from emis_funky_funktions import * from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import wraps from operator import contains from typing import Callable, Collection, Mapping, TypeGuard @dataclass(frozen=True) class Action(Generic[A]): """ Denotes an action annotation. See `parser()` """ f: Callable[[Sequence[A]], Sequence[A]] def __call__(self, i: Sequence[A]) -> Sequence[A]: return self.f(i) def _expected(row: Mapping[B, Collection[Sequence[Any]]]) -> Collection[B]: """ Given a single row from an oracle table, identify the expected terminals """ return [ terminal for terminal, expansions in row.items() if len(expansions) ] def parser( oracle: Mapping[A, Mapping[B, Collection[Sequence[A | B | Action[C | D]]]]], identify_lexeme: Callable[[D], B], start_symbol: A, ) -> Callable[[Sequence[D]], Result[Sequence[C | D], Tuple[D, Collection[B]]]]: """ Produces a parser based on a grammar, an oracle, and a start symbol. The `identify_lexeme` argument should be a function which converts a lexeme into the token that it represents. This allows for the actual lexemes that are being fed in to be more complex, and store additional data. The oracle table my include "action" annotations in its sequences. Actions should be an instance of `Action`, and should work on the AST stack. Every matched lexeme is pushed to the AST stack. An action may transform this stack by popping some number of items off of it, constructing some AST, pushing that AST back to the stack, and then returning the modified stack. A couple things to note about this process: - The stack that is passed to each action is immutable. "Modifications" should be made by simply constructing and returning a new stack. - The bottom of the stack is the zero index. If a parse is successful, the return value will be the AST stack at the end of the parse. It is up the the caller to verify that this is an expected result. If a parse fails, the return value will be a tuple containing the erronious lexeme and a collection of expected tokens which failed to match it. ### Example: We generate a simple grammar: >>> class SimpleVariable(IntEnum): ... S = auto() ... Sum = auto() ... Sum_ = auto() >>> class SimpleTerminal(IntEnum): ... Number = auto() ... Plus = auto() ... Eof = auto() ... def __repr__(self): ... return >>> build_S = Action(lambda x: x[1:]) >>> build_Sum = Action(lambda x: (x[0](x[1][1]), *x[2:])) >>> build_Sum_1 = Action(lambda x: (lambda y: x[0] + y, *x[2:])) >>> build_Sum_2 = Action(lambda x: (lambda y: y, *x)) >>> grammar = [ ... (SimpleVariable.S, [SimpleVariable.Sum, SimpleTerminal.Eof, build_S]), ... (SimpleVariable.Sum, [SimpleTerminal.Number, SimpleVariable.Sum_, build_Sum]), ... (SimpleVariable.Sum_, [SimpleTerminal.Plus, SimpleVariable.Sum, build_Sum_1]), ... (SimpleVariable.Sum_, [build_Sum_2]), ... ] >>> is_term = p_instance(SimpleTerminal) >>> is_var = p_instance(SimpleVariable) >>> my_oracle_table = oracle_table(is_term, is_var, grammar) >>> my_parser = parser(my_oracle_table, lambda x: x[0], SimpleVariable.S) >>> my_parser([ ... (SimpleTerminal.Number, 1), ... (SimpleTerminal.Plus,), ... (SimpleTerminal.Number, 3), ... (SimpleTerminal.Plus,), ... (SimpleTerminal.Number, 10), ... (SimpleTerminal.Eof,), ... ]) Ok((14,)) >>> my_parser([ ... (SimpleTerminal.Number, 1), ... (SimpleTerminal.Plus,), ... (SimpleTerminal.Number, 3), ... (SimpleTerminal.Number, 10), # <--- this is invalid! ... (SimpleTerminal.Eof,), ... ]) Err(((Number, 10), [Plus, Eof])) """ is_var: Callable[[Any], TypeGuard[A]] = p_instance(start_symbol.__class__) is_tok: Callable[[Any], TypeGuard[B]] = p_instance(next(iter(oracle[start_symbol].keys())).__class__) def inner( stack: Sequence[A | B | Action[C | D]], ast_stack: Sequence[C | D], lexemes: Sequence[D], ) -> Result[Sequence[C | D], Tuple[D, Collection[B]]]: match stack: # Action case [Action(f), *popped_stack]: return inner(popped_stack, f(ast_stack), lexemes) # A [Variable] case [top_of_stack, *popped_stack] if is_var(top_of_stack): expansions = oracle[top_of_stack][identify_lexeme(lexemes[0])] match expansions: case []: return Err((lexemes[0], _expected(oracle[top_of_stack]))) case [expansion]: return inner((*expansion, *popped_stack), ast_stack, lexemes) case _: raise Exception('Not an LL(1) grammar!!!') # B [Token] (match) case [top_of_stack, *popped_stack] if top_of_stack == identify_lexeme(lexemes[0]): return inner(popped_stack, (lexemes[0], *ast_stack), lexemes[1:]) # B [Token] (no match) case [top_of_stack, *popped_stack]: assert is_tok(top_of_stack) return Err((lexemes[0], (top_of_stack,))) # Empty stack (finished parsing) case []: if len(lexemes): return Err((lexemes[0], [])) else: return Ok(ast_stack) raise Exception('Unreachable!') return wraps(parser)(p(inner, [start_symbol], [])) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest from enum import auto, IntEnum from build_oracle import oracle_table doctest.testmod()