Json endpoint #12
@ -7,13 +7,19 @@ edition = "2021"
pronouns_today = {path = ".."}
pronouns_today = {path = ".."}
actix-web = "3"
async-scgi = "0.1.0"
async-executor = "1.4"
async-net = "1.6"
async-io = "1.6"
futures-lite = "1.12"
log = "0.4"
log = "0.4"
env_logger = "0.9"
env_logger = "0.9"
askama = "0.10"
askama = "0.10"
argh = "0.1.6"
argh = "0.1.6"
serde = "1.0"
serde = "1.0"
serde_yaml = "0.8"
serde_yaml = "0.8"
form_urlencoded = "1.0.1"
percent-encoding = "2.1.0"
rusttype = { version = "0.9.2", optional = true }
rusttype = { version = "0.9.2", optional = true }
image = { version = "0.23.14", optional = true }
image = { version = "0.23.14", optional = true }
lazy_static = { version = "1.4.0", optional = true }
lazy_static = { version = "1.4.0", optional = true }
@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ port: 1312
# The address the server should bind to
# The address the server should bind to
# The base URL the server will be running under, with no trailing slash
# This is also your opportunity to serve requests under a subpath. For example, if you
# want pronouns.today to only run on the /pronouns route of your webserver, you can set
# this to https://example.com/pronouns
base_url: https://pronouns.today
# A list of pronouns recognized by the server
# A list of pronouns recognized by the server
# WARNING: When adding pronouns, only add pronouns to the bottom of the list, and do not
# WARNING: When adding pronouns, only add pronouns to the bottom of the list, and do not
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
use std::net::IpAddr;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use pronouns_today::PronounList;
use pronouns_today::PronounList;
use pronouns_today::UserPreferences;
use pronouns_today::UserPreferences;
@ -64,13 +62,10 @@ pub struct Run {
/// options will be filled in using sane defaults
/// options will be filled in using sane defaults
pub no_read_cfg: bool,
pub no_read_cfg: bool,
#[argh(option, short = 'p')]
/// the port to listen on
pub port: Option<u16>,
/// the address to bind to
/// the address to bind to. can be an ip address and a port, like, or a
pub address: Option<IpAddr>,
/// unix socket like /run/programming.sock. defaults to
pub bind: Option<String>,
/// default pronoun probabilites (formatted as a prefstring, like the ones in the
/// default pronoun probabilites (formatted as a prefstring, like the ones in the
@ -82,6 +77,11 @@ pub struct Run {
/// for warnings when changing this value. formatted as a list of comma seperated
/// for warnings when changing this value. formatted as a list of comma seperated
/// five-form pronouns, e.g. she/her/her/hers/herself,he/him/his/his/himself
/// five-form pronouns, e.g. she/her/her/hers/herself,he/him/his/his/himself
pub pronouns: Option<PronounList>,
pub pronouns: Option<PronounList>,
#[argh(option, long="base")]
/// the base url content is served under, starting with the protocol (https://) and without a
/// trailing slash
pub base_url: Option<String>,
impl Run {
impl Run {
@ -129,15 +129,19 @@ pub struct Conf {
/// The port for the server to bind to. Defaults to 1312
/// The port for the server to bind to. Defaults to 1312
pub port: u16,
pub port: u16,
/// The address to bind to. Defaults to
/// The address to bind to. Can be an ip address and a port, like, or a
pub address: IpAddr,
/// unix socket like /run/programming.sock. Defaults to
pub bind: String,
/// The base url the server will be running under, with no trailing slash
pub base_url: String,
impl Conf {
impl Conf {
fn update_with(mut self, args: Run) -> Conf {
fn update_with(mut self, args: Run) -> Conf {
self.port = args.port.unwrap_or(self.port);
self.bind = args.bind.unwrap_or(self.bind);
self.address = args.address.unwrap_or(self.address);
self.instance_settings.pronoun_list = args.pronouns.map(Into::into).unwrap_or(self.instance_settings.pronoun_list);
self.instance_settings.pronoun_list = args.pronouns.map(Into::into).unwrap_or(self.instance_settings.pronoun_list);
self.base_url = args.base_url.unwrap_or(self.base_url);
@ -147,7 +151,8 @@ impl Default for Conf {
Conf {
Conf {
instance_settings: InstanceSettings::default(),
instance_settings: InstanceSettings::default(),
port: 1312,
port: 1312,
address: IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0)),
bind: "".into(),
base_url: "https://pronouns.today".into(),
@ -2,22 +2,32 @@ pub mod ogp_images;
pub mod contrast;
pub mod contrast;
pub mod statics;
pub mod statics;
pub mod configuration;
pub mod configuration;
mod write_vectored_all;
use async_net::unix::UnixListener;
use crate::configuration::Conf;
use std::io::IoSlice;
use crate::statics::StaticAsset;
use async_io::block_on;
use async_net::TcpListener;
use async_executor::LocalExecutor;
use futures_lite::io::AsyncWriteExt;
use futures_lite::stream::StreamExt;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use form_urlencoded;
use percent_encoding::{percent_decode_str, percent_encode, NON_ALPHANUMERIC};
use pronouns_today::user_preferences::ParseError;
use pronouns_today::UserPreferences;
use configuration::ConfigError;
use configuration::ConfigError;
use write_vectored_all::AsyncWriteAllVectored;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::process::exit;
use std::process::exit;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::fmt::{self, Display};
use actix_web::dev::HttpResponseBuilder;
use actix_web::http::{header, StatusCode};
use actix_web::middleware::normalize::TrailingSlash;
use actix_web::middleware::{self, Logger};
use actix_web::web::resource;
use actix_web::{App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder, ResponseError, Result, post, web};
use argh;
use argh;
use askama::Template;
use askama::Template;
use async_scgi::{ScgiReadError, ScgiRequest};
use pronouns_today::user_preferences::Preference;
use pronouns_today::user_preferences::Preference;
use pronouns_today::{InstanceSettings, Pronoun};
use pronouns_today::{InstanceSettings, Pronoun};
@ -26,125 +36,10 @@ use image::{DynamicImage, ImageOutputFormat};
#[cfg(feature = "ogp_images")]
#[cfg(feature = "ogp_images")]
use ogp_images::render_today;
use ogp_images::render_today;
// TODO: Make this configurable
const NOT_FOUND: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../templates/404.html");
const HOSTNAME: &str = "pronouns.today";
/// Handles initialization, and runs top-level routing based on cli args
#[template(path = "index.html")]
fn main() {
struct IndexTemplate<'a> {
name: Option<String>,
pronoun: &'a Pronoun,
pronouns: Vec<(usize, &'a Pronoun)>,
url: String,
fn render_page(pronoun: &Pronoun, settings: &InstanceSettings, name: Option<String>, url: String) -> String {
IndexTemplate {
pronouns: settings.pronoun_list.iter().enumerate().collect(),
async fn create_link(
settings: web::Data<InstanceSettings>,
form: web::Form<HashMap<String, String>>,
) -> Result<impl Responder> {
let mut weights = vec![0; settings.pronoun_list.len()];
for (k, v) in form.iter() {
if let Ok(i) = k.parse::<usize>() {
let w = v.parse::<u8>().map_err(|_| Error::InvlaidPrefString)?;
if i < weights.len() - 1 {
weights[i] = w;
let prefs = InstanceSettings::create_preferences(&weights);
let pref_string = prefs.as_prefstring();
let url = match form.get("name") {
Some(name) if !name.is_empty() => format!("/{}/{}", name, pref_string),
_ => format!("/{}", pref_string),
.header(header::LOCATION, url)
fn form_full_url(host: &str, name: Option<&str>, prefstr: Option<&str>) -> String {
["https:/", host].into_iter()
/// Determine some basic information about a request
/// Determines the name and prefstring properties, if available, and also computes the pronoun that
/// should be responded using. This method is designed to facilitate creating the basic response
/// pages.
/// Both arguments should be passed directly from the caller, and the return values are, in order,
/// the prefstring, if available, the user's name, if available, and the computed pronouns.
fn get_request_info<'s, 'r>(
settings: &'s web::Data<InstanceSettings>,
req: &'r HttpRequest,
) -> (Option<&'r str>, Option<&'r str>, Result<&'s Pronoun, Error>) {
let prefs = req.match_info().get("prefs");
let name = req.match_info().get("name");
let pronoun = settings
.select_pronouns(name, prefs)
.map_err(|_| Error::InvlaidPrefString);
(prefs, name, pronoun)
async fn handle_basic_request(
settings: web::Data<InstanceSettings>,
req: HttpRequest,
) -> Result<impl Responder> {
let (prefstr, name, pronoun) = get_request_info(&settings, &req);
.content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8")
form_full_url(HOSTNAME, name, prefstr)
#[cfg(feature = "ogp_images")]
async fn handle_thumbnail_request(
settings: web::Data<InstanceSettings>,
req: HttpRequest,
) -> Result<impl Responder> {
let (_, name, pronoun) = get_request_info(&settings, &req);
let mut data: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(15_000);
let image = DynamicImage::ImageRgb8(render_today(pronoun?, name.unwrap_or("")));
image.write_to(&mut data, ImageOutputFormat::Png)
.expect("Error encoding thumbnail to PNG");
async fn not_found() -> impl Responder {
.content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8")
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let args: configuration::PronounsTodayArgs = argh::from_env();
let args: configuration::PronounsTodayArgs = argh::from_env();
@ -152,13 +47,14 @@ async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
match args.command {
match args.command {
configuration::SubCommand::DumpStatics(_subargs) => {
configuration::SubCommand::DumpStatics(_subargs) => {
println!("Support for dumping statics not yet implemented");
println!("Support for dumping statics not yet implemented");
configuration::SubCommand::Run(subargs) => {
configuration::SubCommand::Run(subargs) => {
let config = match subargs.load_config() {
let config = match subargs.load_config() {
Ok(config) => config,
Ok(config) => config,
Err(ConfigError::IoError(e)) => {
Err(ConfigError::IoError(e)) => {
return Err(e);
eprintln!("IO Error while reading config! {}", e);
Err(ConfigError::MalformedConfig(e)) => {
Err(ConfigError::MalformedConfig(e)) => {
eprintln!("Error parsing config file:\n{}", e);
eprintln!("Error parsing config file:\n{}", e);
@ -171,43 +67,581 @@ async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let executor = LocalExecutor::new();
log::info!("Starting with configuration {:?}", config);
log::info!("Starting with configuration {:?}", config);
block_on(executor.run(start_server(config, &executor))).unwrap();
async fn start_server(config: configuration::Conf) -> std::io::Result<()> {
/// Bind the server and start receiving connections.
/// Each connection will be spawned into a task running on the provided executor. Each
/// connection is fully processed, but not in this method. Actual handling of the
/// requests is delegated to the [`handle_request()`], which is the actual task that is
/// spawned into the Executor.
async fn start_server(config: configuration::Conf, executor: &LocalExecutor<'_>) -> std::io::Result<()> {
// Make the configuration immortal
let config = Box::leak(Box::new(config));
// Where we binding bois
// Where we binding bois
let socket_addr = SocketAddr::new(config.address, config.port);
if let Ok(socket_addr) = config.bind.parse() as Result<SocketAddr, _> {
println!("Starting pronouns-today-web on {}", &socket_addr);
println!("Starting pronouns-today-web on {}", &socket_addr);
HttpServer::new(move|| {
let logger = Logger::default();
let app = App::new()
let app = statics::STATIC_ASSETS.iter()
let connection = TcpListener::bind(socket_addr).await?;
.fold(app, |app, asset| app.service(asset.generate_resource()));
let mut incoming = connection.incoming();
#[cfg(feature = "ogp_images")]
while let Some(stream) = incoming.next().await {
let app = app
match stream {
.service(resource("/thumb.png") .to(handle_thumbnail_request))
Ok(stream) => {
.service(resource("/{prefs}/thumb.png") .to(handle_thumbnail_request))
executor.spawn(handle_request(stream, config)).detach();
Err(e) => {
log::error!("IO Error with client/server connection: {}", e);
} else {
.service(resource("/") .to(handle_basic_request))
let bind = config.bind.trim_start_matches("unix:");
.service(resource("/{prefs}") .to(handle_basic_request))
let listener = UnixListener::bind(bind)?;
println!("Listening for connections on unix:{}", bind);
let mut incoming = listener.incoming();
while let Some(stream) = incoming.next().await {
match stream {
Ok(stream) => {
executor.spawn(handle_request(stream, config)).detach();
Err(e) => {
log::error!("IO Error with client/server connection: {}", e);
/// Handle one (1) connection from start to finish
/// This accepts an ongoing connection, sets up IO, interprets it as an SCGI request, then
/// determines what response to send, generates the response, serializes the response, and
/// sends it back out to the client.
/// Implementation details:
/// - Interpretting the request is delegated to [`async_scgi::read_request()`]
/// - Routing of the request is handled using [`route_request()`]
/// - Generation of the response is done using [`Route::generate_response()`]
/// - Serialization of the response is done using [`Response::into_bytes()`]
async fn handle_request(
raw_stream: impl futures_lite::AsyncRead + futures_lite::AsyncWrite + Unpin,
conf: &Conf,
) {
let mut stream = futures_lite::io::BufReader::new(raw_stream);
let req = match async_scgi::read_request(&mut stream).await {
Ok(req) => req,
Err(ScgiReadError::IO(e)) => {
log::error!("There was an IO error while reading a request. {}", e);
Err(scgi_error) => {
log::error!("Encountered a malformed SCGI request. It could be that your \
webserver is misconfigured. {}", scgi_error);
let response = route_request(&req)
let mut io_slices = response.into_io_slices();
if let Err(e) = stream.write_all_vectored(&mut io_slices).await {
log::warn!("Encountered an IO error while sending response: {}", e);
if let Err(e) = stream.close().await {
"Encountered an IO error while closing connection to server: {}", e
/// Determine the appropriate response type for this request, aka perform routing
/// For a given [`ScgiRequest`], attempt to figure out what route it falls under using a
/// variety of factors. This also extracts important information from the request that is
/// ultimately used to serve the request.
/// See information about the return type, [`Route`] for more information.
fn route_request(req: &ScgiRequest) -> Route {
let method = req.headers
.expect("Misconfigured server didn't send a REQUEST_METHOD header");
match method.as_str() {
// GET requests are dealt with as below
"GET" => (),
// All POST requests are met with link generation
"POST" => return Route::GenerateLink(req.body.clone()),
// No other methods are supported
_ => return Route::BadRequest(BadRequest::MethodNotAllowed),
let request_uri = req.headers
.expect("Misconfigured server didn't send a REQUEST_URI header");
log::debug!("REQUEST_URI: {}", request_uri);
let mut segments: Vec<_> = request_uri
.filter(|s| s.len() > 0)
#[cfg(feature = "embed_static_assets")]
// If the route is /static/, check to see if it matches an asset first
if segments.get(0).map(Deref::deref) == Some("static") {
for asset in statics::STATIC_ASSETS {
if Some(asset.filename) == segments.get(1).map(Deref::deref) {
return Route::SendStatic(asset);
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
enum RouteType {
// Determines if we need to respond with a thumbnail or a web page
let route_type = match segments.last().map(Deref::deref) {
Some("thumb.png") => RouteType::Thumbnail,
Some("pns.json") => RouteType::Json,
_ => RouteType::Html,
if route_type != RouteType::Html {
// Now that we've determined that, we don't need this segment anymore
// Get the name and preferences
let (name, prefs) = match (segments.get(0), segments.get(1)) {
(None, None) => (None, None),
(name@Some(_), Some(prefstr)) => {
(name, match prefstr.parse() {
Ok(prefs) => Some(prefs),
Err(e) => return Route::BadRequest(BadRequest::MalformedPrefstr(e)),
(Some(idk), None) => {
// Try to parse the mystery arg as a prefstring, treat it as a name otherwise
let result: Result<UserPreferences, _> = idk.parse();
if let Ok(preferences) = result {
(None, Some(preferences))
} else {
(Some(idk), None)
(None, Some(_)) => unreachable!(),
let name = name.map(|n| (*n).to_owned());
match route_type {
RouteType::Thumbnail => Route::SendThumbnail(name, prefs),
RouteType::Html => {
let uri = request_uri.trim_end_matches('/').to_owned();
Route::SendPronounPage(name, prefs, uri)
RouteType::Json => Route::SendJsonData(name, prefs),
/// Determines the type of route that the request should be met with, and necessary data
/// Used to facilitate request routing. The routing function ([`route_request()`]) can
/// return a [`Route`] without needing to do any IO or actual computation. This helps to
/// seperate the tasks of each function, and isolate any IO.
/// Each variant of the enum is a type of response that needs to be issued. A variant
/// might have parameters if these are necessary to generate the response. The idea is
/// that the minimum of work should be able to determine the route of a request, and that
/// a route may be turned into a response without needing any additional information from
/// the request.
/// The `impl` of struct also contains all of the routes themselves. You can either call
/// a specific route using the contents of the [`Route`] enum, or call
/// [`Route.generate_response()`] to automatically call the appropriate route.
enum Route {
#[cfg(feature = "embed_static_assets")]
/// Respond to the request with one of the static files embeded in the application
/// The wrapped pointer is a pointer to those bytes in memory.
SendStatic(&'static StaticAsset),
/// Respond with an HTML pronoun page.
/// Takes the user's name (if specified), and the preferences of that user, or
/// [`None`] for defults. The third string is the URI of the current page,
/// ending without a /
SendPronounPage(Option<String>, Option<UserPreferences>, String),
/// Respond with an image containing the user's pronouns
/// Takes the user's name (optional), and the preferences of that user
SendThumbnail(Option<String>, Option<UserPreferences>),
/// Respond with a json object containing the users pronouns
/// Takes the user's name (optional), and the preferences of that user
SendJsonData(Option<String>, Option<UserPreferences>),
/// Generate a link to the appropriate pronoun page based on the user's inputs.
/// There was a problem with the user's request, and an error page should be sent
/// Various ways clients can send a bad request
enum BadRequest {
/// The user sent a request with a nonsensical HTTP method
/// The prefstr the user sent was bad and stinky
/// Happens when [`ParseError::PrefstringExceedsPronounCount`] is raised
/// The data sent in a form was malformed. The string is the part that failed to parse
/// Happens when the user's preferences specify that no pronouns should be used
/// Triggered by a [`ParseError::EmptyWeightedTable`]
/// TODO maybe add a special display for this instead of calling it a bad request?
impl Route {
/// Actually perform the action that each route entails
fn generate_response(self, conf: &Conf) -> Response {
let settings = &conf.instance_settings;
let result = match self {
Route::SendStatic(data) => Ok(data.generate_response()),
Route::SendPronounPage(name, prefs, url) =>
Route::send_pronoun_page(name, prefs, url, conf),
Route::SendJsonData(name, prefs) =>
Route::send_pronoun_json(name, prefs, conf),
Route::SendThumbnail(name, prefs) =>
Route::send_thumbnail(name, prefs, settings),
Route::GenerateLink(body) =>
Route::generate_link(body, settings),
Route::BadRequest(error) =>
Ok(Route::bad_request(error, settings)),
result.unwrap_or_else(|e| Route::bad_request(e, settings))
/// The method for the [`Route::SendPronounPage`] route
fn send_pronoun_page(
name: Option<String>,
prefs: Option<UserPreferences>,
uri: String,
conf: &Conf,
) -> Result<Response, BadRequest> {
let settings = &conf.instance_settings;
let pronoun = Route::get_pronoun(name.as_ref(), prefs, settings)?;
let body = IndexTemplate {
name: name.map(
|name| percent_decode_str(&name)
pronouns: settings.pronoun_list.iter().enumerate().collect(),
url: format!("{}{}", &conf.base_url, uri),
Ok(Response {
status: b"200",
headers: Cow::Borrowed(&[
(b"Trans-Women", Cow::Borrowed(b"don't owe you femininity")),
(b"Trans-Men", Cow::Borrowed(b"don't owe you masculinity")),
(b"And-Stop-Projecting-Your-Dated-Gender-Norms", Cow::Borrowed(b"onto nonbinary people's life experiences")),
body: body.into_bytes().into(),
/// The method for the [`Route::SendPronounPage`] route
fn send_pronoun_json(
name: Option<String>,
prefs: Option<UserPreferences>,
conf: &Conf,
) -> Result<Response, BadRequest> {
let settings = &conf.instance_settings;
let pronoun = Route::get_pronoun(name.as_ref(), prefs, settings)?;
let body = format!(r#"
"subject_pronoun": "{}",
"object_pronoun": "{}",
"possesive_determiner": "{}",
"possesive_pronoun": "{}",
"reflexive_pronoun": "{}"
Ok(Response {
status: b"200",
headers: Cow::Borrowed(&[
(b"Trans-Women", Cow::Borrowed(b"don't owe you femininity")),
(b"Trans-Men", Cow::Borrowed(b"don't owe you masculinity")),
(b"And-Stop-Projecting-Your-Dated-Gender-Norms", Cow::Borrowed(b"onto nonbinary people's life experiences")),
body: body.into_bytes().into(),
#[cfg(feature = "ogp_images")]
/// The method for the [`Route::SendThumbnail`] route
fn send_thumbnail(
name: Option<String>,
prefs: Option<UserPreferences>,
settings: &InstanceSettings,
) -> Result<Response, BadRequest> {
let pronoun = Route::get_pronoun(name.as_ref(), prefs, settings)?;
let mut data: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(15_000);
let image = DynamicImage::ImageRgb8(render_today(pronoun, name.as_ref().map(String::as_str).unwrap_or("")));
image.write_to(&mut data, ImageOutputFormat::Png)
.expect("Error encoding thumbnail to PNG");
Ok(Response {
status: b"200",
headers: Cow::Borrowed(&[
(b"Eat", Cow::Borrowed(b"the rich!")),
body: data.into(),
/// The method for the [`Route::GenerateLink`] route
fn generate_link(
body: Vec<u8>,
settings: &InstanceSettings,
) -> Result<Response, BadRequest> {
let form = form_urlencoded::parse(&body);
let mut weights = vec![0; settings.pronoun_list.len()];
let mut name = None;
for (k, v) in form {
if let Ok(i) = k.parse::<usize>() {
let w = v.parse::<u8>().map_err(|_| BadRequest::BadFormData((*v).into()))?;
if i < weights.len() - 1 {
weights[i] = w;
} else if k == "name" {
name = Some(v);
let prefs = InstanceSettings::create_preferences(&weights);
let pref_string = prefs.as_prefstring();
let url = match name {
Some(name) if !name.is_empty() => format!(
percent_encode(name.as_bytes(), NON_ALPHANUMERIC),
_ => format!("/{}", pref_string),
Ok(Response {
status: b"303 See Other",
headers: Cow::Owned(vec![
(&b"Location"[..], url.into_bytes().into())
body: Cow::Borrowed(b""),
/// The method for the [`Route::BadRequest`] route
fn bad_request(
error: BadRequest,
_settings: &InstanceSettings
) -> Response {
match error {
BadRequest::MethodNotAllowed => {
Response {
status: b"405",
headers: Cow::Borrowed(&[
(b"Cache-Control", Cow::Borrowed(b"max-age=999999")),
(b"And-Dont", Cow::Borrowed(b"Come Back!")),
body: Cow::Borrowed(b"405 Method Not Allowed\nGET OUTTA HERE"),
BadRequest::MalformedPrefstr(_) => {
Response {
status: b"404",
headers: Cow::Borrowed(&[
(b"Cache-Control", Cow::Borrowed(b"max-age=631")),
(b"Help-Im", Cow::Borrowed(b"Trapped in an HTTP header factory!")),
body: NOT_FOUND.into(),
BadRequest::BadFormData(yuckers) => {
let body = ErrorPage::from_msg(
"yeah that's some stinky form data you got there: {}",
Response {
status: b"400",
headers: Cow::Borrowed(&[
(b"Pretty-Gross", Cow::Borrowed(b"imo")),
body: body.into(),
BadRequest::PrefsExceedPronounCount => {
let body = ErrorPage::from_msg(
"Yoinkers Kersploinkers!! You know about more pronouns than \
us. Either you tried to copy a prefstring from another \
pronouns.today instance, or our admin was VERY NAUGHTY and CANT \
Response {
status: b"400",
headers: Cow::Borrowed(&[
(b"I-Killed-God", Cow::Borrowed(b"And drank His blood")),
(b"Now", Cow::Borrowed(b"Realty quivers before my visage")),
body: body.into(),
BadRequest::NoPronouns => {
let body = ErrorPage {
msg: "Someday we'll implement support for having no pronouns. You \
should probably yell at the devs to make us put this in.".into()
Response {
status: b"400",
headers: Cow::Borrowed(&[
(b"Cache-Control", Cow::Borrowed(b"max-age=540360")),
(b"Actually-Tho-Please-Dont-Yell-At-Me", Cow::Borrowed(b"ill cry :(")),
body: body.into_bytes().into(),
/// Not a route, but a handy method to have around
/// Provides a convinient way to get pronouns out of some of the common route
/// components, and automatically converts the error into a harmless [`BadRequest`],
/// is present.
fn get_pronoun<'s>(
name: Option<&String>,
prefs: Option<UserPreferences>,
settings: &'s InstanceSettings,
) -> Result<&'s Pronoun, BadRequest> {
// TODO use instance defaults here
let prefs = prefs.unwrap_or_else(|| "acaqeawdym".parse().unwrap());
match prefs.select_pronoun(
) {
Ok(p) => Ok(p),
Err(ParseError::PrefstringExceedsPronounCount) => {
Err(ParseError::EmptyWeightedTable) => {
Err(_) => unreachable!(),
/// A response to be sent back to the SCGI client
/// Technically just an HTTP response but don't tell me that. Provides comfy little
/// methods for serializing itself right back into a series of bytes
pub struct Response {
/// The status of the response. Exactly the same as an HTTP status code
/// This is a string of ASCII bytes. It can either be just the number (`b"200"`) or the number
/// and a description (`b"200 Ok"`). It's like this so that into_io_slices works
status: &'static [u8],
/// A series of HTTP headers to send to the client
/// wow emi that's a lot of cows SHUT UP I JUST WANNA CONSTRUCT THINGS IN CONST IS
headers: Cow<'static, [(&'static [u8], Cow<'static, [u8]>)]>,
/// The body of the response. Wow what a useful doccomment Emi
body: Cow<'static, [u8]>,
impl Response {
pub fn into_io_slices(&self) -> Vec<IoSlice<'_>> {
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(
// Is computing the exact length of the output necessary? No.
// Do we gain any even vaguely measurable performance gain by preventing reallocation? No.
// Am I doing it anyway? Yes.
// It is late and I am tired and you are nothing to me you can't tell me what to do
5 + 4 * self.headers.len()
IoSlice::new(b"HTTP/1.1 "),
for (h1, h2) in self.headers.iter() {
IoSlice::new(b": "),
return output;
@ -216,36 +650,22 @@ struct ErrorPage {
msg: String,
msg: String,
impl ErrorPage {
enum Error {
fn from_msg(msg: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
ErrorPage {
msg: msg.into()
impl Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
#[template(path = "index.html")]
let msg = match self {
struct IndexTemplate<'a> {
&Error::InvlaidPrefString => "This URL contains an invalid pronoun preference string",
name: Option<String>,
pronoun: &'a Pronoun,
write!(f, "{}", msg)
pronouns: Vec<(usize, &'a Pronoun)>,
url: String,
impl ResponseError for Error {
fn status_code(&self) -> actix_web::http::StatusCode {
match self {
&Error::InvlaidPrefString => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
fn error_response(&self) -> HttpResponse {
.set_header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html; charset=utf-8")
ErrorPage {
msg: self.to_string(),
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
use actix_web::http::StatusCode;
use actix_web::HttpResponse;
use actix_web::HttpRequest;
use actix_web::web::resource;
use actix_web::Resource;
const DEFAULT_CACHE: &str = "max-age=86400";
use std::borrow::Cow;
use crate::Response;
const DEFAULT_CACHE: &[u8] = b"max-age=86400";
/// Represents a single static asset
/// Represents a single static asset
@ -22,30 +20,20 @@ pub struct StaticAsset {
impl StaticAsset {
impl StaticAsset {
/// Generate a actix resource for serving this asset
const STATIC_HEADERS: &'static [(&'static [u8], Cow<'static, [u8]>)] = &[
(b"Cache-Control", Cow::Borrowed(DEFAULT_CACHE)),
/// The resource will handle requests at `/static/{filename}`. Caching headers are
(b"Trans-People", Cow::Borrowed(b"Are Gods")),
/// applied to allow the content to be considered fresh up to one day, and are
/// validated against the crate version after that.
pub fn generate_resource(&self) -> Resource {
let bytes = self.bytes;
resource(format!("/static/{}", self.filename))
.to(move|req: HttpRequest| async move {
let mut response = HttpResponse::Ok();
.header("Etag", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))
.header("Cache-Control", DEFAULT_CACHE);
let req_etag = req.headers().get("If-None-Match");
/// Generate the HTTP response for sending this asset to the client
match req_etag {
// I wrote all this code to make this a const fn, and then don't even use it in
Some(etag) if etag == env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION") => {
// compile-time :(
pub const fn generate_response(&self) -> Response {
Response {
_ => {
status: b"200",
headers: Cow::Borrowed(StaticAsset::STATIC_HEADERS),
body: Cow::Borrowed(self.bytes),
@ -66,7 +54,7 @@ macro_rules! static_asset {
pub const FONT: StaticAsset = static_asset!("font.otf");
pub const FONT: StaticAsset = static_asset!("font.otf");
/// A list of static assets which should be served by the server
/// A list of static assets which should be served by the server
pub const STATIC_ASSETS: &[StaticAsset] = &[
pub const STATIC_ASSETS: &[&StaticAsset] = &[
#[cfg(any(feature = "embed_static_assets"))]
#[cfg(any(feature = "embed_static_assets"))]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
use std::slice;
use std::future::Future;
use std::io::{Error, ErrorKind, IoSlice, Result};
use std::mem::replace;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::Poll;
use futures_lite::AsyncWrite;
use futures_lite::ready;
pub trait AsyncWriteAllVectored: AsyncWrite {
fn write_all_vectored<'a>(&'a mut self, bufs: &'a mut [IoSlice<'a>]) -> WriteAllVectoredFuture<'a, Self>
Self: Unpin,
WriteAllVectoredFuture { writer: self, bufs }
impl <T: AsyncWrite> AsyncWriteAllVectored for T {}
pub struct WriteAllVectoredFuture<'a, W: Unpin + ?Sized> {
writer: &'a mut W,
bufs: &'a mut [IoSlice<'a>],
impl<W: Unpin + ?Sized> Unpin for WriteAllVectoredFuture<'_, W> {}
impl<W: AsyncWrite + Unpin + ?Sized> Future for WriteAllVectoredFuture<'_, W> {
type Output = Result<()>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let Self { writer, bufs } = &mut *self;
// Guarantee that bufs is empty if it contains no data,
// to avoid calling write_vectored if there is no data to be written.
advance_slices(bufs, 0);
while !bufs.is_empty() {
match ready!(Pin::new(&mut ** writer).poll_write_vectored(cx, bufs)) {
Ok(0) => {
return Poll::Ready(Err(Error::new(
"failed to write whole buffer",
Ok(n) => advance_slices(bufs, n),
Err(ref e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::Interrupted => {}
Err(e) => return Poll::Ready(Err(e)),
fn advance_slices(bufs: &mut &mut [IoSlice<'_>], n: usize) {
// Number of buffers to remove.
let mut remove = 0;
// Total length of all the to be removed buffers.
let mut accumulated_len = 0;
for buf in bufs.iter() {
if accumulated_len + buf.len() > n {
} else {
accumulated_len += buf.len();
remove += 1;
*bufs = &mut replace(bufs, &mut [])[remove..];
if !bufs.is_empty() {
advance(&mut bufs[0], n - accumulated_len);
fn advance<'a>(buf: &mut IoSlice<'a>, n: usize) {
if buf.len() < n {
panic!("advancing IoSlice beyond its length");
// This is just a hacky way of advancing the pointer inside the IoSlice
// SAFTEY: The newly constructed IoSlice has the same lifetime as the old and
// this is guaranteed not to overflow the buffer due to the previous check
unsafe {
let mut ptr = buf.as_ptr() as *mut u8;
ptr = ptr.add(n);
let len = buf.len() - n;
let new_slice: &'a [u8] = slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len);
*buf = IoSlice::new(new_slice);
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_advance() {
let expected: Vec<_> = (10..100).collect();
let buf: Vec<_> = (0..100).collect();
let mut io_slice = IoSlice::new(&buf);
advance(&mut io_slice, 10);
assert_eq!(io_slice.len(), 90);
assert_eq!(&*io_slice, &expected);
Reference in a new issue