234 lines
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234 lines
8 KiB
from emis_funky_funktions import *
from itertools import combinations, product
from operator import eq
from typing import Collection, FrozenSet, TypeAlias
from ir import Clause, Clause_, IRNeg, IRProp, IRTerm, IRVar, KnowledgeBase, KnowledgeBase_, Substitutions, sub_all, unify
def terms_cancel(t1: IRTerm, t2: IRTerm) -> Option[Substitutions]:
Determine if two terms could cancel each other out, given the right substitutions
That is, is there some set of substitutions such that t1 = ¬t2 or ¬t1 = t2?
If negation is possible and a substitution exists, that substitution is returned.
Otherwise, `None` is returned.
>>> terms_cancel(IRNeg(IRVar('x1')), IRProp('Terezi'))
>>> terms_cancel(IRProp('Nepeta'), IRVar('x1'))
>>> terms_cancel(IRProp('ancestor', [IRVar('x1')]), IRVar('x1')) is None
match (t1, t2):
case (IRNeg(a), b) | (b, IRNeg(a)): #type: ignore
return hush(unify(a, b))
case (IRVar(_) as x, a) | (a, IRVar(_) as x): #type: ignore
return hush(unify(x, IRNeg(a)))
return None
def merge_clauses(c1: Clause_, c2: Clause_) -> KnowledgeBase:
Produce a list of all possible clauses which resolution could derive from c1 and c2
For each term in c1 that could cancel with a term in c2 using a substitution, a
possible clause is produced equal to the union of c1 and c2 with the canceled
terms removed and the substitution applied.
>>> merge_clauses(
... [ IRProp('day'), IRNeg(IRProp('night')) ],
... [ IRProp('night') ]
... )
{ { day() } }
>>> merge_clauses(
... [ IRNeg(IRProp('transgender', [IRVar('x1')])), IRProp('powerful', [IRVar('x1')]) ],
... [ IRNeg(IRProp('powerful', [IRVar('x2')])), IRProp('god', [IRVar('x2')]) ]
... )
{ { god(*x1), ¬transgender(*x1) } }
>>> merge_clauses(
... [ IRNeg(IRProp('day')), IRProp('night') ],
... [ IRVar('x2') ]
... )
{ { night() }, { ¬day() } }
If two clauses cannot merge, an empty set is returned
>>> merge_clauses(
... [ IRProp('day') ],
... [ IRProp('wet') ]
... )
{ }
terms1, terms2 = list(c1), list(c2)
valid_substitutions = drop_none(
map_opt(lambda subs: (subs, i1, i2), terms_cancel(t1, t2))
for ((i1, t1), (i2, t2)) in product(enumerate(terms1), enumerate(terms2))
return FSet(
sub_all(subs, term)
for term in (*terms1[:i1], *terms1[i1 + 1:], *terms2[:i2], *terms2[i2 + 1:])
for (subs, i1, i2) in valid_substitutions
def derive(clauses: KnowledgeBase_) -> KnowledgeBase:
All possible clauses which derive in one step of resolution from a knowledge base
Attempts to merge every possible combination of clauses, in the knowledge base.
>>> derive([
... [IRNeg(IRProp('animal', [IRProp('Kim')]))],
... [IRNeg(IRProp('dog', [IRVar('x0')])), IRProp('animal', [IRVar('x0')])],
... [IRNeg(IRProp('cat', [IRVar('x1')])), IRProp('animal', [IRVar('x1')])],
... [IRProp('dog', [IRProp('Kim')])],
... ]) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
{ animal(Kim()) },
{ ¬cat(Kim()) },
{ ¬dog(Kim()) }
return FSet(
for (c1, c2) in combinations(clauses, 2)
for clause in merge_clauses(c1, c2)
def derive2(kb1: KnowledgeBase_, kb2: KnowledgeBase_) -> KnowledgeBase:
All clauses which derive in one step from the combination of two knowledge bases
Each resulting clause is the combination of one clause from the left knowledge base
with exactly one clause from the right knowledge base. Clauses from the same
knowledge base will not be combined.
>>> derive2([
... [IRNeg(IRProp('animal', [IRProp('Kim')]))],
... [IRNeg(IRProp('cat', [IRVar('x1')])), IRProp('animal', [IRVar('x1')])],
... ], [
... [IRNeg(IRProp('dog', [IRVar('x0')])), IRProp('animal', [IRVar('x0')])],
... [IRProp('dog', [IRProp('Kim')])],
... ])
{ { ¬dog(Kim()) } }
return FSet(
for (c1, c2) in product(kb1, kb2)
for clause in merge_clauses(c1, c2)
false_clause: Clause = FSet()
The clause which represents the logical condition False
i.e. the empty clause
def next_generation(
previous_generations: KnowledgeBase_,
current_generation: KnowledgeBase_,
) -> KnowledgeBase:
Advance resolution by one step
This performs `derive()` on the current generation as well as `derive2()` between the
current generation and all clauses from previous generations in order to produce a new
generation, hopefully with new and interesting clauses in it.
When using the new generation, previous generations should be considered to be the sum
of all clauses within the two knowledge bases passed to this function. That is, all
clauses which were used in the generation of that generation.
### Example
Starting from an example knowledge base, we produce a new generation. Notice that the
empty list for previous generations indicates that this is the zeroth (original)
knowledge base.
>>> next_generation([
... ], [
... [IRNeg(IRProp('animal', [IRProp('Kim')]))],
... [IRNeg(IRProp('dog', [IRVar('x0')])), IRProp('animal', [IRVar('x0')])],
... [IRNeg(IRProp('cat', [IRVar('x1')])), IRProp('animal', [IRVar('x1')])],
... [IRProp('dog', [IRProp('Kim')])],
... ]) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
{ animal(Kim()) },
{ ¬cat(Kim()) },
{ ¬dog(Kim()) }
Now, we perform the next round of resolution. All of the terms originally passed into
the first generation have been moved to the previous generations knowledge base, and
the current generation contains only the results from the first call.
>>> next_generation([
... [IRNeg(IRProp('animal', [IRProp('Kim')]))],
... [IRNeg(IRProp('dog', [IRVar('x0')])), IRProp('animal', [IRVar('x0')])],
... [IRNeg(IRProp('cat', [IRVar('x1')])), IRProp('animal', [IRVar('x1')])],
... [IRProp('dog', [IRProp('Kim')])],
... ], [
... [IRNeg(IRProp('dog', [IRProp('Kim')]))],
... [IRNeg(IRProp('cat', [IRProp('Kim')]))],
... [IRProp('animal', [IRProp('Kim')])],
... ])
{ { } }
The return of a knowledge base containing false (ie `[]`) indicates that resolution
has found a contradiction. In this case, there are two: One from ¬dog(Kim) and
dog(Kim), and one from animal(Kim) and ¬animal(Kim).
return fset(*derive(current_generation), *derive2(current_generation, previous_generations))
def derives_false(
knowledge_base: KnowledgeBase,
previous_generations: KnowledgeBase = FSet(),
) -> bool:
Determine if it is possible to derive false from a given knowledge base.
Uses any number of generations of resolution via `next_generation()` to find a
generation which contains the `false_clause`, indicating that the original knowledge
base (and all subsiquent generations) are contradictory.
`previous_generations` may be set if the current knowledge base was derived from some
other series of clauses using `derive()`.
>>> derives_false(fset(
... fset( IRNeg(IRProp('animal', (IRProp('Kim'),))) ),
... fset( IRNeg(IRProp('dog', (IRVar('x0'),))), IRProp('animal', (IRVar('x0'),)) ),
... fset( IRNeg(IRProp('cat', (IRVar('x1'),))), IRProp('animal', (IRVar('x1'),)) ),
... fset( IRProp('dog', (IRProp('Kim'),)) ),
... ))
>>> derives_false(fset(
... fset( IRNeg(IRProp('animal', (IRProp('Kim'),))) ),
... fset( IRNeg(IRProp('dog', (IRVar('x0'),))), IRProp('animal', (IRVar('x0'),)) ),
... fset( IRNeg(IRProp('cat', (IRVar('x1'),))), IRProp('animal', (IRVar('x1'),)) ),
... ))
if false_clause in knowledge_base:
return True
elif len(knowledge_base) == 0:
return False
return derives_false(
next_generation(previous_generations, knowledge_base),
knowledge_base | previous_generations
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
doctest.testmod() |