
92 lines
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//! Pronoun selection & parsing for various version of user preferences
//! There may be several possible representations of parsed prefstrings, each of which possibly
//! with a different algorithm for selecting pronouns, and a different way of parsing itself. This
//! module houses the implementations for each of these versions.
pub mod v0;
use crate::{InstanceSettings, WeightedTable};
use data_encoding::{BASE32_NOPAD, DecodeError};
/// A user's preferences for the probabilities of certain pronouns
/// This is the parsed version of a prefstring. The actual implementation details may vary across
/// versions, but universally they must be able to at least produce a weighted list of pronouns,
/// representing the probabilities the user wants for each pronoun set.
/// To this end, all versions of the user preferences implement [`Preference`]. For convenience,
/// `UserPreferences` also implements [`Preference`].
/// Because parsing a prefstring must be done in relation to an [`InstanceSettings`], the
/// `UserPreferences` struct shares a lifetime with the settings it was created with.
pub enum UserPreferences<'a> {
/// Functionality provided by any version of user preferences
/// See also: [`UserPreferences`]
pub trait Preference<'a> {
/// Produce a weighted list of pronouns based on these preferences
/// This is a one-directional conversion to a [`WeightedTable`]. This method is a
/// crucial step to randomly selecting a pronoun set based on a user's preferences, as
/// any selection is done by using a [`WeightedTable`]. All preference versions must
/// implement this method.
fn into_weighted_table(&self) -> WeightedTable;
/// Parse a given prefstring, after it's extraction from base64
/// This should attempt to parse the data contained in a prefstring into the appropriate
/// format. Prefstrings will already have been parsed from base64 before being passed to the
/// implementation. Users looking to turn a b64 prefstring into a `Preference` should use
/// [`Preference::from_prefstring()`]
fn from_prefstring_bytes(bytes: &[u8], settings: &'a InstanceSettings) -> Self where Self: Sized;
/// Serialize these preferences into as few bytes as possible
/// This should produce a series of bytes that, when passed to
/// [`Preference::from_prefstring_bytes()`] should produce this `Preference` object again.
/// This should be done in accordance with the [prefstring specification][1].
/// [1]:
fn into_prefstring_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8>;
/// Parse a base64 prefstring
/// This is the primary method of creating a `Preference` object from a prefstring. The
/// default implementation calls the underlying [`Preference::from_prefstring_bytes()`] method.
fn from_prefstring(prefstring: &str, settings: &'a InstanceSettings) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> where Self: Sized {
.map(|ps| Self::from_prefstring_bytes(&ps, settings))
/// Serialize into a base64 prefstring
/// This is the primary method of creating a prefstring from a `Preference` object. The
/// default implementation calls the underlying [`Preference::into_prefstring_bytes()`] method.
fn into_prefstring(&self) -> String {
impl<'a> Preference<'a> for UserPreferences<'a> {
fn into_weighted_table(&self) -> WeightedTable {
match self {
UserPreferences::V0(pref) => pref,
fn from_prefstring_bytes(bytes: &[u8], settings: &'a InstanceSettings) -> Self {
fn into_prefstring_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {