
61 lines
1.7 KiB

use std::borrow::Cow;
use crate::Response;
const DEFAULT_CACHE: &[u8] = b"max-age=86400";
/// Represents a single static asset
/// Each asset is embeded into the binary, and can be served under the
/// `/static/{filename}` route. All static assets should be embeded in this way, and can
/// be referenced from this module.
pub struct StaticAsset {
/// The filename of this asset relative to `:/web/assets/` and the `/static/` route
pub filename: &'static str,
/// The content of the file
pub bytes: &'static [u8],
impl StaticAsset {
const STATIC_HEADERS: &'static [(&'static [u8], Cow<'static, [u8]>)] = &[
(b"Cache-Control", Cow::Borrowed(DEFAULT_CACHE)),
(b"Trans-People", Cow::Borrowed(b"Are Gods")),
/// Generate the HTTP response for sending this asset to the client
// I wrote all this code to make this a const fn, and then don't even use it in
// compile-time :(
pub const fn generate_response(&self) -> Response {
Response {
status: b"200",
headers: Cow::Borrowed(StaticAsset::STATIC_HEADERS),
body: Cow::Borrowed(self.bytes),
/// Generate a [`StaticAsset`] at compiletime from a filename.
#[cfg(any(feature = "embed_static_assets", feature = "ogp_images"))]
macro_rules! static_asset {
( $filename: expr ) => {
StaticAsset {
filename: $filename,
bytes: include_bytes!(concat!("../assets/", $filename)),
/// The decorative font to be used for pronouns displayed at a very large size
#[cfg(any(feature = "embed_static_assets", feature = "ogp_images"))]
pub const FONT: StaticAsset = static_asset!("font.otf");
/// A list of static assets which should be served by the server
pub const STATIC_ASSETS: &[&StaticAsset] = &[
#[cfg(any(feature = "embed_static_assets"))]