: (Image -> ImageData) -> Image -> Maybe String
imgOrBlurhash idealData image = case idealData image of
ILoaded url -> Just url
_ -> image.blurhashUrl
thumbOrBlurhash :: Image -> Maybe String
thumbOrBlurhash = imgOrBlurhash _.thumb
fullOrBlurhash :: Image -> Maybe String
fullOrBlurhash = imgOrBlurhash _.full
instance showGalleryError :: Show GalleryError where
show (UnexpectedError message) =
"Something that should be impossible just happened! Please open up a new issue "
@ -3,12 +3,10 @@ module Aviary.UI where
import Prelude
import Aviary.Logic (fetchFull, fetchThumb)
import Aviary.Model ( fullOrBlurhash
, GalleryError(..)
import Aviary.Model ( GalleryError(..)
, Image
, ImageData(..)
, Model(..)
, thumbOrBlurhash
import Control.Parallel (parSequence_)
@ -34,18 +32,21 @@ component initialState = H.mkComponent
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval { handleAction = update, initialize = Just LoadThumbs }
backgroundUrl :: forall r i. String -> HP.IProp (style :: String | r) i
backgroundUrl url = $ "background-image: url(" <> url <> ");"
backgroundUrl :: String -> String
backgroundUrl url = "background-image: url(" <> url <> ");"
widthHeight :: Int -> Int -> String
widthHeight w h = "width:" <> (show w) <> "px;height:" <> (show h) <> "px;"
renderThumbnail :: forall m. Int -> Image -> H.ComponentHTML Event () m
renderThumbnail pos image =
[ HP.class_ $ ClassName "thumbnail-card"
[ HP.classes $ ClassName <$> ["thumbnail-card", "blurhash-frame"]
, HE.onClick \_ -> Focus pos
maybe [] (backgroundUrl >>> pure) (image.blurhashUrl)
maybe [] (backgroundUrl >>> >>> pure) (image.blurhashUrl)
case image.thumb of
Unloaded _ ->
@ -69,16 +70,35 @@ renderThumbnail pos image =
renderFocused :: forall m. Image -> H.ComponentHTML Event () m
renderFocused image =
[ $ "focused-panel"
[ "focused-panel"
, HE.onClick \_ -> Unfocus
( [ HH.img $
maybe [] (HP.src >>> pure) (fullOrBlurhash image)
] <> case image.full of
Unloaded _ -> [HH.p_ [HH.text "Loading..."]]
IError e -> [HH.p_ [HH.text $ "Error! " <> (show e)]]
_ -> []
[ HH.div
( widthHeight image.width image.height
<> maybe "" backgroundUrl (image.blurhashUrl)
, HP.class_ $ ClassName "blurhash-frame"
case image.full of
Unloaded _ ->
[ HH.span
[ HP.class_ $ ClassName "loading-msg"
[ HH.text "Loading..."
IError e ->
[ HH.span
[ HP.class_ $ ClassName "error-msg"
[ HH.text $ "Error! " <> (show e)
ILoaded url ->
[ HH.img [HP.src url]
setImage :: (Image -> Image) -> Int -> Model -> Model
setImage _ _ (GError e) = (GError e)
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ type ImageRow =
, thumb_url :: Prelude.Maybe String
, blurhash :: Prelude.Maybe String
, format :: Prelude.Maybe Format
, width :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.UInt
, height :: Prelude.Maybe Prelude.UInt
, __unknown_fields :: Array Prelude.UnknownField
type ImageR = Record ImageRow
@ -34,6 +36,8 @@ putImage (Image r) = do
Prelude.putOptional 3 r.thumb_url Prelude.isDefault Prelude.encodeStringField
Prelude.putOptional 4 r.blurhash Prelude.isDefault Prelude.encodeStringField
Prelude.putOptional 5 r.format Prelude.isDefault Prelude.putEnumField
Prelude.putOptional 6 r.width Prelude.isDefault Prelude.encodeUint32Field
Prelude.putOptional 7 r.height Prelude.isDefault Prelude.encodeUint32Field
Prelude.traverse_ Prelude.putFieldUnknown r.__unknown_fields
parseImage :: forall m. Prelude.MonadEffect m => Prelude.MonadRec m => Prelude.ByteLength -> Prelude.ParserT Prelude.DataView m Image
@ -59,6 +63,12 @@ parseImage length = Prelude.label "Image / " $
parseField 5 Prelude.VarInt = Prelude.label "format / " $ do
x <- Prelude.parseEnum
pure $ Prelude.modify (Prelude.Proxy :: Prelude.Proxy "format") $ \_ -> Prelude.Just x
parseField 6 Prelude.VarInt = Prelude.label "width / " $ do
x <- Prelude.decodeUint32
pure $ Prelude.modify (Prelude.Proxy :: Prelude.Proxy "width") $ \_ -> Prelude.Just x
parseField 7 Prelude.VarInt = Prelude.label "height / " $ do
x <- Prelude.decodeUint32
pure $ Prelude.modify (Prelude.Proxy :: Prelude.Proxy "height") $ \_ -> Prelude.Just x
parseField fieldNumber wireType = Prelude.parseFieldUnknown fieldNumber wireType
defaultImage :: ImageR
@ -68,6 +78,8 @@ defaultImage =
, thumb_url: Prelude.Nothing
, blurhash: Prelude.Nothing
, format: Prelude.Nothing
, width: Prelude.Nothing
, height: Prelude.Nothing
, __unknown_fields: []
@ -81,6 +93,8 @@ mergeImage (Image l) (Image r) = Image
, thumb_url: Prelude.alt l.thumb_url r.thumb_url
, blurhash: Prelude.alt l.blurhash r.blurhash
, format: Prelude.alt l.format r.format
, width: Prelude.alt l.width r.width
, height: Prelude.alt l.height r.height
, __unknown_fields: r.__unknown_fields <> l.__unknown_fields
Reference in a new issue