from emis_funky_funktions import * from typing import Collection, Sequence, TypeAlias from ir import Expression, ReplHole, subst_all from genir import json_to_ir, PatternParseProblem, BranchTypesDiffer, UndefinedVariable from types_ import BUILTINS_CONTEXT, UnificationError import json from dataclasses import dataclass from operator import add def evaluate(expr: Expression) -> Expression: """ >>> funktion = Function(( ... (SPattern(NamePattern('n')), ( ... Application(( ... Variable('+'), ... Variable('n'), ... Variable('n'), ... )) ... )), ... (NamePattern('0'), ( ... Int(1312) ... )), ... )) >>> evaluate(Application((funktion, Int(3)))) 4 >>> evaluate(Application((funktion, Int(0)))) 1312 """ while not expr.is_value(): match expr.step(): case Some(next): expr = next # Loop case None: raise AssertionError('Evaluate called on a value which cannot step:', expr) return expr def repl_expr(expr: Expression, bindings: ReplHole = ReplHole(BUILTINS_CONTEXT)): expr_subst = subst_all(bindings.val_bindings, expr) result = evaluate(expr_subst) if isinstance(result, ReplHole): new_bindings = [(name, type) for (name, type) in result.typ_bindings.variable_types.items() if name not in bindings.typ_bindings] print('\n'.join(f'\033[39m{var_name}\033[39m : \033[94m{var_type}' for (var_name, var_type) in new_bindings)) print('\033[39m') repl(result) else: print(result, end='\n\n') repl(bindings) def repl(bindings: ReplHole = ReplHole(BUILTINS_CONTEXT)): print('Enter a JSON expression:') try: expr = input('\033[95m~> \033[96m') except EOFError: print('\033[91m\033[39m') return try: ast = json.loads(expr) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: print('\n\033[91m -----[ ERROR ]-----\033[39m') print(f'Bad json: ', e.args[0], end='\n\n') print('\033[39m') return repl(bindings) # TODO handle this match json_to_ir(ast, bindings.typ_bindings): case Ok((new_expr, new_ty, substs)): print('\033[39m') repl_expr(new_expr, bindings) case Err(err): print('\n\033[91m -----[ ERROR ]-----\033[39m') match err: case PatternParseProblem(pattern): print(f"Couldn't parse the pattern {repr(pattern)}") case UnificationError(ty1, ty2): print(f"Couldn't unify the types {ty1} and {ty2}") case BranchTypesDiffer(b1_pattern, b2_pattern, b1_type, b2_type): print(f"Two or more branches had different types!") print(f"") print(f"The branch that matches the pattern\033[96m") print(b1_pattern) print(f"\033[39mhas the type\033[94m") print(b1_type) print(f"\033[39m") print(f"The branch that matches the pattern\033[96m") print(b2_pattern) print(f"\033[39mhas the type\033[94m") print(b2_type) print(f"\033[39m") case UndefinedVariable(var_name): print(f'The variable {repr(var_name)} was referenced but not defined') print('\033[39m') repl(bindings) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()